blob: 450fd3f6d8ee9c233e44ac871b196ff89135160f [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Google Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Codeplay Software Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief Subgroups Tests
*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "vktSubgroupsQuadTests.hpp"
#include "vktSubgroupsTestsUtils.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace tcu;
using namespace std;
using namespace vk;
using namespace vkt;
enum OpType
struct CaseDefinition
OpType opType;
VkShaderStageFlags shaderStage;
VkFormat format;
de::SharedPtr<bool> geometryPointSizeSupported;
deBool requiredSubgroupSize;
static bool checkVertexPipelineStages (const void* internalData,
vector<const void*> datas,
deUint32 width,
return subgroups::check(datas, width, 1);
static bool checkCompute (const void* internalData,
vector<const void*> datas,
const deUint32 numWorkgroups[3],
const deUint32 localSize[3],
return subgroups::checkCompute(datas, numWorkgroups, localSize, 1);
string getOpTypeName (OpType opType)
switch (opType)
case OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST: return "subgroupQuadBroadcast";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST: return "subgroupQuadBroadcast";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_HORIZONTAL: return "subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_VERTICAL: return "subgroupQuadSwapVertical";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_DIAGONAL: return "subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal";
default: TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Unsupported op type");
string getOpTypeCaseName (OpType opType)
switch (opType)
case OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST: return "subgroupquadbroadcast";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST: return "subgroupquadbroadcast_nonconst";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_HORIZONTAL: return "subgroupquadswaphorizontal";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_VERTICAL: return "subgroupquadswapvertical";
case OPTYPE_QUAD_SWAP_DIAGONAL: return "subgroupquadswapdiagonal";
default: TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Unsupported op type");
string getExtHeader (VkFormat format)
return "#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad: enable\n"
"#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot: enable\n" +
string getTestSrc (const CaseDefinition &caseDef)
const string swapTable[OPTYPE_LAST] =
" const uint swapTable[4] = {1, 0, 3, 2};\n",
" const uint swapTable[4] = {2, 3, 0, 1};\n",
" const uint swapTable[4] = {3, 2, 1, 0};\n",
const string validate =
" if (subgroupBallotBitExtract(mask, otherID) && op !=data[otherID])\n"
" tempRes = 0;\n";
const string fmt = subgroups::getFormatNameForGLSL(caseDef.format);
const string op = getOpTypeName(caseDef.opType);
ostringstream testSrc;
testSrc << " uvec4 mask = subgroupBallot(true);\n"
<< swapTable[caseDef.opType]
<< " tempRes = 1;\n";
if (caseDef.opType == OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
testSrc << " {\n"
<< " " << fmt << " op = " << op << "(data[gl_SubgroupInvocationID], " << i << ");\n"
<< " uint otherID = (gl_SubgroupInvocationID & ~0x3) + " << i << ";\n"
<< validate
<< " }\n";
else if (caseDef.opType == OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST)
testSrc << " for (int i=0; i<4; i++)"
<< " {\n"
<< " " << fmt << " op = " << op << "(data[gl_SubgroupInvocationID], i);\n"
<< " uint otherID = (gl_SubgroupInvocationID & ~0x3) + i;\n"
<< validate
<< " }\n"
<< " uint quadID = gl_SubgroupInvocationID >> 2;\n"
<< " uint quadInvocation = gl_SubgroupInvocationID & 0x3;\n"
<< " // Test lane ID that is only uniform in active lanes\n"
<< " if (quadInvocation >= 2)\n"
<< " {\n"
<< " uint id = quadInvocation & ~1;\n"
<< " " << fmt << " op = " << op << "(data[gl_SubgroupInvocationID], id);\n"
<< " uint otherID = 4*quadID + id;\n"
<< validate
<< " }\n"
<< " // Test lane ID that is only quad uniform, not subgroup uniform\n"
<< " {\n"
<< " uint id = quadID & 0x3;\n"
<< " " << fmt << " op = " << op << "(data[gl_SubgroupInvocationID], id);\n"
<< " uint otherID = 4*quadID + id;\n"
<< validate
<< " }\n";
testSrc << " " << fmt << " op = " << op << "(data[gl_SubgroupInvocationID]);\n"
<< " uint otherID = (gl_SubgroupInvocationID & ~0x3) + swapTable[gl_SubgroupInvocationID & 0x3];\n"
<< validate;
return testSrc.str();
void initFrameBufferPrograms (SourceCollections& programCollection, CaseDefinition caseDef)
const SpirvVersion spirvVersion = (caseDef.opType == OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST) ? SPIRV_VERSION_1_5 : SPIRV_VERSION_1_3;
const ShaderBuildOptions buildOptions (programCollection.usedVulkanVersion, spirvVersion, 0u);
subgroups::initStdFrameBufferPrograms(programCollection, buildOptions, caseDef.shaderStage, caseDef.format, *caseDef.geometryPointSizeSupported, getExtHeader(caseDef.format), getTestSrc(caseDef), "");
void initPrograms (SourceCollections& programCollection, CaseDefinition caseDef)
const bool spirv15required = caseDef.opType == OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST;
const bool spirv14required = isAllRayTracingStages(caseDef.shaderStage);
const SpirvVersion spirvVersion = spirv15required ? SPIRV_VERSION_1_5
: spirv14required ? SPIRV_VERSION_1_4
const ShaderBuildOptions buildOptions (programCollection.usedVulkanVersion, spirvVersion, 0u);
const string extHeader = getExtHeader(caseDef.format);
const string testSrc = getTestSrc(caseDef);
subgroups::initStdPrograms(programCollection, buildOptions, caseDef.shaderStage, caseDef.format, *caseDef.geometryPointSizeSupported, extHeader, testSrc, "");
void supportedCheck (Context& context, CaseDefinition caseDef)
if (!subgroups::isSubgroupSupported(context))
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Subgroup operations are not supported");
if (!subgroups::isSubgroupFeatureSupportedForDevice(context, VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT))
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support subgroup quad operations");
if (!subgroups::isFormatSupportedForDevice(context, caseDef.format))
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support the specified format in subgroup operations");
if ((caseDef.opType == OPTYPE_QUAD_BROADCAST_NONCONST) && !subgroups::isSubgroupBroadcastDynamicIdSupported(context))
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support SubgroupBroadcastDynamicId");
if (caseDef.requiredSubgroupSize)
const VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT& subgroupSizeControlFeatures = context.getSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT();
const VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT& subgroupSizeControlProperties = context.getSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT();
if (subgroupSizeControlFeatures.subgroupSizeControl == DE_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support varying subgroup sizes nor required subgroup size");
if (subgroupSizeControlFeatures.computeFullSubgroups == DE_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Device does not support full subgroups in compute shaders");
if ((subgroupSizeControlProperties.requiredSubgroupSizeStages & caseDef.shaderStage) != caseDef.shaderStage)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Required subgroup size is not supported for shader stage");
*caseDef.geometryPointSizeSupported = subgroups::isTessellationAndGeometryPointSizeSupported(context);
subgroups::supportedCheckShader(context, caseDef.shaderStage);
TestStatus noSSBOtest (Context& context, const CaseDefinition caseDef)
subgroups::SSBOData inputData;
inputData.format = caseDef.format;
inputData.layout = subgroups::SSBOData::LayoutStd140;
inputData.numElements = subgroups::maxSupportedSubgroupSize();
inputData.initializeType = subgroups::SSBOData::InitializeNonZero;
switch (caseDef.shaderStage)
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT: return subgroups::makeVertexFrameBufferTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages);
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT: return subgroups::makeGeometryFrameBufferTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages);
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT: return subgroups::makeTessellationEvaluationFrameBufferTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages, caseDef.shaderStage);
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT: return subgroups::makeTessellationEvaluationFrameBufferTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages, caseDef.shaderStage);
default: TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Unhandled shader stage");
TestStatus test (Context& context, const CaseDefinition caseDef)
if (isAllComputeStages(caseDef.shaderStage))
const VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT& subgroupSizeControlProperties = context.getSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT();
TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog();
const subgroups::SSBOData inputData
subgroups::SSBOData::InitializeNonZero, // InputDataInitializeType initializeType;
subgroups::SSBOData::LayoutStd430, // InputDataLayoutType layout;
caseDef.format, // vk::VkFormat format;
subgroups::maxSupportedSubgroupSize(), // vk::VkDeviceSize numElements;
if (caseDef.requiredSubgroupSize == DE_FALSE)
return subgroups::makeComputeTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkCompute);
log << TestLog::Message << "Testing required subgroup size range [" << subgroupSizeControlProperties.minSubgroupSize << ", "
<< subgroupSizeControlProperties.maxSubgroupSize << "]" << TestLog::EndMessage;
// According to the spec, requiredSubgroupSize must be a power-of-two integer.
for (deUint32 size = subgroupSizeControlProperties.minSubgroupSize; size <= subgroupSizeControlProperties.maxSubgroupSize; size *= 2)
TestStatus result = subgroups::makeComputeTest(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkCompute, size);
if (result.getCode() != QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS)
log << TestLog::Message << "subgroupSize " << size << " failed" << TestLog::EndMessage;
return result;
return TestStatus::pass("OK");
else if (isAllGraphicsStages(caseDef.shaderStage))
const VkShaderStageFlags stages = subgroups::getPossibleGraphicsSubgroupStages(context, caseDef.shaderStage);
subgroups::SSBOData inputData;
inputData.format = caseDef.format;
inputData.layout = subgroups::SSBOData::LayoutStd430;
inputData.numElements = subgroups::maxSupportedSubgroupSize();
inputData.initializeType = subgroups::SSBOData::InitializeNonZero;
inputData.binding = 4u;
inputData.stages = stages;
return subgroups::allStages(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages, stages);
else if (isAllRayTracingStages(caseDef.shaderStage))
const VkShaderStageFlags stages = subgroups::getPossibleRayTracingSubgroupStages(context, caseDef.shaderStage);
const subgroups::SSBOData inputData =
subgroups::SSBOData::InitializeNonZero, // InputDataInitializeType initializeType;
subgroups::SSBOData::LayoutStd430, // InputDataLayoutType layout;
caseDef.format, // vk::VkFormat format;
subgroups::maxSupportedSubgroupSize(), // vk::VkDeviceSize numElements;
false, // bool isImage;
6u, // deUint32 binding;
stages, // vk::VkShaderStageFlags stages;
return subgroups::allRayTracingStages(context, VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, &inputData, 1, DE_NULL, checkVertexPipelineStages, stages);
TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Unknown stage or invalid stage set");
namespace vkt
namespace subgroups
TestCaseGroup* createSubgroupsQuadTests (TestContext& testCtx)
de::MovePtr<TestCaseGroup> group (new TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "quad", "Subgroup quad category tests"));
de::MovePtr<TestCaseGroup> graphicGroup (new TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "graphics", "Subgroup arithmetic category tests: graphics"));
de::MovePtr<TestCaseGroup> computeGroup (new TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "compute", "Subgroup arithmetic category tests: compute"));
de::MovePtr<TestCaseGroup> framebufferGroup (new TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "framebuffer", "Subgroup arithmetic category tests: framebuffer"));
de::MovePtr<TestCaseGroup> raytracingGroup (new TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "ray_tracing", "Subgroup arithmetic category tests: ray tracing"));
const VkShaderStageFlags stages[] =
const deBool boolValues[] =
const vector<VkFormat> formats = subgroups::getAllFormats();
for (size_t formatIndex = 0; formatIndex < formats.size(); ++formatIndex)
const VkFormat format = formats[formatIndex];
const string formatName = subgroups::getFormatNameForGLSL(format);
for (int opTypeIndex = 0; opTypeIndex < OPTYPE_LAST; ++opTypeIndex)
const OpType opType = static_cast<OpType>(opTypeIndex);
const string name = getOpTypeCaseName(opType) + "_" + formatName;
for (size_t groupSizeNdx = 0; groupSizeNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(boolValues); ++groupSizeNdx)
const deBool requiredSubgroupSize = boolValues[groupSizeNdx];
const string testNameSuffix = requiredSubgroupSize ? "_requiredsubgroupsize" : "";
const string testName = name + testNameSuffix;
const CaseDefinition caseDef =
opType, // OpType opType;
VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT, // VkShaderStageFlags shaderStage;
format, // VkFormat format;
de::SharedPtr<bool>(new bool), // de::SharedPtr<bool> geometryPointSizeSupported;
requiredSubgroupSize, // deBool requiredSubgroupSize;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms(computeGroup.get(), testName, "", supportedCheck, initPrograms, test, caseDef);
const CaseDefinition caseDef =
opType, // OpType opType;
VK_SHADER_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS, // VkShaderStageFlags shaderStage;
format, // VkFormat format;
de::SharedPtr<bool>(new bool), // de::SharedPtr<bool> geometryPointSizeSupported;
DE_FALSE // deBool requiredSubgroupSize;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms(graphicGroup.get(), name, "", supportedCheck, initPrograms, test, caseDef);
for (int stageIndex = 0; stageIndex < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(stages); ++stageIndex)
const CaseDefinition caseDef =
opType, // OpType opType;
stages[stageIndex], // VkShaderStageFlags shaderStage;
format, // VkFormat format;
de::SharedPtr<bool>(new bool), // de::SharedPtr<bool> geometryPointSizeSupported;
DE_FALSE // deBool requiredSubgroupSize;
const string testName = name + "_" + getShaderStageName(caseDef.shaderStage);
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms(framebufferGroup.get(), testName, "", supportedCheck, initFrameBufferPrograms, noSSBOtest, caseDef);
const vector<VkFormat> formats = subgroups::getAllRayTracingFormats();
for (size_t formatIndex = 0; formatIndex < formats.size(); ++formatIndex)
const VkFormat format = formats[formatIndex];
const string formatName = subgroups::getFormatNameForGLSL(format);
for (int opTypeIndex = 0; opTypeIndex < OPTYPE_LAST; ++opTypeIndex)
const OpType opType = static_cast<OpType>(opTypeIndex);
const string testName = getOpTypeCaseName(opType) + "_" + formatName;
const CaseDefinition caseDef =
opType, // OpType opType;
SHADER_STAGE_ALL_RAY_TRACING, // VkShaderStageFlags shaderStage;
format, // VkFormat format;
de::SharedPtr<bool>(new bool), // de::SharedPtr<bool> geometryPointSizeSupported;
DE_FALSE // deBool requiredSubgroupSize;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms(raytracingGroup.get(), testName, "", supportedCheck, initPrograms, test, caseDef);
return group.release();
} // subgroups
} // vkt