blob: 780dd8313e60553425c69cfa08ccdcd46039bde8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief YCbCr Test Utilities
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "vktTestCase.hpp"
#include "vkImageUtil.hpp"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkRef.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuFloatFormat.hpp"
#include "tcuFloat.hpp"
#include "tcuInterval.hpp"
#include "tcuFloatFormat.hpp"
#include "tcuFloat.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace vkt
namespace ycbcr
#define VK_YCBCR_FORMAT_LAST ((vk::VkFormat)(VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_444_UNORM+1))
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> AllocationSp;
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Unique<vk::VkBuffer> > VkBufferSp;
class MultiPlaneImageData
MultiPlaneImageData (vk::VkFormat format, const tcu::UVec2& size);
MultiPlaneImageData (const MultiPlaneImageData&);
~MultiPlaneImageData (void);
vk::VkFormat getFormat (void) const { return m_format; }
const vk::PlanarFormatDescription& getDescription (void) const { return m_description; }
const tcu::UVec2& getSize (void) const { return m_size; }
size_t getPlaneSize (deUint32 planeNdx) const { return m_planeData[planeNdx].size(); }
void* getPlanePtr (deUint32 planeNdx) { return &m_planeData[planeNdx][0]; }
const void* getPlanePtr (deUint32 planeNdx) const { return &m_planeData[planeNdx][0]; }
tcu::PixelBufferAccess getChannelAccess (deUint32 channelNdx);
tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getChannelAccess (deUint32 channelNdx) const;
MultiPlaneImageData& operator= (const MultiPlaneImageData&);
const vk::VkFormat m_format;
const vk::PlanarFormatDescription m_description;
const tcu::UVec2 m_size;
std::vector<deUint8> m_planeData[vk::PlanarFormatDescription::MAX_PLANES];
void checkImageSupport (Context& context, vk::VkFormat format, vk::VkImageCreateFlags createFlags, vk::VkImageTiling tiling = vk::VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL);
void fillRandomNoNaN (de::Random* randomGen, deUint8* const data, deUint32 size, const vk::VkFormat format);
void fillRandom (de::Random* randomGen, MultiPlaneImageData* imageData, const vk::VkFormat format = vk::VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, bool noNan = false);
void fillGradient (MultiPlaneImageData* imageData, const tcu::Vec4& minVal, const tcu::Vec4& maxVal);
void fillZero (MultiPlaneImageData* imageData);
std::vector<de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> > allocateAndBindImageMemory (const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
vk::VkDevice device,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
vk::VkFormat format,
vk::VkImageCreateFlags createFlags,
vk::MemoryRequirement requirement = vk::MemoryRequirement::Any);
void uploadImage (const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
vk::VkDevice device,
deUint32 queueFamilyNdx,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
const MultiPlaneImageData& imageData,
vk::VkAccessFlags nextAccess,
vk::VkImageLayout finalLayout,
deUint32 arrayLayer = 0u);
void fillImageMemory (const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
vk::VkDevice device,
deUint32 queueFamilyNdx,
vk::VkImage image,
const std::vector<de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> >& memory,
const MultiPlaneImageData& imageData,
vk::VkAccessFlags nextAccess,
vk::VkImageLayout finalLayout,
deUint32 arrayLayer = 0u);
void downloadImage (const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
vk::VkDevice device,
deUint32 queueFamilyNdx,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
MultiPlaneImageData* imageData,
vk::VkAccessFlags prevAccess,
vk::VkImageLayout initialLayout,
uint32_t baseArrayLayer = 0);
void readImageMemory (const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
vk::VkDevice device,
deUint32 queueFamilyNdx,
vk::VkImage image,
const std::vector<de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> >& memory,
MultiPlaneImageData* imageData,
vk::VkAccessFlags prevAccess,
vk::VkImageLayout initialLayout);
class ChannelAccess
ChannelAccess (tcu::TextureChannelClass channelClass,
deUint8 channelSize,
const tcu::IVec3& size,
const tcu::IVec3& bitPitch,
void* data,
deUint32 bitOffset);
const tcu::IVec3& getSize (void) const { return m_size; }
const tcu::IVec3& getBitPitch (void) const { return m_bitPitch; }
void* getDataPtr (void) const { return m_data; }
tcu::Interval getChannel (const tcu::FloatFormat& conversionFormat,
const tcu::IVec3& pos) const;
deUint32 getChannelUint (const tcu::IVec3& pos) const;
float getChannel (const tcu::IVec3& pos) const;
void setChannel (const tcu::IVec3& pos,
deUint32 x);
void setChannel (const tcu::IVec3& pos,
float x);
const tcu::TextureChannelClass m_channelClass;
const deUint8 m_channelSize;
const tcu::IVec3 m_size;
const tcu::IVec3 m_bitPitch;
void* const m_data;
const deInt32 m_bitOffset;
ChannelAccess getChannelAccess (ycbcr::MultiPlaneImageData& data,
const vk::PlanarFormatDescription& formatInfo,
const tcu::UVec2& size,
int channelNdx);
bool isYChromaSubsampled (vk::VkFormat format);
bool isXChromaSubsampled (vk::VkFormat format);
bool areLsb6BitsDontCare (vk::VkFormat srcFormat,
vk::VkFormat dstFormat);
bool areLsb4BitsDontCare (vk::VkFormat srcFormat,
vk::VkFormat dstFormat);
tcu::UVec4 getYCbCrBitDepth (vk::VkFormat format);
std::vector<tcu::FloatFormat> getPrecision (vk::VkFormat format);
deUint32 getYCbCrFormatChannelCount (vk::VkFormat format);
int wrap (vk::VkSamplerAddressMode addressMode,
int coord,
int size);
int divFloor (int a,
int b);
void calculateBounds (const ChannelAccess& rPlane,
const ChannelAccess& gPlane,
const ChannelAccess& bPlane,
const ChannelAccess& aPlane,
const tcu::UVec4& bitDepth,
const std::vector<tcu::Vec2>& sts,
const std::vector<tcu::FloatFormat>& filteringFormat,
const std::vector<tcu::FloatFormat>& conversionFormat,
const deUint32 subTexelPrecisionBits,
vk::VkFilter filter,
vk::VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion colorModel,
vk::VkSamplerYcbcrRange range,
vk::VkFilter chromaFilter,
vk::VkChromaLocation xChromaOffset,
vk::VkChromaLocation yChromaOffset,
const vk::VkComponentMapping& componentMapping,
bool explicitReconstruction,
vk::VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeU,
vk::VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeV,
std::vector<tcu::Vec4>& minBounds,
std::vector<tcu::Vec4>& maxBounds,
std::vector<tcu::Vec4>& uvBounds,
std::vector<tcu::IVec4>& ijBounds);
} // ycbcr
} // vkt