blob: 9771a2551347f18d0170e7b8d2414b0993132442 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Valve Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 LunarG, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Courtney Goeltzenleuchter <>
# Author: Tobin Ehlis <>
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
import vulkan
from source_line_info import sourcelineinfo
# overview
# This script generates code based on vulkan input header
# It generate wrappers functions that can be used to display
# structs in a human-readable txt format, as well as utility functions
# to print enum values as strings
def handle_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Perform analysis of vogl trace.')
parser.add_argument('input_file', help='The input header file from which code will be generated.')
parser.add_argument('--rel_out_dir', required=False, default='vktrace_gen', help='Path relative to exec path to write output files. Will be created if needed.')
parser.add_argument('--abs_out_dir', required=False, default=None, help='Absolute path to write output files. Will be created if needed.')
parser.add_argument('--gen_struct_wrappers', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable generation of struct wrapper classes.')
parser.add_argument('--gen_struct_sizes', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable generation of struct sizes.')
parser.add_argument('--quiet', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Suppress output from running the script.')
#parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run simple test.')
return parser.parse_args()
# TODO : Ideally these data structs would be opaque to user and could be wrapped
# in their own class(es) to make them friendly for data look-up
# Dicts for Data storage
# enum_val_dict[value_name] = dict keys are the string enum value names for all enums
# |-------->['type'] = the type of enum class into which the value falls
# |-------->['val'] = the value assigned to this particular value_name
# '-------->['unique'] = bool designating if this enum 'val' is unique within this enum 'type'
enum_val_dict = {}
# enum_type_dict['type'] = the type or class of of enum
# '----->['val_name1', 'val_name2'...] = each type references a list of val_names within this type
enum_type_dict = {}
# struct_dict['struct_basename'] = the base (non-typedef'd) name of the struct
# |->[<member_num>] = members are stored via their integer placement in the struct
# | |->['name'] = string name of this struct member
# ... |->['full_type'] = complete type qualifier for this member
# |->['type'] = base type for this member
# |->['ptr'] = bool indicating if this member is ptr
# |->['const'] = bool indicating if this member is const
# |->['struct'] = bool indicating if this member is a struct type
# |->['array'] = bool indicating if this member is an array
# |->['dyn_array'] = bool indicating if member is a dynamically sized array
# '->['array_size'] = For dyn_array, member name used to size array, else int size for static array
struct_dict = {}
struct_order_list = [] # struct names in order they're declared
# Store struct names that require #ifdef guards
# dict stores struct and enum definitions that are guarded by ifdef as the key
# and the txt of the ifdef is the value
ifdef_dict = {}
# typedef_fwd_dict stores mapping from orig_type_name -> new_type_name
typedef_fwd_dict = {}
# typedef_rev_dict stores mapping from new_type_name -> orig_type_name
typedef_rev_dict = {} # store new_name -> orig_name mapping
# types_dict['id_name'] = identifier name will map to it's type
# '---->'type' = currently either 'struct' or 'enum'
types_dict = {} # store orig_name -> type mapping
# Class that parses header file and generates data structures that can
# Then be used for other tasks
class HeaderFileParser:
def __init__(self, header_file=None):
self.header_file = header_file
# store header data in various formats, see above for more info
self.enum_val_dict = {}
self.enum_type_dict = {}
self.struct_dict = {}
self.typedef_fwd_dict = {}
self.typedef_rev_dict = {}
self.types_dict = {}
self.last_struct_count_name = ''
def setHeaderFile(self, header_file):
self.header_file = header_file
def get_enum_val_dict(self):
return self.enum_val_dict
def get_enum_type_dict(self):
return self.enum_type_dict
def get_struct_dict(self):
return self.struct_dict
def get_typedef_fwd_dict(self):
return self.typedef_fwd_dict
def get_typedef_rev_dict(self):
return self.typedef_rev_dict
def get_types_dict(self):
return self.types_dict
# Parse header file into data structures
def parse(self):
# parse through the file, identifying different sections
parse_enum = False
parse_struct = False
member_num = 0
# TODO : Comment parsing is very fragile but handles 2 known files
block_comment = False
prev_count_name = ''
ifdef_txt = ''
ifdef_active = 0
exclude_struct_list = ['VkPlatformHandleXcbKHR', 'VkPlatformHandleX11KHR']
with open(self.header_file) as f:
for line in f:
if True in [ifd_txt in line for ifd_txt in ['#ifdef ', '#ifndef ']]:
ifdef_txt = line.split()[1]
ifdef_active = ifdef_active + 1
if ifdef_active != 0 and '#endif' in line:
ifdef_active = ifdef_active - 1
if block_comment:
if '*/' in line:
block_comment = False
if '/*' in line:
if '*/' in line: # single line block comment
block_comment = True
elif 0 == len(line.split()):
#print("Skipping empty line")
elif line.split()[0].strip().startswith("//"):
#print("Skipping commented line %s" % line)
elif 'typedef enum' in line:
(ty_txt, en_txt, base_type) = line.strip().split(None, 2)
#print("Found ENUM type %s" % base_type)
if '{' == base_type:
base_type = 'tmp_enum'
parse_enum = True
default_enum_val = 0
self.types_dict[base_type] = 'enum'
elif 'typedef struct' in line or 'typedef union' in line:
if True in [ex_type in line for ex_type in exclude_struct_list]:
(ty_txt, st_txt, base_type) = line.strip().split(None, 2)
if ' ' in base_type:
(ignored, base_type) = base_type.strip().split(None, 1)
#print("Found STRUCT type: %s" % base_type)
# Note: This really needs to be updated to handle one line struct definition, like
# typedef struct obj##_T { uint64_t handle; } obj;
if ('{' == base_type or not (' ' in base_type)):
base_type = 'tmp_struct'
parse_struct = True
self.types_dict[base_type] = 'struct'
# elif 'typedef union' in line:
# (ty_txt, st_txt, base_type) = line.strip().split(None, 2)
# print("Found UNION type: %s" % base_type)
# parse_struct = True
# self.types_dict[base_type] = 'struct'
elif '}' in line and (parse_enum or parse_struct):
if len(line.split()) > 1: # deals with embedded union in one struct
parse_enum = False
parse_struct = False
self.last_struct_count_name = ''
member_num = 0
(cur_char, targ_type) = line.strip().split(None, 1)
if 'tmp_struct' == base_type:
base_type = targ_type.strip(';')
if True in [ex_type in base_type for ex_type in exclude_struct_list]:
del self.struct_dict['tmp_struct']
#print("Found Actual Struct type %s" % base_type)
self.struct_dict[base_type] = self.struct_dict['tmp_struct']
self.struct_dict.pop('tmp_struct', 0)
self.types_dict[base_type] = 'struct'
self.types_dict.pop('tmp_struct', 0)
elif 'tmp_enum' == base_type:
base_type = targ_type.strip(';')
#print("Found Actual ENUM type %s" % base_type)
for n in self.enum_val_dict:
if 'tmp_enum' == self.enum_val_dict[n]['type']:
self.enum_val_dict[n]['type'] = base_type
# self.enum_val_dict[base_type] = self.enum_val_dict['tmp_enum']
# self.enum_val_dict.pop('tmp_enum', 0)
self.enum_type_dict[base_type] = self.enum_type_dict['tmp_enum']
self.enum_type_dict.pop('tmp_enum', 0)
self.types_dict[base_type] = 'enum'
self.types_dict.pop('tmp_enum', 0)
if ifdef_active:
ifdef_dict[base_type] = ifdef_txt
self.typedef_fwd_dict[base_type] = targ_type.strip(';')
self.typedef_rev_dict[targ_type.strip(';')] = base_type
#print("fwd_dict: %s = %s" % (base_type, targ_type))
elif parse_enum:
#if 'VK_MAX_ENUM' not in line and '{' not in line:
if True not in [ens in line for ens in ['{', '_MAX_ENUM', '_BEGIN_RANGE', '_END_RANGE', '_NUM = ', '_ENUM_RANGE']]:
self._add_enum(line, base_type, default_enum_val)
default_enum_val += 1
elif parse_struct:
if ';' in line:
self._add_struct(line, base_type, member_num)
member_num = member_num + 1
# populate enum dicts based on enum lines
def _add_enum(self, line_txt, enum_type, def_enum_val):
#print("Parsing enum line %s" % line_txt)
if '=' in line_txt:
(enum_name, eq_char, enum_val) = line_txt.split(None, 2)
enum_name = line_txt.split(',')[0]
enum_val = str(def_enum_val)
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name] = {}
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['type'] = enum_type
# strip comma and comment, then extra split in case of no comma w/ comments
enum_val = enum_val.strip().split(',', 1)[0]
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'] = enum_val.split()[0]
# Perform conversion of VK_BIT macro
if 'VK_BIT' in self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val']:
vk_bit_val = self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val']
bit_shift = int(vk_bit_val[vk_bit_val.find('(')+1:vk_bit_val.find(')')], 0)
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'] = str(1 << bit_shift)
# account for negative values surrounded by parens
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'] = self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'].strip(')').replace('-(', '-')
# Try to cast to int to determine if enum value is unique
#print("ENUM val:", self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'])
int(self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['val'], 0)
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['unique'] = True
#print("ENUM has num value")
except ValueError:
self.enum_val_dict[enum_name]['unique'] = False
#print("ENUM is not a number value")
# Update enum_type_dict as well
if not enum_type in self.enum_type_dict:
self.enum_type_dict[enum_type] = []
# Return True if struct member is a dynamic array
# RULES : This is a bit quirky based on the API
# NOTE : Changes in API spec may cause these rules to change
# 1. There must be a previous uint var w/ 'count' in the name in the struct
# 2. Dynam array must have 'const' and '*' qualifiers
# 3a. Name of dynam array must end in 's' char OR
# 3b. Name of count var minus 'count' must be contained in name of dynamic array
def _is_dynamic_array(self, full_type, name):
exceptions = ['pEnabledFeatures', 'pWaitDstStageMask', 'pSampleMask']
if name in exceptions:
return False
if '' != self.last_struct_count_name:
if 'const' in full_type and '*' in full_type:
if name.endswith('s') or self.last_struct_count_name.lower().replace('count', '') in name.lower():
return True
# VkWriteDescriptorSet
if self.last_struct_count_name == "descriptorCount":
return True
return False
# populate struct dicts based on struct lines
# TODO : Handle ":" bitfield, "**" ptr->ptr and "const type*const*"
def _add_struct(self, line_txt, struct_type, num):
#print("Parsing struct line %s" % line_txt)
if '{' == struct_type:
print("Parsing struct '{' w/ line %s" % line_txt)
if not struct_type in self.struct_dict:
self.struct_dict[struct_type] = {}
members = line_txt.strip().split(';', 1)[0] # first strip semicolon & comments
# TODO : Handle bitfields more correctly
members = members.strip().split(':', 1)[0] # strip bitfield element
(member_type, member_name) = members.rsplit(None, 1)
# Store counts to help recognize and size dynamic arrays
# Add special case for pObjectEntryCounts -- though it meets the criteria for a 'count', it should not
# replace the previously identified (and correct) objectCount.
# TODO: convert to using vk.xml and avoid parsing the header
if 'count' in member_name.lower() and 'samplecount' != member_name.lower() and 'uint' in member_type and member_name != "pObjectEntryCounts":
self.last_struct_count_name = member_name
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num] = {}
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['full_type'] = member_type
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['dyn_array'] = False
if '*' in member_type:
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['ptr'] = True
# TODO : Need more general purpose way here to reduce down to basic type
member_type = member_type.replace(' const*', '')
member_type = member_type.strip('*')
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['ptr'] = False
if 'const' in member_type:
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['const'] = True
member_type = member_type.replace('const', '').strip()
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['const'] = False
# TODO : There is a bug here where it seems that at the time we do this check,
# the data is not in the types or typedef_rev_dict, so we never pass this if check
if is_type(member_type, 'struct'):
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['struct'] = True
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['struct'] = False
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['type'] = member_type
if '[' in member_name:
(member_name, array_size) = member_name.split('[', 1)
#if 'char' in member_type:
# self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array'] = False
# self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array_size'] = 0
# self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['ptr'] = True
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array'] = True
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array_size'] = array_size.strip(']')
elif self._is_dynamic_array(self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['full_type'], member_name):
#print("Found dynamic array %s of size %s" % (member_name, self.last_struct_count_name))
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array'] = True
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['dyn_array'] = True
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array_size'] = self.last_struct_count_name
elif not 'array' in self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]:
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array'] = False
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['array_size'] = 0
self.struct_dict[struct_type][num]['name'] = member_name
# check if given identifier is of specified type_to_check
def is_type(identifier, type_to_check):
if identifier in types_dict and type_to_check == types_dict[identifier]:
return True
if identifier in typedef_rev_dict:
new_id = typedef_rev_dict[identifier]
if new_id in types_dict and type_to_check == types_dict[new_id]:
return True
return False
# This is a validation function to verify that we can reproduce the original structs
def recreate_structs():
for struct_name in struct_dict:
sys.stdout.write("typedef struct %s\n{\n" % struct_name)
for mem_num in sorted(struct_dict[struct_name]):
sys.stdout.write(" ")
if struct_dict[struct_name][mem_num]['const']:
sys.stdout.write("const ")
#if struct_dict[struct_name][mem_num]['struct']:
# sys.stdout.write("struct ")
sys.stdout.write (struct_dict[struct_name][mem_num]['type'])
if struct_dict[struct_name][mem_num]['ptr']:
sys.stdout.write(" ")
if struct_dict[struct_name][mem_num]['array']:
sys.stdout.write("} ")
# TODO: Fix construction of struct name
def get_struct_name_from_struct_type(struct_type):
# Note: All struct types are now camel-case
# Debug Report has an inconsistency - so need special case.
caps_struct_name = struct_type.replace("_STRUCTURE_TYPE", "")
char_idx = 0
struct_name = ''
for char in caps_struct_name:
if (0 == char_idx) or (caps_struct_name[char_idx-1] == '_'):
struct_name += caps_struct_name[char_idx]
elif (caps_struct_name[char_idx] == '_'):
struct_name += caps_struct_name[char_idx].lower()
char_idx += 1
# Vendor extension structs ending in vendor TLA need to be uppercase.
if (caps_struct_name[-2:] == "NV"):
struct_name = struct_name[:-2] + caps_struct_name[-2:]
if ((caps_struct_name[-3:] == "AMD") or (caps_struct_name[-3:] == "IMG") or (caps_struct_name[-3:] == "EXT")):
struct_name = struct_name[:-3] + caps_struct_name[-3:]
return struct_name
# Emit an ifdef if incoming func matches a platform identifier
def add_platform_wrapper_entry(list, func):
if (re.match(r'.*Xlib.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Xcb.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_XCB_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Wayland.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Mir.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_MIR_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Android.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Win32.*', func)):
list.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR")
# Emit an endif if incoming func matches a platform identifier
def add_platform_wrapper_exit(list, func):
if (re.match(r'.*Xlib.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Xcb.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_XCB_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Wayland.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Mir.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_MIR_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Android.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR")
if (re.match(r'.*Win32.*', func)):
list.append("#endif //VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR")
# class for writing common file elements
# Here's how this class lays out a file:
# For each of these sections, there's a "set*" function
# The class as a whole has a generate function which will write each section in order
class CommonFileGen:
def __init__(self, filename=None, copyright_txt="", header_txt="", body_txt="", footer_txt=""):
self.filename = filename
self.contents = {'copyright': copyright_txt, 'header': header_txt, 'body': body_txt, 'footer': footer_txt}
# TODO : Set a default copyright & footer at least
def setFilename(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def setCopyright(self, c):
self.contents['copyright'] = c
def setHeader(self, h):
self.contents['header'] = h
def setBody(self, b):
self.contents['body'] = b
def setFooter(self, f):
self.contents['footer'] = f
def generate(self):
#print("Generate to file %s" % self.filename)
with open(self.filename, "w") as f:
# class for writing a wrapper class for structures
# The wrapper class wraps the structs and includes utility functions for
# setting/getting member values and displaying the struct data in various formats
class StructWrapperGen:
def __init__(self, in_struct_dict, prefix, out_dir, quiet):
self.struct_dict = in_struct_dict
self.include_headers = []
self.lineinfo = sourcelineinfo()
self.api = prefix
if prefix.lower() == "vulkan":
self.api_prefix = "vk"
self.api_prefix = prefix
self.safe_struct_header_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, self.api_prefix+"_safe_struct.h")
self.safe_struct_source_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, self.api_prefix+"_safe_struct.cpp")
# Safe Struct (ss) header and source files
self.ssh = CommonFileGen(self.safe_struct_header_filename)
self.sss = CommonFileGen(self.safe_struct_source_filename)
self.size_helper_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, self.api_prefix+"_struct_size_helper.h")
self.size_helper_c_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, self.api_prefix+"_struct_size_helper.c")
self.size_helper_gen = CommonFileGen(self.size_helper_filename)
self.size_helper_c_gen = CommonFileGen(self.size_helper_c_filename)
self.header_txt = ""
self.definition_txt = ""
self.quiet = quiet
def set_include_headers(self, include_headers):
self.include_headers = include_headers
# Return class name for given struct name
def get_class_name(self, struct_name):
class_name = struct_name.strip('_').lower() + "_struct_wrapper"
return class_name
def get_file_list(self):
return [os.path.basename(self.header_filename), os.path.basename(self.class_filename), os.path.basename(self.string_helper_filename)]
# Safe Structs are versions of vulkan structs with non-const safe ptrs
# that make shadowing structures and clean-up of shadowed structures very simple
def generateSafeStructHeader(self):
def generateSafeStructs(self):
def generateSizeHelper(self):
if not self.quiet:
print("Generating struct size helper")
def generateSizeHelperC(self):
if not self.quiet:
print("Generating struct size helper c")
def _generateCopyright(self):
copyright = []
copyright.append('/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. */');
copyright.append(' * Vulkan');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.');
copyright.append(' * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Valve Corporation.');
copyright.append(' * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 LunarG, Inc.');
copyright.append(' * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Google Inc.');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");');
copyright.append(' * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.');
copyright.append(' * You may obtain a copy of the License at');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software');
copyright.append(' * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,');
copyright.append(' * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.');
copyright.append(' * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and');
copyright.append(' * limitations under the License.');
copyright.append(' *');
copyright.append(' * Author: Courtney Goeltzenleuchter <>');
copyright.append(' * Author: Tobin Ehlis <>');
copyright.append(' */');
return "\n".join(copyright)
def _generateCppHeader(self):
header = []
header.append("//#includes, #defines, globals and such...\n")
header.append("#include <stdio.h>\n#include <%s>\n#include <%s_enum_string_helper.h>\n" % (os.path.basename(self.header_filename), self.api_prefix))
return "".join(header)
def _get_func_name(self, struct, mid_str):
return "%s_%s_%s" % (self.api_prefix, mid_str, struct.lower().strip("_"))
def _get_size_helper_func_name(self, struct):
return self._get_func_name(struct, 'size')
def _generateSizeHelperFunctions(self):
sh_funcs = []
# just generates prototypes for all the functions
for s in sorted(self.struct_dict):
# Wrap this in platform check since it may contain undefined structs or functions
add_platform_wrapper_entry(sh_funcs, typedef_fwd_dict[s])
sh_funcs.append('size_t %s(const %s* pStruct);' % (self._get_size_helper_func_name(s), typedef_fwd_dict[s]))
add_platform_wrapper_exit(sh_funcs, typedef_fwd_dict[s])
return "\n".join(sh_funcs)
def _generateSizeHelperFunctionsC(self):
sh_funcs = []
# generate function definitions
for s in sorted(self.struct_dict):
# Wrap this in platform check since it may contain undefined structs or functions
add_platform_wrapper_entry(sh_funcs, typedef_fwd_dict[s])
skip_list = [] # Used when struct elements need to be skipped because size already accounted for
sh_funcs.append('size_t %s(const %s* pStruct)\n{' % (self._get_size_helper_func_name(s), typedef_fwd_dict[s]))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%ssize_t structSize = 0;' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%sif (pStruct) {' % (indent))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize = sizeof(%s);' % (indent, typedef_fwd_dict[s]))
i_decl = False
for m in sorted(self.struct_dict[s]):
if m in skip_list:
if self.struct_dict[s][m]['dyn_array']:
if self.struct_dict[s][m]['full_type'].count('*') > 1:
if not is_type(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], 'struct') and not 'char' in self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'].lower():
if 'ppMemoryBarriers' == self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']:
# TODO : For now be conservative and consider all memBarrier ptrs as largest possible struct
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += pStruct->%s*(sizeof(%s*) + sizeof(VkImageMemoryBarrier));' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']))
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += pStruct->%s*(sizeof(%s*) + sizeof(%s));' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']))
else: # This is an array of char* or array of struct ptrs
if not i_decl:
sh_funcs.append('%suint32_t i = 0;' % (indent))
i_decl = True
sh_funcs.append('%sfor (i = 0; i < pStruct->%s; i++) {' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size']))
indent = ' '
if is_type(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], 'struct'):
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += (sizeof(%s*) + %s(pStruct->%s[i]));' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], self._get_size_helper_func_name(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']), self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += (sizeof(char*) + (sizeof(char) * (1 + strlen(pStruct->%s[i]))));' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
if is_type(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], 'struct'):
if not i_decl:
sh_funcs.append('%suint32_t i = 0;' % (indent))
i_decl = True
sh_funcs.append('%sfor (i = 0; i < pStruct->%s; i++) {' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size']))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += %s(&pStruct->%s[i]);' % (indent, self._get_size_helper_func_name(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']), self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += pStruct->%s*sizeof(%s);' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']))
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr'] and 'pNext' != self.struct_dict[s][m]['name'] and 'dpy' != self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']:
if 'char' in self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'].lower():
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += (pStruct->%s != NULL) ? sizeof(%s)*(1+strlen(pStruct->%s)) : 0;' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
elif is_type(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], 'struct'):
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += %s(pStruct->%s);' % (indent, self._get_size_helper_func_name(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']), self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
elif 'void' not in self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'].lower():
if (self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'] != 'xcb_connection_t'):
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += sizeof(%s);' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']))
elif 'size_t' == self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'].lower():
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += pStruct->%s;' % (indent, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append("%sreturn structSize;\n}" % (indent))
# End of platform wrapped section
add_platform_wrapper_exit(sh_funcs, typedef_fwd_dict[s])
# Now generate generic functions to loop over entire struct chain (or just handle single generic structs)
for follow_chain in [True, False]:
sh_funcs.append('%s' % self.lineinfo.get())
if follow_chain:
sh_funcs.append('size_t get_struct_chain_size(const void* pStruct)\n{')
sh_funcs.append('size_t get_dynamic_struct_size(const void* pStruct)\n{')
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%s// Just use VkApplicationInfo as struct until actual type is resolved' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%sVkApplicationInfo* pNext = (VkApplicationInfo*)pStruct;' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%ssize_t structSize = 0;' % (indent))
if follow_chain:
sh_funcs.append('%swhile (pNext) {' % (indent))
indent = ' '
sh_funcs.append('%sswitch (pNext->sType) {' % (indent))
indent += ' '
for e in enum_type_dict:
if 'StructureType' in e:
for v in sorted(enum_type_dict[e]):
struct_name = get_struct_name_from_struct_type(v)
if struct_name not in self.struct_dict:
if 'WIN32' in v:
sh_funcs.append("#ifdef VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR")
sh_funcs.append('%scase %s:' % (indent, v))
sh_funcs.append('%s{' % (indent))
indent += ' '
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += %s((%s*)pNext);' % (indent, self._get_size_helper_func_name(struct_name), struct_name))
sh_funcs.append('%sbreak;' % (indent))
indent = indent[:-4]
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
if 'WIN32' in v:
sh_funcs.append("#endif // VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR")
sh_funcs.append('%sdefault:' % (indent))
indent += ' '
sh_funcs.append('%sassert(0);' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%sstructSize += 0;' % (indent))
indent = indent[:-4]
indent = indent[:-4]
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
if follow_chain:
sh_funcs.append('%spNext = (VkApplicationInfo*)pNext->pNext;' % (indent))
indent = indent[:-4]
sh_funcs.append('%s}' % (indent))
sh_funcs.append('%sreturn structSize;\n}' % indent)
return "\n".join(sh_funcs)
def _generateSizeHelperHeader(self):
header = []
header.append('\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
header.append('extern "C" {\n')
header.append("//#includes, #defines, globals and such...\n")
for f in self.include_headers:
header.append("#include <%s>\n" % f)
header.append('\n// Function Prototypes\n')
header.append("size_t get_struct_chain_size(const void* pStruct);\n")
header.append("size_t get_dynamic_struct_size(const void* pStruct);\n")
return "".join(header)
def _generateSizeHelperHeaderC(self):
header = []
header.append('#include "vk_struct_size_helper.h"')
header.append('#include <string.h>')
header.append('#include <assert.h>')
header.append('\n// Function definitions\n')
return "\n".join(header)
def _generateSizeHelperFooter(self):
footer = []
footer.append('\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus')
return "\n".join(footer)
def _generateHeader(self):
header = []
header.append("//#includes, #defines, globals and such...\n")
for f in self.include_headers:
header.append("#include <%s>\n" % f)
return "".join(header)
# Declarations
def _generateConstructorDeclarations(self, s):
constructors = []
constructors.append(" %s();\n" % self.get_class_name(s))
constructors.append(" %s(%s* pInStruct);\n" % (self.get_class_name(s), typedef_fwd_dict[s]))
constructors.append(" %s(const %s* pInStruct);\n" % (self.get_class_name(s), typedef_fwd_dict[s]))
return "".join(constructors)
def _generateDestructorDeclarations(self, s):
return " virtual ~%s();\n" % self.get_class_name(s)
def _generateDisplayDeclarations(self, s):
return " void display_txt();\n void display_single_txt();\n void display_full_txt();\n"
def _generateGetSetDeclarations(self, s):
get_set = []
get_set.append(" void set_indent(uint32_t indent) { m_indent = indent; }\n")
for member in sorted(self.struct_dict[s]):
# TODO : Skipping array set/get funcs for now
if self.struct_dict[s][member]['array']:
get_set.append(" %s get_%s() { return m_struct.%s; }\n" % (self.struct_dict[s][member]['full_type'], self.struct_dict[s][member]['name'], self.struct_dict[s][member]['name']))
if not self.struct_dict[s][member]['const']:
get_set.append(" void set_%s(%s inValue) { m_struct.%s = inValue; }\n" % (self.struct_dict[s][member]['name'], self.struct_dict[s][member]['full_type'], self.struct_dict[s][member]['name']))
return "".join(get_set)
def _generatePrivateMembers(self, s):
priv = []
priv.append(" %s m_struct;\n" % typedef_fwd_dict[s])
priv.append(" const %s* m_origStructAddr;\n" % typedef_fwd_dict[s])
priv.append(" uint32_t m_indent;\n")
priv.append(" const char m_dummy_prefix;\n")
priv.append(" void display_struct_members();\n")
return "".join(priv)
def _generateClassDeclaration(self):
class_decl = []
for s in sorted(self.struct_dict):
class_decl.append("\n//class declaration")
class_decl.append("class %s\n{\npublic:" % self.get_class_name(s))
return "\n".join(class_decl)
def _generateFooter(self):
return "\n//any footer info for class\n"
def _getSafeStructName(self, struct):
return "safe_%s" % (struct)
# If struct has sType or ptr members, generate safe type
def _hasSafeStruct(self, s):
exceptions = ['VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures']
if s in exceptions:
return False
if 'sType' == self.struct_dict[s][0]['name']:
return True
for m in self.struct_dict[s]:
if self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr']:
return True
inclusions = ['VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR', 'VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR', 'VkDisplayPropertiesKHR']
if s in inclusions:
return True
return False
def _generateSafeStructHeader(self):
header = []
header.append("//#includes, #defines, globals and such...\n")
header.append('#pragma once\n')
header.append('#include "vulkan/vulkan.h"')
return "".join(header)
# If given ty is in obj list, or is a struct that contains anything in obj list, return True
def _typeHasObject(self, ty, obj):
if ty in obj:
return True
if is_type(ty, 'struct'):
for m in self.struct_dict[ty]:
if self.struct_dict[ty][m]['type'] in obj:
return True
return False
def _generateSafeStructDecls(self):
ss_decls = []
for s in struct_order_list:
if not self._hasSafeStruct(s):
if s in ifdef_dict:
ss_decls.append('#ifdef %s' % ifdef_dict[s])
ss_name = self._getSafeStructName(s)
ss_decls.append("\nstruct %s {" % (ss_name))
for m in sorted(self.struct_dict[s]):
m_type = self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']
if is_type(m_type, 'struct') and self._hasSafeStruct(m_type):
m_type = self._getSafeStructName(m_type)
if self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'] != 0 and not self.struct_dict[s][m]['dyn_array']:
ss_decls.append(" %s %s[%s];" % (m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size']))
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr'] and 'safe_' not in m_type and not self._typeHasObject(m_type, vulkan.object_non_dispatch_list):#m_type in ['char', 'float', 'uint32_t', 'void', 'VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures']: # We'll never overwrite char* so it can remain const
ss_decls.append(" %s %s;" % (self.struct_dict[s][m]['full_type'], self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['array']:
ss_decls.append(" %s* %s;" % (m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr']:
ss_decls.append(" %s* %s;" % (m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
ss_decls.append(" %s %s;" % (m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']))
ss_decls.append(" %s(const %s* pInStruct);" % (ss_name, s))
ss_decls.append(" %s(const %s& src);" % (ss_name, ss_name)) # Copy constructor
ss_decls.append(" %s();" % (ss_name)) # Default constructor
ss_decls.append(" ~%s();" % (ss_name))
ss_decls.append(" void initialize(const %s* pInStruct);" % (s))
ss_decls.append(" void initialize(const %s* src);" % (ss_name))
ss_decls.append(" %s *ptr() { return reinterpret_cast<%s *>(this); }" % (s, s))
ss_decls.append(" %s const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<%s const *>(this); }" % (s, s))
if s in ifdef_dict:
return "\n".join(ss_decls)
def _generateSafeStructSourceHeader(self):
header = []
header.append("//#includes, #defines, globals and such...\n")
header.append('#include "vk_safe_struct.h"\n#include <string.h>\n\n')
return "".join(header)
def _generateSafeStructSource(self):
ss_src = []
for s in struct_order_list:
if not self._hasSafeStruct(s):
if s in ifdef_dict:
ss_src.append('#ifdef %s' % ifdef_dict[s])
ss_name = self._getSafeStructName(s)
init_list = '' # list of members in struct constructor initializer
default_init_list = '' # Default constructor just inits ptrs to nullptr in initializer
init_func_txt = '' # Txt for initialize() function that takes struct ptr and inits members
construct_txt = '' # Body of constuctor as well as body of initialize() func following init_func_txt
destruct_txt = ''
# VkWriteDescriptorSet is special case because pointers may be non-null but ignored
# TODO : This is ugly, figure out better way to do this
custom_construct_txt = {'VkWriteDescriptorSet' :
' switch (descriptorType) {\n'
' if (descriptorCount && pInStruct->pImageInfo) {\n'
' pImageInfo = new VkDescriptorImageInfo[descriptorCount];\n'
' for (uint32_t i=0; i<descriptorCount; ++i) {\n'
' pImageInfo[i] = pInStruct->pImageInfo[i];\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
' break;\n'
' if (descriptorCount && pInStruct->pBufferInfo) {\n'
' pBufferInfo = new VkDescriptorBufferInfo[descriptorCount];\n'
' for (uint32_t i=0; i<descriptorCount; ++i) {\n'
' pBufferInfo[i] = pInStruct->pBufferInfo[i];\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
' break;\n'
' if (descriptorCount && pInStruct->pTexelBufferView) {\n'
' pTexelBufferView = new VkBufferView[descriptorCount];\n'
' for (uint32_t i=0; i<descriptorCount; ++i) {\n'
' pTexelBufferView[i] = pInStruct->pTexelBufferView[i];\n'
' }\n'
' }\n'
' break;\n'
' default:\n'
' break;\n'
' }\n'}
for m in self.struct_dict[s]:
m_name = self.struct_dict[s][m]['name']
m_type = self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']
if is_type(m_type, 'struct') and self._hasSafeStruct(m_type):
m_type = self._getSafeStructName(m_type)
if self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr'] and 'safe_' not in m_type and not self._typeHasObject(m_type, vulkan.object_non_dispatch_list):# in ['char', 'float', 'uint32_t', 'void', 'VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures']) or 'pp' == self.struct_dict[s][m]['name'][0:1]:
# Ptr types w/o a safe_struct, for non-null case need to allocate new ptr and copy data in
if 'KHR' in ss_name or m_type in ['void', 'char']:
# For these exceptions just copy initial value over for now
init_list += '\n\t%s(pInStruct->%s),' % (m_name, m_name)
init_func_txt += ' %s = pInStruct->%s;\n' % (m_name, m_name)
default_init_list += '\n\t%s(nullptr),' % (m_name)
init_list += '\n\t%s(nullptr),' % (m_name)
init_func_txt += ' %s = nullptr;\n' % (m_name)
if 'pNext' != m_name and 'void' not in m_type:
if not self.struct_dict[s][m]['array']:
construct_txt += ' if (pInStruct->%s) {\n' % (m_name)
construct_txt += ' %s = new %s(*pInStruct->%s);\n' % (m_name, m_type, m_name)
construct_txt += ' }\n'
destruct_txt += ' if (%s)\n' % (m_name)
destruct_txt += ' delete %s;\n' % (m_name)
else: # new array and then init each element
construct_txt += ' if (pInStruct->%s) {\n' % (m_name)
construct_txt += ' %s = new %s[pInStruct->%s];\n' % (m_name, m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'])
#construct_txt += ' std::copy (pInStruct->%s, pInStruct->%s+pInStruct->%s, %s);\n' % (m_name, m_name, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'], m_name)
construct_txt += ' memcpy ((void *)%s, (void *)pInStruct->%s, sizeof(%s)*pInStruct->%s);\n' % (m_name, m_name, m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'])
construct_txt += ' }\n'
destruct_txt += ' if (%s)\n' % (m_name)
destruct_txt += ' delete[] %s;\n' % (m_name)
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['array']:
if not self.struct_dict[s][m]['dyn_array']:
# Handle static array case
construct_txt += ' for (uint32_t i=0; i<%s; ++i) {\n' % (self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'])
construct_txt += ' %s[i] = pInStruct->%s[i];\n' % (m_name, m_name)
construct_txt += ' }\n'
# Init array ptr to NULL
default_init_list += '\n\t%s(nullptr),' % (m_name)
init_list += '\n\t%s(nullptr),' % (m_name)
init_func_txt += ' %s = nullptr;\n' % (m_name)
array_element = 'pInStruct->%s[i]' % (m_name)
if is_type(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type'], 'struct') and self._hasSafeStruct(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']):
array_element = '%s(&pInStruct->%s[i])' % (self._getSafeStructName(self.struct_dict[s][m]['type']), m_name)
construct_txt += ' if (%s && pInStruct->%s) {\n' % (self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'], m_name)
construct_txt += ' %s = new %s[%s];\n' % (m_name, m_type, self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'])
destruct_txt += ' if (%s)\n' % (m_name)
destruct_txt += ' delete[] %s;\n' % (m_name)
construct_txt += ' for (uint32_t i=0; i<%s; ++i) {\n' % (self.struct_dict[s][m]['array_size'])
if 'safe_' in m_type:
construct_txt += ' %s[i].initialize(&pInStruct->%s[i]);\n' % (m_name, m_name)
construct_txt += ' %s[i] = %s;\n' % (m_name, array_element)
construct_txt += ' }\n'
construct_txt += ' }\n'
elif self.struct_dict[s][m]['ptr']:
construct_txt += ' if (pInStruct->%s)\n' % (m_name)
construct_txt += ' %s = new %s(pInStruct->%s);\n' % (m_name, m_type, m_name)
construct_txt += ' else\n'
construct_txt += ' %s = NULL;\n' % (m_name)
destruct_txt += ' if (%s)\n' % (m_name)
destruct_txt += ' delete %s;\n' % (m_name)
elif 'safe_' in m_type: # inline struct, need to pass in reference for constructor
init_list += '\n\t%s(&pInStruct->%s),' % (m_name, m_name)
init_func_txt += ' %s.initialize(&pInStruct->%s);\n' % (m_name, m_name)
init_list += '\n\t%s(pInStruct->%s),' % (m_name, m_name)
init_func_txt += ' %s = pInStruct->%s;\n' % (m_name, m_name)
if '' != init_list:
init_list = init_list[:-1] # hack off final comma
if s in custom_construct_txt:
construct_txt = custom_construct_txt[s]
ss_src.append("\n%s::%s(const %s* pInStruct) :%s\n{\n%s}" % (ss_name, ss_name, s, init_list, construct_txt))
if '' != default_init_list:
default_init_list = " :%s" % (default_init_list[:-1])
ss_src.append("\n%s::%s()%s\n{}" % (ss_name, ss_name, default_init_list))
# Create slight variation of init and construct txt for copy constructor that takes a src object reference vs. struct ptr
copy_construct_init = init_func_txt.replace('pInStruct->', 'src.')
copy_construct_txt = construct_txt.replace(' (pInStruct->', ' (src.') # Exclude 'if' blocks from next line
copy_construct_txt = copy_construct_txt.replace('(pInStruct->', '(*src.') # Pass object to copy constructors
copy_construct_txt = copy_construct_txt.replace('pInStruct->', 'src.') # Modify remaining struct refs for src object
ss_src.append("\n%s::%s(const %s& src)\n{\n%s%s}" % (ss_name, ss_name, ss_name, copy_construct_init, copy_construct_txt)) # Copy constructor
ss_src.append("\n%s::~%s()\n{\n%s}" % (ss_name, ss_name, destruct_txt))
ss_src.append("\nvoid %s::initialize(const %s* pInStruct)\n{\n%s%s}" % (ss_name, s, init_func_txt, construct_txt))
# Copy initializer uses same txt as copy constructor but has a ptr and not a reference
init_copy = copy_construct_init.replace('src.', 'src->')
init_construct = copy_construct_txt.replace('src.', 'src->')
ss_src.append("\nvoid %s::initialize(const %s* src)\n{\n%s%s}" % (ss_name, ss_name, init_copy, init_construct))
if s in ifdef_dict:
return "\n".join(ss_src)
def main(argv=None):
opts = handle_args()
# Parse input file and fill out global dicts
hfp = HeaderFileParser(opts.input_file)
# TODO : Don't want these to be global, see note at top about wrapper classes
global enum_val_dict
global enum_type_dict
global struct_dict
global typedef_fwd_dict
global typedef_rev_dict
global types_dict
enum_val_dict = hfp.get_enum_val_dict()
enum_type_dict = hfp.get_enum_type_dict()
struct_dict = hfp.get_struct_dict()
# TODO : Would like to validate struct data here to verify that all of the bools for struct members are correct at this point
typedef_fwd_dict = hfp.get_typedef_fwd_dict()
typedef_rev_dict = hfp.get_typedef_rev_dict()
types_dict = hfp.get_types_dict()
input_header = os.path.basename(opts.input_file)
if 'vulkan.h' == input_header:
input_header = "vulkan/vulkan.h"
prefix = os.path.basename(opts.input_file).strip(".h")
if prefix == "vulkan":
prefix = "vk"
if (opts.abs_out_dir is not None):
enum_sh_filename = os.path.join(opts.abs_out_dir, prefix+"_enum_string_helper.h")
enum_sh_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), opts.rel_out_dir, prefix+"_enum_string_helper.h")
enum_sh_filename = os.path.abspath(enum_sh_filename)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(enum_sh_filename)):
if not opts.quiet:
print("Creating output dir %s" % os.path.dirname(enum_sh_filename))
if opts.gen_struct_wrappers:
sw = StructWrapperGen(struct_dict, os.path.basename(opts.input_file).strip(".h"), os.path.dirname(enum_sh_filename), opts.quiet)
sw.set_include_headers([input_header,os.path.basename(enum_sh_filename),"stdint.h","cinttypes", "stdio.h","stdlib.h"])
sw.set_include_headers(["stdio.h", "stdlib.h", input_header])
if opts.gen_struct_sizes:
st = StructWrapperGen(struct_dict, os.path.basename(opts.input_file).strip(".h"), os.path.dirname(enum_sh_filename), opts.quiet)
st.set_include_headers(["stdio.h", "stdlib.h", input_header])
if not opts.quiet:
if __name__ == "__main__":