layers: Fix param checker struct array handling

Fix parameter validation issue with arrays of structs, where only
the first item in the array was processed.  Validation messages
for arrays of structs will currently print the array variable name
with the letter 'i' as the array index instead of the actual index
number, producing a value like 'pCreateInfos[i]'.  This will be
fixed by a future update.

Change-Id: I2cb773c23c6515a20ac8cb066e7cc61028e569f8
diff --git a/ b/
index 5a9ed70..84d7edc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2896,6 +2896,8 @@
         # Headers
+        write('#include <string>', file=self.outFile)
+        self.newline()
         write('#include "vulkan/vulkan.h"', file=self.outFile)
         write('#include "vk_layer_extension_utils.h"', file=self.outFile)
         write('#include "parameter_validation_utils.h"', file=self.outFile)
@@ -3348,12 +3350,14 @@
                             checkExpr = 'skipCall |= validate_required_pointer(report_data, {}, {}, {}{vn});\n'.format(name, valueDisplayName, valuePrefix,
-                # If this is a pointer to a struct, see if it contains members
-                # that need to be checked
-                if value.type in self.validatedStructs:
+                # If this is a pointer to a struct (input), see if it contains members that need to be checked
+                if value.type in self.validatedStructs and value.isconst:
                     # The name prefix used when reporting an error with a struct member (eg. the 'pCreateInfor->' in 'pCreateInfo->sType')
-                    prefix = '(std::string({}) + std::string("{}->")).c_str()'.format(variablePrefix, if variablePrefix else '"{}->"'.format(
+                    if lenParam:
+                        prefix = '(std::string({}) + std::string("{}[i]->")).c_str()'.format(variablePrefix, if variablePrefix else '(std::string("{}[i]->")).c_str()'.format(
+                    else:
+                        prefix = '(std::string({}) + std::string("{}->")).c_str()'.format(variablePrefix, if variablePrefix else '"{}->"'.format(
                     membersInputOnly = self.validatedStructs[value.type]
@@ -3366,15 +3370,35 @@
                             isInput = 'true' if value.isconst else 'false'
                         if checkExpr:
                             checkExpr += '\n' + indent
-                        checkExpr += 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, {}, {}{});\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, isInput, valuePrefix,
+                        if lenParam:
+                            # Need to process all elements in the array
+                            checkExpr += 'for (uint32_t i = 0; i < {}{}; ++i) {{\n'.format(valuePrefix,
+                            indent = self.incIndent(indent)
+                            checkExpr += indent + 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, {}, &({}{}[i]));\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, isInput, valuePrefix,
+                            indent = self.decIndent(indent)
+                            checkExpr += indent + '}\n'
+                        else:
+                            checkExpr += 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, {}, {}{});\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, isInput, valuePrefix,
                         # Validation function does not have an isInput field
-                        expr = 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, {}{});\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, valuePrefix,
+                        if lenParam:
+                            # Need to process all elements in the array
+                            expr = 'for (uint32_t i = 0; i < {}{}; ++i) {{\n'.format(valuePrefix,
+                            indent = self.incIndent(indent)
+                            expr += indent + 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, &({}{}[i]));\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, valuePrefix,
+                            indent = self.decIndent(indent)
+                            expr += indent + '}\n'
+                        else:
+                            expr = 'skipCall |= parameter_validation_{}(report_data, {}, {}, {}{});\n'.format(value.type, name, prefix, valuePrefix,
                         # If the struct only has input-only members and is a member of another struct, it is conditionally processed based on 'isInput'
                         if valuePrefix and membersInputOnly == self.STRUCT_MEMBERS_INPUT_ONLY_EXCLUSIVE:
                             if needConditionCheck:
-                                conditionalExprs.append(expr)
+                                if expr.count('\n') > 1:
+                                    # TODO: Proper fix for this formatting workaround
+                                    conditionalExprs.append(expr.replace(' ' * 8, ' ' * 12))
+                                else:
+                                    conditionalExprs.append(expr)
                                 if checkExpr:
                                     checkExpr += '\n' + indent