blob: 901430386c4eed50337901e2d85000547d478843 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Common built-in function tests.
#include "vktShaderCommonFunctionTests.hpp"
#include "vktShaderExecutor.hpp"
#include "vkQueryUtil.hpp"
#include "gluContextInfo.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuFormatUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuFloat.hpp"
#include "tcuInterval.hpp"
#include "tcuFloatFormat.hpp"
#include "tcuVectorUtil.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deMath.h"
#include "deString.h"
#include "deArrayUtil.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
namespace vkt
namespace shaderexecutor
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using tcu::TestLog;
using tcu::Vec2;
using tcu::Vec3;
using tcu::Vec4;
using tcu::IVec2;
using tcu::IVec3;
using tcu::IVec4;
// Utilities
template<typename T, int Size>
struct VecArrayAccess
VecArrayAccess (const void* ptr) : m_array((tcu::Vector<T, Size>*)ptr) {}
~VecArrayAccess (void) {}
const tcu::Vector<T, Size>& operator[] (size_t offset) const { return m_array[offset]; }
tcu::Vector<T, Size>& operator[] (size_t offset) { return m_array[offset]; }
tcu::Vector<T, Size>* m_array;
template<typename T, int Size>
static void fillRandomVectors (de::Random& rnd, const tcu::Vector<T, Size>& minValue, const tcu::Vector<T, Size>& maxValue, void* dst, int numValues, int offset = 0)
VecArrayAccess<T, Size> access(dst);
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
access[offset + ndx] = tcu::randomVector<T, Size>(rnd, minValue, maxValue);
template<typename T>
static void fillRandomScalars (de::Random& rnd, T minValue, T maxValue, void* dst, int numValues, int offset = 0)
T* typedPtr = (T*)dst;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
typedPtr[offset + ndx] = de::randomScalar<T>(rnd, minValue, maxValue);
inline deUint32 getUlpDiff (float a, float b)
const deUint32 aBits = tcu::Float32(a).bits();
const deUint32 bBits = tcu::Float32(b).bits();
return aBits > bBits ? aBits - bBits : bBits - aBits;
inline deUint32 getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign (float a, float b)
if (tcu::Float32(a).isZero())
return getUlpDiff(tcu::Float32::construct(tcu::Float32(b).sign(), 0, 0).asFloat(), b);
else if (tcu::Float32(b).isZero())
return getUlpDiff(a, tcu::Float32::construct(tcu::Float32(a).sign(), 0, 0).asFloat());
return getUlpDiff(a, b);
inline deUint64 getMaxUlpDiffFromBits (int numAccurateBits, int numTotalBits)
const int numGarbageBits = numTotalBits-numAccurateBits;
const deUint64 mask = (1ull<<numGarbageBits)-1ull;
return mask;
static int getNumMantissaBits (glu::DataType type)
DE_ASSERT(glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) || glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type));
return (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) ? 23 : 52);
static int getMinMantissaBits (glu::DataType type, glu::Precision precision)
if (glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type))
return tcu::Float64::MANTISSA_BITS;
// Float case.
const int bits[] =
7, // lowp
tcu::Float16::MANTISSA_BITS, // mediump
tcu::Float32::MANTISSA_BITS, // highp
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds<int>(precision, 0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(bits)));
return bits[precision];
static int getExponentBits (glu::DataType type)
DE_ASSERT(glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) || glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type));
return (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) ? static_cast<int>(tcu::Float32::EXPONENT_BITS) : static_cast<int>(tcu::Float64::EXPONENT_BITS));
static deUint32 getExponentMask (int exponentBits)
DE_ASSERT(exponentBits > 0);
return ((1u<<exponentBits) - 1u);
static int getComponentByteSize (glu::DataType type)
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(type);
DE_ASSERT( scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT16 ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_INT ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_UINT ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_INT8 ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_UINT8 ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_INT16 ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_UINT16 ||
scalarType == glu::TYPE_BOOL );
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_INT8:
case glu::TYPE_UINT8:
return 1;
case glu::TYPE_INT16:
case glu::TYPE_UINT16:
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT16:
return 2;
case glu::TYPE_BOOL:
case glu::TYPE_INT:
case glu::TYPE_UINT:
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT:
return 4;
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE:
return 8;
DE_ASSERT(false); break;
// Unreachable.
return 0;
static vector<int> getScalarSizes (const vector<Symbol>& symbols)
vector<int> sizes(symbols.size());
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)symbols.size(); ++ndx)
sizes[ndx] = symbols[ndx].varType.getScalarSize();
return sizes;
static vector<int> getComponentByteSizes (const vector<Symbol>& symbols)
vector<int> sizes;
for (const auto& sym : symbols)
return sizes;
static int computeTotalByteSize (const vector<Symbol>& symbols)
int totalSize = 0;
for (const auto& sym : symbols)
totalSize += getComponentByteSize(sym.varType.getBasicType()) * sym.varType.getScalarSize();
return totalSize;
static vector<void*> getInputOutputPointers (const vector<Symbol>& symbols, vector<deUint8>& data, const int numValues)
vector<void*> pointers (symbols.size());
int curScalarOffset = 0;
for (int varNdx = 0; varNdx < (int)symbols.size(); ++varNdx)
const Symbol& var = symbols[varNdx];
const int scalarSize = var.varType.getScalarSize();
const auto componentBytes = getComponentByteSize(var.varType.getBasicType());
// Uses planar layout as input/output specs do not support strides.
pointers[varNdx] = &data[curScalarOffset];
curScalarOffset += scalarSize*numValues*componentBytes;
DE_ASSERT(curScalarOffset == (int)data.size());
return pointers;
void checkTypeSupport (Context& context, glu::DataType dataType)
if (glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(dataType))
const auto& vki = context.getInstanceInterface();
const auto physicalDevice = context.getPhysicalDevice();
const auto features = vk::getPhysicalDeviceFeatures(vki, physicalDevice);
if (!features.shaderFloat64)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "64-bit floats not supported by the implementation");
// \todo [2013-08-08 pyry] Make generic utility and move to glu?
struct HexFloat
const float value;
HexFloat (const float value_) : value(value_) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const HexFloat& v)
return str << v.value << " / " << tcu::toHex(tcu::Float32(v.value).bits());
struct HexDouble
const double value;
HexDouble (const double value_) : value(value_) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const HexDouble& v)
return str << v.value << " / " << tcu::toHex(tcu::Float64(v.value).bits());
struct HexBool
const deUint32 value;
HexBool (const deUint32 value_) : value(value_) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const HexBool& v)
return str << (v.value ? "true" : "false") << " / " << tcu::toHex(v.value);
struct VarValue
const glu::VarType& type;
const void* value;
VarValue (const glu::VarType& type_, const void* value_) : type(type_), value(value_) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const VarValue& varValue)
const glu::DataType basicType = varValue.type.getBasicType();
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(basicType);
const int numComponents = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(basicType);
if (numComponents > 1)
str << glu::getDataTypeName(basicType) << "(";
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < numComponents; compNdx++)
if (compNdx != 0)
str << ", ";
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT: str << HexFloat(((const float*)varValue.value)[compNdx]); break;
case glu::TYPE_INT: str << ((const deInt32*)varValue.value)[compNdx]; break;
case glu::TYPE_UINT: str << tcu::toHex(((const deUint32*)varValue.value)[compNdx]); break;
case glu::TYPE_BOOL: str << HexBool(((const deUint32*)varValue.value)[compNdx]); break;
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE: str << HexDouble(((const double*)varValue.value)[compNdx]); break;
if (numComponents > 1)
str << ")";
return str;
static std::string getCommonFuncCaseName (glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
const bool isDouble = glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(baseType);
return string(glu::getDataTypeName(baseType)) + (isDouble ? "" : getPrecisionPostfix(precision)) + "_compute";
template<class TestClass>
static void addFunctionCases (tcu::TestCaseGroup* parent, const char* functionName, const std::vector<glu::DataType>& scalarTypes)
tcu::TestCaseGroup* group = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(parent->getTestContext(), functionName, functionName);
for (const auto scalarType : scalarTypes)
const bool isDouble = glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(scalarType);
const int lowestPrec = (isDouble ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP);
const int highestPrec = (isDouble ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_HIGHP);
for (int vecSize = 1; vecSize <= 4; vecSize++)
for (int prec = lowestPrec; prec <= highestPrec; prec++)
group->addChild(new TestClass(parent->getTestContext(), glu::DataType(scalarType + vecSize - 1), glu::Precision(prec)));
// CommonFunctionCase
class CommonFunctionCase : public TestCase
CommonFunctionCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const char* name, const char* description);
~CommonFunctionCase (void);
virtual void initPrograms (vk::SourceCollections& programCollection) const
generateSources(glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, m_spec, programCollection);
virtual TestInstance* createInstance (Context& context) const = 0;
CommonFunctionCase (const CommonFunctionCase&);
CommonFunctionCase& operator= (const CommonFunctionCase&);
ShaderSpec m_spec;
const int m_numValues;
CommonFunctionCase::CommonFunctionCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const char* name, const char* description)
: TestCase (testCtx, name, description)
, m_numValues (100)
CommonFunctionCase::~CommonFunctionCase (void)
// CommonFunctionTestInstance
class CommonFunctionTestInstance : public TestInstance
CommonFunctionTestInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: TestInstance (context)
, m_spec (spec)
, m_numValues (numValues)
, m_name (name)
, m_executor (createExecutor(context, glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, spec))
virtual tcu::TestStatus iterate (void);
virtual void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const = 0;
virtual bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs) = 0;
const ShaderSpec m_spec;
const int m_numValues;
// \todo [2017-03-07 pyry] Hack used to generate seeds for test cases - get rid of this.
const char* m_name;
std::ostringstream m_failMsg; //!< Comparison failure help message.
de::UniquePtr<ShaderExecutor> m_executor;
tcu::TestStatus CommonFunctionTestInstance::iterate (void)
const int numInputBytes = computeTotalByteSize(m_spec.inputs);
const int numOutputBytes = computeTotalByteSize(m_spec.outputs);
vector<deUint8> inputData (numInputBytes * m_numValues);
vector<deUint8> outputData (numOutputBytes * m_numValues);
const vector<void*> inputPointers = getInputOutputPointers(m_spec.inputs, inputData, m_numValues);
const vector<void*> outputPointers = getInputOutputPointers(m_spec.outputs, outputData, m_numValues);
// Initialize input data.
getInputValues(m_numValues, &inputPointers[0]);
// Execute shader.
m_executor->execute(m_numValues, &inputPointers[0], &outputPointers[0]);
// Compare results.
const vector<int> inScalarSizes = getScalarSizes(m_spec.inputs);
const vector<int> outScalarSizes = getScalarSizes(m_spec.outputs);
const vector<int> inCompByteSizes = getComponentByteSizes(m_spec.inputs);
const vector<int> outCompByteSizes = getComponentByteSizes(m_spec.outputs);
vector<void*> curInputPtr (inputPointers.size());
vector<void*> curOutputPtr (outputPointers.size());
int numFailed = 0;
tcu::TestContext& testCtx = m_context.getTestContext();
for (int valNdx = 0; valNdx < m_numValues; valNdx++)
// Set up pointers for comparison.
for (int inNdx = 0; inNdx < (int)curInputPtr.size(); ++inNdx)
curInputPtr[inNdx] = (deUint8*)inputPointers[inNdx] + inScalarSizes[inNdx]*inCompByteSizes[inNdx]*valNdx;
for (int outNdx = 0; outNdx < (int)curOutputPtr.size(); ++outNdx)
curOutputPtr[outNdx] = (deUint8*)outputPointers[outNdx] + outScalarSizes[outNdx]*outCompByteSizes[outNdx]*valNdx;
if (!compare(&curInputPtr[0], &curOutputPtr[0]))
// \todo [2013-08-08 pyry] We probably want to log reference value as well?
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: comparison failed for value " << valNdx << ":\n " << m_failMsg.str() << TestLog::EndMessage;
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << " inputs:" << TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int inNdx = 0; inNdx < (int)curInputPtr.size(); inNdx++)
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << " " << m_spec.inputs[inNdx].name << " = "
<< VarValue(m_spec.inputs[inNdx].varType, curInputPtr[inNdx])
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << " outputs:" << TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int outNdx = 0; outNdx < (int)curOutputPtr.size(); outNdx++)
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << " " << m_spec.outputs[outNdx].name << " = "
<< VarValue(m_spec.outputs[outNdx].varType, curOutputPtr[outNdx])
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
numFailed += 1;
testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << (m_numValues - numFailed) << " / " << m_numValues << " values passed" << TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numFailed == 0)
return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Pass");
return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Result comparison failed");
// Test cases
class AbsCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
AbsCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance (context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
const IVec2 intRanges[] =
IVec2(-(1<<7)+1, (1<<7)-1),
IVec2(-(1<<15)+1, (1<<15)-1),
IVec2(0x80000001, 0x7fffffff)
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(m_name) ^ 0x235facu);
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
fillRandomScalars(rnd, intRanges[precision].x(), intRanges[precision].y(), values[0], numValues*scalarSize);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const int in0 = ((const int*)inputs[0])[compNdx];
const int out0 = ((const int*)outputs[0])[compNdx];
const int ref0 = de::abs(in0);
if (out0 != ref0)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << ref0;
return false;
return true;
class AbsCase : public CommonFunctionCase
AbsCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision).c_str(), "abs")
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.source = "out0 = abs(in0);";
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new AbsCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
class SignCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
SignCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance (context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
const IVec2 intRanges[] =
IVec2(-(1<<7), (1<<7)-1),
IVec2(-(1<<15), (1<<15)-1),
IVec2(0x80000000, 0x7fffffff)
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(m_name) ^ 0x324u);
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
std::fill((int*)values[0] + scalarSize*0, (int*)values[0] + scalarSize*1, +1);
std::fill((int*)values[0] + scalarSize*1, (int*)values[0] + scalarSize*2, -1);
std::fill((int*)values[0] + scalarSize*2, (int*)values[0] + scalarSize*3, 0);
fillRandomScalars(rnd, intRanges[precision].x(), intRanges[precision].y(), (int*)values[0] + scalarSize*3, (numValues-3)*scalarSize);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const int in0 = ((const int*)inputs[0])[compNdx];
const int out0 = ((const int*)outputs[0])[compNdx];
const int ref0 = in0 < 0 ? -1 :
in0 > 0 ? +1 : 0;
if (out0 != ref0)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << ref0;
return false;
return true;
class SignCase : public CommonFunctionCase
SignCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision).c_str(), "sign")
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.source = "out0 = sign(in0);";
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new SignCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
static void infNanRandomFloats(int numValues, void* const* values, const char *name, const ShaderSpec& spec)
constexpr deUint64 kOne = 1;
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(name) ^ 0xc2a39fu);
const glu::DataType type = spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const int minMantissaBits = getMinMantissaBits(type, precision);
const int numMantissaBits = getNumMantissaBits(type);
const deUint64 mantissaMask = ~getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(minMantissaBits, numMantissaBits) & ((kOne<<numMantissaBits)-kOne);
const int exponentBits = getExponentBits(type);
const deUint32 exponentMask = getExponentMask(exponentBits);
const bool isDouble = glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type);
const deUint64 exponentBias = (isDouble ? static_cast<deUint64>(tcu::Float64::EXPONENT_BIAS) : static_cast<deUint64>(tcu::Float32::EXPONENT_BIAS));
int numInf = 0;
int numNan = 0;
for (int valNdx = 0; valNdx < numValues*scalarSize; valNdx++)
// Roughly 25% chance of each of Inf and NaN
const bool isInf = rnd.getFloat() > 0.75f;
const bool isNan = !isInf && rnd.getFloat() > 0.66f;
const deUint64 m = rnd.getUint64() & mantissaMask;
const deUint64 e = static_cast<deUint64>(rnd.getUint32() & exponentMask);
const deUint64 sign = static_cast<deUint64>(rnd.getUint32() & 0x1u);
// Ensure the 'quiet' bit is set on NaNs (also ensures we don't generate inf by mistake)
const deUint64 mantissa = isInf ? 0 : (isNan ? ((kOne<<(numMantissaBits-1)) | m) : m);
const deUint64 exp = (isNan || isInf) ? exponentMask : std::min(e, exponentBias);
const deUint64 value = (sign << (numMantissaBits + exponentBits)) | (exp << numMantissaBits) | static_cast<deUint32>(mantissa);
if (isInf) numInf++;
if (isNan) numNan++;
if (isDouble)
DE_ASSERT(tcu::Float64(value).isInf() == isInf && tcu::Float64(value).isNaN() == isNan);
((deUint64*)values[0])[valNdx] = value;
const auto value32 = static_cast<deUint32>(value);
DE_ASSERT(tcu::Float32(value32).isInf() == isInf && tcu::Float32(value32).isNaN() == isNan);
((deUint32*)values[0])[valNdx] = value32;
// Check for minimal coverage of intended cases.
DE_ASSERT(0 < numInf);
DE_ASSERT(0 < numNan);
DE_ASSERT(numInf + numNan < numValues*scalarSize);
class IsnanCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
IsnanCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance (context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
infNanRandomFloats(numValues, values, m_name, m_spec);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const bool isDouble = glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const bool out0 = reinterpret_cast<const deUint32*>(outputs[0])[compNdx] != 0;
bool ok;
bool ref;
if (isDouble)
const double in0 = reinterpret_cast<const double*>(inputs[0])[compNdx];
ref = tcu::Float64(in0).isNaN();
ok = (out0 == ref);
const float in0 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(inputs[0])[compNdx];
ref = tcu::Float32(in0).isNaN();
// NaN support only required for highp. Otherwise just check for false positives.
if (precision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
ok = (out0 == ref);
ok = ref || !out0;
if (!ok)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << (ref ? "true" : "false");
return false;
return true;
class IsnanCase : public CommonFunctionCase
IsnanCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision).c_str(), "isnan")
DE_ASSERT(glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(baseType) || glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(baseType));
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
const glu::DataType boolType = vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeBoolVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_BOOL;
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(boolType, glu::PRECISION_LAST)));
m_spec.source = "out0 = isnan(in0);";
void checkSupport (Context& context) const
checkTypeSupport(context, m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType());
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new IsnanCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
class IsinfCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
IsinfCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance(context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
infNanRandomFloats(numValues, values, m_name, m_spec);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const bool isDouble = glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(type);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const bool out0 = reinterpret_cast<const deUint32*>(outputs[0])[compNdx] != 0;
bool ref;
bool ok;
if (isDouble)
const double in0 = reinterpret_cast<const double*>(inputs[0])[compNdx];
ref = tcu::Float64(in0).isInf();
ok = (out0 == ref);
const float in0 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(inputs[0])[compNdx];
if (precision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
// Only highp is required to support inf/nan
ref = tcu::Float32(in0).isInf();
ok = (out0 == ref);
// Inf support is optional, check that inputs that are not Inf in mediump don't result in true.
ref = tcu::Float16(in0).isInf();
ok = (out0 || !ref);
if (!ok)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << HexBool(ref);
return false;
return true;
class IsinfCase : public CommonFunctionCase
IsinfCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision).c_str(), "isinf")
DE_ASSERT(glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(baseType) || glu::isDataTypeDoubleOrDVec(baseType));
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
const glu::DataType boolType = vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeBoolVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_BOOL;
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(boolType, glu::PRECISION_LAST)));
m_spec.source = "out0 = isinf(in0);";
void checkSupport (Context& context) const
checkTypeSupport(context, m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType());
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new IsinfCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
class FloatBitsToUintIntCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
FloatBitsToUintIntCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance (context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
const Vec2 ranges[] =
Vec2(-2.0f, 2.0f), // lowp
Vec2(-1e3f, 1e3f), // mediump
Vec2(-1e7f, 1e7f) // highp
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(m_name) ^ 0x2790au);
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
fillRandomScalars(rnd, ranges[precision].x(), ranges[precision].y(), values[0], numValues*scalarSize);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const glu::Precision precision = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const int minMantissaBits = getMinMantissaBits(type, precision);
const int numMantissaBits = getNumMantissaBits(type);
const int maxUlpDiff = static_cast<int>(getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(minMantissaBits, numMantissaBits));
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const float in0 = ((const float*)inputs[0])[compNdx];
const deUint32 out0 = ((const deUint32*)outputs[0])[compNdx];
const deUint32 refOut0 = tcu::Float32(in0).bits();
const int ulpDiff = de::abs((int)out0 - (int)refOut0);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << tcu::toHex(refOut0) << " with threshold "
<< tcu::toHex(maxUlpDiff) << ", got diff " << tcu::toHex(ulpDiff);
return false;
return true;
class FloatBitsToUintIntCase : public CommonFunctionCase
FloatBitsToUintIntCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision, bool outIsSigned)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision).c_str(), outIsSigned ? "floatBitsToInt" : "floatBitsToUint")
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
const glu::DataType intType = outIsSigned ? (vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeIntVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_INT)
: (vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeUintVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_UINT);
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, precision)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(intType, glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)));
m_spec.source = outIsSigned ? "out0 = floatBitsToInt(in0);" : "out0 = floatBitsToUint(in0);";
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new FloatBitsToUintIntCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
class FloatBitsToIntCase : public FloatBitsToUintIntCase
FloatBitsToIntCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: FloatBitsToUintIntCase (testCtx, baseType, precision, true)
class FloatBitsToUintCase : public FloatBitsToUintIntCase
FloatBitsToUintCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType, glu::Precision precision)
: FloatBitsToUintIntCase (testCtx, baseType, precision, false)
class BitsToFloatCaseInstance : public CommonFunctionTestInstance
BitsToFloatCaseInstance (Context& context, const ShaderSpec& spec, int numValues, const char* name)
: CommonFunctionTestInstance (context, spec, numValues, name)
void getInputValues (int numValues, void* const* values) const
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(m_name) ^ 0xbbb225u);
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const Vec2 range (-1e8f, +1e8f);
// \note Filled as floats.
fillRandomScalars(rnd, range.x(), range.y(), values[0], numValues*scalarSize);
bool compare (const void* const* inputs, const void* const* outputs)
const glu::DataType type = m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
const deUint32 maxUlpDiff = 0;
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++)
const float in0 = ((const float*)inputs[0])[compNdx];
const float out0 = ((const float*)outputs[0])[compNdx];
const deUint32 ulpDiff = getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(in0, out0);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff)
m_failMsg << "Expected [" << compNdx << "] = " << tcu::toHex(tcu::Float32(in0).bits()) << " with ULP threshold "
<< tcu::toHex(maxUlpDiff) << ", got ULP diff " << tcu::toHex(ulpDiff);
return false;
return true;
class BitsToFloatCase : public CommonFunctionCase
BitsToFloatCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::DataType baseType)
: CommonFunctionCase (testCtx, getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, glu::PRECISION_HIGHP).c_str(), glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(baseType) ? "intBitsToFloat" : "uintBitsToFloat")
const bool inIsSigned = glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(baseType);
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
const glu::DataType floatType = vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeFloatVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_FLOAT;
m_spec.inputs.push_back(Symbol("in0", glu::VarType(baseType, glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)));
m_spec.outputs.push_back(Symbol("out0", glu::VarType(floatType, glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)));
m_spec.source = inIsSigned ? "out0 = intBitsToFloat(in0);" : "out0 = uintBitsToFloat(in0);";
TestInstance* createInstance (Context& ctx) const
return new BitsToFloatCaseInstance(ctx, m_spec, m_numValues, getName());
} // anonymous
ShaderCommonFunctionTests::ShaderCommonFunctionTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup (testCtx, "common", "Common function tests")
ShaderCommonFunctionTests::~ShaderCommonFunctionTests (void)
void ShaderCommonFunctionTests::init (void)
static const std::vector<glu::DataType> kIntOnly (1u, glu::TYPE_INT);
static const std::vector<glu::DataType> kFloatOnly (1u, glu::TYPE_FLOAT);
static const std::vector<glu::DataType> kFloatAndDouble {glu::TYPE_FLOAT, glu::TYPE_DOUBLE};
addFunctionCases<AbsCase> (this, "abs", kIntOnly);
addFunctionCases<SignCase> (this, "sign", kIntOnly);
addFunctionCases<IsnanCase> (this, "isnan", kFloatAndDouble);
addFunctionCases<IsinfCase> (this, "isinf", kFloatAndDouble);
addFunctionCases<FloatBitsToIntCase> (this, "floatbitstoint", kFloatOnly);
addFunctionCases<FloatBitsToUintCase> (this, "floatbitstouint", kFloatOnly);
// (u)intBitsToFloat()
tcu::TestCaseGroup* intGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "intbitstofloat", "intBitsToFloat() Tests");
tcu::TestCaseGroup* uintGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "uintbitstofloat", "uintBitsToFloat() Tests");
for (int vecSize = 1; vecSize < 4; vecSize++)
const glu::DataType intType = vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeIntVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_INT;
const glu::DataType uintType = vecSize > 1 ? glu::getDataTypeUintVec(vecSize) : glu::TYPE_UINT;
intGroup->addChild(new BitsToFloatCase(getTestContext(), intType));
uintGroup->addChild(new BitsToFloatCase(getTestContext(), uintType));
} // shaderexecutor
} // vkt