blob: 696dfd4cbbcbfa632b08a5ee19e87d26b25e46e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "glcContext.hpp"
#include "gluShaderUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuTestCase.hpp"
#include "glcExtTokens.hpp"
#include "glwDefs.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
/* String definitions */
#define GEOMETRY_SHADER_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Geometry shader functionality not supported, skipping"
#define GEOMETRY_SHADER_POINT_SIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED "Geometry shader point size functionality not supported, skipping"
#define GPU_SHADER5_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "GPU shader5 functionality not supported, skipping"
#define TESSELLATION_SHADER_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Tessellation shader functionality not supported, skipping"
#define TEXTURE_BORDER_CLAMP_NOT_SUPPORTED "Texture border clamp functionality not supported, skipping"
#define TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Texture cube map array functionality not supported, skipping"
#define SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Shader image atomic functionality not supported, skipping"
#define TEXTURE_BUFFER_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Texture buffer functionality not supported, skipping"
#define DRAW_BUFFERS_INDEXED_NOT_SUPPORTED "Draw buffers indexed functionality not supported, skipping"
#define VIEWPORT_ARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED "Viewport array functionality not supported, skipping"
#define DISJOINT_TIMER_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED "Disjoint timer query functionality not supported, skipping"
namespace glcts
/* Define allowed storage types */
ST_MUTABLE, /* Mutable Storage */
ST_IMMUTABLE /* Immutable Storage */
/* Extension names */
enum ExtensionName
/* Extension type */
enum ExtensionType
EXTENSIONTYPE_NONE, /* Not an extension (part of this version of OpenGL or OpenGL ES) */
EXTENSIONTYPE_EXT, /* EXT multivendor extension */
EXTENSIONTYPE_OES /* OES Khronos extension */
enum ExtensionBehavior
using deqp::Context;
struct ExtParameters
glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion;
ExtensionType extType;
ExtParameters(glu::GLSLVersion _glslVersion, ExtensionType _extType) : glslVersion(_glslVersion), extType(_extType)
* Base class for tests implementations.
class TestCaseBase : public tcu::TestCase
/* Public methods */
/* Destructor */
virtual ~TestCaseBase(void)
static const float m_epsilon_float;
LT_SHADER_OBJECT, /* Shader object */
LT_PROGRAM_OBJECT, /* Program object */
LT_PIPELINE_OBJECT /* Program pipeline object */
/* Protected type definitions */
/* Protected methods */
/* Constructor */
TestCaseBase(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParam, const char* name, const char* description);
/* Methods that a derived test case should reimplement */
virtual void deinit(void);
virtual void init(void);
virtual IterateResult iterate(void);
/* Initializes extension function pointers */
void initExtensions();
/* Initializes GLSL specialization map */
void initGLSLSpecializationMap();
/* Function that generates an extension directive */
std::string getGLSLExtDirective(ExtensionType type, ExtensionName name, ExtensionBehavior behavior);
/* Sets the seed for the random generator */
void randomSeed(const glw::GLuint seed);
/* Returns random unsigned integer from the range [0,max) */
glw::GLuint randomFormula(const glw::GLuint max);
/* Helper method for verification of pixel color */
bool comparePixel(const unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height, unsigned int pixel_size, unsigned char expected_red = 0,
unsigned char expected_green = 0, unsigned char expected_blue = 0,
unsigned char expected_alpha = 0) const;
/* Helper method for checking if an extension is supported*/
bool isExtensionSupported(const std::string& extName) const;
/* Program creation and validation helper methods */
std::string specializeShader(const unsigned int parts, const char* const* code) const;
void shaderSourceSpecialized(glw::GLuint shader_id, glw::GLsizei shader_count,
const glw::GLchar* const* shader_string);
bool buildProgram(glw::GLuint po_id, glw::GLuint sh1_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh1_body_parts,
const char* const* sh1_body_parts, bool* out_has_compilation_failed = NULL);
bool buildProgram(glw::GLuint po_id, glw::GLuint sh1_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh1_body_parts,
const char* const* sh1_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh2_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh2_body_parts,
const char* const* sh2_body_parts, bool* out_has_compilation_failed = NULL);
bool buildProgram(glw::GLuint po_id, glw::GLuint sh1_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh1_body_parts,
const char* const* sh1_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh2_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh2_body_parts,
const char* const* sh2_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh3_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh3_body_parts,
const char* const* sh3_body_parts, bool* out_has_compilation_failed = NULL);
bool buildProgram(glw::GLuint po_id, glw::GLuint sh1_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh1_body_parts,
const char* const* sh1_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh2_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh2_body_parts,
const char* const* sh2_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh3_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh3_body_parts,
const char* const* sh3_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh4_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh4_body_parts,
const char* const* sh4_body_parts, bool* out_has_compilation_failed = NULL);
bool buildProgram(glw::GLuint po_id, glw::GLuint sh1_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh1_body_parts,
const char* const* sh1_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh2_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh2_body_parts,
const char* const* sh2_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh3_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh3_body_parts,
const char* const* sh3_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh4_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh4_body_parts,
const char* const* sh4_body_parts, glw::GLuint sh5_shader_id, unsigned int n_sh5_body_parts,
const char* const* sh5_body_parts, bool* out_has_compilation_failed = NULL);
bool doesProgramBuild(unsigned int n_fs_body_parts, const char* const* fs_body_parts, unsigned int n_gs_body_parts,
const char* const* gs_body_parts, unsigned int n_vs_body_parts,
const char* const* vs_body_parts);
std::string getShaderSource(glw::GLuint shader_id);
std::string getCompilationInfoLog(glw::GLuint shader_id);
std::string getLinkingInfoLog(glw::GLuint po_id);
std::string getPipelineInfoLog(glw::GLuint ppo_id);
/* Helper method for setting up a fraembuffer with texture as color attachment */
bool setupFramebufferWithTextureAsAttachment(glw::GLuint framebuffer_object_id, glw::GLuint color_texture_id,
glw::GLenum texture_format, glw::GLuint width,
glw::GLuint height) const;
void checkFramebufferStatus(glw::GLenum framebuffer) const;
/* Protected variables */
Context& m_context;
glu::GLSLVersion m_glslVersion;
ExtensionType m_extType;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_specializationMap;
bool m_is_framebuffer_no_attachments_supported;
bool m_is_geometry_shader_extension_supported;
bool m_is_geometry_shader_point_size_supported;
bool m_is_gpu_shader5_supported;
bool m_is_program_interface_query_supported;
bool m_is_shader_image_load_store_supported;
bool m_is_shader_image_atomic_supported;
bool m_is_texture_storage_multisample_supported;
bool m_is_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array_supported;
bool m_is_tessellation_shader_supported;
bool m_is_tessellation_shader_point_size_supported;
bool m_is_texture_cube_map_array_supported;
bool m_is_texture_border_clamp_supported;
bool m_is_texture_buffer_supported;
bool m_is_viewport_array_supported;
/* Predefined shader strings */
static const char* m_boilerplate_vs_code;
/* GL tokens that are diferent for functionalities
* enabled by extensions and for functionalities that
* are present in the core. */
deqp::GLExtTokens m_glExtTokens;
/* Private functions */
bool buildProgramVA(glw::GLuint po_id, bool* out_has_compilation_failed, unsigned int sh_stages, ...);
std::string getInfoLog(LOG_TYPE log_type, glw::GLuint id);
/* Private variables */
glw::GLuint seed_value;
friend class TessellationShaderUtils;
/* Test Case Group that tracks GLSL version and extension type */
class TestCaseGroupBase : public tcu::TestCaseGroup
TestCaseGroupBase(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParam, const char* name, const char* description);
virtual ~TestCaseGroupBase(void)
Context& getContext(void)
return m_context;
Context& m_context;
ExtParameters m_extParams;
inline TestCaseGroupBase::TestCaseGroupBase(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams, const char* name,
const char* description)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup(context.getTestContext(), name, description), m_context(context), m_extParams(extParams)
} // namespace glcts