blob: 155d68cd510c6c5fc5d2b6cf3eead4636ccd167f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -i
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# script
# Overview - this script is intended to generate validation error codes and message strings from the xhtml version of
# the specification. In addition to generating the header file, it provides a number of corrollary services to aid in
# generating/updating the header.
# Ideal flow - Not there currently, but the ideal flow for this script would be that you run the script, it pulls the
# latest spec, compares it to the current set of generated error codes, and makes any updates as needed
# Current flow - the current flow acheives all of the ideal flow goals, but with more steps than are desired
# 1. Get the spec - right now spec has to be manually generated or pulled from the web
# 2. Generate header from spec - This is done in a single command line
# 3. Generate database file from spec - Can be done along with step #2 above, the database file contains a list of
# all error enums and message strings, along with some other info on if those errors are implemented/tested
# 4. Update header using a given database file as the root and a new spec file as goal - This makes sure that existing
# errors keep the same enum identifier while also making sure that new errors get a unique_id that continues on
# from the end of the previous highest unique_id.
# 1. Improve string matching to add more automation for figuring out which messages are changed vs. completely new
spec_filename = "vkspec.html" # can override w/ '-spec <filename>' option
out_filename = "vk_validation_error_messages.h" # can override w/ '-out <filename>' option
db_filename = "vk_validation_error_database.txt" # can override w/ '-gendb <filename>' option
gen_db = False # set to True when '-gendb <filename>' option provided
spec_compare = False # set to True with '-compare <db_filename>' option
# This is the root spec link that is used in error messages to point users to spec sections
#old_spec_url = ""
spec_url = ""
# After the custom validation error message, this is the prefix for the standard message that includes the
# spec valid usage language as well as the link to nearest section of spec to that language
error_msg_prefix = "For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section "
ns = {'ns': ''}
validation_error_enum_name = "VALIDATION_ERROR_"
# Dict of new enum values that should be forced to remap to old handles, explicitly set by -remap option
remap_dict = {}
def printHelp():
print ("Usage: python [-spec <specfile.html>] [-out <headerfile.h>] [-gendb <databasefile.txt>] [-compare <databasefile.txt>] [-update] [-remap <new_id-old_id,count>] [-help]")
print ("\n Default script behavior is to parse the specfile and generate a header of unique error enums and corresponding error messages based on the specfile.\n")
print (" Default specfile is from online at %s" % (spec_url))
print (" Default headerfile is %s" % (out_filename))
print (" Default databasefile is %s" % (db_filename))
print ("\nIf '-gendb' option is specified then a database file is generated to default file or <databasefile.txt> if supplied. The database file stores")
print (" the list of enums and their error messages.")
print ("\nIf '-compare' option is specified then the given database file will be read in as the baseline for generating the new specfile")
print ("\nIf '-update' option is specified this triggers the master flow to automate updating header and database files using default db file as baseline")
print (" and online spec file as the latest. The default header and database files will be updated in-place for review and commit to the git repo.")
print ("\nIf '-remap' option is specified it supplies forced remapping from new enum ids to old enum ids. This should only be specified along with -update")
print (" option. Starting at newid and remapping to oldid, count ids will be remapped. Default count is '1' and use ':' to specify multiple remappings.")
class Specification:
def __init__(self):
self.tree = None
self.val_error_dict = {} # string for enum is key that references 'error_msg' and 'api'
self.error_db_dict = {} # dict of previous error values read in from database file
self.delimiter = '~^~' # delimiter for db file
self.implicit_count = 0
# Global dicts used for tracking spec updates from old to new VUs
self.orig_full_msg_dict = {} # Original full error msg to ID mapping
self.orig_no_link_msg_dict = {} # Pair of API,Original msg w/o spec link to ID list mapping
self.orig_core_msg_dict = {} # Pair of API,Original core msg (no link or section) to ID list mapping
self.last_mapped_id = -10 # start as negative so we don't hit an accidental sequence
self.orig_test_imp_enums = set() # Track old enums w/ tests and/or implementation to flag any that aren't carried fwd
self.copyright = """/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. */
* Vulkan
* Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2016 LunarG, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Tobin Ehlis <>
def _checkInternetSpec(self):
"""Verify that we can access the spec online"""
online = urllib2.urlopen(spec_url,timeout=1)
return True
except urllib2.URLError as err:
return False
return False
def soupLoadFile(self, online=True, spec_file=spec_filename):
"""Load a spec file into BeutifulSoup"""
if (online and self._checkInternetSpec()):
print ("Making soup from spec online at %s, this will take a minute" % (spec_url))
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(spec_url), 'html.parser')
print ("Making soup from local spec %s, this will take a minute" % (spec_file))
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(spec_file, 'html.parser')
def updateDict(self, updated_dict):
"""Assign internal dict to use updated_dict"""
self.val_error_dict = updated_dict
def parseSoup(self):
"""Parse the registry Element, once created"""
print ("Parsing spec file...")
unique_enum_id = 0
#self.root = self.tree.getroot()
#print ("ROOT: %s") % self.root
prev_heading = '' # Last seen section heading or sub-heading
prev_link = '' # Last seen link id within the spec
api_function = '' # API call that a check appears under
error_strings = set() # Flag any exact duplicate error strings and skip them
for tag in self.soup.find_all(True):#self.root.iter(): # iterate down tree
# Grab most recent section heading and link
#print (" is %s and class is %s" % (, tag.get('class')))
if in ['h2', 'h3', 'h4']:
#if tag.get('class') != 'title':
# continue
#print ("Found heading %s w/ string %s" % (, tag.string))
if None == tag.string:
prev_heading = ""
prev_heading = "".join(tag.string)
# Insert a space between heading number & title
sh_list = prev_heading.rsplit('.', 1)
prev_heading = '. '.join(sh_list)
prev_link = tag['id']
#print ("Set prev_heading %s to have link of %s" % (prev_heading.encode("ascii", "ignore"), prev_link.encode("ascii", "ignore")))
elif == 'a': # grab any intermediate links
if tag.get('id') != None:
prev_link = tag.get('id')
#print ("Updated prev link to %s" % (prev_link))
elif == 'div' and tag.get('class') is not None and tag['class'][0] == 'listingblock':
# Check and see if this is API function
code_text = "".join(tag.strings).replace('\n', '')
code_text_list = code_text.split()
if len(code_text_list) > 1 and code_text_list[1].startswith('vk'):
api_function = code_text_list[1].strip('(')
#print ("Found API function: %s" % (api_function))
prev_link = api_function
#print ("Updated prev link to %s" % (prev_link))
elif tag.get('id') != None:
prev_link = tag.get('id')
#print ("Updated prev link to %s" % (prev_link))
#elif == '{}div' and tag.get('class') == 'sidebar':
elif == 'div' and tag.get('class') is not None and tag['class'][0] == 'content':
#print("Parsing down a div content tag")
# parse down sidebar to check for valid usage cases
valid_usage = False
implicit = False
for elem in tag.find_all(True):
#print(" elem is %s w/ string %s" % (, elem.string))
if == 'div' and None != elem.string and 'Valid Usage' in elem.string:
valid_usage = True
if '(Implicit)' in elem.string:
implicit = True
implicit = False
elif valid_usage and == 'li': # grab actual valid usage requirements
#print("I think this is a VU w/ elem.strings is %s" % (elem.strings))
error_msg_str = "%s '%s' which states '%s' (%s#%s)" % (error_msg_prefix, prev_heading, "".join(elem.strings).replace('\n', ' ').strip(), spec_url, prev_link)
# Some txt has multiple spaces so split on whitespace and join w/ single space
error_msg_str = " ".join(error_msg_str.split())
if error_msg_str in error_strings:
print ("WARNING: SKIPPING adding repeat entry for string. Please review spec and file issue as appropriate. Repeat string is: %s" % (error_msg_str))
enum_str = "%s%05d" % (validation_error_enum_name, unique_enum_id)
# TODO : '\' chars in spec error messages are most likely bad spec txt that needs to be updated
self.val_error_dict[enum_str] = {}
self.val_error_dict[enum_str]['error_msg'] = error_msg_str.encode("ascii", "ignore").replace("\\", "/")
self.val_error_dict[enum_str]['api'] = api_function.encode("ascii", "ignore")
self.val_error_dict[enum_str]['implicit'] = False
if implicit:
self.val_error_dict[enum_str]['implicit'] = True
self.implicit_count = self.implicit_count + 1
unique_enum_id = unique_enum_id + 1
#print ("Validation Error Dict has a total of %d unique errors and contents are:\n%s" % (unique_enum_id, self.val_error_dict))
print ("Validation Error Dict has a total of %d unique errors" % (unique_enum_id))
def genHeader(self, header_file):
"""Generate a header file based on the contents of a parsed spec"""
print ("Generating header %s..." % (header_file))
file_contents = []
file_contents.append('\n#pragma once')
file_contents.append('\n// Disable auto-formatting for generated file')
file_contents.append('// clang-format off')
file_contents.append('\n#include <unordered_map>')
file_contents.append('\n// enum values for unique validation error codes')
file_contents.append('// Corresponding validation error message for each enum is given in the mapping table below')
file_contents.append('// When a given error occurs, these enum values should be passed to the as the messageCode')
file_contents.append('// parameter to the PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT function')
error_string_map = ['static std::unordered_map<int, char const *const> validation_error_map{']
enum_value = 0
for enum in sorted(self.val_error_dict):
#print ("Header enum is %s" % (enum))
enum_value = int(enum.split('_')[-1])
enum_decl.append(' %s = %d,' % (enum, enum_value))
error_string_map.append(' {%s, "%s"},' % (enum, self.val_error_dict[enum]['error_msg']))
enum_decl.append(' %sMAX_ENUM = %d,' % (validation_error_enum_name, enum_value + 1))
file_contents.append('\n// Mapping from unique validation error enum to the corresponding error message')
file_contents.append('// The error message should be appended to the end of a custom error message that is passed')
file_contents.append('// as the pMessage parameter to the PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT function')
#print ("File contents: %s" % (file_contents))
with open(header_file, "w") as outfile:
def analyze(self):
"""Print out some stats on the valid usage dict"""
# Create dict for # of occurences of identical strings
str_count_dict = {}
unique_id_count = 0
for enum in self.val_error_dict:
err_str = self.val_error_dict[enum]['error_msg']
if err_str in str_count_dict:
print ("Found repeat error string")
str_count_dict[err_str] = str_count_dict[err_str] + 1
str_count_dict[err_str] = 1
unique_id_count = unique_id_count + 1
print ("Processed %d unique_ids" % (unique_id_count))
repeat_string = 0
for es in str_count_dict:
if str_count_dict[es] > 1:
repeat_string = repeat_string + 1
print ("String '%s' repeated %d times" % (es, repeat_string))
print ("Found %d repeat strings" % (repeat_string))
print ("Found %d implicit checks" % (self.implicit_count))
def genDB(self, db_file):
"""Generate a database of check_enum, check_coded?, testname, error_string"""
db_lines = []
# Write header for database file
db_lines.append("# This is a database file with validation error check information")
db_lines.append("# Comments are denoted with '#' char")
db_lines.append("# The format of the lines is:")
db_lines.append("# <error_enum>%s<check_implemented>%s<testname>%s<api>%s<errormsg>%s<note>" % (self.delimiter, self.delimiter, self.delimiter, self.delimiter, self.delimiter))
db_lines.append("# error_enum: Unique error enum for this check of format %s<uniqueid>" % validation_error_enum_name)
db_lines.append("# check_implemented: 'Y' if check has been implemented in layers, or 'N' for not implemented")
db_lines.append("# testname: Name of validation test for this check, 'Unknown' for unknown, or 'None' if not implmented")
db_lines.append("# api: Vulkan API function that this check is related to")
db_lines.append("# errormsg: The unique error message for this check that includes spec language and link")
db_lines.append("# note: Free txt field with any custom notes related to the check in question")
for enum in sorted(self.val_error_dict):
# Default check/test implementation status to N/Unknown, then update below if appropriate
implemented = 'N'
testname = 'Unknown'
note = ''
implicit = self.val_error_dict[enum]['implicit']
# If we have an existing db entry for this enum, use its implemented/testname values
if enum in self.error_db_dict:
implemented = self.error_db_dict[enum]['check_implemented']
testname = self.error_db_dict[enum]['testname']
note = self.error_db_dict[enum]['note']
if implicit and 'implicit' not in note: # add implicit note
if '' != note:
note = "implicit, %s" % (note)
note = "implicit"
#print ("delimiter: %s, id: %s, str: %s" % (self.delimiter, enum, self.val_error_dict[enum])
# No existing entry so default to N for implemented and None for testname
db_lines.append("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (enum, self.delimiter, implemented, self.delimiter, testname, self.delimiter, self.val_error_dict[enum]['api'], self.delimiter, self.val_error_dict[enum]['error_msg'], self.delimiter, note))
db_lines.append("\n") # newline at end of file
print ("Generating database file %s" % (db_file))
with open(db_file, "w") as outfile:
def readDB(self, db_file):
"""Read a db file into a dict, format of each line is <enum><implemented Y|N?><testname><errormsg>"""
db_dict = {} # This is a simple db of just enum->errormsg, the same as is created from spec
max_id = 0
with open(db_file, "r") as infile:
for line in infile:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#') or '' == line:
db_line = line.split(self.delimiter)
if len(db_line) != 6:
print ("ERROR: Bad database line doesn't have 6 elements: %s" % (line))
error_enum = db_line[0]
implemented = db_line[1]
testname = db_line[2]
api = db_line[3]
error_str = db_line[4]
note = db_line[5]
db_dict[error_enum] = error_str
# Also read complete database contents into our class var for later use
self.error_db_dict[error_enum] = {}
self.error_db_dict[error_enum]['check_implemented'] = implemented
self.error_db_dict[error_enum]['testname'] = testname
self.error_db_dict[error_enum]['api'] = api
self.error_db_dict[error_enum]['error_string'] = error_str
self.error_db_dict[error_enum]['note'] = note
unique_id = int(db_line[0].split('_')[-1])
if unique_id > max_id:
max_id = unique_id
return (db_dict, max_id)
# This is a helper function to do bookkeeping on data structs when comparing original
# error ids to current error ids
# It tracks all updated enums in mapped_enums and removes those enums from any lists
# in the no_link and core dicts
def _updateMappedEnum(self, mapped_enums, enum):
# When looking for ID to map, we favor sequences so track last ID mapped
self.last_mapped_id = int(enum.split('_')[-1])
for msg in self.orig_no_link_msg_dict:
if enum in self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[msg]:
for msg in self.orig_core_msg_dict:
if enum in self.orig_core_msg_dict[msg]:
return mapped_enums
# Check all ids in given id list to see if one is in sequence from last mapped id
def findSeqID(self, id_list):
next_seq_id = self.last_mapped_id + 1
for map_id in id_list:
id_num = int(map_id.split('_')[-1])
if id_num == next_seq_id:
return True
return False
# Use the next ID in sequence. This should only be called if findSeqID() just returned True
def useSeqID(self, id_list, mapped_enums):
next_seq_id = self.last_mapped_id + 1
mapped_id = ''
for map_id in id_list:
id_num = int(map_id.split('_')[-1])
if id_num == next_seq_id:
mapped_id = map_id
self._updateMappedEnum(mapped_enums, mapped_id)
return (mapped_enums, mapped_id)
return (mapped_enums, mapped_id)
# Compare unique ids from original database to data generated from updated spec
# First, make 3 separate mappings of original error messages:
# 1. Map the full error message to its id. There should only be 1 ID per full message (orig_full_msg_dict)
# 2. Map the intial portion of the message w/o link to list of IDs. There May be a little aliasing here (orig_no_link_msg_dict)
# 3. Map the core spec message w/o link or section info to list of IDs. There will be lots of aliasing here (orig_core_msg_dict)
# Also store a set of all IDs that have been mapped to that will serve 2 purposes:
# 1. Pull IDs out of the above dicts as they're remapped since we know they won't be used
# 2. Make sure that we don't re-use an ID
# The general algorithm for remapping from new IDs to old IDs is:
# 1. If there is a user-specified remapping, use that above all else
# 2. Elif the new error message hits in orig_full_msg_dict then use that ID
# 3. Elif the new error message hits orig_no_link_msg_dict then
# a. If only a single ID, use it
# b. Elif multiple IDs & one matches last used ID in sequence, use it
# c. Else assign a new ID and flag for manual remapping
# 4. Elif the new error message hits orig_core_msg_dict then
# a. If only a single ID, use it
# b. Elif multiple IDs & one matches last used ID in sequence, use it
# c. Else assign a new ID and flag for manual remapping
# 5. Else - No matches use a new ID
def compareDB(self, orig_error_msg_dict, max_id):
"""Compare orig database dict to new dict, report out findings, and return potential new dict for parsed spec"""
# First create reverse dicts of err_strings to IDs
next_id = max_id + 1
ids_parsed = 0
mapped_enums = set() # store all enums that have been mapped to avoid re-use
# Create an updated dict in-place that will be assigned to self.val_error_dict when done
updated_val_error_dict = {}
# Create a few separate mappings of error msg formats to associated ID(s)
for enum in orig_error_msg_dict:
api = self.error_db_dict[enum]['api']
original_full_msg = orig_error_msg_dict[enum]
orig_no_link_msg = "%s,%s" % (api, original_full_msg.split('(https', 1)[0])
orig_core_msg = "%s,%s" % (api, orig_no_link_msg.split(' which states ', 1)[-1])
orig_core_msg_period = "%s.' " % (orig_core_msg[:-2])
print ("Orig core msg:%s\nOrig cw/o per:%s" % (orig_core_msg, orig_core_msg_period))
# First store mapping of full error msg to ID, shouldn't have duplicates
if original_full_msg in self.orig_full_msg_dict:
print ("ERROR: Found duplicate full msg in original full error messages: %s" % (original_full_msg))
self.orig_full_msg_dict[original_full_msg] = enum
# Now map API,no_link_msg to list of IDs
if orig_no_link_msg in self.orig_no_link_msg_dict:
self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[orig_no_link_msg] = [enum]
# Finally map API,core_msg to list of IDs
if orig_core_msg in self.orig_core_msg_dict:
self.orig_core_msg_dict[orig_core_msg] = [enum]
if orig_core_msg_period in self.orig_core_msg_dict:
print ("Added msg '%s' w/ enum %s to orig_core_msg_dict" % (orig_core_msg_period, enum))
print ("Added msg '%s' w/ enum %s to orig_core_msg_dict" % (orig_core_msg_period, enum))
self.orig_core_msg_dict[orig_core_msg_period] = [enum]
# Also capture all enums that have a test and/or implementation
if self.error_db_dict[enum]['check_implemented'] == 'Y' or self.error_db_dict[enum]['testname'] not in ['None','Unknown']:
print ("Recording %s with implemented value %s and testname %s" % (enum, self.error_db_dict[enum]['check_implemented'], self.error_db_dict[enum]['testname']))
# Values to be used for the update dict
update_enum = ''
update_msg = ''
update_api = ''
# Now parse through new dict and figure out what to do with non-matching things
for enum in sorted(self.val_error_dict):
ids_parsed = ids_parsed + 1
enum_list = enum.split('_') # grab sections of enum for use below
# Default update values to be the same
update_enum = enum
update_msg = self.val_error_dict[enum]['error_msg']
update_api = self.val_error_dict[enum]['api']
implicit = self.val_error_dict[enum]['implicit']
new_full_msg = update_msg
new_no_link_msg = "%s,%s" % (update_api, new_full_msg.split('(https', 1)[0])
new_core_msg = "%s,%s" % (update_api, new_no_link_msg.split(' which states ', 1)[-1])
# Any user-forced remap takes precendence
if enum_list[-1] in remap_dict:
enum_list[-1] = remap_dict[enum_list[-1]]
self.last_mapped_id = int(enum_list[-1])
new_enum = "_".join(enum_list)
print ("NOTE: Using user-supplied remap to force %s to be %s" % (enum, new_enum))
mapped_enums = self._updateMappedEnum(mapped_enums, new_enum)
update_enum = new_enum
elif new_full_msg in self.orig_full_msg_dict:
orig_enum = self.orig_full_msg_dict[new_full_msg]
print ("Found exact match for full error msg so switching new ID %s to original ID %s" % (enum, orig_enum))
mapped_enums = self._updateMappedEnum(mapped_enums, orig_enum)
update_enum = orig_enum
elif new_no_link_msg in self.orig_no_link_msg_dict:
# Try to get single ID to map to from no_link matches
if len(self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[new_no_link_msg]) == 1: # Only 1 id, use it!
orig_enum = self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[new_no_link_msg][0]
print ("Found no-link err msg match w/ only 1 ID match so switching new ID %s to original ID %s" % (enum, orig_enum))
mapped_enums = self._updateMappedEnum(mapped_enums, orig_enum)
update_enum = orig_enum
if self.findSeqID(self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[new_no_link_msg]): # If we have an id in sequence, use it!
(mapped_enums, update_enum) = self.useSeqID(self.orig_no_link_msg_dict[new_no_link_msg], mapped_enums)
print ("Found no-link err msg match w/ seq ID match so switching new ID %s to original ID %s" % (enum, update_enum))
enum_list[-1] = "%05d" % (next_id)
new_enum = "_".join(enum_list)
next_id = next_id + 1
print ("Found no-link msg match but have multiple matched IDs w/o a sequence ID, updating ID %s to unique ID %s for msg %s" % (enum, new_enum, new_no_link_msg))
update_enum = new_enum
elif new_core_msg in self.orig_core_msg_dict:
# Do similar stuff here
if len(self.orig_core_msg_dict[new_core_msg]) == 1:
orig_enum = self.orig_core_msg_dict[new_core_msg][0]
print ("Found core err msg match w/ only 1 ID match so switching new ID %s to original ID %s" % (enum, orig_enum))
mapped_enums = self._updateMappedEnum(mapped_enums, orig_enum)
update_enum = orig_enum
if self.findSeqID(self.orig_core_msg_dict[new_core_msg]):
(mapped_enums, update_enum) = self.useSeqID(self.orig_core_msg_dict[new_core_msg], mapped_enums)
print ("Found core err msg match w/ seq ID match so switching new ID %s to original ID %s" % (enum, update_enum))
enum_list[-1] = "%05d" % (next_id)
new_enum = "_".join(enum_list)
next_id = next_id + 1
print ("Found core msg match but have multiple matched IDs w/o a sequence ID, updating ID %s to unique ID %s for msg %s" % (enum, new_enum, new_no_link_msg))
update_enum = new_enum
# This seems to be a new error so need to pick it up from end of original unique ids & flag for review
enum_list[-1] = "%05d" % (next_id)
new_enum = "_".join(enum_list)
next_id = next_id + 1
print ("Completely new id and error code, update new id from %s to unique %s for core message:%s" % (enum, new_enum, new_core_msg))
update_enum = new_enum
if update_enum in updated_val_error_dict:
print ("ERROR: About to OVERWRITE entry for %s" % update_enum)
updated_val_error_dict[update_enum] = {}
updated_val_error_dict[update_enum]['error_msg'] = update_msg
updated_val_error_dict[update_enum]['api'] = update_api
updated_val_error_dict[update_enum]['implicit'] = implicit
# Assign parsed dict to be the updated dict based on db compare
print ("In compareDB parsed %d entries" % (ids_parsed))
return updated_val_error_dict
def validateUpdateDict(self, update_dict):
"""Compare original dict vs. update dict and make sure that all of the checks are still there"""
# Currently just make sure that the same # of checks as the original checks are there
#orig_ids = {}
orig_id_count = len(self.val_error_dict)
#update_ids = {}
update_id_count = len(update_dict)
if orig_id_count != update_id_count:
print ("Original dict had %d unique_ids, but updated dict has %d!" % (orig_id_count, update_id_count))
return False
print ("Original dict and updated dict both have %d unique_ids. Great!" % (orig_id_count))
# Now flag any original dict enums that had tests and/or checks that are missing from updated
for enum in update_dict:
if enum in self.orig_test_imp_enums:
if len(self.orig_test_imp_enums) > 0:
print ("TODO: Have some enums with tests and/or checks implemented that are missing in update:")
for enum in sorted(self.orig_test_imp_enums):
print ("\t%s") % enum
return True
# TODO : include some more analysis
# User passes in arg of form <new_id1>-<old_id1>[,count1]:<new_id2>-<old_id2>[,count2]:...
# new_id# = the new enum id that was assigned to an error
# old_id# = the previous enum id that was assigned to the same error
# [,count#] = The number of ids to remap starting at new_id#=old_id# and ending at new_id[#+count#-1]=old_id[#+count#-1]
# If not supplied, then ,1 is assumed, which will only update a single id
def updateRemapDict(remap_string):
"""Set up global remap_dict based on user input"""
remap_list = remap_string.split(":")
for rmap in remap_list:
count = 1 # Default count if none supplied
id_count_list = rmap.split(',')
if len(id_count_list) > 1:
count = int(id_count_list[1])
new_old_id_list = id_count_list[0].split('-')
for offset in range(count):
remap_dict["%05d" % (int(new_old_id_list[0]) + offset)] = "%05d" % (int(new_old_id_list[1]) + offset)
for new_id in sorted(remap_dict):
print ("Set to remap new id %s to old id %s" % (new_id, remap_dict[new_id]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
i = 1
use_online = True # Attempt to grab spec from online by default
update_option = False
while (i < len(sys.argv)):
arg = sys.argv[i]
i = i + 1
if (arg == '-spec'):
spec_filename = sys.argv[i]
# If user specifies local specfile, skip online
use_online = False
i = i + 1
elif (arg == '-out'):
out_filename = sys.argv[i]
i = i + 1
elif (arg == '-gendb'):
gen_db = True
# Set filename if supplied, else use default
if i < len(sys.argv) and not sys.argv[i].startswith('-'):
db_filename = sys.argv[i]
i = i + 1
elif (arg == '-compare'):
db_filename = sys.argv[i]
spec_compare = True
i = i + 1
elif (arg == '-update'):
update_option = True
spec_compare = True
gen_db = True
elif (arg == '-remap'):
i = i + 1
elif (arg in ['-help', '-h']):
if len(remap_dict) > 1 and not update_option:
print ("ERROR: '-remap' option can only be used along with '-update' option. Exiting.")
spec = Specification()
spec.soupLoadFile(use_online, spec_filename)
if (spec_compare):
# Read in old spec info from db file
(orig_err_msg_dict, max_id) = spec.readDB(db_filename)
# New spec data should already be read into self.val_error_dict
updated_dict = spec.compareDB(orig_err_msg_dict, max_id)
update_valid = spec.validateUpdateDict(updated_dict)
if update_valid:
if (gen_db):
print ("Writing out file (-out) to '%s'" % (out_filename))
##### Example dataset
# <div class="sidebar">
# <div class="titlepage">
# <div>
# <div>
# <p class="title">
# <strong>Valid Usage</strong> # When we get to this guy, we know we're under interesting sidebar
# </p>
# </div>
# </div>
# </div>
# <div class="itemizedlist">
# <ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
# <li class="listitem">
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>device</code>
# </em>
# <span class="normative">must</span> be a valid
# <code class="code">VkDevice</code> handle
# </li>
# <li class="listitem">
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>commandPool</code>
# </em>
# <span class="normative">must</span> be a valid
# <code class="code">VkCommandPool</code> handle
# </li>
# <li class="listitem">
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>flags</code>
# </em>
# <span class="normative">must</span> be a valid combination of
# <code class="code">
# <a class="link" href="#VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits">VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits</a>
# </code> values
# </li>
# <li class="listitem">
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>commandPool</code>
# </em>
# <span class="normative">must</span> have been created, allocated, or retrieved from
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>device</code>
# </em>
# </li>
# <li class="listitem">All
# <code class="code">VkCommandBuffer</code>
# objects allocated from
# <em class="parameter">
# <code>commandPool</code>
# </em>
# <span class="normative">must</span> not currently be pending execution
# </li>
# </ul>
# </div>
# </div>
##### Second example dataset
# <div class="sidebar">
# <div class="titlepage">
# <div>
# <div>
# <p class="title">
# <strong>Valid Usage</strong>
# </p>
# </div>
# </div>
# </div>
# <div class="itemizedlist">
# <ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
# <li class="listitem">The <em class="parameter"><code>queueFamilyIndex</code></em> member of any given element of <em class="parameter"><code>pQueueCreateInfos</code></em> <span class="normative">must</span> be unique within <em class="parameter"><code>pQueueCreateInfos</code></em>
# </li>
# </ul>
# </div>
# </div>
# <div class="sidebar">
# <div class="titlepage">
# <div>
# <div>
# <p class="title">
# <strong>Valid Usage (Implicit)</strong>
# </p>
# </div>
# </div>
# </div>
# <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
#<em class="parameter"><code>sType</code></em> <span class="normative">must</span> be <code class="code">VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO</code>
#</li><li class="listitem">
#<em class="parameter"><code>pNext</code></em> <span class="normative">must</span> be <code class="literal">NULL</code>
#</li><li class="listitem">
#<em class="parameter"><code>flags</code></em> <span class="normative">must</span> be <code class="literal">0</code>
#</li><li class="listitem">
#<em class="parameter"><code>pQueueCreateInfos</code></em> <span class="normative">must</span> be a pointer to an array of <em class="parameter"><code>queueCreateInfoCount</code></em> valid <code class="code">VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo</code> structures