blob: d2f953ec2cea7136e08642b9cca353cf99c2652b [file] [log] [blame]
Test that it is not possible to set the prototype of Window or Location.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS Object.setPrototypeOf(window, Node.prototype) threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS, Node.prototype) threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS window.__proto__ = Node.prototype threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window) is Window.prototype
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS Object.setPrototypeOf(window.location, Node.prototype) threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS, Node.prototype) threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS window.location.__proto__ = Node.prototype threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object.
PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location) is Location.prototype
PASS successfullyParsed is true