Merge vk-gl-cts/vulkan-cts-1.1.4 into vk-gl-cts/vulkan-cts-1.1.5

Change-Id: I2aa94658d6c8b6543fd9c4899f7da481ba1120a1
diff --git a/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt b/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
index 0e6e510..145dd56 100644
--- a/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
+++ b/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.cpp
index d55c561..ae8a41f 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.cpp
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.cpp
@@ -4605,25 +4605,9 @@
 			vector<deUint8> expectedBytes;
-			// Same vertex shader may be executed for multiple times, the output value should be expected value + non-negative integer N
-			if (instance.customizedStages == VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT)
-			{
-				const size_t numExpectedEntries = expectedBytes.size() / sizeof(float);
-				const float* expectedFloats     = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(&expectedBytes.front());
-				const float* outputFloats       = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(outResourceMemories[outputNdx]->getHostPtr());
+			if (deMemCmp(&expectedBytes.front(), outResourceMemories[outputNdx]->getHostPtr(), expectedBytes.size()))
+				return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Resource returned doesn't match bitwisely with expected");
-				for (size_t expectedNdx = 0; expectedNdx < numExpectedEntries; ++expectedNdx)
-				{
-					float diff = outputFloats[expectedNdx] - expectedFloats[expectedNdx];
-					if ((diff < 0) || (deFloatFloor(diff) != diff))
-						return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Value returned should be equal to expected value plus non-negative integer");
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (deMemCmp(&expectedBytes.front(), outResourceMemories[outputNdx]->getHostPtr(), expectedBytes.size()))
-					return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Resource returned doesn't match bitwisely with expected");
-			}
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
index 4d3f3bc..0a8ac9f 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
@@ -10599,396 +10599,6 @@
 	return testGroup.release();
-struct getV_	{ deUint32 inline operator()(deUint32 v) const	{ return v;        } getV_(){} };
-struct getV0	{ deUint32 inline operator()(deUint32 v) const	{ return v & (~1); } getV0(){} };
-struct getV1	{ deUint32 inline operator()(deUint32 v) const	{ return v | ( 1); } getV1(){} };
-template<deUint32 R, deUint32 N>
-inline static deUint32 getOffset(deUint32 x, deUint32 y, deUint32 n)
-	return N * ((R * y) + x) + n;
-template<deUint32 R, deUint32 N, class X0, class X1, class Y0, class Y1>
-struct getFDelta
-	float operator() (const deFloat16* data, deUint32 x, deUint32 y, deUint32 n, deUint32 flavor) const
-	{
-		DE_STATIC_ASSERT(R%2 == 0);
-		DE_ASSERT(flavor == 0);
-		DE_UNREF(flavor);
-		const X0			x0;
-		const X1			x1;
-		const Y0			y0;
-		const Y1			y1;
-		const deFloat16		v0	= data[getOffset<R, N>(x0(x), y0(y), n)];
-		const deFloat16		v1	= data[getOffset<R, N>(x1(x), y1(y), n)];
-		const tcu::Float16	f0	= tcu::Float16(v0);
-		const tcu::Float16	f1	= tcu::Float16(v1);
-		const float			d0	= f0.asFloat();
-		const float			d1	= f1.asFloat();
-		const float			d	= d1 - d0;
-		return d;
-	}
-	getFDelta(){}
-template<deUint32 F, class Class0, class Class1>
-struct getFOneOf
-	float operator() (const deFloat16* data, deUint32 x, deUint32 y, deUint32 n, deUint32 flavor) const
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(flavor < F);
-		if (flavor == 0)
-		{
-			Class0 c;
-			return c(data, x, y, n, flavor);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Class1 c;
-			return c(data, x, y, n, flavor - 1);
-		}
-	}
-	getFOneOf(){}
-template<class FineX0, class FineX1, class FineY0, class FineY1>
-struct calcWidthOf4
-	float operator() (const deFloat16* data, deUint32 x, deUint32 y, deUint32 n, deUint32 flavor) const
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(flavor < 4);
-		const deUint32						flavorX = (flavor & 1) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-		const deUint32						flavorY = (flavor & 2) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-		const getFOneOf<2, FineX0, FineX1>	cx;
-		const getFOneOf<2, FineY0, FineY1>	cy;
-		float								v		= 0;
-		v += fabsf(cx(data, x, y, n, flavorX));
-		v += fabsf(cy(data, x, y, n, flavorY));
-		return v;
-	}
-	calcWidthOf4(){}
-template<deUint32 R, deUint32 N, class Derivative>
-bool compareDerivativeWithFlavor (const deFloat16* inputAsFP16, const deFloat16* outputAsFP16, deUint32 flavor, std::string& error)
-	const deUint32		numDataPointsByAxis	= R;
-	const Derivative	derivativeFunc;
-	for (deUint32 y = 0; y < numDataPointsByAxis; ++y)
-	for (deUint32 x = 0; x < numDataPointsByAxis; ++x)
-	for (deUint32 n = 0; n < N; ++n)
-	{
-		const float		expectedFloat	= derivativeFunc(inputAsFP16, x, y, n, flavor);
-		deFloat16		expected		= deFloat32To16Round(expectedFloat, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN);
-		const deFloat16	output			= outputAsFP16[getOffset<R, N>(x, y, n)];
-		bool			reportError		= !compare16BitFloat(expected, output, error);
-		if (reportError)
-		{
-			expected	= deFloat32To16Round(expectedFloat, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_ZERO);
-			reportError	= !compare16BitFloat(expected, output, error);
-		}
-		if (reportError)
-		{
-			error = "subcase at " + de::toString(x) + "," + de::toString(y) + "," + de::toString(n) + ": " + error;
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-template<deUint32 R, deUint32 N, deUint32 FLAVOUR_COUNT, class Derivative>
-bool compareDerivative (const std::vector<Resource>& inputs, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<Resource>&, TestLog& log)
-	if (inputs.size() != 1 || outputAllocs.size() != 1)
-		return false;
-	deUint32			successfulRuns			= FLAVOUR_COUNT;
-	std::string			results[FLAVOUR_COUNT];
-	vector<deUint8>		inputBytes;
-	inputs[0].getBytes(inputBytes);
-	const deFloat16*	inputAsFP16		= reinterpret_cast<deFloat16* const>(&inputBytes.front());
-	const deFloat16*	outputAsFP16	= static_cast<deFloat16*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());
-	DE_ASSERT(inputBytes.size() ==  R * R * N * sizeof(deFloat16));
-	for (deUint32 flavor = 0; flavor < FLAVOUR_COUNT; ++flavor)
-		if (compareDerivativeWithFlavor<R, N, Derivative> (inputAsFP16, outputAsFP16, flavor, results[flavor]))
-		{
-			break;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			successfulRuns--;
-		}
-	if (successfulRuns == 0)
-		for (deUint32 flavor = 0; flavor < FLAVOUR_COUNT; flavor++)
-			log << TestLog::Message << "At flavor #" << flavor << " " << results[flavor] << TestLog::EndMessage;
-	return successfulRuns > 0;
-template<deUint32 R, deUint32 N>
-tcu::TestCaseGroup* createDerivativeTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV0, getV1, getV_, getV_> getFDxFine;
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV_, getV_, getV0, getV1> getFDyFine;
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV0, getV1, getV0, getV0> getFdxCoarse0;
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV0, getV1, getV1, getV1> getFdxCoarse1;
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV0, getV0, getV0, getV1> getFdyCoarse0;
-	typedef getFDelta<R, N, getV1, getV1, getV0, getV1> getFdyCoarse1;
-	typedef getFOneOf<2, getFdxCoarse0, getFdxCoarse1> getFDxCoarse;
-	typedef getFOneOf<2, getFdyCoarse0, getFdyCoarse1> getFDyCoarse;
-	typedef calcWidthOf4<getFDxFine, getFDxFine, getFDyFine, getFDyFine> getFWidthFine;
-	typedef calcWidthOf4<getFdxCoarse0, getFdxCoarse1, getFdyCoarse0, getFdyCoarse1> getFWidthCoarse;
-	typedef getFOneOf<3, getFDxFine, getFDxCoarse> getFDx;
-	typedef getFOneOf<3, getFDyFine, getFDyCoarse> getFDy;
-	typedef getFOneOf<5, getFWidthFine, getFWidthCoarse> getFWidth;
-	const std::string					testGroupName		(std::string("derivative_") + de::toString(N));
-	de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup>		testGroup			(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, testGroupName.c_str(), "Derivative instruction tests"));
-	de::Random							rnd					(deStringHash(testGroup->getName()));
-	const deUint32						numDataPointsByAxis	= R;
-	const deUint32						numDataPoints		= N * numDataPointsByAxis * numDataPointsByAxis;
-	vector<deFloat16>					float16InputX;
-	vector<deFloat16>					float16InputY;
-	vector<deFloat16>					float16InputW;
-	vector<deFloat16>					float16OutputDummy	(numDataPoints, 0);
-	RGBA								defaultColors[4];
-	getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
-	float16InputX.reserve(numDataPoints);
-	for (deUint32 y = 0; y < numDataPointsByAxis; ++y)
-	for (deUint32 x = 0; x < numDataPointsByAxis; ++x)
-	for (deUint32 n = 0; n < N; ++n)
-	{
-		const float arg = static_cast<float>(2 * DE_PI) * static_cast<float>(x * (n + 1)) / static_cast<float>(1 * numDataPointsByAxis);
-		if (y%2 == 0)
-			float16InputX.push_back(tcu::Float16(sin(arg)).bits());
-		else
-			float16InputX.push_back(tcu::Float16(cos(arg)).bits());
-	}
-	float16InputY.reserve(numDataPoints);
-	for (deUint32 y = 0; y < numDataPointsByAxis; ++y)
-	for (deUint32 x = 0; x < numDataPointsByAxis; ++x)
-	for (deUint32 n = 0; n < N; ++n)
-	{
-		const float arg = static_cast<float>(2 * DE_PI) * static_cast<float>(y * (n + 1)) / static_cast<float>(1 * numDataPointsByAxis);
-		if (x%2 == 0)
-			float16InputY.push_back(tcu::Float16(sin(arg)).bits());
-		else
-			float16InputY.push_back(tcu::Float16(cos(arg)).bits());
-	}
-	const deFloat16 testNumbers[]	=
-	{
-		tcu::Float16( 2.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 4.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 8.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 16.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 32.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 64.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 128.0).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 256.0).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16( 512.0).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-2.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-4.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-8.0  ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-16.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-32.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-64.0 ).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-128.0).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-256.0).bits(),
-		tcu::Float16(-512.0).bits(),
-	};
-	float16InputW.reserve(numDataPoints);
-	for (deUint32 y = 0; y < numDataPointsByAxis; ++y)
-	for (deUint32 x = 0; x < numDataPointsByAxis; ++x)
-	for (deUint32 n = 0; n < N; ++n)
-		float16InputW.push_back(testNumbers[rnd.getInt(0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(testNumbers) - 1)]);
-	struct TestOp
-	{
-		const char*			opCode;
-		vector<deFloat16>&	inputData;
-		VerifyIOFunc		verifyFunc;
-	};
-	const TestOp	testOps[]	=
-	{
-		{ "OpDPdxFine"		,	float16InputX	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 1, getFDxFine		>	},
-		{ "OpDPdyFine"		,	float16InputY	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 1, getFDyFine		>	},
-		{ "OpFwidthFine"	,	float16InputW	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 1, getFWidthFine	>	},
-		{ "OpDPdxCoarse"	,	float16InputX	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 3, getFDx			>	},
-		{ "OpDPdyCoarse"	,	float16InputY	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 3, getFDy			>	},
-		{ "OpFwidthCoarse"	,	float16InputW	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 5, getFWidth		>	},
-		{ "OpDPdx"			,	float16InputX	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 3, getFDx			>	},
-		{ "OpDPdy"			,	float16InputY	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 3, getFDy			>	},
-		{ "OpFwidth"		,	float16InputW	,	compareDerivative<R, N, 5, getFWidth		>	},
-	};
-	struct TestType
-	{
-		const deUint32	typeComponents;
-		const char*		typeName;
-		const char*		typeDecls;
-	};
-	const TestType	testTypes[]	=
-	{
-		{
-			1,
-			"f16",
-			""
-		},
-		{
-			2,
-			"v2f16",
-			"      %v2f16 = OpTypeVector %f16 2\n"
-		},
-		{
-			4,
-			"v4f16",
-			"      %v4f16 = OpTypeVector %f16 4\n"
-		},
-	};
-	const deUint32	testTypeNdx	= (N == 1) ? 0
-								: (N == 2) ? 1
-								: (N == 4) ? 2
-								: DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(testTypes);
-	const TestType&	testType	=	testTypes[testTypeNdx];
-	DE_ASSERT(testTypeNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(testTypes));
-	DE_ASSERT(testType.typeComponents == N);
-	const StringTemplate preMain
-	(
-		"%c_i32_ndp = OpConstant %i32 ${num_data_points}\n"
-		" %c_u32_xw = OpConstant %u32 ${items_by_x}\n"
-		"      %f16 = OpTypeFloat 16\n"
-		"${type_decls}"
-		" %up_${tt} = OpTypePointer Uniform %${tt}\n"
-		" %ra_${tt} = OpTypeArray %${tt} %c_i32_ndp\n"
-		"   %SSBO16 = OpTypeStruct %ra_${tt}\n"
-		"%up_SSBO16 = OpTypePointer Uniform %SSBO16\n"
-		" %ssbo_src = OpVariable %up_SSBO16 Uniform\n"
-		" %ssbo_dst = OpVariable %up_SSBO16 Uniform\n"
-	);
-	const StringTemplate decoration
-	(
-		"OpDecorate %ra_${tt} ArrayStride ${tt_stride}\n"
-		"OpMemberDecorate %SSBO16 0 Offset 0\n"
-		"OpDecorate %SSBO16 BufferBlock\n"
-		"OpDecorate %ssbo_src DescriptorSet 0\n"
-		"OpDecorate %ssbo_src Binding 0\n"
-		"OpDecorate %ssbo_dst DescriptorSet 0\n"
-		"OpDecorate %ssbo_dst Binding 1\n"
-	);
-	const StringTemplate testFun
-	(
-		"%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n"
-		"    %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
-		"    %entry = OpLabel\n"
-		"  %loc_x_c = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %BP_gl_FragCoord %c_i32_0\n"
-		"  %loc_y_c = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %BP_gl_FragCoord %c_i32_1\n"
-		"      %x_c = OpLoad %f32 %loc_x_c\n"
-		"      %y_c = OpLoad %f32 %loc_y_c\n"
-		"    %x_idx = OpConvertFToU %u32 %x_c\n"
-		"    %y_idx = OpConvertFToU %u32 %y_c\n"
-		"    %ndx_y = OpIMul %u32 %y_idx %c_u32_xw\n"
-		"      %ndx = OpIAdd %u32 %ndx_y %x_idx\n"
-		"      %src = OpAccessChain %up_${tt} %ssbo_src %c_i32_0 %ndx\n"
-		"  %val_src = OpLoad %${tt} %src\n"
-		"  %val_dst = ${op_code} %${tt} %val_src\n"
-		"      %dst = OpAccessChain %up_${tt} %ssbo_dst %c_i32_0 %ndx\n"
-		"             OpStore %dst %val_dst\n"
-		"             OpBranch %merge\n"
-		"    %merge = OpLabel\n"
-		"             OpReturnValue %param\n"
-		"             OpFunctionEnd\n"
-	);
-	for (deUint32 testOpsIdx = 0; testOpsIdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(testOps); ++testOpsIdx)
-	{
-		const TestOp&		testOp			= testOps[testOpsIdx];
-		const string		testName		= de::toLower(string(testOp.opCode));
-		const size_t		typeStride		= N * sizeof(deFloat16);
-		GraphicsResources	specResource;
-		map<string, string>	specs;
-		VulkanFeatures		features;
-		vector<string>		extensions;
-		map<string, string>	fragments;
-		SpecConstants		noSpecConstants;
-		PushConstants		noPushConstants;
-		GraphicsInterfaces	noInterfaces;
-		specs["op_code"]			= testOp.opCode;
-		specs["num_data_points"]	= de::toString(testOp.inputData.size() / N);
-		specs["items_by_x"]			= de::toString(numDataPointsByAxis);
-		specs["tt"]					= testType.typeName;
-		specs["tt_stride"]			= de::toString(typeStride);
-		specs["type_decls"]			= testType.typeDecls;
-		fragments["extension"]		= "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_16bit_storage\"";
-		fragments["capability"]		= "OpCapability DerivativeControl\nOpCapability StorageUniformBufferBlock16\n";
-		fragments["decoration"]		= decoration.specialize(specs);
-		fragments["pre_main"]		= preMain.specialize(specs);
-		fragments["testfun"]		= testFun.specialize(specs);
-		specResource.inputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float16Buffer(testOp.inputData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER));
-		specResource.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float16Buffer(float16OutputDummy)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER));
-		specResource.verifyIO = testOp.verifyFunc;
-		extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_16bit_storage");
-		extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8");
-		features.extFloat16Int8		= EXTFLOAT16INT8FEATURES_FLOAT16;
-		createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, testName.c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants,
-							noPushConstants, specResource, noInterfaces, extensions, features, testGroup.get(), QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, string(), true);
-	}
-	return testGroup.release();
 bool compareFP16VectorExtractFunc (const std::vector<Resource>& inputs, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<Resource>&, TestLog& log)
 	if (inputs.size() != 2 || outputAllocs.size() != 1)
@@ -17893,9 +17503,6 @@
 	testGroup->addChild(createFloat16LogicalSet<GraphicsResources>(testCtx, TEST_WITH_NAN));
 	testGroup->addChild(createFloat16LogicalSet<GraphicsResources>(testCtx, TEST_WITHOUT_NAN));
-	testGroup->addChild(createDerivativeTests<256, 1>(testCtx));
-	testGroup->addChild(createDerivativeTests<256, 2>(testCtx));
-	testGroup->addChild(createDerivativeTests<256, 4>(testCtx));
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
index b5c5bb9..4de8f82 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
+++ b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
index e921143..b59c0c5 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
+++ b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/framework/common/tcuRasterizationVerifier.cpp b/framework/common/tcuRasterizationVerifier.cpp
index 9ce4fe6..b391532 100644
--- a/framework/common/tcuRasterizationVerifier.cpp
+++ b/framework/common/tcuRasterizationVerifier.cpp
@@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@
 	typedef tcu::Vector<deInt64, 2> I64Vec2;
 	const deUint64		numSubPixels						= ((deUint64)1) << subpixelBits;
-	const deUint64		pixelHitBoxSize						= (multisample) ? (numSubPixels) : (2+2);	//!< allow 4 central (2x2) for non-multisample pixels. Rounding may move edges 1 subpixel to any direction.
+	const deUint64		pixelHitBoxSize						= (multisample) ? (numSubPixels) : 5;		//!< 5 = ceil(6 * sqrt(2) / 2) to account for a 3 subpixel fuzz around pixel center
 	const bool			order								= isTriangleClockwise(p0, p1, p2);			//!< clockwise / counter-clockwise
 	const tcu::Vec4&	orderedP0							= p0;										//!< vertices of a clockwise triangle
 	const tcu::Vec4&	orderedP1							= (order) ? (p1) : (p2);
@@ -2137,12 +2137,13 @@
 	// Broad triangle - pixel area intersection
-		const I64Vec2 pixelCenterPosition = I64Vec2(pixel.x(), pixel.y()) * I64Vec2(numSubPixels, numSubPixels) + I64Vec2(numSubPixels / 2, numSubPixels / 2);
-		const I64Vec2 triangleSubPixelSpaceRound[3] =
+		const DVec2 pixelCenterPosition			=	DVec2((double)pixel.x(), (double)pixel.y()) * DVec2((double)numSubPixels, (double)numSubPixels) +
+													DVec2((double)numSubPixels / 2, (double)numSubPixels / 2);
+		const DVec2 triangleSubPixelSpace[3]	=
-			I64Vec2(deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[0].x() * (float)numSubPixels), deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[0].y() * (float)numSubPixels)),
-			I64Vec2(deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[1].x() * (float)numSubPixels), deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[1].y() * (float)numSubPixels)),
-			I64Vec2(deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[2].x() * (float)numSubPixels), deRoundFloatToInt32(triangleScreenSpace[2].y() * (float)numSubPixels)),
+			DVec2(triangleScreenSpace[0].x() * (double)numSubPixels, triangleScreenSpace[0].y() * (double)numSubPixels),
+			DVec2(triangleScreenSpace[1].x() * (double)numSubPixels, triangleScreenSpace[1].y() * (double)numSubPixels),
+			DVec2(triangleScreenSpace[2].x() * (double)numSubPixels, triangleScreenSpace[2].y() * (double)numSubPixels),
 		// Check (using cross product) if pixel center is
@@ -2152,10 +2153,10 @@
 		for (int vtxNdx = 0; vtxNdx < 3; ++vtxNdx)
 			const int		otherVtxNdx				= (vtxNdx + 1) % 3;
-			const deInt64	maxPixelDistanceSquared	= pixelHitBoxSize*pixelHitBoxSize; // Max distance from the pixel center from within the pixel is (sqrt(2) * boxWidth/2). Use 2x value for rounding tolerance
-			const I64Vec2	edge					= triangleSubPixelSpaceRound[otherVtxNdx]	- triangleSubPixelSpaceRound[vtxNdx];
-			const I64Vec2	v						= pixelCenterPosition						- triangleSubPixelSpaceRound[vtxNdx];
-			const deInt64	crossProduct			= (edge.x() * v.y() - edge.y() * v.x());
+			const double	maxPixelDistanceSquared	= (double)(pixelHitBoxSize * pixelHitBoxSize); // Max distance from the pixel center from within the pixel is (sqrt(2) * boxWidth/2). Use 2x value for rounding tolerance
+			const DVec2		edge					= triangleSubPixelSpace[otherVtxNdx]	- triangleSubPixelSpace[vtxNdx];
+			const DVec2		v						= pixelCenterPosition					- triangleSubPixelSpace[vtxNdx];
+			const double	crossProduct			= (edge.x() * v.y() - edge.y() * v.x());
 			// distance from edge: (edge x v) / |edge|
 			//     (edge x v) / |edge| > maxPixelDistance
@@ -2181,12 +2182,14 @@
 			I64Vec2((pixel.x()+1) * numSubPixels, (pixel.y()+1) * numSubPixels),
 			I64Vec2((pixel.x()+0) * numSubPixels, (pixel.y()+1) * numSubPixels),
+		// 3 subpixel tolerance around pixel center to account for accumulated errors during various line rasterization methods
 		const I64Vec2 pixelCenterCorners[4] =
-			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 0, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 0),
-			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 1, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 0),
-			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 1, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 1),
-			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 0, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 1),
+			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 - 3, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 - 3),
+			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 3, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 - 3),
+			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 3, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 3),
+			I64Vec2(pixel.x() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 - 3, pixel.y() * numSubPixels + numSubPixels/2 + 3),
 		// both rounding directions