blob: 8d8dcf8821198db853228c4c0e723b77d90aab6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC
* Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Test new features in VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
#include <amber/amber.h>
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
#include "vkDeviceUtil.hpp"
#include "vktTestGroupUtil.hpp"
#include "vktAmberTestCase.hpp"
#include "vktSubgroupUniformControlFlowTests.hpp"
#include "vktTestGroupUtil.hpp"
namespace vkt
namespace subgroups
struct Case
Case(const char* b, const char* d, bool sw, bool use_ssc, vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits s, vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits o) :
operation = (vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits)(o | vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT);
const char* basename;
const char* description;
bool small_workgroups;
bool use_subgroup_size_control;
vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits operation;
struct CaseGroup
CaseGroup(const char* the_data_dir, const char* the_subdir) : data_dir(the_data_dir), subdir(the_subdir) { }
void add(const char* basename, const char* description, bool small_workgroups, bool use_subgroup_size_control, vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits operation = vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT)
cases.push_back(Case(basename, description, small_workgroups, use_subgroup_size_control, stage, operation));
const char* data_dir;
const char* subdir;
std::vector<Case> cases;
class SubgroupUniformControlFlowTestCase : public cts_amber::AmberTestCase
SubgroupUniformControlFlowTestCase(tcu::TestContext& testCtx,
const char* name,
const char* description,
const std::string& readFilename,
bool small_workgroups,
bool use_subgroup_size_control,
vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits operation) :
cts_amber::AmberTestCase(testCtx, name, description, readFilename),
{ }
virtual void checkSupport(Context& ctx) const; // override
bool m_small_workgroups;
bool m_use_subgroup_size_control;
vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits m_stage;
vk::VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits m_operation;
void SubgroupUniformControlFlowTestCase::checkSupport(Context& ctx) const
// Check required extensions.
if (m_use_subgroup_size_control)
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties subgroupProperties;
subgroupProperties.pNext = DE_NULL;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 properties2;
properties2.pNext = &subgroupProperties;
ctx.getInstanceInterface().getPhysicalDeviceProperties2(ctx.getPhysicalDevice(), &properties2);
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT subgroupSizeControlFeatures;
subgroupSizeControlFeatures.pNext = DE_NULL;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 features2;
features2.pNext = &subgroupSizeControlFeatures;
ctx.getInstanceInterface().getPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(ctx.getPhysicalDevice(), &features2);
// Check that the stage supports the required subgroup operations.
if ((m_stage & subgroupProperties.supportedStages) == 0)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support subgroup operations in this stage");
if ((m_operation & subgroupProperties.supportedOperations) != m_operation)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support required operations");
// For the compute shader tests, there are variants for implementations
// that support the subgroup size control extension and variants for those
// that do not. It is expected that computeFullSubgroups must be set for
// these tests if the extension is supported so tests are only supported
// for the extension appropriate version.
if (m_stage == vk::VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT)
if (m_use_subgroup_size_control)
if (subgroupSizeControlFeatures.computeFullSubgroups != VK_TRUE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Implementation does not support subgroup size control");
if (subgroupSizeControlFeatures.computeFullSubgroups == VK_TRUE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "These tests are not enabled for subgroup size control implementations");
// The are large and small variants of the tests. The large variants
// require 256 invocations in a workgroup.
if (!m_small_workgroups)
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties;
ctx.getInstanceInterface().getPhysicalDeviceProperties(ctx.getPhysicalDevice(), &properties);
if (properties.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations < 256)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device supported fewer than 256 invocations per workgroup");
template<bool requirements> void addTestsForAmberFiles(tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests, CaseGroup group)
tcu::TestContext& testCtx = tests->getTestContext();
const std::string data_dir(group.data_dir);
const std::string subdir(group.subdir);
const std::string category = data_dir + "/" + subdir;
std::vector<Case> cases(group.cases);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cases.size(); ++i)
const std::string file = std::string(cases[i].basename) + ".amber";
std::string readFilename("vulkan/amber/");
SubgroupUniformControlFlowTestCase* testCase =
new SubgroupUniformControlFlowTestCase(testCtx,
DE_ASSERT(testCase != DE_NULL);
if (requirements)
} // anonymous
tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSubgroupUniformControlFlowTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
// There are four main groups of tests. Each group runs the same set of base
// shaders with minor variations. The groups are with or without compute full
// subgroups and a larger or smaller number of invocations. For each group of
// tests, shaders test either odd or even subgroups reconverge after
// diverging, without reconverging the whole workgroup. For the _partial
// tests, the workgroup is launched without a full final subgroup (not enough
// invocations).
// It is assumed that if an implementation does not support the compute full
// subgroups feature, that it will always launch full subgroups. Therefore,
// any given implementation only runs half of the tests. Implementations that
// do not support compute full subgroups cannot support the tests that enable
// it, while implementations that do support the feature will (likely) not
// pass the tests that do not enable the feature.
de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> uniformControlFlowTests(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "subgroup_uniform_control_flow", "VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow tests"));
// Location of the Amber script files under data/vulkan/amber source tree.
const char* data_dir = "subgroup_uniform_control_flow";
const char* large_dir = "large";
const char* small_dir = "small";
const char* large_control_dir = "large_control";
const char* small_control_dir = "small_control";
std::vector<bool> controls = {false, true};
for (unsigned c = 0; c < controls.size(); ++c)
// Full subgroups.
bool small = false;
bool control = controls[c];
vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits stage = vk::VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT;
const char* subdir = (control ? large_control_dir : large_dir);
CaseGroup group(data_dir, subdir);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge00", "if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge01", "do while diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge02", "while true with break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge03", "if/else diverge, volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge04", "early return and if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge05", "early return and if/else volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge06", "while true with volatile conditional break and early return", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge07", "while true return and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge08", "for loop atomics with conditional break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge09", "diverge in for loop", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge10", "diverge in for loop and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge11", "diverge in for loop and continue", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge12", "early return, divergent switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge13", "early return, divergent switch more cases", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge14", "divergent switch, some subgroups terminate", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge15", "switch in switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge16", "for loop unequal iterations", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge17", "if/else with nested returns", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge18", "if/else subgroup all equal", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge19", "if/else subgroup any nested return", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge20", "deeply nested", small, control, stage);
const char* group_name = (control ? "large_full_control" : "large_full");
uniformControlFlowTests->addChild(createTestGroup(testCtx, group_name,
"Large Full subgroups",
control?addTestsForAmberFiles<true>:addTestsForAmberFiles<false>, group));
// Partial subgroup.
group = CaseGroup(data_dir, subdir);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial00", "if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial01", "do while diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial02", "while true with break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial03", "if/else diverge, volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial04", "early return and if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial05", "early return and if/else volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial06", "while true with volatile conditional break and early return", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial07", "while true return and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial08", "for loop atomics with conditional break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial09", "diverge in for loop", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial10", "diverge in for loop and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial11", "diverge in for loop and continue", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial12", "early return, divergent switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial13", "early return, divergent switch more cases", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial14", "divergent switch, some subgroups terminate", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial15", "switch in switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial16", "for loop unequal iterations", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial17", "if/else with nested returns", small, control, stage);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial18", "if/else subgroup all equal", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial19", "if/else subgroup any nested return", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_partial20", "deeply nested", small, control, stage);
group_name = (control ? "large_partial_control" : "large_partial");
uniformControlFlowTests->addChild(createTestGroup(testCtx, group_name,
"Large Partial subgroups",
control?addTestsForAmberFiles<true>:addTestsForAmberFiles<false>, group));
for (unsigned c = 0; c < controls.size(); ++c)
// Full subgroups.
bool small = true;
bool control = controls[c];
vk::VkShaderStageFlagBits stage = vk::VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT;
const char* subdir = (control ? small_control_dir : small_dir);
CaseGroup group(data_dir, subdir);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge00", "if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge01", "do while diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge02", "while true with break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge03", "if/else diverge, volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge04", "early return and if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge05", "early return and if/else volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge06", "while true with volatile conditional break and early return", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge07", "while true return and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge08", "for loop atomics with conditional break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge09", "diverge in for loop", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge10", "diverge in for loop and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge11", "diverge in for loop and continue", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge12", "early return, divergent switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge13", "early return, divergent switch more cases", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge14", "divergent switch, some subgroups terminate", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge15", "switch in switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge16", "for loop unequal iterations", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge17", "if/else with nested returns", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge18", "if/else subgroup all equal", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge19", "if/else subgroup any nested return", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge20", "deeply nested", small, control, stage);
const char* group_name = (control ? "small_full_control" : "small_full");
uniformControlFlowTests->addChild(createTestGroup(testCtx, group_name,
"Small Full subgroups",
control?addTestsForAmberFiles<true>:addTestsForAmberFiles<false>, group));
// Partial subgroup.
group = CaseGroup(data_dir, subdir);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial00", "if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial01", "do while diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial02", "while true with break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial03", "if/else diverge, volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial04", "early return and if/else diverge", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial05", "early return and if/else volatile", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial06", "while true with volatile conditional break and early return", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial07", "while true return and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial08", "for loop atomics with conditional break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial09", "diverge in for loop", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial10", "diverge in for loop and break", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial11", "diverge in for loop and continue", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial12", "early return, divergent switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial13", "early return, divergent switch more cases", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial14", "divergent switch, some subgroups terminate", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial15", "switch in switch", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial16", "for loop unequal iterations", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial17", "if/else with nested returns", small, control, stage);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial18", "if/else subgroup all equal", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial19", "if/else subgroup any nested return", small, control, stage, vk::VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT);
group.add("small_subgroup_reconverge_partial20", "deeply nested", small, control, stage);
group_name = (control ? "small_partial_control" : "small_partial");
uniformControlFlowTests->addChild(createTestGroup(testCtx, group_name,
"Small Partial subgroups",
control?addTestsForAmberFiles<true>:addTestsForAmberFiles<false>, group));
// Discard test
CaseGroup group(data_dir, "discard");
group.add("subgroup_reconverge_discard00", "discard test", true, false, vk::VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT);
uniformControlFlowTests->addChild(createTestGroup(testCtx, "discard",
"Discard tests",
addTestsForAmberFiles<false>, group));
return uniformControlFlowTests.release();
} // subgroups
} // vkt