blob: 1764c85d12d38825efd236a21193ceae00c1e73d [file] [log] [blame]
[compute shader spirv]
; Tests use of private variables holding workgroup pointers and pointer comparisons.
; Two iterators are each stored in Private variables: one moves forward, one
; moves backward. In each iteration an int2 result is written that contains
; two diffs (operands swapped). Iterators are then moved forward (or backward
; respectively) one index.
OpCapability Shader
OpCapability VariablePointers
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main" %wg_var %out_var %forward_var %backward_var
OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
OpDecorate %int2_rta ArrayStride 8
OpDecorate %out_struct Block
OpMemberDecorate %out_struct 0 Offset 0
OpDecorate %out_var DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %out_var Binding 0
OpDecorate %ptr_wg_int ArrayStride 4
%void = OpTypeVoid
%bool = OpTypeBool
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%int_n1 = OpConstant %int -1
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
%int_3 = OpConstant %int 3
%int_32 = OpConstant %int 32
%int2 = OpTypeVector %int 2
%int_array_32 = OpTypeArray %int %int_32
%ptr_wg_array = OpTypePointer Workgroup %int_array_32
%wg_var = OpVariable %ptr_wg_array Workgroup
%int2_rta = OpTypeRuntimeArray %int2
%out_struct = OpTypeStruct %int2_rta
%ptr_ssbo_out_struct = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %out_struct
%out_var = OpVariable %ptr_ssbo_out_struct StorageBuffer
%ptr_wg_int = OpTypePointer Workgroup %int
%ptr_ptr = OpTypePointer Private %ptr_wg_int
%forward_var = OpVariable %ptr_ptr Private
%backward_var = OpVariable %ptr_ptr Private
%ptr_ssbo_int2 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %int2
%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
%entry = OpLabel
%first_gep = OpAccessChain %ptr_wg_int %wg_var %int_0
OpStore %forward_var %first_gep
%last_gep = OpPtrAccessChain %ptr_wg_int %first_gep %int_32
OpStore %backward_var %last_gep
OpBranch %loop
%loop = OpLabel
%i = OpPhi %int %int_0 %entry %inc_i %loop
%forward_gep = OpLoad %ptr_wg_int %forward_var
%backward_gep = OpLoad %ptr_wg_int %backward_var
%forward_next = OpPtrAccessChain %ptr_wg_int %forward_gep %int_1
%backward_next = OpPtrAccessChain %ptr_wg_int %backward_gep %int_n1
%inc_i = OpIAdd %int %i %int_1
OpStore %forward_var %forward_next
OpStore %backward_var %backward_next
%diff1 = OpPtrDiff %int %forward_gep %backward_gep
%diff2 = OpPtrDiff %int %backward_gep %forward_gep
%result = OpCompositeConstruct %int2 %diff1 %diff2
%out_gep = OpAccessChain %ptr_ssbo_int2 %out_var %int_0 %i
OpStore %out_gep %result
%cmp = OpSGreaterThan %bool %i %int_32
OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None
OpBranchConditional %cmp %exit %loop
%exit = OpLabel
ssbo 0:0 264
compute entrypoint main
compute 1 1 1
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 0 == -32 32
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 8 == -30 30
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 16 == -28 28
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 24 == -26 26
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 32 == -24 24
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 40 == -22 22
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 48 == -20 20
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 56 == -18 18
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 64 == -16 16
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 72 == -14 14
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 80 == -12 12
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 88 == -10 10
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 96 == -8 8
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 104 == -6 6
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 112 == -4 4
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 120 == -2 2
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 128 == 0 0
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 136 == 2 -2
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 144 == 4 -4
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 152 == 6 -6
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 160 == 8 -8
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 168 == 10 -10
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 176 == 12 -12
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 184 == 14 -14
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 192 == 16 -16
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 200 == 18 -18
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 208 == 20 -20
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 216 == 22 -22
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 224 == 24 -24
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 232 == 26 -26
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 240 == 28 -28
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 248 == 30 -30
probe ssbo ivec2 0:0 256 == 32 -32