blob: 55c9b79431412e5d775e87b01d6c830d862aca38 [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
* ----------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Base class for a test case.
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuTestCase.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace tcu
//! Test run summary.
class TestRunStatus
TestRunStatus (void) { clear(); }
void clear (void)
numExecuted = 0;
numPassed = 0;
numFailed = 0;
numDeviceLost = 0;
numNotSupported = 0;
numWarnings = 0;
numWaived = 0;
isComplete = false;
int numExecuted; //!< Total number of cases executed.
int numPassed; //!< Number of cases passed.
int numFailed; //!< Number of cases failed.
int numNotSupported; //!< Number of cases not supported.
int numWarnings; //!< Number of QualityWarning / CompatibilityWarning results.
int numWaived; //!< Number of waived tests.
int numDeviceLost; //!< Number of cases that caused a device lost
bool isComplete; //!< Is run complete.
* \brief Test case execution interface.
* TestCaseExecutor provides package-specific resources & initialization
* for test cases.
* \todo [2015-03-18 pyry] Replace with following API:
* class TestInstance
* {
* public:
* TestInstance (TestContext& testCtx);
* tcu::TestResult iterate (void);
* };
* class TestInstanceFactory (???)
* {
* public:
* TestInstance* createInstance (const TestCase* testCase, const std::string& path);
* };
class TestCaseExecutor
virtual ~TestCaseExecutor (void) {}
virtual void init (TestCase* testCase, const std::string& path) = 0;
virtual void deinit (TestCase* testCase) = 0;
virtual TestNode::IterateResult iterate (TestCase* testCase) = 0;
virtual void deinitTestPackage (TestContext& testCtx) { DE_UNREF(testCtx); };
virtual bool usesLocalStatus () { return false; }
virtual void updateGlobalStatus (tcu::TestRunStatus& status) { DE_UNREF(status); }
virtual void reportDurations (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const std::string& packageName, const deInt64& duration, const std::map<std::string, deUint64>& groupsDurationTime) { DE_UNREF(testCtx); DE_UNREF(packageName); DE_UNREF(duration); DE_UNREF(groupsDurationTime); }
* \brief Base class for test packages.
* Test packages are root-level test groups. They also provide package-
* specific test case executor, see TestCaseExecutor.
class TestPackage : public TestNode
TestPackage (TestContext& testCtx, const char* name, const char* description);
virtual ~TestPackage (void);
virtual TestCaseExecutor* createExecutor (void) const = 0;
// Deprecated
virtual Archive* getArchive (void) { return DE_NULL; }
virtual IterateResult iterate (void);
void setCaseListFilter (const CaseListFilter* caseListFilter);
const CaseListFilter* m_caseListFilter;
// TestPackageRegistry
typedef TestPackage* (*TestPackageCreateFunc) (TestContext& testCtx);
class TestPackageRegistry
struct PackageInfo
PackageInfo (std::string name_, TestPackageCreateFunc createFunc_) : name(name_), createFunc(createFunc_) {}
std::string name;
TestPackageCreateFunc createFunc;
static TestPackageRegistry* getSingleton (void);
static void destroy (void);
void registerPackage (const char* name, TestPackageCreateFunc createFunc);
const std::vector<PackageInfo*>& getPackageInfos (void) const;
PackageInfo* getPackageInfoByName (const char* name) const;
TestPackage* createPackage (const char* name, TestContext& testCtx) const;
TestPackageRegistry (void);
~TestPackageRegistry (void);
static TestPackageRegistry* getOrDestroy (bool isCreate);
// Member variables.
std::vector<PackageInfo*> m_packageInfos;
// TestPackageDescriptor
class TestPackageDescriptor
TestPackageDescriptor (const char* name, TestPackageCreateFunc createFunc);
~TestPackageDescriptor (void);
// TestPackageRoot
class TestPackageRoot : public TestNode
TestPackageRoot (TestContext& testCtx);
TestPackageRoot (TestContext& testCtx, const std::vector<TestNode*>& children);
TestPackageRoot (TestContext& testCtx, const TestPackageRegistry* packageRegistry);
virtual ~TestPackageRoot (void);
virtual IterateResult iterate (void);
} // tcu