blob: ac6e31f476bcbff9705eb1655d74173c9c50c51f [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* \file esextcGPUShader5ImagesArrayIndexing.hpp
* \brief GPUShader5 Images Array Indexing (Test 2)
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "../esextcTestCaseBase.hpp"
namespace glcts
/** "Test 2" from CTS_EXT_gpu_shader5. Description follows
* Test whether indexing into an array of images using constant
* expressions works as expected.
* Category: API,
* Functional Test,
* Get the maximum size of work group in x and y direction by computing:
* unsigned int max_wgs_x = 0;
* glGetIntegeri_v(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, 0, &max_wgs_x);
* unsigned int max_wgs_y = 0;
* glGetIntegeri_v(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, 1, &max_wgs_y);
* Write a compute shader with an array of 4 uimage2D image handlers.
* The work group size should be (max_wgs_x, max_wgs_y, 1).
* For each of the uimage2D image handlers bind a (max_wgs_x, max_wgs_y)
* image texture with GL_RGBA32UI internal format. Data of the textures
* should be set to (1,1,1,1).
* In the compute shader perform operations:
* uvec4 texel0 = imageLoad(image[0], ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y) );
* uvec4 texel1 = imageLoad(image[1], ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y) );
* uvec4 texel2 = imageLoad(image[2], ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y) );
* uvec4 texel3 = imageLoad(image[3], ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y) );
* uvec4 addon = uvec4(gl_LocalInvocationID.x+gl_LocalInvocationID.y);
* imageStore(image[0], ivec2( gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y), texel0 + addon);
* imageStore(image[1], ivec2( gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y), texel1 + addon);
* imageStore(image[2], ivec2( gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y), texel2 + addon);
* imageStore(image[3], ivec2( gl_LocalInvocationID.x,
* gl_LocalInvocationID.y), texel3 + addon);
* Create a program from the above compute shader, use it
* and call glDispatchCompute(1, 1, 1);
* Read back the data from the textures corresponding to image units.
* The test is successful if for each texture and for each texel
* in the texture we get (x,y) -> (x+y+1, x+y+1, x+y+1, x+y+1).
class GPUShader5ImagesArrayIndexing : public TestCaseBase
/* Public methods */
GPUShader5ImagesArrayIndexing(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams, const char* name,
const char* description);
virtual ~GPUShader5ImagesArrayIndexing()
virtual IterateResult iterate(void);
virtual void deinit(void);
/* Private methods */
void initTest(void);
/* Private static variables */
static const glw::GLuint m_array_size;
static const glw::GLint m_texture_n_components;
/* Private variables */
glw::GLuint m_compute_shader_id;
glw::GLuint* m_data_buffer;
glw::GLuint m_program_id;
glw::GLint m_texture_height;
glw::GLint m_texture_width;
glw::GLuint* m_to_ids;
glw::GLuint m_fbo_id;
/* Private functions */
std::string getComputeShaderCode(const std::string& layout_size_x, const std::string& layout_size_y);
} // namespace glcts