blob: d20a69ed6a5170ae035e318f92199da42ff3850f [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Invariant decoration tests.
#include "vktShaderRenderInvarianceTests.hpp"
#include "vktShaderRender.hpp"
#include "tcuImageCompare.hpp"
#include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "vktDrawUtil.hpp"
#include "deMath.h"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
using namespace vk;
namespace vkt
using namespace drawutil;
namespace sr
class FormatArgument
FormatArgument (const char* name, const std::string& value);
friend class FormatArgumentList;
const char* const m_name;
const std::string m_value;
FormatArgument::FormatArgument (const char* name, const std::string& value)
: m_name (name)
, m_value (value)
class FormatArgumentList
FormatArgumentList (void);
FormatArgumentList& operator<< (const FormatArgument&);
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getArguments (void) const;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_formatArguments;
FormatArgumentList::FormatArgumentList (void)
FormatArgumentList& FormatArgumentList::operator<< (const FormatArgument& arg)
m_formatArguments[arg.m_name] = arg.m_value;
return *this;
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& FormatArgumentList::getArguments (void) const
return m_formatArguments;
static std::string formatGLSL(const char* templateString, const FormatArgumentList& args)
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params = args.getArguments();
return tcu::StringTemplate(std::string(templateString)).specialize(params);
class InvarianceTest : public vkt::TestCase
InvarianceTest(tcu::TestContext& ctx, const char* name, const char* desc, const std::string& vertexShader1, const std::string& vertexShader2, const std::string& fragmentShader = "");
void initPrograms (SourceCollections& sourceCollections) const override;
vkt::TestInstance* createInstance (vkt::Context& context) const override;
const std::string m_vertexShader1;
const std::string m_vertexShader2;
const std::string m_fragmentShader;
class InvarianceTestInstance : public vkt::TestInstance
InvarianceTestInstance(vkt::Context &context);
tcu::TestStatus iterate(void) override;
bool checkImage(const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess& image) const;
const int m_renderSize = 256;
InvarianceTest::InvarianceTest(tcu::TestContext& ctx, const char* name, const char* desc, const std::string& vertexShader1, const std::string& vertexShader2, const std::string& fragmentShader)
: vkt::TestCase(ctx, name, desc)
, m_vertexShader1(vertexShader1)
, m_vertexShader2(vertexShader2)
, m_fragmentShader(fragmentShader)
void InvarianceTest::initPrograms(SourceCollections& sourceCollections) const
sourceCollections.glslSources.add("vertex1") << glu::VertexSource(m_vertexShader1);
sourceCollections.glslSources.add("vertex2") << glu::VertexSource(m_vertexShader2);
sourceCollections.glslSources.add("fragment") << glu::FragmentSource(m_fragmentShader);
vkt::TestInstance* InvarianceTest::createInstance(Context& context) const
return new InvarianceTestInstance(context);
InvarianceTestInstance::InvarianceTestInstance(vkt::Context &context)
: vkt::TestInstance(context)
static tcu::Vec4 genRandomVector(de::Random& rnd)
tcu::Vec4 retVal;
retVal.x() = rnd.getFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f);
retVal.y() = rnd.getFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f);
retVal.z() = rnd.getFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f);
retVal.w() = rnd.getFloat(0.2f, 1.0f);
return retVal;
struct ColorUniform
tcu::Vec4 color;
tcu::TestStatus InvarianceTestInstance::iterate(void)
const VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
const DeviceInterface& vk = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
Allocator& allocator = m_context.getDefaultAllocator();
tcu::TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
const int numTriangles = 72;
de::Random rnd (123);
std::vector<tcu::Vec4> vertices (numTriangles * 3 * 2);
// Narrow triangle pattern
for (int triNdx = 0; triNdx < numTriangles; ++triNdx)
const tcu::Vec4 vertex1 = genRandomVector(rnd);
const tcu::Vec4 vertex2 = genRandomVector(rnd);
const tcu::Vec4 vertex3 = vertex2 + genRandomVector(rnd) * 0.01f; // generate narrow triangles
vertices[triNdx * 3 + 0] = vertex1;
vertices[triNdx * 3 + 1] = vertex2;
vertices[triNdx * 3 + 2] = vertex3;
// Normal triangle pattern
for (int triNdx = 0; triNdx < numTriangles; ++triNdx)
vertices[(numTriangles + triNdx) * 3 + 0] = genRandomVector(rnd);
vertices[(numTriangles + triNdx) * 3 + 1] = genRandomVector(rnd);
vertices[(numTriangles + triNdx) * 3 + 2] = genRandomVector(rnd);
Move<VkDescriptorSetLayout> descriptorSetLayout;
Move<VkDescriptorPool> descriptorPool;
Move<VkBuffer> uniformBuffer[2];
de::MovePtr<Allocation> uniformBufferAllocation[2];
Move<VkDescriptorSet> descriptorSet[2];
const tcu::Vec4 red = tcu::Vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const tcu::Vec4 green = tcu::Vec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Descriptors
DescriptorSetLayoutBuilder layoutBuilder;
descriptorSetLayout =, device);
descriptorPool = DescriptorPoolBuilder()
const VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo descriptorSetAllocInfo =
const VkBufferCreateInfo uniformBufferCreateInfo =
DE_NULL, // const void* pNext
(VkBufferCreateFlags)0, // VkBufferCreateFlags flags
sizeof(ColorUniform), // VkDeviceSize size
VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode
0u, // deUint32 queueFamilyIndexCount
DE_NULL // pQueueFamilyIndices
for (deUint32 passNdx = 0; passNdx < 2; ++passNdx)
uniformBuffer[passNdx] = createBuffer(vk, device, &uniformBufferCreateInfo, DE_NULL);
uniformBufferAllocation[passNdx] = allocator.allocate(getBufferMemoryRequirements(vk, device, *uniformBuffer[passNdx]), MemoryRequirement::HostVisible);
VK_CHECK(vk.bindBufferMemory(device, *uniformBuffer[passNdx], uniformBufferAllocation[passNdx]->getMemory(), uniformBufferAllocation[passNdx]->getOffset()));
ColorUniform* bufferData = (ColorUniform*)(uniformBufferAllocation[passNdx]->getHostPtr());
bufferData->color = (passNdx == 0) ? (red) : (green);
flushAlloc(vk, device, *uniformBufferAllocation[passNdx]);
descriptorSet[passNdx] = allocateDescriptorSet(vk, device, &descriptorSetAllocInfo);
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo bufferInfo =
.writeSingle(*descriptorSet[passNdx], DescriptorSetUpdateBuilder::Location::binding(0u), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER, &bufferInfo)
.update(vk, device);
// pick first available depth buffer format
const std::vector<VkFormat> depthFormats { VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, VK_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32, VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT };
VkFormat depthFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
const InstanceInterface& vki = m_context.getInstanceInterface();
const VkPhysicalDevice vkPhysDevice = m_context.getPhysicalDevice();
for (const auto& df : depthFormats)
const VkFormatProperties properties = getPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(vki, vkPhysDevice, df);
depthFormat = df;
if(depthFormat == VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED)
return tcu::TestStatus::fail("There must be at least one depth depth format handled (Vulkan spec 37.3, table 65)");
FrameBufferState frameBufferState(m_renderSize, m_renderSize);
frameBufferState.depthFormat = depthFormat;
PipelineState pipelineState(m_context.getDeviceProperties().limits.subPixelPrecisionBits);
DrawCallData drawCallData(VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST, vertices);
VulkanDrawContext vulkanDrawContext(m_context, frameBufferState);
const std::vector<std::string> vertexShaderNames = { "vertex1", "vertex2" };
log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Testing position invariance." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (deUint32 passNdx = 0; passNdx < 2; ++passNdx)
std::vector<VulkanShader> shaders;
shaders.push_back(VulkanShader(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, m_context.getBinaryCollection().get(vertexShaderNames[passNdx])));
shaders.push_back(VulkanShader(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, m_context.getBinaryCollection().get("fragment")));
VulkanProgram vulkanProgram(shaders);
vulkanProgram.descriptorSetLayout = *descriptorSetLayout;
vulkanProgram.descriptorSet = *descriptorSet[passNdx];
const char* const colorStr = (passNdx == 0) ? ("red - purple") : ("green");
log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Drawing position test pattern using shader " << (passNdx + 1) << ". Primitive color: " << colorStr << "." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
vulkanDrawContext.registerDrawObject(pipelineState, vulkanProgram, drawCallData);
tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess resultImage(
log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying output. Expecting only green or background colored pixels." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if( !checkImage(resultImage) )
return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Detected variance between two invariant values");
return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Passed");
bool InvarianceTestInstance::checkImage(const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess& image) const
const tcu::IVec4 okColor (0, 255, 0, 255);
const tcu::RGBA errColor (255, 0, 0, 255);
bool error = false;
tcu::Surface errorMask (image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
tcu::clear(errorMask.getAccess(), okColor);
for (int y = 0; y < m_renderSize; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < m_renderSize; ++x)
const tcu::IVec4 col = image.getPixelInt(x, y);
if (col.x() != 0)
errorMask.setPixel(x, y, errColor);
error = true;
// report error
if (error)
m_context.getTestContext().getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Invalid pixels found (fragments from first render pass found). Variance detected." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
<< tcu::TestLog::ImageSet("Results", "Result verification")
<< tcu::TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", image)
<< tcu::TestLog::Image("Error mask", "Error mask", errorMask)
<< tcu::TestLog::EndImageSet;
return false;
m_context.getTestContext().getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "No variance found." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
<< tcu::TestLog::ImageSet("Results", "Result verification")
<< tcu::TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", image)
<< tcu::TestLog::EndImageSet;
return true;
} // namespace
tcu::TestCaseGroup* createShaderInvarianceTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> invarianceGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "invariance", "Invariance tests"));
static const struct PrecisionCase
glu::Precision prec;
const char* name;
// set literals in the glsl to be in the representable range
const char* highValue; // !< highValue < maxValue
const char* invHighValue;
const char* mediumValue; // !< mediumValue^2 < maxValue
const char* lowValue; // !< lowValue^4 < maxValue
const char* invlowValue;
int loopIterations;
int loopPartialIterations;
int loopNormalizationExponent;
const char* loopNormalizationConstantLiteral;
const char* loopMultiplier;
const char* sumLoopNormalizationConstantLiteral;
} precisions[] =
{ glu::PRECISION_HIGHP, "highp", "1.0e20", "1.0e-20", "1.0e14", "1.0e9", "1.0e-9", 14, 11, 2, "1.0e4", "1.9", "1.0e3" },
{ glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP, "mediump", "1.0e4", "1.0e-4", "1.0e2", "1.0e1", "1.0e-1", 13, 11, 2, "1.0e4", "1.9", "1.0e3" },
{ glu::PRECISION_LOWP, "lowp", "0.9", "1.1", "1.1", "1.15", "0.87", 6, 2, 0, "2.0", "1.1", "1.0" },
// gl_Position must always be invariant for comparisons on gl_Position to be valid.
static const std::string invariantDeclaration[] = { "invariant gl_Position;", "invariant gl_Position;\nlayout(location = 1) invariant highp out vec4 v_value;" };
static const std::string invariantAssignment0[] = { "gl_Position", "v_value" };
static const std::string invariantAssignment1[] = { "", "gl_Position = v_value;" };
static const std::string fragDeclaration[] = { "", "layout(location = 1) highp in vec4 v_value;" };
static const char* basicFragmentShader = "${VERSION}"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"${IN} vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform ColorUniform\n"
" vec4 u_color;\n"
"} ucolor;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" float blue = dot(v_unrelated, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n"
" fragColor = vec4(ucolor.u_color.r, ucolor.u_color.g, blue, ucolor.u_color.a);\n"
for (int precNdx = 0; precNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(precisions); ++precNdx)
const char* const precisionName = precisions[precNdx].name;
const glu::Precision precision = precisions[precNdx].prec;
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const group = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, precisionName, "Invariance tests using the given precision.");
const deUint32 VAR_GROUP_SIZE = 2u;
tcu::TestCaseGroup* varGroup[VAR_GROUP_SIZE];
varGroup[0] = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "gl_position", "Invariance tests using gl_Position variable");
varGroup[1] = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "user_defined", "Invariance tests using user defined variable");
FormatArgumentList args[VAR_GROUP_SIZE];
for (deUint32 groupNdx = 0u; groupNdx < VAR_GROUP_SIZE; ++groupNdx)
args[groupNdx] = FormatArgumentList()
<< FormatArgument("VERSION", "#version 450\n")
<< FormatArgument("IN", "layout(location = 0) in")
<< FormatArgument("OUT", "layout(location = 0) out")
<< FormatArgument("IN_PREC", precisionName)
<< FormatArgument("INVARIANT_DECLARATION", invariantDeclaration[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0", invariantAssignment0[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("INVARIANT_ASSIGN_1", invariantAssignment1[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("FRAG_DECLARATION", fragDeclaration[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("HIGH_VALUE", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].highValue))
<< FormatArgument("HIGH_VALUE_INV", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].invHighValue))
<< FormatArgument("MEDIUM_VALUE", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].mediumValue))
<< FormatArgument("LOW_VALUE", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].lowValue))
<< FormatArgument("LOW_VALUE_INV", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].invlowValue))
<< FormatArgument("LOOP_ITERS", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].loopIterations))
<< FormatArgument("LOOP_ITERS_PARTIAL", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].loopPartialIterations))
<< FormatArgument("LOOP_NORM_FRACT_EXP", de::toString(precisions[precNdx].loopNormalizationExponent))
<< FormatArgument("LOOP_NORM_LITERAL", precisions[precNdx].loopNormalizationConstantLiteral)
<< FormatArgument("LOOP_MULTIPLIER", precisions[precNdx].loopMultiplier)
<< FormatArgument("SUM_LOOP_NORM_LITERAL", precisions[precNdx].sumLoopNormalizationConstantLiteral);
// subexpression cases
for (deUint32 groupNdx = 0u; groupNdx < VAR_GROUP_SIZE; ++groupNdx)
// First shader shares "${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.x*a_input.xxxx + ${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.y*a_input.yyyy" with unrelated output variable. Reordering might result in accuracy loss
// due to the high exponent. In the second shader, the high exponent may be removed during compilation.
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "common_subexpression_0", "Shader shares a subexpression with an unrelated variable.",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" v_unrelated = a_input.xzxz + (${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.x*a_input.xxxx + ${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.y*a_input.yyyy) * (1.08 * a_input.zyzy * a_input.xzxz) * ${HIGH_VALUE_INV} * (a_input.z * a_input.zzxz - a_input.z * a_input.zzxz) + (${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.x*a_input.xxxx + ${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.y*a_input.yyyy) / ${HIGH_VALUE};\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + (${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.x*a_input.xxxx + ${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.y*a_input.yyyy) * ${HIGH_VALUE_INV};\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + (${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.x*a_input.xxxx + ${HIGH_VALUE}*a_input.y*a_input.yyyy) * ${HIGH_VALUE_INV};\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
// In the first shader, the unrelated variable "d" has mathematically the same expression as "e", but the different
// order of calculation might cause different results.
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "common_subexpression_1", "Shader shares a subexpression with an unrelated variable.",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 a = ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx + a_input.xzxy - ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 b = ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = b - ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx + a_input.xzxy;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 d = (${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzxx) * (${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzzw) * (1.1*${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.yzxx) * (${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.xzzy);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 e = ((${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzxx) * (1.1*${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.yzxx)) * ((${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.xzzy) * (${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzzw));\n"
" v_unrelated = a + b + c + d + e;\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + fract(c) + e;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 b = ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = b - ${HIGH_VALUE} * a_input.zzxx + a_input.xzxy;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 e = ((${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzxx) * (1.1*${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.yzxx)) * ((${LOW_VALUE_INV} * a_input.xzzy) * (${LOW_VALUE} * a_input.yzzw));\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + fract(c) + e;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
// Intermediate values used by an unrelated output variable
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "common_subexpression_2", "Shader shares a subexpression with an unrelated variable.",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 a = ${MEDIUM_VALUE} * (a_input.xxxx + a_input.yyyy);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 b = (${MEDIUM_VALUE} * (a_input.xxxx + a_input.yyyy)) * (${MEDIUM_VALUE} * (a_input.xxxx + a_input.yyyy)) / ${MEDIUM_VALUE} / ${MEDIUM_VALUE};\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = a * a;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 d = c / ${MEDIUM_VALUE} / ${MEDIUM_VALUE};\n"
" v_unrelated = a + b + c + d;\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + d;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 a = ${MEDIUM_VALUE} * (a_input.xxxx + a_input.yyyy);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = a * a;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 d = c / ${MEDIUM_VALUE} / ${MEDIUM_VALUE};\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + d;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
// Invariant value can be calculated using unrelated value
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "common_subexpression_3", "Shader shares a subexpression with an unrelated variable.",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} float x = a_input.x * 0.2;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 a = a_input.xxyx * 0.7;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 b = a_input.yxyz * 0.7;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = a_input.zxyx * 0.5;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 f = x*a + x*b + x*c;\n"
" v_unrelated = f;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 g = x * (a + b + c);\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + g;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} float x = a_input.x * 0.2;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 a = a_input.xxyx * 0.7;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 b = a_input.yxyz * 0.7;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 c = a_input.zxyx * 0.5;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 g = x * (a + b + c);\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + g;\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
// shared subexpression of different precision
for (deUint32 groupNdx = 0u; groupNdx < VAR_GROUP_SIZE; ++groupNdx)
for (int precisionOther = glu::PRECISION_LOWP; precisionOther != glu::PRECISION_LAST; ++precisionOther)
const char* const unrelatedPrec = glu::getPrecisionName((glu::Precision)precisionOther);
const glu::Precision minPrecision = (precisionOther < (int)precision) ? ((glu::Precision)precisionOther) : (precision);
const char* const multiplierStr = (minPrecision == glu::PRECISION_LOWP) ? ("0.8, 0.4, -0.2, 0.3") : ("1.0e1, 5.0e2, 2.0e2, 1.0");
const char* const normalizationStrUsed = (minPrecision == glu::PRECISION_LOWP) ? ("vec4(fract(used2).xyz, 0.0)") : ("vec4(fract(used2 / 1.0e2).xyz - fract(used2 / 1.0e3).xyz, 0.0)");
const char* const normalizationStrUnrelated = (minPrecision == glu::PRECISION_LOWP) ? ("vec4(fract(unrelated2).xyz, 0.0)") : ("vec4(fract(unrelated2 / 1.0e2).xyz - fract(unrelated2 / 1.0e3).xyz, 0.0)");
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, ("subexpression_precision_" + std::string(unrelatedPrec)).c_str(), "Shader shares subexpression of different precision with an unrelated variable.",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 unrelated0 = a_input + vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);\n"
" ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 unrelated1 = vec4(${MULTIPLIER}) * unrelated0.xywz + unrelated0;\n"
" ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 unrelated2 = refract(unrelated1, unrelated0, distance(unrelated0, unrelated1));\n"
" v_unrelated = a_input + 0.02 * ${NORMALIZE_UNRELATED};\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used0 = a_input + vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used1 = vec4(${MULTIPLIER}) * used0.xywz + used0;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used2 = refract(used1, used0, distance(used0, used1));\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.02 * ${NORMALIZE_USED};\n"
"}\n", FormatArgumentList(args[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("UNRELATED_PREC", unrelatedPrec)
<< FormatArgument("MULTIPLIER", multiplierStr)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_USED", normalizationStrUsed)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_UNRELATED", normalizationStrUnrelated)),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used0 = a_input + vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used1 = vec4(${MULTIPLIER}) * used0.xywz + used0;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 used2 = refract(used1, used0, distance(used0, used1));\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.02 * ${NORMALIZE_USED};\n"
"}\n", FormatArgumentList(args[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("UNRELATED_PREC", unrelatedPrec)
<< FormatArgument("MULTIPLIER", multiplierStr)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_USED", normalizationStrUsed)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_UNRELATED", normalizationStrUnrelated)),
"precision mediump float;\n"
"${IN} ${UNRELATED_PREC} vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform ColorUniform\n"
" vec4 u_color;\n"
"} ucolor;\n"
"${OUT} vec4 fragColor;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" float blue = dot(v_unrelated, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n"
" fragColor = vec4(ucolor.u_color.r, ucolor.u_color.g, blue, ucolor.u_color.a);\n"
"}\n", FormatArgumentList(args[groupNdx])
<< FormatArgument("UNRELATED_PREC", unrelatedPrec)
<< FormatArgument("MULTIPLIER", multiplierStr)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_USED", normalizationStrUsed)
<< FormatArgument("NORMALIZE_UNRELATED", normalizationStrUnrelated))));
// loops
for (deUint32 groupNdx = 0u; groupNdx < VAR_GROUP_SIZE; ++groupNdx)
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "loop_0", "Invariant value set using a loop",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} highp vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" v_unrelated += value;\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4( / ${LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} highp vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4( / ${LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(location=0) in highp vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform ColorUniform\n"
" vec4 u_color;\n"
"} ucolor;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" float blue = dot(v_unrelated, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n"
" fragColor = vec4(ucolor.u_color.r, ucolor.u_color.g, blue, ucolor.u_color.a);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx])));
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "loop_1", "Invariant value set using a loop",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" if (i == ${LOOP_ITERS_PARTIAL})\n"
" v_unrelated = value;\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4( / ${LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4( / ${LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "loop_2", "Invariant value set using a loop",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" if (i == ${LOOP_ITERS_PARTIAL})\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.05 * vec4(fract( / 1.0e${LOOP_NORM_FRACT_EXP}), 1.0);\n"
" else\n"
" v_unrelated = value + a_input;\n"
" }\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" if (i == ${LOOP_ITERS_PARTIAL})\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.05 * vec4(fract( / 1.0e${LOOP_NORM_FRACT_EXP}), 1.0);\n"
" else\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" }\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "loop_3", "Invariant value set using a loop",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} += vec4( / ${SUM_LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
" v_unrelated = ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0}.xyzx * a_input;\n"
" }\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value = a_input;\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} += vec4( / ${SUM_LOOP_NORM_LITERAL} + * 0.1, 1.0);\n"
" }\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
varGroup[groupNdx]->addChild(new InvarianceTest(testCtx, "loop_4", "Invariant value set using a loop",
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value1 = a_input;\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value2 = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value1 *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" v_unrelated = v_unrelated*1.3 + a_input.xyzx * value1.xyxw;\n"
" }\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value2 *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" position = position*1.3 + a_input.xyzx * value2.xyxw;\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.05 * vec4(fract( / 1.0e${LOOP_NORM_FRACT_EXP}), 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
"${IN} ${IN_PREC} vec4 a_input;\n"
"${OUT} mediump vec4 v_unrelated;\n"
"void main ()\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" ${IN_PREC} vec4 value2 = a_input;\n"
" v_unrelated = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for (mediump int i = 0; i < ${LOOP_ITERS}; ++i)\n"
" {\n"
" value2 *= ${LOOP_MULTIPLIER};\n"
" position = position*1.3 + a_input.xyzx * value2.xyxw;\n"
" }\n"
" ${INVARIANT_ASSIGN_0} = a_input + 0.05 * vec4(fract( / 1.0e${LOOP_NORM_FRACT_EXP}), 1.0);\n"
"}\n", args[groupNdx]),
formatGLSL(basicFragmentShader, args[groupNdx])));
return invarianceGroup.release();
} // namespace sr
} // namespace vkt