blob: 5913710b1269b5a2ac483ea1d9e7867f830faa94 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Tests that the scrubber is dropped when a video is too narrow and restored when made wider</title>
<script src="media-file.js"></script>
<script src="media-controls.js"></script>
<video controls style="width: 200px"></video>
<p>Tests that the scrubber is dropped when a video is too narrow and restored when made wider.</p>
<script src="video-test.js"></script>
var timelineContainer;
function timelineChildrenAreDropped() {
return, function(child) {
return child.classList.contains("dropped");
function timelineChildrenAreNotDisplayed() {
return, function(child) {
return child.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(child).display === "none";
testExpected("video.controls", null, "!=");
waitForEvent("canplaythrough", function() {
if (!window.internals) {
logResult(false, "window.internals == undefined");
testExpected("shadowRoot = internals.shadowRoot(video)", null, "!=");
testExpected(`timelineContainer = mediaControlsElement(shadowRoot.firstChild, "-webkit-media-controls-timeline-container")`, null, "!=");
consoleWrite("Initital test at width = 200px");
testExpected("video.offsetWidth", 200, "==");
testExpected("timelineChildrenAreDropped()", true, "==");
testExpected("timelineChildrenAreNotDisplayed()", true, "==");
consoleWrite("Second test at width = 500px"); = "500px";
testExpected("video.offsetWidth", 500, "==");
// Using a timeout here since the resize event that will be dispatched
// to the video controls to allow them to update their size needs to have
// time to propagate asynchronously.
setTimeout(function() {
testExpected("timelineChildrenAreDropped()", false, "==");
testExpected("timelineChildrenAreNotDisplayed()", false, "==");
video.src = findMediaFile("video", "content/test");