blob: 619a4bed9596e315351bf6e11c2ba0a543b21ba0 [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "esextcTessellationShaderInvariance.hpp"
#include "gluContextInfo.hpp"
#include "gluDefs.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
namespace glcts
/* Defines a single vertex in tessellation space */
typedef struct _vertex
float u;
float v;
float w;
u = 0.0f;
v = 0.0f;
w = 0.0f;
} _vertex;
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
TessellationShaderInvarianceTests::TessellationShaderInvarianceTests(glcts::Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TestCaseGroupBase(context, extParams, "tessellation_invariance",
"Verifies the implementation conforms to invariance rules.")
/* No implementation needed */
* Initializes test groups for geometry shader tests
void TessellationShaderInvarianceTests::init(void)
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test(m_context, m_extParams));
addChild(new glcts::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test(m_context, m_extParams));
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
* @param name Test name
* @param description Test description
TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams,
const char* name, const char* description)
: TestCaseBase(context, extParams, name, description)
, m_utils_ptr(DE_NULL)
, m_bo_id(0)
, m_qo_tfpw_id(0)
, m_vao_id(0)
/* Left blank on purpose */
/** Deinitializes ES objects created for the test. */
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::deinit()
/* Call base class' deinit() */
if (!m_is_tessellation_shader_supported)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
/* Revert buffer object bindings */
gl.bindBuffer(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0 /* buffer */);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0 /* index */, 0 /* buffer */);
/* Disable GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD mode */
/* Reset GL_PATCH_VERTICES_EXT to default value */
gl.patchParameteri(m_glExtTokens.PATCH_VERTICES, 3);
/* Unbind vertex array object */
/* Deinitialize all ES objects that were created for test purposes */
if (m_bo_id != 0)
gl.deleteBuffers(1, &m_bo_id);
m_bo_id = 0;
for (_programs_iterator it = m_programs.begin(); it != m_programs.end(); ++it)
_test_program& program = *it;
if (program.po_id != 0)
if (m_qo_tfpw_id != 0)
gl.deleteQueries(1, &m_qo_tfpw_id);
m_qo_tfpw_id = 0;
if (m_vao_id != 0)
gl.deleteVertexArrays(1, &m_vao_id);
m_vao_id = 0;
/* Deinitialize TS utils instance */
if (m_utils_ptr != NULL)
delete m_utils_ptr;
m_utils_ptr = NULL;
/** Executes a single-counted GL_PATCHES_EXT draw call.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param n_iteration Not used.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::executeDrawCall(unsigned int n_iteration)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
gl.drawArrays(m_glExtTokens.PATCHES, 0 /* first */, getDrawCallCountArgument());
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glDrawArrays() call failed");
/** Returns a value that should be used for the draw call's "count" argument.
* @param Always 1
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getDrawCallCountArgument()
return 1;
/** Returns source code for fragment shader stage which does
* not do anything.
* @param n_iteration Not used.
* @return Requested string.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getFSCode(unsigned int n_iteration)
std::string result = "${VERSION}\n"
"void main()\n"
return result;
/** Retrieves name of a vec2 uniform that stores inner tesselaton level information,
* later assigned to gl_TessLevelInner in tessellation evaluation shader.
* @return Requested name.
const char* TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getInnerTessLevelUniformName()
static const char* result = "inner_tess_level";
return result;
/** Retrieves name of a vec4 uniform that stores outer tesselation level information,
* later assigned to gl_TessLevelOuter in tessellation evaluation shader.
* @return Requested name.
const char* TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getOuterTessLevelUniformName()
static const char* result = "outer_tess_level";
return result;
/** Returns generic tessellation control shader code, which sends 4 output patch
* to tessellation evaluation shader stage and uses the very first input patch
* vertex only.
* @return Tessellation control source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getTCCode(unsigned int n_iteration)
/* In order to support all three primitive types, our generic tessellation
* control shader will pass 4 vertices to TE stage */
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTCCode(4, /* n_patch_vertices */
/** Retrieves XFB properties for the test pass.
* @param n_iteration Not used.
* @param out_n_names Deref will be used to store amount of strings @param *out_n_names
* offers.
* @param out_names Deref will be used to store pointer to an array of strings holding
* names of varyings that should be captured via transform feedback.
* Must not be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getXFBProperties(unsigned int n_iteration, unsigned int* out_n_names,
const char*** out_names)
static const char* names[] = { "result_uvw" };
*out_n_names = 1;
*out_names = names;
/** Returns vertex shader source code. The shader sets gl_Position to
* vec4(1, 2, 3, 0).
* @return Vertex shader source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::getVSCode(unsigned int n_iteration)
std::string result = "${VERSION}\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0);\n"
return result;
/** Initializes ES objects required to execute the test.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::initTest()
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLuint shared_fs_id = 0;
glw::GLuint shared_tc_id = 0;
glw::GLuint shared_te_id = 0;
glw::GLuint shared_vs_id = 0;
gl.genVertexArrays(1, &m_vao_id);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Could not generate vertex array object");
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error binding vertex array object!");
gl.genQueries(1, &m_qo_tfpw_id);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGenQueries() call failed");
/* Initialize tessellation shader utils */
m_utils_ptr = new TessellationShaderUtils(gl, this);
/* Initialize a buffer object we will use to store XFB data.
* Note: we intentionally skip a glBufferData() call here,
* the actual buffer storage size is iteration-specific.
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_bo_id);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGenBuffers() call failed");
gl.bindBuffer(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, m_bo_id);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glBindBuffer() call failed");
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, /* index */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glBindBufferBase() call failed");
/* Iterate through all iterations */
const unsigned int n_iterations = getAmountOfIterations();
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < n_iterations; ++n_iteration)
_test_program program;
/* Create an iteration-specific program object */
program.po_id = gl.createProgram();
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glCreateProgram() call failed.");
/* Query the implementation on which shader types should be compiled on
* a per-iteration basis, and which can be initialized only once */
static const glw::GLenum shader_types[] = { SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT, SHADER_TYPE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL,
static const unsigned int n_shader_types = sizeof(shader_types) / sizeof(shader_types[0]);
for (unsigned int n_shader_type = 0; n_shader_type < n_shader_types; ++n_shader_type)
std::string shader_body;
const char* shader_body_ptr = DE_NULL;
glw::GLuint shader_id = 0;
glw::GLenum shader_type = shader_types[n_shader_type];
glw::GLenum shader_type_es = (glw::GLenum)shader_type;
// Check whether the test should use a separate program objects for each iteration.
bool is_shader_iteration_specific = false;
is_shader_iteration_specific = true;
else if ((shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT) && (shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL) &&
(shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX))
TCU_FAIL("Unrecognized shader type");
/* We need to initialize the shader object if:
* - its body differs between iterations;
* - its body is shared by all iterations AND this is the first iteration
bool has_shader_been_generated = false;
if ((!is_shader_iteration_specific && n_iteration == 0) || is_shader_iteration_specific)
/* Create the shader object */
has_shader_been_generated = true;
shader_id = gl.createShader(shader_type_es);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glCreateShader() call failed");
/* Assign shader body to the object */
if (shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT)
shader_body = getFSCode(n_iteration);
shader_body = getTCCode(n_iteration);
shader_body = getTECode(n_iteration);
else if (shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX)
shader_body = getVSCode(n_iteration);
TCU_FAIL("Unrecognized shader type");
shader_body_ptr = shader_body.c_str();
shaderSourceSpecialized(shader_id, 1, &shader_body_ptr);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glShaderSource() call failed");
/* Compile the shader object */
m_utils_ptr->compileShaders(1, /* n_shaders */
&shader_id, true); /* should_succeed */
/* If this is a shader object that will be shared by all iterations, cache it
* in a dedicated variable */
if (!is_shader_iteration_specific)
if (shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT)
shared_fs_id = shader_id;
shared_tc_id = shader_id;
shared_te_id = shader_id;
else if (shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX)
shared_vs_id = shader_id;
TCU_FAIL("Unrecognized shader type");
} /* if (!is_shader_iteration_specific) */
} /* if (shader object needs to be initialized) */
shader_id = (shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT) ?
shared_fs_id :
shared_tc_id :
(shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION) ? shared_te_id : shared_vs_id;
/* Attach the shader object to iteration-specific program object */
gl.attachShader(program.po_id, shader_id);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glAttachShader() call failed.");
/* Now that the object has been attached, we can flag it for deletion */
if (has_shader_been_generated)
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glDeleteShader() call failed");
} /* for (all shader types) */
/* Set up transform feed-back */
unsigned int n_xfb_names = 0;
const char** xfb_names = NULL;
getXFBProperties(n_iteration, &n_xfb_names, &xfb_names);
gl.transformFeedbackVaryings(program.po_id, n_xfb_names, xfb_names, GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glTransformFeedbackVaryings() call failed.");
/* Try to link the program object */
glw::GLint link_status = GL_FALSE;
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glLinkProgram() call failed");
gl.getProgramiv(program.po_id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetProgramiv() call failed");
if (link_status != GL_TRUE)
TCU_FAIL("Program linking failed");
/* Retrieve inner/outer tess level uniform locations */
program.inner_tess_level_uniform_location =
gl.getUniformLocation(program.po_id, getInnerTessLevelUniformName());
program.outer_tess_level_uniform_location =
gl.getUniformLocation(program.po_id, getOuterTessLevelUniformName());
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetUniformLocation() call(s) failed");
/* Store the program object */
} /* for (all iterations) */
/** Executes the test.
* Sets the test result to QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL if the test failed, QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS otherwise.
* Note the function throws exception should an error occur!
* @return STOP if the test has finished, CONTINUE to indicate iterate() should be called once again.
tcu::TestNode::IterateResult TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::iterate(void)
/* Do not execute if required extensions are not supported. */
if (!m_is_tessellation_shader_supported)
/* Initialize all objects needed to run the test */
/* Do a general set-up */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glEnable(GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD) failed.");
gl.patchParameteri(m_glExtTokens.PATCH_VERTICES, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glPatchParameteriEXT() failed for GL_PATCH_VERTICES_EXT pname");
/* There are two types of verification supported by this base test implementation:
* - iteration-specific (verifyResultDataForIteration() )
* - global (verifyResultData() )
* It is up to test implementation to decide which of the two (or perhaps both)
* entry-points it should overload and use for validating the result data.
const unsigned int n_iterations = getAmountOfIterations();
char** iteration_data = new char*[n_iterations];
/* Execute the test */
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < n_iterations; ++n_iteration)
_test_program& program = m_programs[n_iteration];
/* Retrieve iteration properties for current iteration */
unsigned int bo_size = 0;
float inner_tess_levels[2] = { 0 };
bool is_point_mode = false;
float outer_tess_levels[4] = { 0 };
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_UNKNOWN;
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_ORDERING_UNKNOWN;
getIterationProperties(n_iteration, inner_tess_levels, outer_tess_levels, &is_point_mode, &primitive_mode,
&vertex_ordering, &bo_size);
DE_ASSERT(bo_size != 0);
/* Activate iteration-specific program */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glUseProgram() failed.");
/* Set up buffer object storage */
char* zero_bo_data = new char[bo_size];
memset(zero_bo_data, 0, bo_size);
gl.bufferData(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, bo_size, zero_bo_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glBufferData() failed");
delete[] zero_bo_data;
zero_bo_data = NULL;
/* Allocate space for iteration-specific data */
iteration_data[n_iteration] = new char[bo_size];
/* Configure inner/outer tessellation levels as requested for the iteration */
gl.uniform2fv(program.inner_tess_level_uniform_location, 1, /* count */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glUniform2fv() call failed");
gl.uniform4fv(program.outer_tess_level_uniform_location, 1, /* count */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glUniform4fv() call failed");
/* Launch the TFPW query */
"glBeginQuery() for GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN target failed.");
/* Prepare for TF */
glw::GLenum tf_mode = TessellationShaderUtils::getTFModeForPrimitiveMode(primitive_mode, is_point_mode);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glBeginTransformFeedback() call failed");
/* Execute the draw call */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Draw call failed");
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glEndTransformFeedback() call failed");
/* Make sure that we had sufficient amount of space in a buffer object we used to
* capture XFB data.
glw::GLuint n_tf_primitives_written = 0;
glw::GLuint used_tf_bo_size = 0;
gl.getQueryObjectuiv(m_qo_tfpw_id, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &n_tf_primitives_written);
"Could not retrieve GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN query object result");
if (is_point_mode)
used_tf_bo_size = static_cast<glw::GLuint>(n_tf_primitives_written * sizeof(float) * 3 /* components */);
used_tf_bo_size = static_cast<glw::GLuint>(n_tf_primitives_written * sizeof(float) * 2 /* vertices */ *
3 /* components */);
used_tf_bo_size = static_cast<glw::GLuint>(n_tf_primitives_written * sizeof(float) * 3 /* vertices */ *
3 /* components */);
if (used_tf_bo_size != bo_size)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Expected " << bo_size
<< " to be filled with tessellation data, "
"only "
<< used_tf_bo_size << "was used." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Amount of primitives generated during TF does not match amount of primitives that were expected"
" to be generated by the tessellator");
/* Map the buffer object we earlier bound to GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER
* target into process space. */
const void* xfb_data = gl.mapBufferRange(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, /* offset */
bo_size, GL_MAP_READ_BIT);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glMapBufferRange() call failed");
memcpy(iteration_data[n_iteration], xfb_data, bo_size);
/* Unmap the buffer object */
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glUnmapBuffer() call failed");
/* Ask the test implementation to verify the results */
verifyResultDataForIteration(n_iteration, iteration_data[n_iteration]);
} /* for (all iterations) */
/* Now that we've executed all iterations, we can call a global verification
* entry-point */
verifyResultData((const void**)iteration_data);
/* At this point we're safe to release space allocated for data coming from
* all the iterations */
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < n_iterations; ++n_iteration)
char* iter_data = (char*)iteration_data[n_iteration];
delete[] iter_data;
iteration_data[n_iteration] = DE_NULL;
} /* for (all iterations) */
delete[] iteration_data;
iteration_data = DE_NULL;
/* All done */
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
return STOP;
/* Does nothing (stub implementation)
* @param n_iteration Not used.
* @param data Not used.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::verifyResultDataForIteration(unsigned int n_iteration, const void* data)
DE_UNREF(n_iteration && data);
/* Do nothing - this is just a stub. */
/* Does nothing (stub implementation)
* @param all_iterations_data Not used.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
/* Do nothing - this is just a stub. */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule1",
"Verifies conformance with first invariance rule")
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return Always 6.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::getAmountOfIterations()
return 6;
/** Returns a value that should be used for the draw call's "count" argument.
* @param Always 3
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::getDrawCallCountArgument()
return 3;
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex ordering.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Must not
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
switch (n_iteration)
case 0:
case 5:
/* Triangles (point mode) */
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[0] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[1] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[2] = 1.0f;
*out_point_mode = true;
case 1:
case 3:
/* Lines */
out_outer_tess_levels[0] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[1] = 1.0f;
*out_point_mode = false;
case 2:
case 4:
/* Triangles */
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[0] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[1] = 1.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[2] = 1.0f;
*out_point_mode = false;
TCU_FAIL("Unrecognzied iteration index");
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
*out_result_buffer_size = static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * getDrawCallCountArgument() *
3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
unsigned int bo_size = 0;
float inner_tess_levels[2] = { 0 };
float outer_tess_levels[4] = { 0 };
bool point_mode = false;
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_UNKNOWN;
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_ORDERING_UNKNOWN;
getIterationProperties(n_iteration, inner_tess_levels, outer_tess_levels, &point_mode, &primitive_mode,
&vertex_ordering, &bo_size);
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL, primitive_mode,
vertex_ordering, point_mode);
/** Verifies result data. Accesses data generated by all iterations.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param all_iterations_data An array of pointers to buffers, holding gl_TessCoord
* data generated by subsequent iterations.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule1Test::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
const float* lines_vertex_data_1 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[1];
const float* lines_vertex_data_2 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[3];
const float* point_vertex_data_1 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[0];
const float* point_vertex_data_2 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[5];
const float* tris_vertex_data_1 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[2];
const float* tris_vertex_data_2 = (const float*)all_iterations_data[4];
const unsigned int n_line_vertices = 2 /* vertices per line segment */ * getDrawCallCountArgument(); /* lines */
const unsigned int n_point_vertices = 1 /* vertices per point */ * getDrawCallCountArgument(); /* points */
const unsigned int n_tri_vertices = 3 /* vertices per triangle */ * getDrawCallCountArgument(); /* triangles */
const unsigned int vertex_size = sizeof(float) * 3; /* components */
/* Make sure the data sets match, given different draw call ordering */
for (int n_type = 0; n_type < 3 /* lines, points, tris */; ++n_type)
const float* data1_ptr = DE_NULL;
const float* data2_ptr = DE_NULL;
std::string data_type_string;
unsigned int n_vertices = 0;
switch (n_type)
case 0:
data1_ptr = lines_vertex_data_1;
data2_ptr = lines_vertex_data_2;
data_type_string = "Line";
n_vertices = n_line_vertices;
case 1:
data1_ptr = point_vertex_data_1;
data2_ptr = point_vertex_data_2;
data_type_string = "Point";
n_vertices = n_point_vertices;
case 2:
data1_ptr = tris_vertex_data_1;
data2_ptr = tris_vertex_data_2;
data_type_string = "Triangle";
n_vertices = n_tri_vertices;
TCU_FAIL("Internal error: type index was not recognized");
} /* switch (n_type) */
/* Make sure the buffer storage in both cases has been modified */
unsigned int zero_bo_size = vertex_size * n_vertices;
char* zero_bo_data = new char[vertex_size * n_vertices];
memset(zero_bo_data, 0, zero_bo_size);
if (memcmp(data1_ptr, zero_bo_data, zero_bo_size) == 0 ||
memcmp(data2_ptr, zero_bo_data, zero_bo_size) == 0)
TCU_FAIL("One of the draw calls has not outputted any data to XFB buffer object storage");
delete[] zero_bo_data;
zero_bo_data = NULL;
/* Compare the data */
if (memcmp(data1_ptr, data2_ptr, vertex_size * n_vertices) != 0)
std::stringstream logMessage;
logMessage << data_type_string << " data rendered in pass 1: (";
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
logMessage << data1_ptr[n_vertex];
if (n_vertex != (n_vertices - 1))
logMessage << ", ";
logMessage << ") ";
} /* for (all vertices) */
logMessage << "and in pass 2: (";
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
logMessage << data2_ptr[n_vertex];
if (n_vertex != (n_vertices - 1))
logMessage << ", ";
logMessage << ") ";
} /* for (all vertices) */
logMessage << "do not match";
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << logMessage.str().c_str() << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Data mismatch");
} /* if (data mismatch) */
} /* for (all primitive types) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule2",
"Verifies conformance with second invariance rule")
memset(m_n_tessellated_vertices, 0, sizeof(m_n_tessellated_vertices));
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return Always 4.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test::getAmountOfIterations()
return 4;
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
switch (n_iteration)
case 0:
case 1:
/* Triangles */
out_outer_tess_levels[0] = 2.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[1] = 3.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[2] = 4.0f;
if (n_iteration == 0)
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 4.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[1] = 5.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 3.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[1] = 4.0f;
*out_point_mode = false;
case 2:
case 3:
/* Quads */
out_outer_tess_levels[0] = 2.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[1] = 3.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[2] = 4.0f;
out_outer_tess_levels[3] = 5.0f;
if (n_iteration == 2)
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 2.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[1] = 3.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[0] = 4.0f;
out_inner_tess_levels[1] = 5.0f;
*out_point_mode = false;
TCU_FAIL("Unrecognized iteration index");
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
m_n_tessellated_vertices[n_iteration] = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
unsigned int bo_size = 0;
float inner_tess_levels[2] = { 0 };
float outer_tess_levels[4] = { 0 };
bool point_mode = false;
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_UNKNOWN;
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_ORDERING_UNKNOWN;
getIterationProperties(n_iteration, inner_tess_levels, outer_tess_levels, &point_mode, &primitive_mode,
&vertex_ordering, &bo_size);
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL, primitive_mode,
vertex_ordering, point_mode);
/** Verifies result data. Accesses data generated by all iterations.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param all_iterations_data An array of pointers to buffers, holding gl_TessCoord
* data generated by subsequent iterations.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule2Test::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
/* Iterate through one tessellated set of vertices for a given primitive type
* and identify outer vertices. Make sure exactly the same vertices can be
* found in the other set of vertices, generated with different input tessellation
* level.
for (int n_primitive_type = 0; n_primitive_type < 2; /* triangles / quads */
const float* data1_ptr = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_primitive_type * 2 + 0];
const float* data2_ptr = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_primitive_type * 2 + 1];
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = (n_primitive_type == 0) ?
std::vector<_vertex> outer_vertices;
/* Iterate through all data1 vertices.. */
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < m_n_tessellated_vertices[n_primitive_type * 2]; ++n_vertex)
/* Check if any of the components is equal to 0 or 1. If so, this could
* be an edge vertex.
const float* vertex_ptr = data1_ptr + n_vertex * 3; /* components */
if (TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, vertex_ptr))
/* Only add the vertex if it has not been added already to the vector */
bool has_already_been_added = false;
for (std::vector<_vertex>::const_iterator vertex_iterator = outer_vertices.begin();
vertex_iterator != outer_vertices.end(); vertex_iterator++)
if (vertex_iterator->u == vertex_ptr[0] && vertex_iterator->v == vertex_ptr[1] &&
vertex_iterator->w == vertex_ptr[2])
has_already_been_added = true;
} /* for (all outer vertices stored so far) */
if (!has_already_been_added)
_vertex vertex;
vertex.u = vertex_ptr[0];
vertex.v = vertex_ptr[1];
vertex.w = vertex_ptr[2];
} /* if (input vertex is located on outer edge) */
} /* for (all input vertices) */
DE_ASSERT(outer_vertices.size() != 0);
/* Now that we know where outer vertices are, make sure they are present in the other data set */
for (std::vector<_vertex>::const_iterator ref_vertex_iterator = outer_vertices.begin();
ref_vertex_iterator != outer_vertices.end(); ref_vertex_iterator++)
bool has_been_found = false;
const _vertex& ref_vertex = *ref_vertex_iterator;
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < m_n_tessellated_vertices[n_primitive_type * 2 + 1]; ++n_vertex)
const float* vertex_ptr = data2_ptr + n_vertex * 3; /* components */
if (vertex_ptr[0] == ref_vertex.u && vertex_ptr[1] == ref_vertex.v && vertex_ptr[2] == ref_vertex.w)
has_been_found = true;
} /* for (all vertices in the other data set) */
if (!has_been_found)
float cmp_inner_tess_levels[2];
float cmp_outer_tess_levels[4];
bool cmp_point_mode;
_tessellation_primitive_mode cmp_primitive_mode;
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering cmp_vertex_ordering;
std::string primitive_type = (n_primitive_type == 0) ? "triangles" : "quads";
float ref_inner_tess_levels[2];
float ref_outer_tess_levels[4];
bool ref_point_mode;
_tessellation_primitive_mode ref_primitive_mode;
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering ref_vertex_ordering;
getIterationProperties(n_primitive_type * 2, ref_inner_tess_levels, ref_outer_tess_levels,
&ref_point_mode, &ref_primitive_mode, &ref_vertex_ordering, NULL);
getIterationProperties(n_primitive_type * 2 + 1, cmp_inner_tess_levels, cmp_outer_tess_levels,
&cmp_point_mode, &cmp_primitive_mode, &cmp_vertex_ordering, NULL);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Outer vertex"
<< " (" << ref_vertex.u << ", " << ref_vertex.v << ", " << ref_vertex.w << ")"
<< " was not found in tessellated data coordinate set generated"
<< " for primitive type: " << primitive_type.c_str()
<< ". Reference inner tessellation level:"
<< " (" << ref_inner_tess_levels[0] << ", " << ref_inner_tess_levels[1]
<< "), reference outer tessellation level:"
<< " (" << ref_outer_tess_levels[0] << ", " << ref_outer_tess_levels[1] << ", "
<< ref_outer_tess_levels[2] << ", " << ref_outer_tess_levels[3]
<< "), test inner tessellation level:"
<< " (" << cmp_inner_tess_levels[0] << ", " << cmp_inner_tess_levels[1]
<< "), reference outer tessellation level:"
<< " (" << cmp_outer_tess_levels[0] << ", " << cmp_outer_tess_levels[1] << ", "
<< cmp_outer_tess_levels[2] << ", " << cmp_outer_tess_levels[3] << ")."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Outer edge vertex was not found in tessellated coordinate set generated for "
"the same outer tessellation levels and vertex spacing, but different inner "
"tessellation levels");
} /* if (outer edge vertex was not found in the other set) */
} /* for (all outer edge vertices) */
} /* for (both primitive types) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule3",
"Verifies conformance with third invariance rule")
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return A value that depends on initTestIterations() behavior.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::getAmountOfIterations()
if (m_test_iterations.size() == 0)
return (unsigned int)m_test_iterations.size();
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
_test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
memcpy(out_inner_tess_levels, test_iteration.inner_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.outer_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels));
*out_point_mode = false;
*out_primitive_mode = test_iteration.primitive_mode;
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.vertex_spacing,
test_iteration.n_vertices = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(test_iteration.vertex_spacing, test_iteration.primitive_mode,
/** Initializes test iterations for the test. The following modes and inner/outer tess level
* configurations are used to form the test set:
* - Inner/outer tessellation level combinations as returned by
* TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode()
* - All primitive modes;
* - All vertex spacing modes;
* All permutations are used to generate the test set.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::initTestIterations()
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() == 0);
/* Retrieve GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT value */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLint gl_max_tess_gen_level_value = 0;
gl.getIntegerv(m_glExtTokens.MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL, &gl_max_tess_gen_level_value);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetIntegerv() failed for GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT pname");
/* Iterate through all primitive and vertex spacing modes */
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_ISOLINES,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_spacing vs_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
const unsigned int n_primitive_modes = sizeof(primitive_modes) / sizeof(primitive_modes[0]);
const unsigned int n_vs_modes = sizeof(vs_modes) / sizeof(vs_modes[0]);
for (unsigned int n_primitive_mode = 0; n_primitive_mode < n_primitive_modes; ++n_primitive_mode)
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = primitive_modes[n_primitive_mode];
for (unsigned int n_vs_mode = 0; n_vs_mode < n_vs_modes; ++n_vs_mode)
_tessellation_shader_vertex_spacing vs_mode = vs_modes[n_vs_mode];
/* Retrieve inner/outer tessellation level combinations we want the tests to be run for */
_tessellation_levels_set levels_set;
levels_set = TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode(
primitive_mode, gl_max_tess_gen_level_value,
/* Iterate through all configurations */
for (_tessellation_levels_set_const_iterator levels_iterator = levels_set.begin();
levels_iterator != levels_set.end(); levels_iterator++)
const _tessellation_levels& levels = *levels_iterator;
/* Create a test descriptor for all the parameters we now have */
_test_iteration test;
memcpy(test.inner_tess_levels, levels.inner, sizeof(test.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(test.outer_tess_levels, levels.outer, sizeof(test.outer_tess_levels));
test.primitive_mode = primitive_mode;
test.vertex_spacing = vs_mode;
} /* for (all inner/outer tessellation levels) */
} /* for (all vertex spacing modes) */
} /* for (all primitive modes) */
/** Verifies result data on per-iteration basis.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param n_iteration Index of iteration the check should be performed for.
* @param data Points to array of vec3s storing the vertices as
* generated by tessellation
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule3Test::verifyResultDataForIteration(unsigned int n_iteration, const void* data)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const glw::GLfloat* data_float = (const glw::GLfloat*)data;
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
/* Iterate through all generated vertices.. */
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < test_iteration.n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
_vertex expected_vertex;
const glw::GLfloat* vertex_data = data_float + 3 /* components */ * n_vertex;
expected_vertex.u = -1.0f;
expected_vertex.v = -1.0f;
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
/* Make sure that for each vertex, the following language from the extension
* spec is followed:
switch (test_iteration.primitive_mode)
/* For isoline tessellation, if it generates vertices at (0,x) and (1,x)
* where <x> is not zero, it will also generate vertices at exactly (0,1-x)
* and (1,1-x), respectively.
if (vertex_data[0] == 0.0f && vertex_data[1] != 0.0f)
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = 1.0f - vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
else if (vertex_data[0] == 1.0f && vertex_data[1] != 0.0f)
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = 1.0f - vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
/* For quad tessellation, if the subdivision generates a vertex with
* coordinates of (x,0) or (0,x), it will also generate a vertex with
* coordinates of exactly (1-x,0) or (0,1-x), respectively.
if (vertex_data[0] != 0.0f && vertex_data[1] == 0.0f)
expected_vertex.u = 1.0f - vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
else if (vertex_data[0] == 0.0f && vertex_data[1] != 0.0f)
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = 1.0f - vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
/* For triangle tessellation, if the subdivision generates a vertex with
* tessellation coordinates of the form (0,x,1-x), (x,0,1-x), or (x,1-x,0),
* it will also generate a vertex with coordinates of exactly (0,1-x,x),
* (1-x,0,x), or (1-x,x,0), respectively.
if (vertex_data[0] == 0.0f && vertex_data[1] != 0.0f && vertex_data[2] == (1.0f - vertex_data[1]))
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[2];
expected_vertex.w = vertex_data[1];
else if (vertex_data[0] != 0.0f && vertex_data[1] == 0.0f && vertex_data[2] == (1.0f - vertex_data[0]))
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[2];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.w = vertex_data[0];
else if (vertex_data[0] != 0.0f && vertex_data[1] == (1.0f - vertex_data[0]) && vertex_data[2] == 0.0f)
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.w = vertex_data[2];
TCU_FAIL("Primitive mode unrecognized");
} /* switch (test_iteration.primitive_mode) */
/* If any of the "expected vertex"'s components is no longer negative,
* make sure the vertex can be found in the result data */
if (expected_vertex.u >= 0.0f || expected_vertex.v >= 0.0f || expected_vertex.w >= 0.0f)
bool has_been_found = false;
for (unsigned int n_find_vertex = 0; n_find_vertex < test_iteration.n_vertices; ++n_find_vertex)
const glw::GLfloat* current_vertex_data = data_float + 3 /* components */ * n_find_vertex;
const glw::GLfloat epsilon = 1e-4f;
glw::GLfloat absDelta[3] = { de::abs(current_vertex_data[0] - expected_vertex.u),
de::abs(current_vertex_data[1] - expected_vertex.v),
de::abs(current_vertex_data[2] - expected_vertex.w) };
if (absDelta[0] < epsilon && absDelta[1] < epsilon &&
((expected_vertex.w < 0.0f) || (expected_vertex.w >= 0.0f && absDelta[2] < epsilon)))
has_been_found = true;
} /* if (the vertex data matches the expected vertex data) */
} /* for (all generated vertices)*/
if (!has_been_found)
TCU_FAIL("Expected symmetrical vertex data was not generated by the tessellator.");
} /* if (any of the components of expected_vertex is no longer negative) */
} /* for (all generated vertices) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule4",
"Verifies conformance with fourth invariance rule")
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return A value that depends on initTestIterations() behavior.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::getAmountOfIterations()
if (m_test_iterations.size() == 0)
return (unsigned int)m_test_iterations.size();
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
_test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
memcpy(out_inner_tess_levels, test_iteration.inner_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.outer_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels));
*out_point_mode = false;
*out_primitive_mode = test_iteration.primitive_mode;
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.vertex_spacing,
test_iteration.n_vertices = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(test_iteration.vertex_spacing, test_iteration.primitive_mode,
/** Initializes test iterations for the test. The following modes and inner/outer tess level
* configurations are used to form the test set:
* - Inner/outer tessellation level combinations as returned by
* TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode()
* - 'Quads' and 'Triangles' primitive modes;
* - All vertex spacing modes;
* All permutations are used to generate the test set.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::initTestIterations()
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() == 0);
/* Retrieve GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT value */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLint gl_max_tess_gen_level_value = 0;
gl.getIntegerv(m_glExtTokens.MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL, &gl_max_tess_gen_level_value);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetIntegerv() failed for GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT pname");
/* Iterate through all primitive and vertex spacing modes relevant to the test */
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_QUADS,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_spacing vs_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
const unsigned int n_primitive_modes = sizeof(primitive_modes) / sizeof(primitive_modes[0]);
const unsigned int n_vs_modes = sizeof(vs_modes) / sizeof(vs_modes[0]);
for (unsigned int n_primitive_mode = 0; n_primitive_mode < n_primitive_modes; ++n_primitive_mode)
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = primitive_modes[n_primitive_mode];
for (unsigned int n_vs_mode = 0; n_vs_mode < n_vs_modes; ++n_vs_mode)
_tessellation_shader_vertex_spacing vs_mode = vs_modes[n_vs_mode];
/* Retrieve inner/outer tessellation level combinations we want the tests to be run for */
_tessellation_levels_set levels;
levels = TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode(
primitive_mode, gl_max_tess_gen_level_value,
/* Iterate through all configurations */
for (_tessellation_levels_set_const_iterator levels_iterator = levels.begin();
levels_iterator != levels.end(); levels_iterator++)
const _tessellation_levels& current_levels = *levels_iterator;
/* Create a test descriptor for all the parameters we now have.
* The set we're operating on uses different outer tessellation level values, so we
* need to make sure the levels are set to the same FP values in order for the test
* to succeed. */
_test_iteration test;
memcpy(test.inner_tess_levels, current_levels.inner, sizeof(test.inner_tess_levels));
for (int n = 0; n < 4 /* outer tess levels */; ++n)
test.outer_tess_levels[n] = current_levels.outer[0];
test.primitive_mode = primitive_mode;
test.vertex_spacing = vs_mode;
} /* for (all inner/outer tessellation levels) */
} /* for (all vertex spacing modes) */
} /* for (all primitive modes) */
/** Verifies user-provided vertex data can be found in the provided vertex data array.
* @param vertex_data Vertex data array the requested vertex data are to be found in.
* @param n_vertices Amount of vertices declared in @param vertex_data;
* @param vertex_data_seeked Vertex data to be found in @param vertex_data;
* @param n_vertex_data_seeked_components Amount of components to take into account.
* @return true if the vertex data was found, false otherwise.
bool TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::isVertexDefined(const float* vertex_data, unsigned int n_vertices,
const float* vertex_data_seeked,
unsigned int n_vertex_data_seeked_components)
bool result = false;
DE_ASSERT(n_vertex_data_seeked_components >= 2);
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
const float* current_vertex_data = vertex_data + 3 /* components */ * n_vertex;
if ((vertex_data_seeked[0] == current_vertex_data[0]) && (vertex_data_seeked[1] == current_vertex_data[1]) &&
((n_vertex_data_seeked_components < 3) ||
(n_vertex_data_seeked_components >= 3 && (vertex_data_seeked[2] == current_vertex_data[2]))))
result = true;
} /* if (components match) */
} /* for (all vertices) */
return result;
/** Verifies result data on per-iteration basis.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param n_iteration Index of iteration the check should be performed for.
* @param data Points to array of vec3s storing the vertices as
* generated by tessellation
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule4Test::verifyResultDataForIteration(unsigned int n_iteration, const void* data)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const glw::GLfloat* data_float = (const glw::GLfloat*)data;
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = m_test_iterations[n_iteration];
/* Iterate through all generated vertices.. */
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < test_iteration.n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
std::vector<_vertex> expected_vertices;
const glw::GLfloat* vertex_data = data_float + 3 /* components */ * n_vertex;
/* Make sure that for each vertex, the following language from the extension
* spec is followed:
switch (test_iteration.primitive_mode)
/* For quad tessellation, if vertices at (x,0) and (1-x,0) are generated
* when subdividing the v==0 edge, vertices must be generated at (0,x) and
* (0,1-x) when subdividing an otherwise identical u==0 edge.
if (vertex_data[0] != 0.0f && vertex_data[1] == 0.0f)
const float paired_vertex_data[] = { 1.0f - vertex_data[0], vertex_data[1] };
if (isVertexDefined(data_float, test_iteration.n_vertices, paired_vertex_data, 2)) /* components */
_vertex expected_vertex;
/* First expected vertex */
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.w = -1.0f;
/* The other expected vertex */
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.v = 1.0f - vertex_data[0];
} /* if (the other required vertex is defined) */
} /* if (the first required vertex is defined) */
/* For triangular tessellation, if vertices at (x,1-x,0) and (1-x,x,0) are
* generated when subdividing the w==0 edge, vertices must be generated at
* (x,0,1-x) and (1-x,0,x) when subdividing an otherwise identical v==0
* edge.
if (vertex_data[0] != 0.0f && vertex_data[1] == (1.0f - vertex_data[0]) && vertex_data[2] == 0)
const float paired_vertex_data[] = { vertex_data[1], vertex_data[0], vertex_data[2] };
if (isVertexDefined(data_float, test_iteration.n_vertices, paired_vertex_data, 3)) /* components */
_vertex expected_vertex;
/* First expected vertex */
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[0];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[2];
expected_vertex.w = vertex_data[1];
/* The other expected vertex */
expected_vertex.u = vertex_data[1];
expected_vertex.v = vertex_data[2];
expected_vertex.w = vertex_data[0];
} /* if (the other required vertex is defined) */
} /* if (the firsst required vertex is defined) */
TCU_FAIL("Primitive mode unrecognized");
} /* switch (test_iteration.primitive_mode) */
/* Iterate through all expected vertices */
for (std::vector<_vertex>::const_iterator expected_vertex_iterator = expected_vertices.begin();
expected_vertex_iterator != expected_vertices.end(); expected_vertex_iterator++)
const _vertex& expected_vertex = *expected_vertex_iterator;
const float expected_vertex_raw[] = { expected_vertex.u, expected_vertex.v, expected_vertex.w };
bool has_been_found = false;
has_been_found = isVertexDefined(data_float, test_iteration.n_vertices, expected_vertex_raw,
(expected_vertex.w < 0) ? 2 : 3);
if (!has_been_found)
std::stringstream expected_vertex_sstream;
expected_vertex_sstream << expected_vertex.u << ", " << expected_vertex.v;
if (expected_vertex.w >= 0.0f)
expected_vertex_sstream << ", " << expected_vertex.w;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "For primitive mode:"
<< "["
<< TessellationShaderUtils::getESTokenForPrimitiveMode(test_iteration.primitive_mode)
<< "]"
<< "and vertex spacing mode:"
<< "[" << TessellationShaderUtils::getESTokenForVertexSpacingMode(
<< "]"
<< " and inner tessellation levels:[" << test_iteration.inner_tess_levels[0] << ", "
<< test_iteration.inner_tess_levels[1] << ") "
<< " and outer tessellation levels:[" << test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[0] << ", "
<< test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[1] << ", " << test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[2]
<< ", " << test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[3] << ") "
<< " the following vertex was expected:[" << expected_vertex_sstream.str().c_str()
<< "] but was not found in the tessellated cooordinate data set"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Expected symmetrical vertex data was not generated by the tessellator.");
} /* if (the expected vertex data was not found) */
} /* for (all expected vertices) */
} /* for (all generated vertices) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule5",
"Verifies conformance with fifth invariance rule")
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return A value that depends on initTestIterations() behavior.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::getAmountOfIterations()
if (m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 || m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0)
return (unsigned int)(m_test_quads_iterations.size() + m_test_triangles_iterations.size());
/** Retrieves _test_iteration instance specific for user-specified iteration index.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve _test_iteration instance for.
* @return Iteration-specific _test_iteration instance.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::_test_iteration& TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::getTestForIteration(
unsigned int n_iteration)
unsigned int n_triangles_tests = (unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
_test_iteration& test_iteration = (n_iteration < n_triangles_tests) ?
m_test_triangles_iterations[n_iteration] :
m_test_quads_iterations[n_iteration - n_triangles_tests];
return test_iteration;
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
_test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
memcpy(out_inner_tess_levels, test_iteration.inner_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.outer_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels));
*out_point_mode = false;
*out_primitive_mode = test_iteration.primitive_mode;
*out_vertex_ordering = test_iteration.vertex_ordering;
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.n_vertices = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.primitive_mode, test_iteration.vertex_ordering,
false); /* point mode */
/** Initializes test iterations for the test. The following modes and inner/outer tess level
* configurations are used to form the test set:
* - Last inner/outer tessellation level combination as returned by
* TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode()
* - All primitive modes;
* - All vertex spacing modes;
* All permutations are used to generate the test set.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::initTestIterations()
DE_ASSERT(m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 && m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0);
/* Retrieve GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT value */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLint gl_max_tess_gen_level_value = 0;
gl.getIntegerv(m_glExtTokens.MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL, &gl_max_tess_gen_level_value);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetIntegerv() failed for GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT pname");
/* Iterate through all primitive and vertex spacing modes relevant to the test */
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_QUADS,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vo_modes[] = {
const unsigned int n_primitive_modes = sizeof(primitive_modes) / sizeof(primitive_modes[0]);
const unsigned int n_vo_modes = sizeof(vo_modes) / sizeof(vo_modes[0]);
for (unsigned int n_primitive_mode = 0; n_primitive_mode < n_primitive_modes; ++n_primitive_mode)
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = primitive_modes[n_primitive_mode];
for (unsigned int n_vo_mode = 0; n_vo_mode < n_vo_modes; ++n_vo_mode)
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = vo_modes[n_vo_mode];
/* Retrieve inner/outer tessellation level combinations we want the tests to be run for */
_tessellation_levels_set levels_set;
levels_set = TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode(
primitive_mode, gl_max_tess_gen_level_value,
/* Only use the last inner/outer level configuration, as reported by the utils function. */
const _tessellation_levels& levels = levels_set[levels_set.size() - 1];
/* Create a test descriptor for all the parameters we now have */
_test_iteration test;
memcpy(test.inner_tess_levels, levels.inner, sizeof(test.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(test.outer_tess_levels, levels.outer, sizeof(test.outer_tess_levels));
test.primitive_mode = primitive_mode;
test.vertex_ordering = vertex_ordering;
} /* for (all vertex spacing modes) */
} /* for (all primitive modes) */
/** Verifies user-provided vertex data can be found in the provided vertex data array.
* @param vertex_data Vertex data array the requested vertex data are to be found in.
* @param n_vertices Amount of vertices declared in @param vertex_data;
* @param vertex_data_seeked Vertex data to be found in @param vertex_data;
* @param n_vertex_data_seeked_components Amount of components to take into account.
* @return true if the vertex data was found, false otherwise.
bool TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::isVertexDefined(const float* vertex_data, unsigned int n_vertices,
const float* vertex_data_seeked,
unsigned int n_vertex_data_seeked_components)
const float epsilon = 1e-5f;
bool result = false;
DE_ASSERT(n_vertex_data_seeked_components >= 2);
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < n_vertices; ++n_vertex)
const float* current_vertex_data = vertex_data + 3 /* components */ * n_vertex;
if (de::abs(vertex_data_seeked[0] - current_vertex_data[0]) < epsilon &&
de::abs(vertex_data_seeked[1] - current_vertex_data[1]) < epsilon &&
((n_vertex_data_seeked_components < 3) ||
(n_vertex_data_seeked_components >= 3 &&
de::abs(vertex_data_seeked[2] - current_vertex_data[2]) < epsilon)))
result = true;
} /* if (components match) */
} /* for (all vertices) */
return result;
/** Verifies result data. Accesses data generated by all iterations.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param all_iterations_data An array of pointers to buffers, holding gl_TessCoord
* data generated by subsequent iterations.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule5Test::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
/* Run two separate iterations:
* a) triangles
* b) quads
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < 2 /* quads, triangles */; ++n_iteration)
const unsigned int n_base_iteration =
(n_iteration == 0) ? 0 : (const unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
const unsigned int set_size = (n_iteration == 0) ? (const unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size() :
(const unsigned int)m_test_quads_iterations.size();
const _test_iterations& test_iterations =
(n_iteration == 0) ? m_test_triangles_iterations : m_test_quads_iterations;
DE_ASSERT(test_iterations.size() != 0);
/* For each iteration, verify that all vertices generated for all three vertex spacing modes.
* are exactly the same (but in different order) */
const float* base_vertex_data = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + 0];
for (unsigned int n_set = 1; n_set < set_size; ++n_set)
const float* set_vertex_data = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + n_set];
/* Amount of vertices should not differ between sets */
DE_ASSERT(test_iterations[0].n_vertices == test_iterations[n_set].n_vertices);
/* Run through all vertices in base set and make sure they can be found in currently
* processed set */
for (unsigned int n_base_vertex = 0; n_base_vertex < test_iterations[0].n_vertices; ++n_base_vertex)
const float* base_vertex = base_vertex_data + 3 /* components */ * n_base_vertex;
if (!isVertexDefined(set_vertex_data, test_iterations[n_set].n_vertices, base_vertex,
3)) /* components */
const char* primitive_mode = (n_iteration == 0) ? "triangles" : "quads";
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "For primitive mode [" << primitive_mode << "] "
<< "a vertex with tessellation coordinates:[" << base_vertex[0] << ", "
<< base_vertex[1] << ", " << base_vertex[2] << ") "
<< "could not have been found for both vertex orderings."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Implementation does not follow Rule 5.");
} /* for (all base set's vertices) */
} /* for (all sets) */
} /* for (both primitive types) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule6",
"Verifies conformance with sixth invariance rule")
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return A value that depends on initTestIterations() behavior.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::getAmountOfIterations()
if (m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 || m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0)
return (unsigned int)(m_test_quads_iterations.size() + m_test_triangles_iterations.size());
/** Retrieves _test_iteration instance specific for user-specified iteration index.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve _test_iteration instance for.
* @return Iteration-specific _test_iteration instance.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::_test_iteration& TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::getTestForIteration(
unsigned int n_iteration)
unsigned int n_triangles_tests = (unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
_test_iteration& test_iteration = (n_iteration < n_triangles_tests) ?
m_test_triangles_iterations[n_iteration] :
m_test_quads_iterations[n_iteration - n_triangles_tests];
return test_iteration;
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
_test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
memcpy(out_inner_tess_levels, test_iteration.inner_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.outer_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels));
*out_point_mode = false;
*out_primitive_mode = test_iteration.primitive_mode;
*out_vertex_ordering = test_iteration.vertex_ordering;
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.n_vertices = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.primitive_mode, test_iteration.vertex_ordering,
false); /* point mode */
/** Initializes test iterations for the test. The following modes and inner/outer tess level
* configurations are used to form the test set:
* - Tessellation level combinations as returned by
* TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode() (however, the inner
* tessellation level values are all set to values corresponding to last item returned for
* the set)
* - All primitive modes;
* - All vertex ordering modes;
* All permutations are used to generate the test set.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::initTestIterations()
DE_ASSERT(m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 && m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0);
/* Retrieve GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT value */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLint gl_max_tess_gen_level_value = 0;
gl.getIntegerv(m_glExtTokens.MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL, &gl_max_tess_gen_level_value);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetIntegerv() failed for GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT pname");
/* Iterate through all primitive and vertex spacing modes relevant to the test */
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_TRIANGLES,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_ORDERING_CCW,
const unsigned int n_primitive_modes = sizeof(primitive_modes) / sizeof(primitive_modes[0]);
const unsigned int n_vo_modes = sizeof(vertex_ordering_modes) / sizeof(vertex_ordering_modes[0]);
for (unsigned int n_primitive_mode = 0; n_primitive_mode < n_primitive_modes; ++n_primitive_mode)
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = primitive_modes[n_primitive_mode];
for (unsigned int n_vo_mode = 0; n_vo_mode < n_vo_modes; ++n_vo_mode)
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = vertex_ordering_modes[n_vo_mode];
/* Retrieve inner/outer tessellation level combinations we want the tests to be run for.
* Since each level set we will be provided by getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode()
* is unique and does not repeat, we'll just make sure the inner level values are set to
* the same set of values, so that the conditions the test must meet are actually met.
float* inner_levels_to_use = DE_NULL;
_tessellation_levels_set levels_set;
unsigned int n_levels_sets = 0;
levels_set = TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode(
primitive_mode, gl_max_tess_gen_level_value,
n_levels_sets = (unsigned int)levels_set.size();
inner_levels_to_use = levels_set[n_levels_sets - 1].inner;
for (unsigned int n_levels_set = 0; n_levels_set < n_levels_sets - 1; n_levels_set++)
/* Make sure the Utils function was not changed and that inner level values
* are actually unique across the whole set */
DE_ASSERT(levels_set[n_levels_set].inner[0] != levels_set[n_levels_sets - 1].inner[0] &&
levels_set[n_levels_set].inner[1] != levels_set[n_levels_sets - 1].inner[1]);
/* Force the last set's inner values to all level combinations we'll be using */
memcpy(levels_set[n_levels_set].inner, inner_levels_to_use, sizeof(levels_set[n_levels_set].inner));
} /* for (all sets retrieved from Utils function */
for (_tessellation_levels_set_const_iterator set_iterator = levels_set.begin();
set_iterator != levels_set.end(); set_iterator++)
const _tessellation_levels& levels = *set_iterator;
/* Create a test descriptor for all the parameters we now have */
_test_iteration test;
memcpy(test.inner_tess_levels, levels.inner, sizeof(test.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(test.outer_tess_levels, levels.outer, sizeof(test.outer_tess_levels));
test.primitive_mode = primitive_mode;
test.vertex_ordering = vertex_ordering;
} /* for (all level sets) */
} /* for (all vertex ordering modes) */
} /* for (all primitive modes) */
/** Verifies result data. Accesses data generated by all iterations.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param all_iterations_data An array of pointers to buffers, holding gl_TessCoord
* data generated by subsequent iterations.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule6Test::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
/* Run two separate iterations:
* a) triangles
* b) quads
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < 2 /* quads, triangles */; ++n_iteration)
const unsigned int n_base_iteration =
(n_iteration == 0) ? 0 : (const unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
const unsigned int n_sets = (n_iteration == 0) ? (const unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size() :
(const unsigned int)m_test_quads_iterations.size();
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = (n_iteration == 0) ?
const _test_iterations& test_iterations =
(n_iteration == 0) ? m_test_triangles_iterations : m_test_quads_iterations;
const unsigned int n_triangles_in_base_set = test_iterations[0].n_vertices / 3 /* vertices per triangle */;
DE_ASSERT(test_iterations.size() != 0);
/* For each iteration, verify that all vertices generated for all three vertex spacing modes.
* are exactly the same (but in different order) */
const _test_iteration& base_test = test_iterations[0];
const float* base_vertex_data = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + 0];
for (unsigned int n_set = 1; n_set < n_sets; ++n_set)
const _test_iteration& set_test = test_iterations[n_set];
const float* set_vertex_data = (const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + n_set];
/* We're operating on triangles so make sure the amount of vertices we're dealing with is
* divisible by 3 */
DE_ASSERT((test_iterations[n_set].n_vertices % 3) == 0);
const unsigned int n_triangles_in_curr_set = test_iterations[n_set].n_vertices / 3;
/* Take base triangles and make sure they can be found in iteration-specific set.
* Now, thing to keep in mind here is that we must not assume any specific vertex
* and triangle order which is why the slow search. */
for (unsigned int n_base_triangle = 0; n_base_triangle < n_triangles_in_base_set; ++n_base_triangle)
/* Extract base triangle data first */
const float* base_triangle_vertex1 = base_vertex_data +
n_base_triangle * 3 * /* vertices per triangle */
3; /* components */
const float* base_triangle_vertex2 = base_triangle_vertex1 + 3; /* components */
const float* base_triangle_vertex3 = base_triangle_vertex2 + 3; /* components */
/* Only interior triangles should be left intact. Is this an interior triangle? */
if (!TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex1) &&
!TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex2) &&
!TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex3))
/* Iterate through all triangles in considered set */
bool has_base_set_triangle_been_found = false;
for (unsigned int n_curr_set_triangle = 0; n_curr_set_triangle < n_triangles_in_curr_set;
const float* curr_triangle = set_vertex_data +
n_curr_set_triangle * 3 * /* vertices per triangle */
3; /* components */
if (TessellationShaderUtils::isTriangleDefined(base_triangle_vertex1, curr_triangle))
has_base_set_triangle_been_found = true;
} /* for (all triangles in currently processed set) */
if (!has_base_set_triangle_been_found)
std::string primitive_mode_str =
<< tcu::TestLog::Message << "For primitive mode [" << primitive_mode_str << "]"
<< ", base inner tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << base_test.inner_tess_levels[0] << ", " << base_test.inner_tess_levels[1] << "]"
<< ", base outer tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << base_test.outer_tess_levels[0] << ", " << base_test.outer_tess_levels[1] << ", "
<< base_test.outer_tess_levels[2] << ", " << base_test.outer_tess_levels[3] << "]"
<< ", reference inner tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << set_test.inner_tess_levels[0] << ", " << set_test.inner_tess_levels[1] << "]"
<< ", reference outer tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << set_test.outer_tess_levels[0] << ", " << set_test.outer_tess_levels[1] << ", "
<< set_test.outer_tess_levels[2] << ", " << set_test.outer_tess_levels[3] << "]"
<< ", the following triangle formed during base tessellation run was not found in "
"reference run:"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex1[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex1[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex1[2] << "]x"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex2[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex2[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex2[2] << "]x"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex3[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex3[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex3[2]
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Implementation does not appear to be rule 6-conformant");
} /* if (triangle created during base run was not found in reference run) */
} /* if (base triangle is interior) */
} /* for (all base set's vertices) */
} /* for (all sets) */
} /* for (both primitive types) */
/** Constructor.
* @param context Rendering context.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TessellationShaderInvarianceBaseTest(context, extParams, "invariance_rule7",
"Verifies conformance with seventh invariance rule")
/** Destructor. */
/* Left blank intentionally */
/** Retrieves amount of iterations the base test implementation should run before
* calling global verification routine.
* @return A value that depends on initTestIterations() behavior.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::getAmountOfIterations()
if (m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 || m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0)
return (unsigned int)(m_test_quads_iterations.size() + m_test_triangles_iterations.size());
/** Retrieves index of a test iteration that was initialized with user-provided
* properties.
* @param is_triangles_iteration true if the seeked test iteration should have
* been run for 'triangles' primitive mode', false
* if 'quads' primitive mode run is seeked.
* @param inner_tess_levels Two FP values describing inner tessellation level
* values the seeked run should have used.
* @param outer_tess_levels Four FP values describing outer tessellation level
* values the seeked run should have used.
* @param vertex_ordering Vertex ordering mode the seeked run should have used.
* @param n_modified_outer_tess_level Tells which outer tessellation level should be
* excluded from checking.
* @return 0xFFFFFFFF if no test iteration was run for user-provided properties,
* actual index otherwise.
unsigned int TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::getTestIterationIndex(
bool is_triangles_iteration, const float* inner_tess_levels, const float* outer_tess_levels,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering, unsigned int n_modified_outer_tess_level)
const float epsilon = 1e-5f;
unsigned int result = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const _test_iterations& test_iterations =
(is_triangles_iteration) ? m_test_triangles_iterations : m_test_quads_iterations;
const unsigned int n_test_iterations = (const unsigned int)test_iterations.size();
for (unsigned int n_test_iteration = 0; n_test_iteration < n_test_iterations; ++n_test_iteration)
_test_iteration test_iteration = test_iterations[n_test_iteration];
if (de::abs(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels[0] - inner_tess_levels[0]) < epsilon &&
de::abs(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels[1] - inner_tess_levels[1]) < epsilon &&
test_iteration.vertex_ordering == vertex_ordering &&
test_iteration.n_modified_outer_tess_level == n_modified_outer_tess_level)
/* Only compare outer tessellation levels that have not been modified */
if (((n_modified_outer_tess_level == 0) ||
(n_modified_outer_tess_level != 0 &&
de::abs(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[0] - outer_tess_levels[0]) < epsilon)) &&
((n_modified_outer_tess_level == 1) ||
(n_modified_outer_tess_level != 1 &&
de::abs(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[1] - outer_tess_levels[1]) < epsilon)) &&
((n_modified_outer_tess_level == 2) ||
(n_modified_outer_tess_level != 2 &&
de::abs(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[2] - outer_tess_levels[2]) < epsilon)) &&
((n_modified_outer_tess_level == 3) ||
(n_modified_outer_tess_level != 3 &&
de::abs(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels[3] - outer_tess_levels[3]) < epsilon)))
result = n_test_iteration;
} /* for (all test iterations) */
return result;
/** Retrieves _test_iteration instance specific for user-specified iteration index.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve _test_iteration instance for.
* @return Iteration-specific _test_iteration instance.
TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::_test_iteration& TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::getTestForIteration(
unsigned int n_iteration)
unsigned int n_triangles_tests = (unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
_test_iteration& test_iteration = (n_iteration < n_triangles_tests) ?
m_test_triangles_iterations[n_iteration] :
m_test_quads_iterations[n_iteration - n_triangles_tests];
return test_iteration;
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation properties.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index to retrieve the properties for.
* @param out_inner_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific inner
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_outer_tess_levels Deref will be used to store iteration-specific outer
* tessellation level values. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_point_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific flag
* telling whether point mode should be enabled for given pass.
* Must not be NULL.
* @param out_primitive_mode Deref will be used to store iteration-specific primitive
* mode. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_vertex_ordering Deref will be used to store iteration-specific vertex
* ordering. Must not be NULL.
* @param out_result_buffer_size Deref will be used to store amount of bytes XFB buffer object
* storage should offer for the draw call to succeed. Can
* be NULL.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::getIterationProperties(
unsigned int n_iteration, float* out_inner_tess_levels, float* out_outer_tess_levels, bool* out_point_mode,
_tessellation_primitive_mode* out_primitive_mode, _tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering* out_vertex_ordering,
unsigned int* out_result_buffer_size)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
_test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
memcpy(out_inner_tess_levels, test_iteration.inner_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(out_outer_tess_levels, test_iteration.outer_tess_levels, sizeof(test_iteration.outer_tess_levels));
*out_point_mode = false;
*out_primitive_mode = test_iteration.primitive_mode;
*out_vertex_ordering = test_iteration.vertex_ordering;
if (out_result_buffer_size != DE_NULL)
*out_result_buffer_size = m_utils_ptr->getAmountOfVerticesGeneratedByTessellator(
*out_primitive_mode, out_inner_tess_levels, out_outer_tess_levels, TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.n_vertices = *out_result_buffer_size;
*out_result_buffer_size =
static_cast<unsigned int>(*out_result_buffer_size * 3 /* components */ * sizeof(float));
DE_ASSERT(*out_result_buffer_size != 0);
/** Retrieves iteration-specific tessellation evaluation shader code.
* @param n_iteration Iteration index, for which the source code is being obtained.
* @return Requested source code.
std::string TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::getTECode(unsigned int n_iteration)
DE_ASSERT(m_test_triangles_iterations.size() + m_test_quads_iterations.size() > n_iteration);
const _test_iteration& test_iteration = getTestForIteration(n_iteration);
return TessellationShaderUtils::getGenericTECode(TESSELLATION_SHADER_VERTEX_SPACING_EQUAL,
test_iteration.primitive_mode, test_iteration.vertex_ordering,
false); /* point mode */
/** Initializes test iterations for the test. The following modes and inner/outer tess level
* configurations are used to form the test set:
* - All inner/outer tessellation level combinations as returned by
* TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode()
* times 3 (for triangles) or 4 (for quads). For each combination,
* the test will capture tessellation coordinates multiple times, each
* time changing a different outer tessellation level value and leaving
* the rest intact.
* - All primitive modes;
* - All vertex spacing modes;
* All permutations are used to generate the test set.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::initTestIterations()
DE_ASSERT(m_test_quads_iterations.size() == 0 && m_test_triangles_iterations.size() == 0);
/* Retrieve GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT value */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLint gl_max_tess_gen_level_value = 0;
gl.getIntegerv(m_glExtTokens.MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL, &gl_max_tess_gen_level_value);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "glGetIntegerv() failed for GL_MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL_EXT pname");
/* Iterate through all primitive and vertex spacing modes relevant to the test */
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_modes[] = { TESSELLATION_SHADER_PRIMITIVE_MODE_QUADS,
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vo_modes[] = {
const unsigned int n_primitive_modes = sizeof(primitive_modes) / sizeof(primitive_modes[0]);
const unsigned int n_vo_modes = sizeof(vo_modes) / sizeof(vo_modes[0]);
for (unsigned int n_primitive_mode = 0; n_primitive_mode < n_primitive_modes; ++n_primitive_mode)
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = primitive_modes[n_primitive_mode];
const unsigned int n_relevant_outer_tess_levels =
for (unsigned int n_vo_mode = 0; n_vo_mode < n_vo_modes; ++n_vo_mode)
_tessellation_shader_vertex_ordering vertex_ordering = vo_modes[n_vo_mode];
/* Retrieve inner/outer tessellation level combinations we want the tests to be run for */
_tessellation_levels_set levels_set;
levels_set = TessellationShaderUtils::getTessellationLevelSetForPrimitiveMode(
primitive_mode, gl_max_tess_gen_level_value,
/* Create test descriptor for all inner/outer level configurations we received from the utils function. */
for (_tessellation_levels_set_const_iterator levels_set_iterator = levels_set.begin();
levels_set_iterator != levels_set.end(); levels_set_iterator++)
const _tessellation_levels& levels = *levels_set_iterator;
for (unsigned int n_outer_level_to_change = 0;
n_outer_level_to_change < n_relevant_outer_tess_levels + 1 /* base iteration */;
/* Create a test descriptor for all the parameters we now have */
_test_iteration test;
memcpy(test.inner_tess_levels, levels.inner, sizeof(test.inner_tess_levels));
memcpy(test.outer_tess_levels, levels.outer, sizeof(test.outer_tess_levels));
test.primitive_mode = primitive_mode;
test.vertex_ordering = vertex_ordering;
/* Change iteration-specific outer tessellation level to a different value, but only
* if we're not preparing a base iteration*/
if (n_outer_level_to_change != n_relevant_outer_tess_levels)
test.n_modified_outer_tess_level = n_outer_level_to_change;
test.outer_tess_levels[n_outer_level_to_change] = (float)(gl_max_tess_gen_level_value) / 3.0f;
test.is_base_iteration = true;
} /* for (all levels set entries) */
} /* for (all vertex spacing modes) */
} /* for (all primitive modes) */
/** Tells whether a triangle is included in user-provided set of triangles.
* The triangle is expected to use an undefined vertex ordering.
* @param base_triangle_data 9 FP values defining 3 vertices of a triangle.
* @param vertex_data Vertex stream. It is expected these vertices
* form triangles. It is also assumed each vertex
* is expressed with 3 components.
* @param vertex_data_n_vertices Amount of vertices that can be found in @param
* vertex_data
* @return true if the triangle was found in user-provided triangle set,
* false otherwise.
bool TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::isTriangleDefinedInVertexDataSet(const float* base_triangle_data,
const float* vertex_data,
unsigned int vertex_data_n_vertices)
bool result = false;
for (unsigned int n_triangle = 0; n_triangle < vertex_data_n_vertices / 3 /* vertices per triangle */; n_triangle++)
const float* current_triangle_data = vertex_data +
n_triangle * 3 * /* vertices per triangle */
3; /* components */
if (TessellationShaderUtils::isTriangleDefined(current_triangle_data, base_triangle_data))
result = true;
} /* for (all vertices) */
return result;
/** Verifies result data. Accesses data generated by all iterations.
* Throws TestError exception if an error occurs.
* @param all_iterations_data An array of pointers to buffers, holding gl_TessCoord
* data generated by subsequent iterations.
void TessellationShaderInvarianceRule7Test::verifyResultData(const void** all_iterations_data)
const float epsilon = 1e-5f;
/* Run two separate iterations:
* a) triangles
* b) quads
for (unsigned int n_iteration = 0; n_iteration < 2 /* triangles, quads */; ++n_iteration)
bool is_triangles_iteration = (n_iteration == 0);
const unsigned int n_base_iteration =
(n_iteration == 0) ? 0 : (const unsigned int)m_test_triangles_iterations.size();
const unsigned int n_relevant_outer_tess_levels = (is_triangles_iteration) ? 3 : 4;
_tessellation_primitive_mode primitive_mode = (n_iteration == 0) ?
const _test_iterations& test_iterations =
(n_iteration == 0) ? m_test_triangles_iterations : m_test_quads_iterations;
DE_ASSERT(test_iterations.size() != 0);
/* Find a base iteration first */
for (unsigned int n_base_test_iteration = 0; n_base_test_iteration < test_iterations.size();
const _test_iteration& base_iteration = test_iterations[n_base_test_iteration];
std::vector<int> ref_iteration_indices;
if (!base_iteration.is_base_iteration)
/* Retrieve reference test iterations */
for (unsigned int n_reference_iteration = 0; n_reference_iteration < n_relevant_outer_tess_levels;
const unsigned int n_modified_outer_tess_level =
(base_iteration.n_modified_outer_tess_level + n_reference_iteration + 1) %
const unsigned int ref_iteration_index = getTestIterationIndex(
is_triangles_iteration, base_iteration.inner_tess_levels, base_iteration.outer_tess_levels,
base_iteration.vertex_ordering, n_modified_outer_tess_level);
DE_ASSERT(ref_iteration_index != 0xFFFFFFFF);
DE_ASSERT(ref_iteration_index != n_base_test_iteration);
/* We can now start comparing base data with the information generated for
* reference iterations. */
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator ref_iteration_iterator = ref_iteration_indices.begin();
ref_iteration_iterator != ref_iteration_indices.end(); ref_iteration_iterator++)
const int& n_ref_test_iteration = *ref_iteration_iterator;
const _test_iteration& ref_iteration = test_iterations[n_ref_test_iteration];
/* Now move through all triangles generated for base test iteration. Focus on the ones
* that connect the outer edge with one of the inner ones */
const float* base_iteration_vertex_data =
(const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + n_base_test_iteration];
const float* ref_iteration_vertex_data =
(const float*)all_iterations_data[n_base_iteration + n_ref_test_iteration];
for (unsigned int n_base_triangle = 0;
n_base_triangle < base_iteration.n_vertices / 3; /* vertices per triangle */
const float* base_triangle_data =
base_iteration_vertex_data + n_base_triangle * 3 /* vertices */ * 3; /* components */
/* Is that the triangle type we're after? */
const float* base_triangle_vertex1 = base_triangle_data;
const float* base_triangle_vertex2 = base_triangle_vertex1 + 3; /* components */
const float* base_triangle_vertex3 = base_triangle_vertex2 + 3; /* components */
bool is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer =
TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex1);
bool is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer =
TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex2);
bool is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer =
TessellationShaderUtils::isOuterEdgeVertex(primitive_mode, base_triangle_vertex3);
unsigned int n_outer_edge_vertices_found = 0;
n_outer_edge_vertices_found += (is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer == true);
n_outer_edge_vertices_found += (is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer == true);
n_outer_edge_vertices_found += (is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer == true);
if (n_outer_edge_vertices_found == 0)
/* This is an inner triangle, not really of our interest */
/* Which outer tessellation level describes the base data edge? */
unsigned int n_base_tess_level = 0;
if ((!is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer && base_triangle_vertex1[0] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer && base_triangle_vertex2[0] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer && base_triangle_vertex3[0] == 0.0f)))
n_base_tess_level = 0;
else if ((!is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer && base_triangle_vertex1[1] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer && base_triangle_vertex2[1] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer && base_triangle_vertex3[1] == 0.0f)))
n_base_tess_level = 1;
DE_ASSERT((!is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer && base_triangle_vertex1[2] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer && base_triangle_vertex2[2] == 0.0f)) &&
(!is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer ||
(is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer && base_triangle_vertex3[2] == 0.0f)));
n_base_tess_level = 2;
std::size_t n_outer_edge_vertices = 0;
std::vector<const float*> outer_edge_vertices;
if (is_base_triangle_vertex1_outer)
if (is_base_triangle_vertex2_outer)
if (is_base_triangle_vertex3_outer)
n_outer_edge_vertices = outer_edge_vertices.size();
DE_ASSERT(n_outer_edge_vertices >= 1 && n_outer_edge_vertices <= 2);
bool is_top_outer_edge = true;
bool is_right_outer_edge = true;
bool is_bottom_outer_edge = true;
bool is_left_outer_edge = true;
/* Find which outer edges the vertices don't belong to. If one is in a corner,
* the other will clarify to which edge both vertices belong. */
for (unsigned int n_vertex = 0; n_vertex < n_outer_edge_vertices; ++n_vertex)
/* Y < 1, not top outer edge */
if (de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[n_vertex][1] - 1.0f) > epsilon)
is_top_outer_edge = false;
/* X < 1, not right outer edge */
if (de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[n_vertex][0] - 1.0f) > epsilon)
is_right_outer_edge = false;
/* Y > 0, not bottom outer edge */
if (de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[n_vertex][1]) > epsilon)
is_bottom_outer_edge = false;
/* X > 0, not left outer edge */
if (de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[n_vertex][0]) > epsilon)
is_left_outer_edge = false;
if (n_outer_edge_vertices == 1)
/* A single vertex with corner-coordinates belongs to two edges. Choose one */
bool x_is_0 = de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[0][0]) < epsilon;
bool x_is_1 = de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[0][0] - 1.0f) < epsilon;
bool y_is_0 = de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[0][1]) < epsilon;
bool y_is_1 = de::abs(outer_edge_vertices[0][1] - 1.0f) < epsilon;
if (x_is_0 && y_is_0)
/* bottom edge */
DE_ASSERT(is_left_outer_edge && is_bottom_outer_edge);
is_left_outer_edge = false;
else if (x_is_0 && y_is_1)
/* left edge */
DE_ASSERT(is_left_outer_edge && is_top_outer_edge);
is_top_outer_edge = false;
else if (x_is_1 && y_is_0)
/* right edge */
DE_ASSERT(is_right_outer_edge && is_bottom_outer_edge);
is_bottom_outer_edge = false;
else if (x_is_1 && y_is_1)
/* top edge */
DE_ASSERT(is_right_outer_edge && is_top_outer_edge);
is_right_outer_edge = false;
/* Not a corner vertex, only one of the edge-flags is set */
/* Sanity checks */
DE_ASSERT((is_left_outer_edge && !is_top_outer_edge && !is_bottom_outer_edge &&
!is_right_outer_edge) ||
(!is_left_outer_edge && is_top_outer_edge && !is_bottom_outer_edge &&
!is_right_outer_edge) ||
(!is_left_outer_edge && !is_top_outer_edge && is_bottom_outer_edge &&
!is_right_outer_edge) ||
(!is_left_outer_edge && !is_top_outer_edge && !is_bottom_outer_edge &&
/* We have all the data needed to determine which tessellation level describes
* subdivision of the edge that the triangle touches */
if (is_left_outer_edge)
n_base_tess_level = 0;
else if (is_bottom_outer_edge)
n_base_tess_level = 1;
else if (is_right_outer_edge)
n_base_tess_level = 2;
n_base_tess_level = 3;
/* We shouldn't perform the check if the edge we're processing was described
* by a different outer tessellation level in the reference data set */
if (n_base_tess_level == ref_iteration.n_modified_outer_tess_level)
/* This triangle should be present in both vertex data sets */
if (!isTriangleDefinedInVertexDataSet(base_triangle_data, ref_iteration_vertex_data,
const char* primitive_mode_str = (is_triangles_iteration) ? "triangles" : "quads";
<< tcu::TestLog::Message << "For primitive mode [" << primitive_mode_str << "] "
<< ", inner tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << base_iteration.inner_tess_levels[0] << ", " << base_iteration.inner_tess_levels[1]
<< "], outer tessellation levels:"
<< "[" << base_iteration.outer_tess_levels[0] << ", " << base_iteration.outer_tess_levels[1]
<< ", " << base_iteration.outer_tess_levels[2] << ", "
<< base_iteration.outer_tess_levels[3] << "], a triangle connecting inner & outer edges:"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex1[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex1[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex1[2] << "]x"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex2[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex2[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex2[2] << "]x"
<< "[" << base_triangle_vertex3[0] << ", " << base_triangle_vertex3[1] << ", "
<< base_triangle_vertex3[2] << "] was not found for runs using CW and CCW vertex ordering, "
"which is against the extension specification's rule 7."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
TCU_FAIL("Implementation is not conformant with Tessellation Rule 7");
} /* for (all triangles generated for base test iteration) */
} /* for (all reference iterations) */
} /* for (all base test iterations) */
} /* for (both primitive types) */
} /* namespace glcts */