blob: eb66e8741d3abb95ce92ce8d2257488acaf3a64e [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
*/ /*!
* \file gl4cSparseBufferTests.hpp
* \brief Conformance tests for the GL_ARB_sparse_buffer functionality.
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "glcTestCase.hpp"
#include "glwDefs.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace gl4cts
/** Utility functions, used across many sparse buffer conformance test classes. */
class SparseBufferTestUtilities
/* Public methods */
static unsigned int alignOffset(const unsigned int& offset, const unsigned int& value);
static glw::GLuint createComputeProgram(const glw::Functions& gl, const char** cs_body_parts,
unsigned int n_cs_body_parts);
static glw::GLuint createProgram(const glw::Functions& gl, const char** fs_body_parts, unsigned int n_fs_body_parts,
const char** vs_body_parts, unsigned int n_vs_body_parts,
const char** attribute_names, const unsigned int* attribute_locations,
unsigned int n_attribute_properties,
const glw::GLchar* const* tf_varyings = DE_NULL, unsigned int n_tf_varyings = 0,
glw::GLenum tf_varying_mode = GL_NONE);
static std::string getSparseBOFlagsString(glw::GLenum flags);
/** * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() returns GL_INVALID_ENUM if <target> is
* * Verify glBufferStorage() throws a GL_INVALID_VALUE error if <flags> is
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error if
* it is called for an immutable BO, which has not been initialized with the
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() issues a GL_INVALID_VALUE error if <offset>
* is set to (0.5 * GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB). Skip if the constant's value
* is equal to 1.
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() emits a GL_INVALID_VALUE error if <size>
* is set to (0.5 * GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB). Skip if the constant's value
* is equal to 1.
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() returns GL_INVALID_VALUE if <offset> is
* set to -1, but all other arguments are valid.
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() returns GL_INVALID_VALUE if <size> is
* set to -1, but all other arguments are valid.
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() returns GL_INVALID_VALUE if BO's size is
* GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB * 3, but the <offset> is set to 0 and <size>
* argument used for the call is set to GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB * 4.
* * Verify glBufferPageCommitmentARB() returns GL_INVALID_VALUE if BO's size is
* GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB * 3, but the <offset> is set to
* GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB * 1 and <size> argument used for the call
* * Verify that calling glMapBuffer() or glMapBufferRange() against a sparse
* buffer generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error.
class NegativeTests : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
NegativeTests(deqp::Context& context);
void deinit();
void init();
tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private methods */
/* Private members */
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo_id; /* never allocated actual storage; bound to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */
glw::GLuint m_immutable_bo_id; /* bound to GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER */
const unsigned int m_immutable_bo_size;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo_id; /* bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER */
/** 1. Make sure glGetBooleanv(), glGetDoublev(), glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv()
* and glGetInteger64v() recognize the new GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB
* pname and return a value equal to or larger than 1, but no bigger than 65536
class PageSizeGetterTest : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
PageSizeGetterTest(deqp::Context& context);
void deinit();
void init();
tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/** Interface class for test case implementation for the functional test 2. */
class BufferStorageTestCase
virtual ~BufferStorageTestCase()
/* Public methods */
virtual void deinitTestCaseGlobal() = 0;
virtual bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags) = 0;
virtual const char* getName() = 0;
virtual bool initTestCaseGlobal() = 0;
virtual bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo) = 0;
virtual void deinitTestCaseIteration()
/* Stub by default */
/** Implements the test case e for the test 2:
* e. Use the committed sparse buffer storage to store atomic counter values.
* The vertex shader used for the test case should define as many ACs as
* supported by the platform (GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS). The condition,
* under which each of the ACs should be incremented, can be based on
* gl_VertexID's value (eg. increment AC0 if gl_VertexID % 2 == 0, increment
* AC1 if gl_VertexID % 3 == 0, and so on).
* Use regular draw calls, issued consecutively for three times, for the
* test.
* Verify that both atomic counter buffer binding commands (glBindBufferBase()
* and glBindBufferRange() ) work correctly.
* The test passes if the result values are correct.
* The test should run in two iterations:
* a) All required pages are committed.
* b) Only half of the pages are committed. If only a single page is needed,
* de-commit that page before issuing the draw call.
class AtomicCounterBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
AtomicCounterBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size,
bool all_pages_committed);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case e";
/* Private fields */
bool m_all_pages_committed;
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLint m_gl_atomic_counter_uniform_array_stride;
glw::GLint m_gl_max_vertex_atomic_counters_value;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
unsigned int m_helper_bo_size;
unsigned int m_helper_bo_size_rounded;
const unsigned int m_n_draw_calls;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_size_rounded; /* aligned to page size */
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_start_offset;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_start_offset_rounded; /* <= m_sparse_bo_data_start_offset, aligned to page size */
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
/** Implements the test case f for the test 2:
* f. Use the committed sparse buffer storage as a backing for a buffer texture
* object. A compute shader should inspect the contents of the texture and,
* for invocation-specific texels, write out 1 to a SSBO if the fetched texel
* was correct. Otherwise, it should write out 0.
* The shader storage block needs not be backed by a sparse buffer.
* As with previous cases, make sure both of the following scenarios are
* tested:
* a) All required pages are committed.
* b) Only half of the pages are committed. If only a single page is needed,
* de-commit that page before issuing the dispatch call.
* Both glTexBuffer() and glTexBufferRange() should be tested.
class BufferTextureStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
BufferTextureStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, deqp::Context& context, tcu::TestContext& testContext,
glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case f";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
unsigned char* m_helper_bo_data;
unsigned int m_helper_bo_data_size;
bool m_is_texture_buffer_range_supported;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
const unsigned int m_po_local_wg_size;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
glw::GLuint m_ssbo;
unsigned char* m_ssbo_zero_data;
unsigned int m_ssbo_zero_data_size;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_to;
const unsigned int m_to_width;
/** Implements the test case c for the test 2:
* c. Issue glClearBufferData() and glClearBufferSubData() calls
* over a sparse buffer. Make sure that all committed pages, which should
* have been affected by the calls, have been reset to the requested
* values.
* Try issuing glClearNamedBufferSubData() over a region, for which one
* of the halves is committed, and the other is not. Make sure the former
* has been touched, and that no crash has occurred.
class ClearOpsBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
ClearOpsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case c";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size_rounded bytes */
unsigned char* m_initial_data; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size_rounded bytes */
unsigned int m_n_pages_to_use;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
/** Implements the test case g for the test 2:
* g. Verify copy operations work correctly for cases where:
* I) Destination and source are different sparse BOs.
* II) Destination is a sparse buffer object, source is an immutable BO.
* III) Destination is an immutable BO, source is a sparse BO.
* IV) Destination and source are the same sparse BO, but refer to
* different, non-overlapping memory regions.
* and
* *) All pages of the source region are not committed
* **) Half of the pages of the source region is not committed
* ***) None of the pages of the source region are committed.
* and
* +) All pages of the destination region are not committed
* ++) Half of the pages of the destination region is not committed
* +++) None of the pages of the destination region are committed.
* Test all combinations of I-IV, *-***, and +-+++ bearing in mind that:
* a) reads executed on non-committed memory regions return meaningless
* values but MUST NOT crash GL
* b) writes performed on non-committed memory regions are silently
* ignored.
class CopyOpsBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
CopyOpsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case g";
/* Private type definitions */
typedef struct _test_case
glw::GLint dst_bo_commit_size;
glw::GLint dst_bo_commit_start_offset;
glw::GLuint dst_bo_sparse_id;
bool dst_bo_is_sparse;
unsigned short* dst_bo_ref_data;
glw::GLint dst_bo_start_offset;
glw::GLint n_bytes_to_copy;
glw::GLint src_bo_commit_size;
glw::GLint src_bo_commit_start_offset;
glw::GLuint src_bo_sparse_id;
bool src_bo_is_sparse;
unsigned short* src_bo_ref_data;
glw::GLint src_bo_start_offset;
} _test_case;
typedef std::vector<_test_case> _test_cases;
typedef _test_cases::const_iterator _test_cases_const_iterator;
typedef _test_cases::iterator _test_cases_iterator;
/* Private methods */
void initReferenceData();
void initTestCases();
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
glw::GLuint m_immutable_bo;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
unsigned short* m_ref_data[3]; /* [0] - immutable bo data, [1] - sparse bo[0] data, [2] - sparse bo[1] data.
* Each data buffer holds m_sparse_bo_size_rounded bytes.
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bos[2]; /* [0] - provided by BufferStorageTest[0], [1] - managed by the test case */
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
_test_cases m_test_cases;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
/** Implements the test case h for the test 2:
* h. Verify indirect dispatch calls work correctly for the following cases:
* a) The arguments are taken from a committed memory page.
* b) The arguments are taken from a de-committed memory page. We expect
* the dispatch request to be silently ignored in this case.
* c) Half of the arguments are taken from a committed memory page,
* and the other half come from a de-committed memory page. Anticipated
* result is as per b).
* Each spawned compute shader invocation should increment an atomic
* counter.
class IndirectDispatchBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
IndirectDispatchBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext,
glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case h";
/* Private fields */
unsigned int m_dispatch_draw_call_args_start_offset;
unsigned int m_expected_ac_value;
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
const unsigned int m_global_wg_size_x;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* stores AC value + indirect dispatch call args */
const unsigned int m_local_wg_size_x;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
/** Implements the test case d for the test 2:
* d. Issue glInvalidateBufferData() and glInvalidateBufferSubData() calls for
* sparse buffers. For the *SubData() case, make sure you test both of
* cases:
* * the whole touched region has been committed
* * only half of the pages have physical backing.
class InvalidateBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
InvalidateBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case d";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
unsigned int m_n_pages_to_use;
const glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
/** Implement the test case k from CTS_ARB_sparse_buffer:
* k. Verify pixel pack functionality works correctly, when a sparse buffer
* is bound to the pixel pack buffer binding point. Render a black-to-white
* RGBA8 gradient and use glReadPixels() to read & verify the rendered
* data. The color attachment should be of 1024x1024 resolution.
* Consider three scenarios:
* a) All pages, to which the data is to be written to, have been committed.
* b) Use the same memory page commitment layout as proposed in b2. The
* committed pages should contain correct data. Contents the pages
* without the physical backing should not be verified.
* c) No pages have been committed. The draw & read call should not crash
* the driver, but the actual contents is of no relevance.
class PixelPackBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
PixelPackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case k";
/* Private fields */
glw::GLuint m_color_rb;
const unsigned int m_color_rb_height;
const unsigned int m_color_rb_width;
glw::GLuint m_fbo;
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
unsigned char* m_ref_data_ptr;
unsigned int m_ref_data_size;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
/** Implements the test case l for the test 2:
* l. Verify pixel unpack functionality works correctly, when a sparse buffer
* is bound to the pixel unpack buffer binding point. Use a black-to-white
* gradient texture data for a glTexSubImage2D() call applied against an
* immutable texture object's base mip-map. Read back the data with
* a glGetTexImage() call and verify the contents is valid.
* Consider three scenarios:
* a) All pages, from which the texture data were read from, have been
* committed at the glTexSubImage2D() call time.
* b) Use the same memory page commitment layout as proposed in b2. The
* test should only check contents of the committed memory pages.
* c) No pages have been committed at the glTexSubImage2D() call time.
* The upload & getter calls should not crash, but the returned
* contents are irrelevant in this case.
class PixelUnpackBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
PixelUnpackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case l";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
unsigned char* m_read_data_ptr;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
unsigned char* m_texture_data_ptr;
unsigned int m_texture_data_size;
glw::GLuint m_to;
unsigned char* m_to_data_zero;
const unsigned int m_to_height;
const unsigned int m_to_width;
/** Implements test cases a1-a6 for the test 2:
* a1. Use the sparse buffer as a VBO.
* The render-target should be drawn a total of 100 x 100 green quads
* (built of triangles). Fill the buffer with vertex data (use four
* components, even though we need the rectangles to be rendered in
* screen space, in order to assure that the data-set spans across
* multiple pages by exceeding the maximum permitted page size of 64KB).
* The quads should be 5px in width & height, and be separated from each
* other by a delta of 5px.
* Render the quads to a render-target of 1024x1024 resolution.
* All the pages, to which the vertex data has been submitted, should
* be committed. The test case passes if the rendered data is correct.
* a2. Follow the same approach as described for a1. However, this time,
* after the vertex data is uploaded, the test should de-commit all the
* pages and attempt to do the draw call.
* The test passes if the GL implementation does not crash. Do not
* validate the rendered data.
* a3. Follow the same approach as described for a1. However, this time,
* make sure to also provide an IBO and issue an indexed draw call
* (both ranged and non-ranged). All required VBO and IBO pages should
* be committed.
* The pass condition described in a1 is not changed.
* a4. Follow the same approach as described for a2. However, this time,
* after the vertex and index data is uploaded, the test should de-commit
* pages storing both IBO and VBO data. Both draw calls should be issued
* then.
* The pass condition described in a2 is not changed.
* a5. Follow the same approach as described for a1. Apply the following
* change:
* - Each rectangle should now be assigned a color, exposed to the VS
* via a Vertex Attribute Array. The color data should come from committed
* sparse buffer pages.
* a6. Follow the same approach as described for a5. Apply the following
* change:
* - De-commit color data, after it has been uploaded. Try to execute the
* draw call.
* The test passes if the GL implementation does not crash. Do not
* validate the rendered data.
class QuadsBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Type definitions */
enum _ibo_usage
/* Use glDrawArrays() for the draw call */
/* Use glDrawElements() for the draw call */
/* Use glDrawRangeElements() for the draw call */
/* Public methods */
QuadsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size,
_ibo_usage ibo_usage, bool use_color_data);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return (!m_use_color_data && m_ibo_usage == IBO_USAGE_NONE) ?
"cases a1-a2" :
(!m_use_color_data && m_ibo_usage != IBO_USAGE_NONE) ?
"cases a3-a4" :
(m_use_color_data && m_ibo_usage != IBO_USAGE_NONE) ? "casea a5-a6" : "?!";
/* Private methods */
void createTestData(unsigned char** out_data, unsigned int* out_vbo_data_offset, unsigned int* out_ibo_data_offset,
unsigned int* out_color_data_offset) const;
void initHelperBO();
void initSparseBO(bool decommit_data_pages_after_upload, bool is_dynamic_storage);
/* Private fields */
glw::GLuint m_attribute_color_location;
glw::GLuint m_attribute_position_location;
glw::GLuint m_color_data_offset;
unsigned char* m_data;
glw::GLuint m_data_size; /* ibo, vbo, color data */
glw::GLuint m_data_size_rounded; /* rounded up to page size */
glw::GLuint m_fbo;
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
glw::GLuint m_ibo_data_offset;
_ibo_usage m_ibo_usage;
const unsigned int m_n_quad_delta_x;
const unsigned int m_n_quad_delta_y;
const unsigned int m_n_quad_height;
const unsigned int m_n_quad_width;
const unsigned int m_n_quads_x;
const unsigned int m_n_quads_y;
unsigned int m_n_vertices_to_draw;
bool m_pages_committed;
glw::GLuint m_po;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_to;
const unsigned int m_to_height;
const unsigned int m_to_width;
bool m_use_color_data;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
glw::GLuint m_vbo_data_offset;
/** Implements test case m for the test 2:
* m. Verify query functionality works correctly, when a sparse buffer is bound
* to the query buffer binding point. Render a number of triangles while
* a GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED query is enabled and the BO is bound to the
* GL_QUERY_BUFFER binding point. Read back the value of the query from
* the BO and verify it is correct using glGetQueryObjectiv(),
* glGetQueryObjectuiv(), glGetQueryObjecti64v() and glGetQueryObjectui64v()
* functions.
* Consider two scenarios:
* a) The page holding the result value is committed.
* b) The page holding the result value is NOT committed. In this case,
* the draw call glGetQueryObjectuiv() and all the getter functions should
* not crash, but the reported values are irrelevant.
class QueryBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
QueryBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case m";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
const unsigned int m_n_triangles;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
glw::GLuint m_qo;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
/** Implements test case i for the test 2:
* i. Verify a SSBO, holding an unsized array, accessed from a compute shader,
* contains anticipated values. Each CS invocation should only fetch
* a single invocation-specific value. If the value is found correct, it
* should increment it.
* The test passes if all values accessed by the CS invocations are found
* valid after the dispatch call.
* Make sure to test three scenarios:
* a) All values come from the committed memory pages.
* b) Use the same memory page commitment layout as proposed in b2. Verify
* only those values, which were available to the compute shader.
* c) None of the value exposed via SSBO are backed by physical memory.
* In this case, we do not really care about the outputs of the CS.
* We only need to ensure that GL (or the GPU) does not crash.
class SSBOStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
SSBOStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case i";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size bytes */
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
const unsigned int m_po_local_wg_size;
glw::GLuint m_result_bo;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
unsigned int* m_ssbo_data; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size bytes */
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
/** Implements test cases b1-b2 for the test 2:
* b1. Use a sparse buffer as a target for separate & interleaved transform
* feed-back (in separate iterations). A sufficient number of pages should
* have been committed prior to issuing any draw call.
* The vertex shader should output vertex ID & instance ID data to two
* different output variables captured by the TF.
* The test should only pass if the generated output is correct.
* For the purpose of this test, use the following draw call types:
* * regular
* * regular indirect
* * regular indirect multi
* * regular instanced
* * regular instanced + base instance
* * regular multi
* * indexed
* * indexed indirect
* * indexed indirect multi
* * indexed multi
* * indexed multi + base vertex
* * indexed + base vertex
* * indexed + base vertex + base instance
* * instanced indexed
* * instanced indexed + base vertex
* * instanced indexed + base vertex + base instance
* b2. Follow the same approach as described for b1. However, the commitment
* state of memory pages used for the TF process should be laid out in
* the following order:
* 1st page: committed
* 2nd page: NOT committed
* ...
* (2N) -th page: committed
* (2N+1)-th page: NOT committed
* Make sure to use at least 4 memory pages in this test case.
* Execute the test as described in b1, and make sure the results stored
* in the committed pages used by the TF process holds valid result data.
class TransformFeedbackBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Type definitions */
enum _draw_call
/* glDrawElements() */
/* glDrawElementsBaseVertex() */
/* glDrawElementsIndirect() */
/* glMultiDrawElementIndirect() */
/* glMultiDrawElements() */
/* glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex() */
/* glDrawElementsInstanced() */
/* glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex() */
/* glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance() */
/* glDrawArrays() */
/* glDrawArraysIndirect() */
/* glMultiDrawArraysIndirect() */
/* glDrawArraysInstanced() */
/* glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance() */
/* glMultiDrawArrays() */
/* Always last */
/* Public methods */
TransformFeedbackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext,
glw::GLint page_size, bool all_pages_committed);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return (m_all_pages_committed) ? "case b1" : "case b2";
/* Private methods */
const char* getDrawCallTypeString(_draw_call draw_call);
void initDataBO();
void initTestData();
/* Private fields */
bool m_all_pages_committed;
glw::GLuint m_data_bo;
unsigned int m_data_bo_index_data_offset;
unsigned int m_data_bo_indexed_indirect_arg_offset;
unsigned int m_data_bo_indexed_mdi_arg_offset;
unsigned int m_data_bo_regular_indirect_arg_offset;
unsigned int m_data_bo_regular_mdi_arg_offset;
glw::GLuint m_data_bo_size;
const unsigned int m_draw_call_baseInstance;
const unsigned int m_draw_call_baseVertex;
const unsigned int m_draw_call_first;
const unsigned int m_draw_call_firstIndex;
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* of m_result_bo_size size */
glw::GLuint* m_index_data;
glw::GLuint m_index_data_size;
glw::GLuint* m_indirect_arg_data;
glw::GLuint m_indirect_arg_data_size;
const unsigned int m_min_memory_page_span;
glw::GLint m_multidrawcall_basevertex[2];
glw::GLsizei m_multidrawcall_count[2];
unsigned int m_multidrawcall_drawcount;
glw::GLint m_multidrawcall_first[2];
glw::GLvoid* m_multidrawcall_index[2];
unsigned int m_multidrawcall_primcount;
const unsigned int m_n_instances_to_test;
unsigned int m_n_vertices_per_instance;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po_ia; /* interleave attribs TF */
glw::GLuint m_po_sa; /* separate attribs TF */
glw::GLuint m_result_bo;
glw::GLuint m_result_bo_size;
glw::GLuint m_result_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
/** Implements test case j for the test 2:
* j. Verify an UBO, backed by a sparse buffer, accessed from a vertex shader,
* holds values as expected. Each VS invocation should only check
* an invocation-specific arrayed member item and set gl_Position to
* vec4(1.0), if the retrieved value is valid.
* Make sure to test three scenarios as described for case i).
class UniformBufferStorageTestCase : public BufferStorageTestCase
/* Public methods */
UniformBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
/* BufferStorageTestCase implementation */
void deinitTestCaseGlobal();
void deinitTestCaseIteration();
bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
bool initTestCaseGlobal();
bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
const char* getName()
return "case j";
/* Private fields */
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
glw::GLint m_gl_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment_value;
glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
const unsigned int m_n_pages_to_use;
unsigned int m_n_ubo_uints;
glw::GLint m_page_size;
glw::GLuint m_po;
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_data_start_offset;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size;
unsigned int m_sparse_bo_size_rounded;
tcu::TestContext& m_testCtx;
glw::GLuint m_tf_bo;
unsigned char* m_ubo_data;
glw::GLuint m_vao;
/** Implements conformance test 2 from the test specification:
* 2. Make sure glBufferStorage() accepts the new GL_SPARSE_STORAGE_BIT_ARB flag
* in all valid flag combinations. For each such combination, allocate
* a sparse buffer of 1GB size and verify the following test cases work as
* expected. After all tests have been run for a particular flag combination,
* the sparse buffer should be deleted, and a new sparse buffer should be
* created, if there are any outstanding flag combinations.
* Test cases, whose verification behavior is incompatible with
* the requested flag combination should skip the validation part:
* (for test case descriptions, please check test case class prototypes)
class BufferStorageTest : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
BufferStorageTest(deqp::Context& context);
void deinit();
void init();
tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private type definitions */
typedef std::vector<BufferStorageTestCase*> TestCasesVector;
typedef TestCasesVector::const_iterator TestCasesVectorConstIterator;
typedef TestCasesVector::iterator TestCasesVectorIterator;
/* Private methods */
void initTestCases();
/* Private members */
glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
TestCasesVector m_testCases;
/** Test group which encapsulates all sparse buffer conformance tests */
class SparseBufferTests : public deqp::TestCaseGroup
/* Public methods */
SparseBufferTests(deqp::Context& context);
void init();
SparseBufferTests(const SparseBufferTests& other);
SparseBufferTests& operator=(const SparseBufferTests& other);
} /* glcts namespace */