blob: a3b5dc32d976bd1e464154fcaa5f9e0e97a35ad1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Powershell script for running validating the layer database file
# To run this test:
# From a Windows powershell:
# cd C:\src\Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers\build\tests
# .\vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1 [-Debug]
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath '..\..\scripts')) {
write-host -background black -foreground green "[ SKIPPED ] " -nonewline
write-host "vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1: Validate layer documentation"
write-host " To run validation DB checks you can manually execute"
write-host " from the 'scripts' dir of your source tree"
exit 0
if ($args[0] -eq "-Debug") {
$dPath = "Debug"
} else {
$dPath = "Release"
if (($args[0] -eq "terse_mode") -Or ($args[1] -eq "terse_mode")) {
$output_mode = "terse_mode"
write-host -background black -foreground green "[ RUN ] " -nonewline
write-host "vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1: Validate layer documentation"
# Run doc validation from project scripts dir
push-location ..\..\scripts
# Validate that layer documentation matches source contents
python $output_mode
# Report result based on exit code
write-host -background black -foreground green "[ PASSED ] " -nonewline;
$exitstatus = 0
} else {
echo 'Validation of vk_validation_error_database.txt failed'
write-host -background black -foreground red "[ FAILED ] " -nonewline;
echo '1 FAILED TEST'
$exitstatus = 1
exit $exitstatus