blob: 0984291e2bf4f0551fbe430fc9278fb7c640e63c [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan CTS Framework
* --------------------
* Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Vulkan DeviceFeatures class utility.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "deMemory.h"
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
namespace vk
// Structure describing vulkan feature structure
struct FeatureDesc
VkStructureType sType;
const char* name;
const deUint32 specVersion;
const deUint32 typeId;
// Structure containg all feature blobs - this simplifies generated code
struct AllFeaturesBlobs
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features& vk11;
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features& vk12;
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features& vk13;
// add blobs from future vulkan versions here
// Base class for all FeatureStructWrapper specializations
class FeatureStructWrapperBase
virtual ~FeatureStructWrapperBase (void) {}
virtual void initializeFeatureFromBlob (const AllFeaturesBlobs& allFeaturesBlobs) = 0;
virtual deUint32 getFeatureTypeId (void) const = 0;
virtual FeatureDesc getFeatureDesc (void) const = 0;
virtual void** getFeatureTypeNext (void) = 0;
virtual void* getFeatureTypeRaw (void) = 0;
using FeatureStructWrapperCreator = FeatureStructWrapperBase* (*) (void);
struct FeatureStructCreationData
FeatureStructWrapperCreator creatorFunction;
const char* name;
deUint32 specVersion;
template<class FeatureType> class FeatureStructWrapper;
template<class FeatureType> FeatureDesc makeFeatureDesc (void);
template<class FeatureType>
FeatureStructWrapperBase* createFeatureStructWrapper (void)
return new FeatureStructWrapper<FeatureType>(makeFeatureDesc<FeatureType>());
template<class FeatureType>
void initFeatureFromBlob(FeatureType& featureType, const AllFeaturesBlobs& allFeaturesBlobs);
template<class FeatureType>
void initFeatureFromBlobWrapper(FeatureType& featureType, const AllFeaturesBlobs& allFeaturesBlobs)
initFeatureFromBlob<FeatureType>(featureType, allFeaturesBlobs);
class DeviceFeatures
DeviceFeatures (const InstanceInterface& vki,
const deUint32 apiVersion,
const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const std::vector<std::string>& instanceExtensions,
const std::vector<std::string>& deviceExtensions);
~DeviceFeatures (void);
template<class FeatureType>
const FeatureType& getFeatureType (void) const;
const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2& getCoreFeatures2 (void) const { return m_coreFeatures2; }
const VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features& getVulkan11Features (void) const { return m_vulkan11Features; }
const VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features& getVulkan12Features (void) const { return m_vulkan12Features; }
const VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features& getVulkan13Features (void) const { return m_vulkan13Features; }
bool contains (const std::string& feature, bool throwIfNotExists = false) const;
bool isDeviceFeatureInitialized (VkStructureType sType) const;
static bool verifyFeatureAddCriteria (const FeatureStructCreationData& item, const std::vector<VkExtensionProperties>& properties);
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 m_coreFeatures2;
mutable std::vector<FeatureStructWrapperBase*> m_features;
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features m_vulkan11Features;
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features m_vulkan12Features;
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features m_vulkan13Features;
template<class FeatureType>
const FeatureType& DeviceFeatures::getFeatureType(void) const
typedef FeatureStructWrapper<FeatureType>* FeatureWrapperPtr;
const FeatureDesc featDesc = makeFeatureDesc<FeatureType>();
const VkStructureType sType = featDesc.sType;
// try to find feature by sType
for (auto feature : m_features)
if (sType == feature->getFeatureDesc().sType)
return static_cast<FeatureWrapperPtr>(feature)->getFeatureTypeRef();
// try to find feature by id that was assigned by gen_framework script
const deUint32 featureId = featDesc.typeId;
for (auto feature : m_features)
if (featureId == feature->getFeatureTypeId())
return static_cast<FeatureWrapperPtr>(feature)->getFeatureTypeRef();
// if initialized feature structure was not found create empty one and return it
return static_cast<FeatureWrapperPtr>(m_features.back())->getFeatureTypeRef();
template<class FeatureType>
class FeatureStructWrapper : public FeatureStructWrapperBase
FeatureStructWrapper (const FeatureDesc& featureDesc)
: m_featureDesc(featureDesc)
deMemset(&m_featureType, 0, sizeof(m_featureType));
m_featureType.sType = featureDesc.sType;
void initializeFeatureFromBlob (const AllFeaturesBlobs& allFeaturesBlobs)
initFeatureFromBlobWrapper(m_featureType, allFeaturesBlobs);
deUint32 getFeatureTypeId (void) const { return m_featureDesc.typeId; }
FeatureDesc getFeatureDesc (void) const { return m_featureDesc; }
void** getFeatureTypeNext (void) { return &m_featureType.pNext; }
void* getFeatureTypeRaw (void) { return &m_featureType; }
FeatureType& getFeatureTypeRef (void) { return m_featureType; }
// metadata about feature structure
const FeatureDesc m_featureDesc;
// actual vulkan feature structure
FeatureType m_featureType;
} // vk