blob: a43e816b59583a2a78d6aa32f6dd723bb7d1cb79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Vulkan Transform Feedback Fuzz Layout Tests
#include "vktTransformFeedbackFuzzLayoutCase.hpp"
#include "vkPrograms.hpp"
#include "gluVarType.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuSurface.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deFloat16.h"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkQueryUtil.hpp"
#include "vkTypeUtil.hpp"
#include "vkRef.hpp"
#include "vkRefUtil.hpp"
#include "vkBuilderUtil.hpp"
#include "vkCmdUtil.hpp"
#include "vkObjUtil.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace vkt
namespace TransformFeedback
using namespace vk;
typedef std::map<int, int> BufferGeneralMapping;
typedef std::pair<int, int> UsedRange;
typedef std::vector<UsedRange> UsedRangeList;
typedef std::map<int, UsedRangeList> BufferUsedRangesMap;
// VarType implementation.
VarType::VarType (void)
: m_type (TYPE_LAST)
, m_flags (0)
VarType::VarType (const VarType& other)
: m_type (TYPE_LAST)
, m_flags (0)
*this = other;
VarType::VarType (glu::DataType basicType, deUint32 flags)
: m_type (TYPE_BASIC)
, m_flags (flags)
m_data.basicType = basicType;
VarType::VarType (const VarType& elementType, int arraySize)
: m_type (TYPE_ARRAY)
, m_flags (0)
m_data.array.size = arraySize;
m_data.array.elementType = new VarType(elementType);
VarType::VarType (const StructType* structPtr, deUint32 flags)
: m_type (TYPE_STRUCT)
, m_flags (flags)
m_data.structPtr = structPtr;
VarType::~VarType (void)
if (m_type == TYPE_ARRAY)
delete m_data.array.elementType;
VarType& VarType::operator= (const VarType& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this; // Self-assignment.
VarType *oldElementType = m_type == TYPE_ARRAY ? m_data.array.elementType : DE_NULL;
m_type = other.m_type;
m_flags = other.m_flags;
m_data = Data();
if (m_type == TYPE_ARRAY)
m_data.array.elementType = new VarType(*other.m_data.array.elementType);
m_data.array.size = other.m_data.array.size;
m_data = other.m_data;
delete oldElementType;
return *this;
// StructType implementation.
void StructType::addMember (const std::string& name, const VarType& type, deUint32 flags)
m_members.push_back(StructMember(name, type, flags));
// InterfaceBlockMember implementation.
InterfaceBlockMember::InterfaceBlockMember (const std::string& name, const VarType& type, deUint32 flags)
: m_name (name)
, m_type (type)
, m_flags (flags)
// InterfaceBlock implementation.
InterfaceBlock::InterfaceBlock (const std::string& blockName)
: m_blockName (blockName)
, m_xfbBuffer (0)
, m_arraySize (0)
, m_flags (0)
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const BlockLayoutEntry& entry)
stream << << " { name = " <<
<< ", buffer = " << entry.xfbBuffer
<< ", offset = " << entry.xfbOffset
<< ", size = " << entry.xfbSize
<< ", blockDeclarationNdx = " << entry.blockDeclarationNdx
<< ", instanceNdx = " << entry.instanceNdx
<< ", activeInterfaceIndices = [";
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = entry.activeInterfaceIndices.begin(); i != entry.activeInterfaceIndices.end(); i++)
if (i != entry.activeInterfaceIndices.begin())
stream << ", ";
stream << *i;
stream << "] }";
return stream;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry)
stream << << " { type = " << glu::getDataTypeName(entry.type)
<< ", arraySize = " << entry.arraySize
<< ", blockNdx = " << entry.blockLayoutNdx
<< ", offset = " << entry.offset
<< ", arrayStride = " << entry.arrayStride
<< ", matrixStride = " << entry.matrixStride
<< " }";
return stream;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const InterfaceLayout& layout)
const int numBlocks = (int)layout.blocks.size();
str << "Blocks:" << std::endl;
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
str << layout.blocks[blockNdx] << std::endl;
str << std::endl;
str << "Interfaces:" << std::endl;
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
int numEntries = (int)layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices.size();
for (int entryNdx = 0; entryNdx < numEntries; entryNdx++)
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry = layout.interfaces[layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices[entryNdx]];
str << blockNdx << ":" << entryNdx << " " << entry << std::endl;
str << std::endl;
return str;
int InterfaceLayout::getInterfaceLayoutIndex (int blockNdx, const std::string& name) const
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)interfaces.size(); ndx++)
if (blocks[interfaces[ndx].blockLayoutNdx].blockDeclarationNdx == blockNdx && interfaces[ndx].name == name)
return ndx;
return -1;
int InterfaceLayout::getBlockLayoutIndex (int blockNdx, int instanceNdx) const
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)blocks.size(); ndx++)
if (blocks[ndx].blockDeclarationNdx == blockNdx && blocks[ndx].instanceNdx == instanceNdx)
return ndx;
return -1;
// ShaderInterface implementation.
ShaderInterface::ShaderInterface (void)
ShaderInterface::~ShaderInterface (void)
StructType& ShaderInterface::allocStruct (const std::string& name)
m_structs.push_back(StructTypeSP(new StructType(name)));
return *m_structs.back();
struct StructNameEquals
std::string name;
StructNameEquals (const std::string& name_) : name(name_) {}
bool operator() (const StructTypeSP type) const
return type->hasTypeName() && name == type->getTypeName();
void ShaderInterface::getNamedStructs (std::vector<const StructType*>& structs) const
for (std::vector<StructTypeSP>::const_iterator i = m_structs.begin(); i != m_structs.end(); i++)
if ((*i)->hasTypeName())
InterfaceBlock& ShaderInterface::allocBlock (const std::string& name)
m_interfaceBlocks.push_back(InterfaceBlockSP(new InterfaceBlock(name)));
return *m_interfaceBlocks.back();
namespace // Utilities
struct PrecisionFlagsFmt
deUint32 flags;
PrecisionFlagsFmt (deUint32 flags_) : flags(flags_) {}
void dumpBytes (std::ostream& str, const std::string& msg, const void* dataBytes, size_t size, const void* dataMask = DE_NULL)
const deUint8* data = (const deUint8*)dataBytes;
const deUint8* mask = (const deUint8*)dataMask;
std::ios::fmtflags flags;
str << msg;
flags = str.flags ( std::ios::hex | std::ios::uppercase );
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (i%16 == 0) str << std::endl << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << i << ":";
else if (i%8 == 0) str << " ";
else if (i%4 == 0) str << " ";
str << " " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2);
if (mask == DE_NULL || mask[i] != 0)
str << (deUint32)data[i];
str << "__";
str << std::endl << std::endl;
str.flags ( flags );
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const PrecisionFlagsFmt& fmt)
// Precision.
str << (fmt.flags & PRECISION_LOW ? "lowp" :
fmt.flags & PRECISION_MEDIUM ? "mediump" :
fmt.flags & PRECISION_HIGH ? "highp" : "");
return str;
struct LayoutFlagsFmt
deUint32 flags;
deUint32 buffer;
deUint32 stride;
deUint32 offset;
LayoutFlagsFmt (const deUint32 flags_,
const deUint32 buffer_,
const deUint32 stride_,
const deUint32 offset_)
: flags (flags_)
, buffer (buffer_)
, stride (stride_)
, offset (offset_)
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const LayoutFlagsFmt& fmt)
static const struct
deUint32 bit;
const char* token;
} bitDesc[] =
{ LAYOUT_XFBBUFFER, "xfb_buffer" },
{ LAYOUT_XFBOFFSET, "xfb_offset" },
{ LAYOUT_XFBSTRIDE, "xfb_stride" },
deUint32 remBits = fmt.flags;
for (int descNdx = 0; descNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(bitDesc); descNdx++)
if (remBits & bitDesc[descNdx].bit)
str << bitDesc[descNdx].token;
if (bitDesc[descNdx].bit == LAYOUT_XFBBUFFER) str << " = " << fmt.buffer;
if (bitDesc[descNdx].bit == LAYOUT_XFBOFFSET) str << " = " << fmt.offset;
if (bitDesc[descNdx].bit == LAYOUT_XFBSTRIDE) str << " = " << fmt.stride;
remBits &= ~bitDesc[descNdx].bit;
if (remBits != 0)
str << ", ";
DE_ASSERT(remBits == 0);
return str;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const DeviceSizeVector& vec)
str << " [";
for (size_t vecNdx = 0; vecNdx < vec.size(); vecNdx++)
str << (deUint64)vec[vecNdx] << (vecNdx + 1 < vec.size() ? ", " : "]");
return str;
// Layout computation.
int getDataTypeByteSize (glu::DataType type)
if (getDataTypeScalarType(type) == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE)
return glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type)*(int)sizeof(deUint64);
return glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type)*(int)sizeof(deUint32);
int getDataTypeArrayStride (glu::DataType type)
return getDataTypeByteSize(type);
int getDataTypeArrayStrideForLocation (glu::DataType type)
const int baseStride = getDataTypeByteSize(type);
const int vec4Alignment = (int)sizeof(deUint32) * 4;
return deAlign32(baseStride, vec4Alignment);
int computeInterfaceBlockMemberAlignment (const VarType& type)
if (type.isBasicType())
glu::DataType basicType = type.getBasicType();
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(basicType) || isDataTypeVector(basicType))
basicType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(basicType);
switch (basicType)
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT:
case glu::TYPE_INT:
case glu::TYPE_UINT: return sizeof(deUint32);
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE: return sizeof(deUint64);
default: TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Invalid type");
else if (type.isArrayType())
return computeInterfaceBlockMemberAlignment(type.getElementType());
else if (type.isStructType())
int maxAlignment = 0;
for (StructType::ConstIterator memberIter = type.getStruct().begin(); memberIter != type.getStruct().end(); memberIter++)
maxAlignment = de::max(maxAlignment, computeInterfaceBlockMemberAlignment(memberIter->getType()));
return maxAlignment;
TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Invalid type");
void createMask (void* maskBasePtr, const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry, const void* basePtr0, const void* basePtr)
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(entry.type);
const bool isMatrix = glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type);
const int numVecs = isMatrix ? glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(entry.type) : 1;
const int vecSize = scalarSize / numVecs;
const bool isArray = entry.arraySize > 1;
const size_t compSize = getDataTypeByteSize(scalarType);
DE_ASSERT(scalarSize%numVecs == 0);
for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < entry.arraySize; elemNdx++)
deUint8* elemPtr = (deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset + (isArray ? elemNdx*entry.arrayStride : 0);
for (int vecNdx = 0; vecNdx < numVecs; vecNdx++)
deUint8* vecPtr = elemPtr + (isMatrix ? vecNdx*entry.matrixStride : 0);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < vecSize; compNdx++)
const deUint8* compPtr = vecPtr + compSize*compNdx;
const size_t offset = compPtr - (deUint8*)basePtr0;
deUint8* maskPtr = (deUint8*)maskBasePtr + offset;
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE:
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT:
case glu::TYPE_INT:
case glu::TYPE_UINT:
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < compSize; ++ndx)
std::vector<deUint8> createMask (const InterfaceLayout& layout, const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers, const void* basePtr0, const size_t baseSize)
std::vector<deUint8> mask (baseSize, 0);
const int numBlocks ((int)layout.blocks.size());
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
void* basePtr = blockPointers.find(blockNdx)->second;
int numEntries = (int)layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices.size();
for (int entryNdx = 0; entryNdx < numEntries; entryNdx++)
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry = layout.interfaces[layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices[entryNdx]];
if (entry.validate)
createMask (&mask[0], entry, basePtr0, basePtr);
return mask;
int computeInterfaceBlockAlignment(const InterfaceBlock& interfaceBlock)
int baseAlignment = 0;
for (InterfaceBlock::ConstIterator memberIter = interfaceBlock.begin(); memberIter != interfaceBlock.end(); memberIter++)
const InterfaceBlockMember& member = *memberIter;
baseAlignment = std::max(baseAlignment, computeInterfaceBlockMemberAlignment(member.getType()));
return baseAlignment;
static inline bool isOverlaped(const int a1, const int b1, const int a2, const int b2)
DE_ASSERT(b1 > 0 && b2 > 0);
const int b1s = b1 - 1;
const int b2s = b2 - 1;
return deInRange32(a1, a2, b2s) ||
deInRange32(b1s, a2, b2s) ||
deInRange32(a2, a1, b1s) ||
deInRange32(b2s, a1, b1s);
void computeXfbLayout (InterfaceLayout& layout, int& curOffset, int& curLocation, int curBlockNdx, const std::string& curPrefix, const VarType& type, deUint32 layoutFlags)
const int locationAlignSize = 16;
const bool validate = 0 == (layoutFlags & (FIELD_MISSING|FIELD_UNASSIGNED));
int baseAlignment = computeInterfaceBlockMemberAlignment(type);
DE_ASSERT(baseAlignment == sizeof(deUint32) || baseAlignment == sizeof(deUint64));
curOffset = deAlign32(curOffset, baseAlignment);
if (type.isBasicType())
const glu::DataType basicType = type.getBasicType();
int fieldSize = 0;
int fieldSizeForLocation = 0;
InterfaceLayoutEntry entry; = curPrefix;
entry.type = basicType;
entry.arraySize = 1;
entry.arrayStride = 0;
entry.matrixStride = 0;
entry.blockLayoutNdx = curBlockNdx;
entry.locationNdx = 0;
entry.validate = validate;
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(basicType))
// Array of vectors
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumRows(basicType);
const int numVecs = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(basicType);
const glu::DataType elemType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(basicType);
const int stride = getDataTypeArrayStride(glu::getDataTypeVector(elemType, vecSize));
const int strideForLocation = getDataTypeArrayStrideForLocation(glu::getDataTypeVector(elemType, vecSize));
entry.matrixStride = stride;
fieldSize = numVecs * stride;
fieldSizeForLocation = numVecs * strideForLocation;
// Scalar or vector.
fieldSize = getDataTypeByteSize(basicType);
fieldSizeForLocation = deAlign32(fieldSize, locationAlignSize);
entry.offset = curOffset;
entry.locationNdx = curLocation;
curOffset += fieldSize;
curLocation += deDivRoundUp32(fieldSizeForLocation, locationAlignSize);
else if (type.isArrayType())
const VarType& elemType = type.getElementType();
if (elemType.isBasicType() && !glu::isDataTypeMatrix(elemType.getBasicType()))
// Array of scalars or vectors.
const glu::DataType elemBasicType = elemType.getBasicType();
const int stride = getDataTypeArrayStride(elemBasicType);
const int fieldSize = stride * type.getArraySize();
const int strideForLocation = getDataTypeArrayStrideForLocation(elemBasicType);
const int fieldSizeForLocation = strideForLocation * type.getArraySize();
InterfaceLayoutEntry entry; = curPrefix + "[0]"; // Array interfaces are always postfixed with [0]
entry.type = elemBasicType;
entry.blockLayoutNdx = curBlockNdx;
entry.offset = curOffset;
entry.arraySize = type.getArraySize();
entry.arrayStride = stride;
entry.matrixStride = 0;
entry.locationNdx = curLocation;
entry.validate = validate;
curOffset += fieldSize;
curLocation += deDivRoundUp32(fieldSizeForLocation, locationAlignSize);
else if (elemType.isBasicType() && glu::isDataTypeMatrix(elemType.getBasicType()))
// Array of matrices.
const glu::DataType elemBasicType = elemType.getBasicType();
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(elemBasicType);
const int vecSize = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumRows(elemBasicType);
const int numVecs = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(elemBasicType);
const int stride = getDataTypeArrayStride(glu::getDataTypeVector(scalarType, vecSize));
const int fieldSize = numVecs * type.getArraySize() * stride;
const int strideForLocation = getDataTypeArrayStrideForLocation(glu::getDataTypeVector(scalarType, vecSize));
const int fieldSizeForLocation = numVecs * type.getArraySize() * strideForLocation;
InterfaceLayoutEntry entry; = curPrefix + "[0]"; // Array interfaces are always postfixed with [0]
entry.type = elemBasicType;
entry.blockLayoutNdx = curBlockNdx;
entry.offset = curOffset;
entry.arraySize = type.getArraySize();
entry.arrayStride = stride*numVecs;
entry.matrixStride = stride;
entry.locationNdx = curLocation;
entry.validate = validate;
curOffset += fieldSize;
curLocation += deDivRoundUp32(fieldSizeForLocation, locationAlignSize);
DE_ASSERT(elemType.isStructType() || elemType.isArrayType());
for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < type.getArraySize(); elemNdx++)
computeXfbLayout(layout, curOffset, curLocation, curBlockNdx, curPrefix + "[" + de::toString(elemNdx) + "]", type.getElementType(), layoutFlags);
for (StructType::ConstIterator memberIter = type.getStruct().begin(); memberIter != type.getStruct().end(); memberIter++)
computeXfbLayout(layout, curOffset, curLocation, curBlockNdx, curPrefix + "." + memberIter->getName(), memberIter->getType(), (memberIter->getFlags() | layoutFlags) & FIELD_OPTIONS);
curOffset = deAlign32(curOffset, baseAlignment);
void computeXfbLayout (InterfaceLayout& layout, ShaderInterface& shaderInterface, BufferGeneralMapping& perBufferXfbOffsets, deUint32& locationsUsed)
const int numInterfaceBlocks = shaderInterface.getNumInterfaceBlocks();
int curLocation = 0;
BufferGeneralMapping bufferAlignments;
BufferGeneralMapping buffersList;
BufferGeneralMapping bufferStrideGroup;
BufferUsedRangesMap bufferUsedRanges;
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numInterfaceBlocks; blockNdx++)
const InterfaceBlock& interfaceBlock = shaderInterface.getInterfaceBlock(blockNdx);
const int xfbBuffer = interfaceBlock.getXfbBuffer();
buffersList[xfbBuffer] = 1;
bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer] = xfbBuffer;
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = buffersList.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != buffersList.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBufferAnalyzed = xfbBuffersIter->first;
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numInterfaceBlocks; blockNdx++)
InterfaceBlock& interfaceBlock = shaderInterface.getInterfaceBlockForModify(blockNdx);
if (interfaceBlock.getXfbBuffer() == xfbBufferAnalyzed)
const bool hasInstanceName = interfaceBlock.hasInstanceName();
const std::string blockPrefix = hasInstanceName ? (interfaceBlock.getBlockName() + ".") : "";
const int numInstances = interfaceBlock.isArray() ? interfaceBlock.getArraySize() : 1;
int activeBlockNdx = (int)layout.blocks.size();
int startInterfaceNdx = (int)layout.interfaces.size();
int startLocationNdx = (int)curLocation;
int interfaceAlignement = computeInterfaceBlockAlignment(interfaceBlock);
int curOffset = 0;
int blockSize = 0;
const int xfbFirstInstanceBuffer = interfaceBlock.getXfbBuffer();
int& xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset = perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbFirstInstanceBuffer];
const int savedLayoutInterfacesNdx = (int)layout.interfaces.size();
const int savedCurOffset = curOffset;
const int savedCurLocation = curLocation;
UsedRangeList& usedRanges = bufferUsedRanges[xfbFirstInstanceBuffer];
bool fitIntoBuffer = true;
// GLSL 4.60
// Further, if applied to an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8,
// and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8.
xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset = deAlign32(xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset, interfaceAlignement);
for (InterfaceBlock::ConstIterator memberIter = interfaceBlock.begin(); memberIter != interfaceBlock.end(); memberIter++)
const InterfaceBlockMember& member = *memberIter;
computeXfbLayout(layout, curOffset, curLocation, activeBlockNdx, blockPrefix + member.getName(), member.getType(), member.getFlags() & FIELD_OPTIONS);
// GLSL 4.60
// Further, if applied to an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8,
// and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8.
blockSize = deAlign32(curOffset, interfaceAlignement);
// Overlapping check
for (UsedRangeList::const_iterator usedRangeIt = usedRanges.begin();
usedRangeIt != usedRanges.end();
const int& usedRangeStart = usedRangeIt->first;
const int& usedRangeEnd = usedRangeIt->second;
const int genRangeStart = xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset;
const int genRangeEnd = xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset + blockSize;
// Validate if block has overlapping
if (isOverlaped(genRangeStart, genRangeEnd, usedRangeStart, usedRangeEnd))
// Restart from obstacle interface end
fitIntoBuffer = false;
DE_ASSERT(xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset > usedRangeEnd);
// Bump up interface start to the end of used range
xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset = usedRangeEnd;
// Undo allocation
curOffset = savedCurOffset;
curLocation = savedCurLocation;
if (fitIntoBuffer)
} while (true);
const int xfbFirstInstanceBuffer = interfaceBlock.getXfbBuffer();
const int xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset = perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbFirstInstanceBuffer];
const int endInterfaceNdx = (int)layout.interfaces.size();
const int blockSizeInLocations = curLocation - startLocationNdx;
curLocation -= blockSizeInLocations;
if (numInstances > 1)
// Create block layout entries for each instance.
for (int instanceNdx = 0; instanceNdx < numInstances; instanceNdx++)
// Allocate entry for instance.
BlockLayoutEntry& blockEntry = layout.blocks.back();
const int xfbBuffer = xfbFirstInstanceBuffer + instanceNdx;
int& xfbBufferOffset = perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbBuffer];
DE_ASSERT(xfbBufferOffset <= xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset);
xfbBufferOffset = xfbFirstInstanceBufferOffset; = interfaceBlock.getBlockName();
blockEntry.xfbBuffer = xfbBuffer;
blockEntry.xfbOffset = xfbBufferOffset;
blockEntry.xfbSize = blockSize;
blockEntry.blockDeclarationNdx = blockNdx;
blockEntry.instanceNdx = instanceNdx;
blockEntry.locationNdx = curLocation;
blockEntry.locationSize = blockSizeInLocations;
xfbBufferOffset += blockSize;
curLocation += blockSizeInLocations;
// Compute active interface set for block.
for (int interfaceNdx = startInterfaceNdx; interfaceNdx < endInterfaceNdx; interfaceNdx++)
if (interfaceBlock.isArray()) += "[" + de::toString(instanceNdx) + "]";
bufferUsedRanges[xfbBuffer].push_back(UsedRange(blockEntry.xfbOffset, blockEntry.xfbOffset + blockEntry.xfbSize));
// Store maximum per-buffer alignment
bufferAlignments[xfbBuffer] = std::max(interfaceAlignement, bufferAlignments[xfbBuffer]);
// Buffers bound through instanced arrays must have same stride (and alignment)
bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer] = bufferStrideGroup[xfbFirstInstanceBuffer];
// All XFB buffers within group must have same stride
BufferGeneralMapping groupStride;
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = perBufferXfbOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != perBufferXfbOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBuffer = xfbBuffersIter->first;
const int xfbStride = perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbBuffer];
const int group = bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer];
groupStride[group] = std::max(groupStride[group], xfbStride);
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = perBufferXfbOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != perBufferXfbOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBuffer = xfbBuffersIter->first;
const int group = bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer];
perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbBuffer] = groupStride[group];
// All XFB buffers within group must have same stride alignment
BufferGeneralMapping groupAlignment;
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = perBufferXfbOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != perBufferXfbOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBuffer = xfbBuffersIter->first;
const int group = bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer];
const int xfbAlign = bufferAlignments[xfbBuffer];
groupAlignment[group] = std::max(groupAlignment[group], xfbAlign);
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = perBufferXfbOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != perBufferXfbOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBuffer = xfbBuffersIter->first;
const int group = bufferStrideGroup[xfbBuffer];
bufferAlignments[xfbBuffer] = groupAlignment[group];
// GLSL 4.60
// If the buffer is capturing any outputs with double-precision components, the stride must be a multiple of 8, ...
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = perBufferXfbOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != perBufferXfbOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
const int xfbBuffer = xfbBuffersIter->first;
const int xfbAlign = bufferAlignments[xfbBuffer];
int& xfbOffset = perBufferXfbOffsets[xfbBuffer];
xfbOffset = deAlign32(xfbOffset, xfbAlign);
// Keep stride in interface blocks
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < (int)layout.blocks.size(); blockNdx++)
layout.blocks[blockNdx].xfbStride = perBufferXfbOffsets[layout.blocks[blockNdx].xfbBuffer];
locationsUsed = static_cast<deUint32>(curLocation);
// Value generator.
void generateValue (const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry, void* basePtr, de::Random& rnd)
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(entry.type);
const bool isMatrix = glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type);
const int numVecs = isMatrix ? glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(entry.type) : 1;
const int vecSize = scalarSize / numVecs;
const bool isArray = entry.arraySize > 1;
const size_t compSize = getDataTypeByteSize(scalarType);
DE_ASSERT(scalarSize%numVecs == 0);
for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < entry.arraySize; elemNdx++)
deUint8* elemPtr = (deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset + (isArray ? elemNdx*entry.arrayStride : 0);
for (int vecNdx = 0; vecNdx < numVecs; vecNdx++)
deUint8* vecPtr = elemPtr + (isMatrix ? vecNdx*entry.matrixStride : 0);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < vecSize; compNdx++)
deUint8* compPtr = vecPtr + compSize*compNdx;
const int sign = rnd.getBool() ? +1 : -1;
const int value = rnd.getInt(1, 127);
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE: *((double*)compPtr) = (double) (sign * value); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT: *((float*)compPtr) = (float) (sign * value); break;
case glu::TYPE_INT: *((deInt32*)compPtr) = (deInt32) (sign * value); break;
case glu::TYPE_UINT: *((deUint32*)compPtr) = (deUint32)( value); break;
void generateValues (const InterfaceLayout& layout, const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers, deUint32 seed)
de::Random rnd (seed);
int numBlocks = (int)layout.blocks.size();
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
void* basePtr = blockPointers.find(blockNdx)->second;
int numEntries = (int)layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices.size();
for (int entryNdx = 0; entryNdx < numEntries; entryNdx++)
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry = layout.interfaces[layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices[entryNdx]];
if (entry.validate)
generateValue(entry, basePtr, rnd);
// Shader generator.
struct Indent
int level;
Indent (int level_) : level(level_) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const Indent& indent)
for (int i = 0; i < indent.level; i++)
str << "\t";
return str;
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const VarType& type, const std::string& name, int indentLevel, deUint32 unusedHints, deUint32 flagsMask, deUint32 buffer, deUint32 stride, deUint32 offset);
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const InterfaceBlockMember& member, int indentLevel, deUint32 buffer, deUint32 stride, deUint32 offset);
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int indentLevel);
void generateLocalDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int indentLevel);
void generateFullDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int indentLevel);
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int indentLevel)
generateFullDeclaration(src, structType, indentLevel);
src << ";\n";
void generateFullDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int indentLevel)
src << "struct";
if (structType.hasTypeName())
src << " " << structType.getTypeName();
src << "\n" << Indent(indentLevel) << "{\n";
for (StructType::ConstIterator memberIter = structType.begin(); memberIter != structType.end(); memberIter++)
src << Indent(indentLevel + 1);
generateDeclaration(src, memberIter->getType(), memberIter->getName(), indentLevel + 1, memberIter->getFlags() & FIELD_OPTIONS, ~LAYOUT_MASK, 0u, 0u, 0u);
src << Indent(indentLevel) << "}";
void generateLocalDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const StructType& structType, int /* indentLevel */)
src << structType.getTypeName();
void generateLayoutAndPrecisionDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, deUint32 flags, deUint32 buffer, deUint32 stride, deUint32 offset)
if ((flags & LAYOUT_MASK) != 0)
src << "layout(" << LayoutFlagsFmt(flags & LAYOUT_MASK, buffer, stride, offset) << ") ";
if ((flags & PRECISION_MASK) != 0)
src << PrecisionFlagsFmt(flags & PRECISION_MASK) << " ";
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const VarType& type, const std::string& name, int indentLevel, deUint32 fieldHints, deUint32 flagsMask, deUint32 buffer, deUint32 stride, deUint32 offset)
if (fieldHints & FIELD_MISSING)
src << "// ";
generateLayoutAndPrecisionDeclaration(src, type.getFlags() & flagsMask, buffer, stride, offset);
if (type.isBasicType())
src << glu::getDataTypeName(type.getBasicType()) << " " << name;
else if (type.isArrayType())
std::vector<int> arraySizes;
const VarType* curType = &type;
while (curType->isArrayType())
curType = &curType->getElementType();
generateLayoutAndPrecisionDeclaration(src, curType->getFlags() & flagsMask, buffer, stride, offset);
if (curType->isBasicType())
src << glu::getDataTypeName(curType->getBasicType());
generateLocalDeclaration(src, curType->getStruct(), indentLevel+1);
src << " " << name;
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator sizeIter = arraySizes.begin(); sizeIter != arraySizes.end(); sizeIter++)
src << "[" << *sizeIter << "]";
generateLocalDeclaration(src, type.getStruct(), indentLevel+1);
src << " " << name;
src << ";";
// Print out unused hints.
if (fieldHints & FIELD_MISSING)
src << " // missing field";
else if (fieldHints & FIELD_UNASSIGNED)
src << " // unassigned";
src << "\n";
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, const InterfaceBlockMember& member, int indentLevel, deUint32 buffer, deUint32 stride, deUint32 offset)
if ((member.getFlags() & LAYOUT_MASK) != 0)
src << "layout(" << LayoutFlagsFmt(member.getFlags() & LAYOUT_MASK, buffer, stride, offset) << ") ";
generateDeclaration(src, member.getType(), member.getName(), indentLevel, member.getFlags() & FIELD_OPTIONS, ~0u, buffer, stride, offset);
deUint32 getBlockMemberOffset (int blockNdx, const InterfaceBlock& block, const InterfaceBlockMember& member, const InterfaceLayout& layout)
std::ostringstream name;
const VarType* curType = &member.getType();
if (block.getInstanceName().length() != 0)
name << block.getBlockName() << "."; // \note InterfaceLayoutEntry uses block name rather than instance name
name << member.getName();
while (!curType->isBasicType())
if (curType->isArrayType())
name << "[0]";
curType = &curType->getElementType();
if (curType->isStructType())
const StructType::ConstIterator firstMember = curType->getStruct().begin();
name << "." << firstMember->getName();
curType = &firstMember->getType();
const int interfaceLayoutNdx = layout.getInterfaceLayoutIndex(blockNdx, name.str());
DE_ASSERT(interfaceLayoutNdx >= 0);
return layout.interfaces[interfaceLayoutNdx].offset;
template<typename T>
void semiShuffle (std::vector<T>& v)
const std::vector<T> src = v;
int i = -1;
int n = static_cast<int>(src.size());
while (n)
i += n;
n = (n > 0 ? 1 - n : -1 - n);
template<typename T>
//! \note Stores pointers to original elements
class Traverser
template<typename Iter>
Traverser (const Iter beg, const Iter end, const bool shuffled)
for (Iter it = beg; it != end; ++it)
if (shuffled)
m_next = m_elements.begin();
T* next (void)
if (m_next != m_elements.end())
return *m_next++;
return DE_NULL;
typename std::vector<T*> m_elements;
typename std::vector<T*>::const_iterator m_next;
void generateDeclaration (std::ostringstream& src, int blockNdx, const InterfaceBlock& block, const InterfaceLayout& layout, bool shuffleUniformMembers)
const int indentOne = 1;
const int ndx = layout.getBlockLayoutIndex(blockNdx, 0);
const int locationNdx = layout.blocks[ndx].locationNdx;
const int xfbOffset = layout.blocks[ndx].xfbOffset;
const int xfbBuffer = layout.blocks[ndx].xfbBuffer;
const int xfbStride = layout.blocks[ndx].xfbStride;
src << "layout(";
src << "location = " << locationNdx;
if ((block.getFlags() & LAYOUT_MASK) != 0)
src << ", " << LayoutFlagsFmt(block.getFlags() & LAYOUT_MASK, xfbBuffer, xfbStride, xfbOffset);
src << ") out " << block.getBlockName();
src << " //"
<< " sizeInBytes=" << layout.blocks[ndx].xfbSize
<< " sizeInLocations=" << layout.blocks[ndx].locationSize;
src << "\n{\n";
Traverser<const InterfaceBlockMember> interfaces(block.begin(), block.end(), shuffleUniformMembers);
while (const InterfaceBlockMember* pUniform =
src << Indent(indentOne);
generateDeclaration(src, *pUniform, indentOne, xfbBuffer, xfbStride, xfbOffset + getBlockMemberOffset(blockNdx, block, *pUniform, layout));
src << "}";
if (block.hasInstanceName())
src << " " << block.getInstanceName();
if (block.isArray())
src << "[" << block.getArraySize() << "]";
src << ";\n";
int generateValueSrc (std::ostringstream& src, const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry, const void* basePtr, int elementNdx)
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(entry.type);
const bool isArray = entry.arraySize > 1;
const deUint8* elemPtr = (const deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset + (isArray ? elementNdx * entry.arrayStride : 0);
const size_t compSize = getDataTypeByteSize(scalarType);
if (scalarSize > 1)
src << glu::getDataTypeName(entry.type) << "(";
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type))
const int numRows = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumRows(entry.type);
const int numCols = glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(entry.type);
DE_ASSERT(scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT || scalarType == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE);
// Constructed in column-wise order.
for (int colNdx = 0; colNdx < numCols; colNdx++)
for (int rowNdx = 0; rowNdx < numRows; rowNdx++)
const deUint8* compPtr = elemPtr + (colNdx * entry.matrixStride + rowNdx * compSize);
const float compVal = (scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT) ? *((const float*)compPtr)
: (scalarType == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE) ? (float)*((const double*)compPtr)
: 0.0f;
if (colNdx > 0 || rowNdx > 0)
src << ", ";
src << de::floatToString(compVal, 1);
for (int scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++)
const deUint8* compPtr = elemPtr + scalarNdx * compSize;
if (scalarNdx > 0)
src << ", ";
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE: src << de::floatToString((float)(*((const double*)compPtr)), 1); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT: src << de::floatToString(*((const float*)compPtr), 1) << "f"; break;
case glu::TYPE_INT: src << *((const int*)compPtr); break;
case glu::TYPE_UINT: src << *((const deUint32*)compPtr) << "u"; break;
default: DE_ASSERT(false && "Invalid type"); break;
if (scalarSize > 1)
src << ")";
return static_cast<int>(elemPtr - static_cast<const deUint8*>(basePtr));
void writeMatrixTypeSrc (int columnCount,
int rowCount,
std::string type,
std::ostringstream& src,
const std::string& srcName,
const void* basePtr,
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry,
bool vector)
if (vector) // generateTestSrcMatrixPerVec
for (int colNdx = 0; colNdx < columnCount; colNdx++)
src << "\t" << srcName << "[" << colNdx << "] = ";
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type))
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(entry.type);
const deUint8* compPtr = (const deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset;
if (scalarSize > 1)
src << type << "(";
for (int rowNdx = 0; rowNdx < rowCount; rowNdx++)
const float compVal = (scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT) ? *((const float*)compPtr)
: (scalarType == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE) ? (float)*((const double*)compPtr)
: 0.0f;
src << de::floatToString(compVal, 1);
if (rowNdx < rowCount-1)
src << ", ";
src << ");\n";
generateValueSrc(src, entry, basePtr, 0);
src << "[" << colNdx << "];\n";
else // generateTestSrcMatrixPerElement
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
for (int colNdx = 0; colNdx < columnCount; colNdx++)
for (int rowNdx = 0; rowNdx < rowCount; rowNdx++)
src << "\t" << srcName << "[" << colNdx << "][" << rowNdx << "] = ";
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type))
const deUint8* elemPtr = (const deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset;
const size_t compSize = getDataTypeByteSize(scalarType);
const deUint8* compPtr = elemPtr + (colNdx * entry.matrixStride + rowNdx * compSize);
const float compVal = (scalarType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT) ? *((const float*)compPtr)
: (scalarType == glu::TYPE_DOUBLE) ? (float)*((const double*)compPtr)
: 0.0f;
src << de::floatToString(compVal, 1) << ";\n";
generateValueSrc(src, entry, basePtr, 0);
src << "[" << colNdx << "][" << rowNdx << "];\n";
void generateTestSrcMatrixPerVec (std::ostringstream& src,
glu::DataType elementType,
const std::string& srcName,
const void* basePtr,
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry)
switch (elementType)
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 2, "vec2", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2X3: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 3, "vec3", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2X4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 4, "vec4", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3X4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(3, 4, "vec4", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 4, "vec4", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4X2: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 2, "vec2", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4X3: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 3, "vec3", src, srcName, basePtr, entry, true); break;
default: DE_ASSERT(false && "Invalid type"); break;
void generateTestSrcMatrixPerElement (std::ostringstream& src,
glu::DataType elementType,
const std::string& srcName,
const void* basePtr,
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry)
std::string type = "float";
switch (elementType)
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 2, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2X3: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 3, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2X4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(2, 4, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3X4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(3, 4, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 4, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4X2: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 2, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4X3: writeMatrixTypeSrc(4, 3, type, src, srcName, basePtr, entry, false); break;
default: DE_ASSERT(false && "Invalid type"); break;
void generateSingleAssignment (std::ostringstream& src,
glu::DataType elementType,
const std::string& srcName,
const void* basePtr,
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry,
MatrixLoadFlags matrixLoadFlag)
if (matrixLoadFlag == LOAD_FULL_MATRIX)
src << "\t" << srcName << " = ";
generateValueSrc(src, entry, basePtr, 0);
src << ";\n";
if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(elementType))
generateTestSrcMatrixPerVec (src, elementType, srcName, basePtr, entry);
generateTestSrcMatrixPerElement (src, elementType, srcName, basePtr, entry);
void generateAssignment (std::ostringstream& src,
const InterfaceLayout& layout,
const VarType& type,
const std::string& srcName,
const std::string& apiName,
int blockNdx,
const void* basePtr,
MatrixLoadFlags matrixLoadFlag)
if (type.isBasicType() || (type.isArrayType() && type.getElementType().isBasicType()))
// Basic type or array of basic types.
bool isArray = type.isArrayType();
glu::DataType elementType = isArray ? type.getElementType().getBasicType() : type.getBasicType();
std::string fullApiName = std::string(apiName) + (isArray ? "[0]" : ""); // Arrays are always postfixed with [0]
int interfaceLayoutNdx = layout.getInterfaceLayoutIndex(blockNdx, fullApiName);
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry = layout.interfaces[interfaceLayoutNdx];
if (isArray)
for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < type.getArraySize(); elemNdx++)
src << "\t" << srcName << "[" << elemNdx << "] = ";
generateValueSrc(src, entry, basePtr, elemNdx);
src << ";\n";
generateSingleAssignment(src, elementType, srcName, basePtr, entry, matrixLoadFlag);
else if (type.isArrayType())
const VarType& elementType = type.getElementType();
for (int elementNdx = 0; elementNdx < type.getArraySize(); elementNdx++)
const std::string op = std::string("[") + de::toString(elementNdx) + "]";
const std::string elementSrcName = std::string(srcName) + op;
const std::string elementApiName = std::string(apiName) + op;
generateAssignment(src, layout, elementType, elementSrcName, elementApiName, blockNdx, basePtr, LOAD_FULL_MATRIX);
for (StructType::ConstIterator memberIter = type.getStruct().begin(); memberIter != type.getStruct().end(); memberIter++)
const StructMember& member = *memberIter;
const std::string op = std::string(".") + member.getName();
const std::string memberSrcName = std::string(srcName) + op;
const std::string memberApiName = std::string(apiName) + op;
if (0 == (member.getFlags() & (FIELD_UNASSIGNED | FIELD_MISSING)))
generateAssignment(src, layout, memberIter->getType(), memberSrcName, memberApiName, blockNdx, basePtr, LOAD_FULL_MATRIX);
void generateAssignment (std::ostringstream& src,
const InterfaceLayout& layout,
const ShaderInterface& shaderInterface,
const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers,
MatrixLoadFlags matrixLoadFlag)
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < shaderInterface.getNumInterfaceBlocks(); blockNdx++)
const InterfaceBlock& block = shaderInterface.getInterfaceBlock(blockNdx);
bool hasInstanceName = block.hasInstanceName();
bool isArray = block.isArray();
int numInstances = isArray ? block.getArraySize() : 1;
std::string apiPrefix = hasInstanceName ? block.getBlockName() + "." : std::string("");
DE_ASSERT(!isArray || hasInstanceName);
for (int instanceNdx = 0; instanceNdx < numInstances; instanceNdx++)
std::string instancePostfix = isArray ? std::string("[") + de::toString(instanceNdx) + "]" : std::string("");
std::string blockInstanceName = block.getBlockName() + instancePostfix;
std::string srcPrefix = hasInstanceName ? block.getInstanceName() + instancePostfix + "." : std::string("");
int blockLayoutNdx = layout.getBlockLayoutIndex(blockNdx, instanceNdx);
void* basePtr = blockPointers.find(blockLayoutNdx)->second;
for (InterfaceBlock::ConstIterator interfaceMemberIter = block.begin(); interfaceMemberIter != block.end(); interfaceMemberIter++)
const InterfaceBlockMember& interfaceMember = *interfaceMemberIter;
if ((interfaceMember.getFlags() & (FIELD_MISSING | FIELD_UNASSIGNED)) == 0)
std::string srcName = srcPrefix + interfaceMember.getName();
std::string apiName = apiPrefix + interfaceMember.getName();
generateAssignment(src, layout, interfaceMember.getType(), srcName, apiName, blockNdx, basePtr, matrixLoadFlag);
std::string generatePassthroughShader ()
std::ostringstream src;
src << glu::getGLSLVersionDeclaration(glu::GLSL_VERSION_450) << "\n";
src << "\n"
"void main (void)\n"
return src.str();
std::string generateTestShader (const ShaderInterface& shaderInterface, const InterfaceLayout& layout, const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers, MatrixLoadFlags matrixLoadFlag, TestStageFlags testStageFlags, bool shuffleUniformMembers)
std::ostringstream src;
std::vector<const StructType*> namedStructs;
src << glu::getGLSLVersionDeclaration(glu::GLSL_VERSION_450) << "\n\n";
if (testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_GEOMETRY)
src << "layout(points) in;\n"
<< "layout(points, max_vertices = 1) out;\n\n";
for (std::vector<const StructType*>::const_iterator structIter = namedStructs.begin(); structIter != namedStructs.end(); structIter++)
generateDeclaration(src, **structIter, 0);
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < shaderInterface.getNumInterfaceBlocks(); blockNdx++)
const InterfaceBlock& block = shaderInterface.getInterfaceBlock(blockNdx);
generateDeclaration(src, blockNdx, block, layout, shuffleUniformMembers);
src << "\n"
"void main (void)\n"
generateAssignment(src, layout, shaderInterface, blockPointers, matrixLoadFlag);
if (testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_GEOMETRY)
src << "\n"
<< "\tEmitVertex();\n"
<< "\tEndPrimitive();\n";
src << "}\n";
return src.str();
VkBufferCreateInfo makeBufferCreateInfo (const VkDeviceSize bufferSize,
const VkBufferUsageFlags usage)
const VkBufferCreateInfo bufferCreateInfo =
DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
(VkBufferCreateFlags)0, // VkBufferCreateFlags flags;
bufferSize, // VkDeviceSize size;
usage, // VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode;
0u, // deUint32 queueFamilyIndexCount;
DE_NULL, // const deUint32* pQueueFamilyIndices;
return bufferCreateInfo;
Move<VkPipeline> makeGraphicsPipeline (const DeviceInterface& vk,
const VkDevice device,
const VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout,
const VkRenderPass renderPass,
const VkShaderModule vertexModule,
const VkShaderModule geometryModule,
const VkExtent2D renderSize)
const std::vector<VkViewport> viewports (1, makeViewport(renderSize));
const std::vector<VkRect2D> scissors (1, makeRect2D(renderSize));
const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo vertexInputStateCreateInfo =
DE_NULL, // const void* pNext
(VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags)0, // VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags flags
0u, // deUint32 vertexBindingDescriptionCount
DE_NULL, // const VkVertexInputBindingDescription* pVertexBindingDescriptions
0u, // deUint32 vertexAttributeDescriptionCount
DE_NULL, // const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions
return makeGraphicsPipeline(vk, // const DeviceInterface& vk
device, // const VkDevice device
pipelineLayout, // const VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout
vertexModule, // const VkShaderModule vertexShaderModule
DE_NULL, // const VkShaderModule tessellationControlModule
DE_NULL, // const VkShaderModule tessellationEvalModule
geometryModule, // const VkShaderModule geometryShaderModule
DE_NULL, // const VkShaderModule m_maxGeometryBlocksShaderModule
renderPass, // const VkRenderPass renderPass
viewports, // const std::vector<VkViewport>& viewports
scissors, // const std::vector<VkRect2D>& scissors
VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINT_LIST, // const VkPrimitiveTopology topology
0u, // const deUint32 subpass
0u, // const deUint32 patchControlPoints
&vertexInputStateCreateInfo); // const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo* vertexInputStateCreateInfo
// InterfaceBlockCaseInstance
class InterfaceBlockCaseInstance : public vkt::TestInstance
InterfaceBlockCaseInstance (Context& context,
const InterfaceLayout& layout,
const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers,
const std::vector<deUint8>& data,
const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& tfBufBindingOffsets,
const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& tfBufBindingSizes,
const deUint32 locationsRequired,
const TestStageFlags testStageFlags);
virtual ~InterfaceBlockCaseInstance (void);
virtual tcu::TestStatus iterate (void);
Move<VkShaderModule> getGeometryShaderModule (const DeviceInterface& vk,
const VkDevice device);
bool usesFloat64 (void);
std::string validateValue (const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry, const void* basePtr0, const void* basePtr, const void* receivedBasePtr);
std::string validateValues (const void* recievedDataPtr);
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Unique<vk::VkBuffer> > VkBufferSp;
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> AllocationSp;
const InterfaceLayout& m_layout;
const std::vector<deUint8>& m_data;
const DeviceSizeVector& m_tfBufBindingOffsets;
const DeviceSizeVector& m_tfBufBindingSizes;
const std::map<int, void*>& m_blockPointers;
const deUint32 m_locationsRequired;
const TestStageFlags m_testStageFlags;
const VkExtent2D m_imageExtent2D;
InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::InterfaceBlockCaseInstance (Context& ctx,
const InterfaceLayout& layout,
const std::map<int, void*>& blockPointers,
const std::vector<deUint8>& data,
const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& tfBufBindingOffsets,
const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& tfBufBindingSizes,
const deUint32 locationsRequired,
const TestStageFlags testStageFlags)
: vkt::TestInstance (ctx)
, m_layout (layout)
, m_data (data)
, m_tfBufBindingOffsets (tfBufBindingOffsets)
, m_tfBufBindingSizes (tfBufBindingSizes)
, m_blockPointers (blockPointers)
, m_locationsRequired (locationsRequired)
, m_testStageFlags (testStageFlags)
, m_imageExtent2D (makeExtent2D(256u, 256u))
const deUint32 componentsPerLocation = 4u;
const deUint32 componentsRequired = m_locationsRequired * componentsPerLocation;
const InstanceInterface& vki = m_context.getInstanceInterface();
const VkPhysicalDevice physDevice = m_context.getPhysicalDevice();
const VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT& transformFeedbackFeatures = m_context.getTransformFeedbackFeatures();
const VkPhysicalDeviceLimits limits = getPhysicalDeviceProperties(vki, physDevice).limits;
VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT transformFeedbackProperties;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 deviceProperties2;
if (transformFeedbackFeatures.transformFeedback == DE_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "transformFeedback feature is not supported");
deMemset(&deviceProperties2, 0, sizeof(deviceProperties2));
deMemset(&transformFeedbackProperties, 0x00, sizeof(transformFeedbackProperties));
deviceProperties2.pNext = &transformFeedbackProperties;
transformFeedbackProperties.pNext = DE_NULL;
vki.getPhysicalDeviceProperties2(physDevice, &deviceProperties2);
if (transformFeedbackProperties.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers < tfBufBindingSizes.size())
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "maxTransformFeedbackBuffers=" + de::toString(transformFeedbackProperties.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers) + " is less than required (" + de::toString(tfBufBindingSizes.size()) + ")");
if (transformFeedbackProperties.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize < m_data.size())
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize=" + de::toString(transformFeedbackProperties.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize) + " is less than required (" + de::toString(m_data.size()) + ")");
if (m_testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_VERTEX)
if (limits.maxVertexOutputComponents < componentsRequired)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "maxVertexOutputComponents=" + de::toString(limits.maxVertexOutputComponents) + " is less than required (" + de::toString(componentsRequired) + ")");
if (m_testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_GEOMETRY)
if (limits.maxGeometryOutputComponents < componentsRequired)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "maxGeometryOutputComponents=" + de::toString(limits.maxGeometryOutputComponents) + " is less than required (" + de::toString(componentsRequired) + ")");
if (usesFloat64())
InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::~InterfaceBlockCaseInstance (void)
bool InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::usesFloat64 (void)
for (size_t layoutNdx = 0; layoutNdx< m_layout.interfaces.size(); ++layoutNdx)
if (isDataTypeDoubleType(m_layout.interfaces[layoutNdx].type))
return true;
return false;
Move<VkShaderModule> InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::getGeometryShaderModule (const DeviceInterface& vk,
const VkDevice device)
if (m_testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_GEOMETRY)
return createShaderModule(vk, device, m_context.getBinaryCollection().get("geom"), 0u);
return Move<VkShaderModule>();
tcu::TestStatus InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::iterate (void)
const DeviceInterface& vk = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
const VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex = m_context.getUniversalQueueFamilyIndex();
const VkQueue queue = m_context.getUniversalQueue();
Allocator& allocator = m_context.getDefaultAllocator();
const Move<VkShaderModule> vertModule (createShaderModule (vk, device, m_context.getBinaryCollection().get("vert"), 0u));
const Move<VkShaderModule> geomModule (getGeometryShaderModule(vk, device));
const Move<VkRenderPass> renderPass (makeRenderPass (vk, device, VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED));
const Move<VkFramebuffer> framebuffer (makeFramebuffer (vk, device, *renderPass, 0u, DE_NULL, m_imageExtent2D.width, m_imageExtent2D.height));
const Move<VkPipelineLayout> pipelineLayout (makePipelineLayout (vk, device));
const Move<VkPipeline> pipeline (makeGraphicsPipeline (vk, device, *pipelineLayout, *renderPass, *vertModule, *geomModule, m_imageExtent2D));
const Move<VkCommandPool> cmdPool (createCommandPool (vk, device, VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT, queueFamilyIndex));
const Move<VkCommandBuffer> cmdBuffer (allocateCommandBuffer (vk, device, *cmdPool, VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY));
const VkBufferCreateInfo tfBufCreateInfo = makeBufferCreateInfo(m_data.size(), VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT | VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BIT_EXT);
const Move<VkBuffer> tfBuf = createBuffer(vk, device, &tfBufCreateInfo);
const de::MovePtr<Allocation> tfBufAllocation = allocator.allocate(getBufferMemoryRequirements(vk, device, *tfBuf), MemoryRequirement::HostVisible);
const deUint32 tfBufBindingCount = static_cast<deUint32>(m_tfBufBindingOffsets.size());
const std::vector<VkBuffer> tfBufBindings (tfBufBindingCount, *tfBuf);
DE_ASSERT(tfBufBindings.size() == tfBufBindingCount);
VK_CHECK(vk.bindBufferMemory(device, *tfBuf, tfBufAllocation->getMemory(), tfBufAllocation->getOffset()));
deMemset(tfBufAllocation->getHostPtr(), 0, m_data.size());
flushMappedMemoryRange(vk, device, tfBufAllocation->getMemory(), tfBufAllocation->getOffset(), VK_WHOLE_SIZE);
beginCommandBuffer(vk, *cmdBuffer);
beginRenderPass(vk, *cmdBuffer, *renderPass, *framebuffer, makeRect2D(m_imageExtent2D));
vk.cmdBindPipeline(*cmdBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, *pipeline);
vk.cmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT(*cmdBuffer, 0, tfBufBindingCount, &tfBufBindings[0], &m_tfBufBindingOffsets[0], &m_tfBufBindingSizes[0]);
vk.cmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(*cmdBuffer, 0, 0, DE_NULL, DE_NULL);
vk.cmdDraw(*cmdBuffer, 1u, 1u, 0u, 0u);
vk.cmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT(*cmdBuffer, 0, 0, DE_NULL, DE_NULL);
endRenderPass(vk, *cmdBuffer);
endCommandBuffer(vk, *cmdBuffer);
submitCommandsAndWait(vk, device, queue, *cmdBuffer);
invalidateMappedMemoryRange(vk, device, tfBufAllocation->getMemory(), tfBufAllocation->getOffset(), VK_WHOLE_SIZE);
std::string result = validateValues(tfBufAllocation->getHostPtr());
if (!result.empty())
return tcu::TestStatus::fail(result);
return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Pass");
std::string InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::validateValue (const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry, const void* basePtr0, const void* basePtr, const void* receivedBasePtr)
const glu::DataType scalarType = glu::getDataTypeScalarType(entry.type);
const int scalarSize = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(entry.type);
const bool isMatrix = glu::isDataTypeMatrix(entry.type);
const int numVecs = isMatrix ? glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(entry.type) : 1;
const int vecSize = scalarSize / numVecs;
const bool isArray = entry.arraySize > 1;
const size_t compSize = getDataTypeByteSize(scalarType);
std::string result;
DE_ASSERT(scalarSize%numVecs == 0);
for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < entry.arraySize; elemNdx++)
deUint8* elemPtr = (deUint8*)basePtr + entry.offset + (isArray ? elemNdx*entry.arrayStride : 0);
for (int vecNdx = 0; vecNdx < numVecs; vecNdx++)
deUint8* vecPtr = elemPtr + (isMatrix ? vecNdx*entry.matrixStride : 0);
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < vecSize; compNdx++)
const deUint8* compPtr = vecPtr + compSize*compNdx;
const size_t offset = compPtr - (deUint8*)basePtr0;
const deUint8* receivedPtr = (deUint8*)receivedBasePtr + offset;
switch (scalarType)
case glu::TYPE_DOUBLE:
const double expected = *((double*)compPtr);
const double received = *((double*)receivedPtr);
if (deAbs(received - expected) > 0.05)
result = "Mismatch at offset " + de::toString(offset) + " expected " + de::toString(expected) + " received " + de::toString(received);
case glu::TYPE_FLOAT:
const float expected = *((float*)compPtr);
const float received = *((float*)receivedPtr);
if (deAbs(received - expected) > 0.05)
result = "Mismatch at offset " + de::toString(offset) + " expected " + de::toString(expected) + " received " + de::toString(received);
case glu::TYPE_INT:
const deInt32 expected = *((deInt32*)compPtr);
const deInt32 received = *((deInt32*)receivedPtr);
if (received != expected)
result = "Mismatch at offset " + de::toString(offset) + " expected " + de::toString(expected) + " received " + de::toString(received);
case glu::TYPE_UINT:
const deUint32 expected = *((deUint32*)compPtr);
const deUint32 received = *((deUint32*)receivedPtr);
if (received != expected)
result = "Mismatch at offset " + de::toString(offset) + " expected " + de::toString(expected) + " received " + de::toString(received);
if (!result.empty())
result += " (elemNdx=" + de::toString(elemNdx) + " vecNdx=" + de::toString(vecNdx) + " compNdx=" + de::toString(compNdx) + ")";
return result;
return result;
std::string InterfaceBlockCaseInstance::validateValues (const void* recievedDataPtr)
const int numBlocks = (int)m_layout.blocks.size();
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
void* basePtr = m_blockPointers.find(blockNdx)->second;
int numEntries = (int)m_layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices.size();
for (int entryNdx = 0; entryNdx < numEntries; entryNdx++)
const InterfaceLayoutEntry& entry = m_layout.interfaces[m_layout.blocks[blockNdx].activeInterfaceIndices[entryNdx]];
const std::string result = entry.validate ? validateValue(entry, &m_data[0], basePtr, recievedDataPtr) : "";
if (!result.empty())
tcu::TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
std::vector<deUint8> mask = createMask(m_layout, m_blockPointers, &m_data[0], m_data.size());
std::ostringstream str;
str << "Error at entry '" << << "' block '" << m_layout.blocks[blockNdx].name << "'" << std::endl;
str << result << std::endl;
str << m_layout;
str << "Xfb buffer offsets: " << m_tfBufBindingOffsets << std::endl;
str << "Xfb buffer sizes: " << m_tfBufBindingSizes << std::endl << std::endl;
dumpBytes(str, "Expected:", &m_data[0], m_data.size(), &mask[0]);
dumpBytes(str, "Retrieved:", recievedDataPtr, m_data.size(), &mask[0]);
dumpBytes(str, "Expected (unfiltered):", &m_data[0], m_data.size());
dumpBytes(str, "Retrieved (unfiltered):", recievedDataPtr, m_data.size());
log << tcu::TestLog::Message << str.str() << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
return result;
return std::string();
} // anonymous (utilities)
// InterfaceBlockCase.
InterfaceBlockCase::InterfaceBlockCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& description,
MatrixLoadFlags matrixLoadFlag,
TestStageFlags testStageFlags,
bool shuffleInterfaceMembers)
: TestCase (testCtx, name, description)
, m_matrixLoadFlag (matrixLoadFlag)
, m_testStageFlags (testStageFlags)
, m_shuffleInterfaceMembers (shuffleInterfaceMembers)
, m_locationsRequired (0)
InterfaceBlockCase::~InterfaceBlockCase (void)
void InterfaceBlockCase::initPrograms (vk::SourceCollections& programCollection) const
programCollection.glslSources.add("vert") << glu::VertexSource(m_vertShaderSource);
if (!m_geomShaderSource.empty())
programCollection.glslSources.add("geom") << glu::GeometrySource(m_geomShaderSource);
TestInstance* InterfaceBlockCase::createInstance (Context& context) const
return new InterfaceBlockCaseInstance(context, m_interfaceLayout, m_blockPointers, m_data, m_tfBufBindingOffsets, m_tfBufBindingSizes, m_locationsRequired, m_testStageFlags);
void InterfaceBlockCase::init (void)
BufferGeneralMapping xfbBufferSize;
std::string notSupportedComment;
// Compute reference layout.
computeXfbLayout(m_interfaceLayout, m_interface, xfbBufferSize, m_locationsRequired);
// Assign storage for reference values.
// m_data contains all xfb buffers starting with all interfaces of first xfb_buffer, then all interfaces of next xfb_buffer
BufferGeneralMapping xfbBufferOffsets;
int totalSize = 0;
int maxXfb = 0;
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = xfbBufferSize.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != xfbBufferSize.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
xfbBufferOffsets[xfbBuffersIter->first] = totalSize;
totalSize += xfbBuffersIter->second;
maxXfb = std::max(maxXfb, xfbBuffersIter->first);
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(maxXfb, 0, 256)); // Not correlated with spec: just make sure vectors won't be huge
m_tfBufBindingSizes.resize(maxXfb + 1);
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = xfbBufferSize.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != xfbBufferSize.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
m_tfBufBindingSizes[xfbBuffersIter->first] = xfbBuffersIter->second;
m_tfBufBindingOffsets.resize(maxXfb + 1);
for (BufferGeneralMapping::const_iterator xfbBuffersIter = xfbBufferOffsets.begin(); xfbBuffersIter != xfbBufferOffsets.end(); xfbBuffersIter++)
m_tfBufBindingOffsets[xfbBuffersIter->first] = xfbBuffersIter->second;
// Pointers for each block.
for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < (int)m_interfaceLayout.blocks.size(); blockNdx++)
const int dataXfbBufferStartOffset = xfbBufferOffsets[m_interfaceLayout.blocks[blockNdx].xfbBuffer];
const int offset = dataXfbBufferStartOffset + m_interfaceLayout.blocks[blockNdx].xfbOffset;
m_blockPointers[blockNdx] = &m_data[0] + offset;
// Generate values.
generateValues(m_interfaceLayout, m_blockPointers, 1 /* seed */);
// Overlap validation
std::vector<deUint8> mask = createMask(m_interfaceLayout, m_blockPointers, &m_data[0], m_data.size());
for (size_t maskNdx = 0; maskNdx < mask.size(); ++maskNdx)
DE_ASSERT(mask[maskNdx] <= 1);
if (m_testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_VERTEX)
m_vertShaderSource = generateTestShader(m_interface, m_interfaceLayout, m_blockPointers, m_matrixLoadFlag, m_testStageFlags, m_shuffleInterfaceMembers);
m_geomShaderSource = "";
else if (m_testStageFlags == TEST_STAGE_GEOMETRY)
m_vertShaderSource = generatePassthroughShader();
m_geomShaderSource = generateTestShader(m_interface, m_interfaceLayout, m_blockPointers, m_matrixLoadFlag, m_testStageFlags, m_shuffleInterfaceMembers);
DE_ASSERT(false && "Unknown test stage specified");
} // TransformFeedback
} // vkt