blob: c40938d465e1bcc1438813259ac4f0b50c8f7fd5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Utilities for Vulkan SPIR-V assembly tests
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkRef.hpp"
#include "vkTypeUtil.hpp"
#include "vktTestCase.hpp"
#include "deMemory.h"
#include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deFloat16.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace vkt
namespace SpirVAssembly
"%void = OpTypeVoid\n" \
"%bool = OpTypeBool\n" \
"%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" \
"%u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" \
"%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" \
"%v2i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 2\n" \
"%v2u32 = OpTypeVector %u32 2\n" \
"%v2f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 2\n" \
"%v3i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 3\n" \
"%v3u32 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n" \
"%v3f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 3\n" \
"%v4i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 4\n" \
"%v4u32 = OpTypeVector %u32 4\n" \
"%v4f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n" \
"%v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4\n" \
"%v4f32_v4f32_function = OpTypeFunction %v4f32 %v4f32\n" \
"%bool_function = OpTypeFunction %bool\n" \
"%voidf = OpTypeFunction %void\n" \
"%ip_f32 = OpTypePointer Input %f32\n" \
"%ip_i32 = OpTypePointer Input %i32\n" \
"%ip_u32 = OpTypePointer Input %u32\n" \
"%ip_v2f32 = OpTypePointer Input %v2f32\n" \
"%ip_v2i32 = OpTypePointer Input %v2i32\n" \
"%ip_v2u32 = OpTypePointer Input %v2u32\n" \
"%ip_v3f32 = OpTypePointer Input %v3f32\n" \
"%ip_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %v4f32\n" \
"%ip_v4i32 = OpTypePointer Input %v4i32\n" \
"%ip_v4u32 = OpTypePointer Input %v4u32\n" \
"%op_f32 = OpTypePointer Output %f32\n" \
"%op_i32 = OpTypePointer Output %i32\n" \
"%op_u32 = OpTypePointer Output %u32\n" \
"%op_v2f32 = OpTypePointer Output %v2f32\n" \
"%op_v2i32 = OpTypePointer Output %v2i32\n" \
"%op_v2u32 = OpTypePointer Output %v2u32\n" \
"%op_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %v4f32\n" \
"%op_v4i32 = OpTypePointer Output %v4i32\n" \
"%op_v4u32 = OpTypePointer Output %v4u32\n" \
"%fp_f32 = OpTypePointer Function %f32\n" \
"%fp_i32 = OpTypePointer Function %i32\n" \
"%fp_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Function %v4f32\n" \
"%c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1.0\n" \
"%c_f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0.0\n" \
"%c_f32_0_5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n" \
"%c_f32_n1 = OpConstant %f32 -1.\n" \
"%c_f32_7 = OpConstant %f32 7.0\n" \
"%c_f32_8 = OpConstant %f32 8.0\n" \
"%c_i32_0 = OpConstant %i32 0\n" \
"%c_i32_1 = OpConstant %i32 1\n" \
"%c_i32_2 = OpConstant %i32 2\n" \
"%c_i32_3 = OpConstant %i32 3\n" \
"%c_i32_4 = OpConstant %i32 4\n" \
"%c_u32_0 = OpConstant %u32 0\n" \
"%c_u32_1 = OpConstant %u32 1\n" \
"%c_u32_2 = OpConstant %u32 2\n" \
"%c_u32_3 = OpConstant %u32 3\n" \
"%c_u32_32 = OpConstant %u32 32\n" \
"%c_u32_4 = OpConstant %u32 4\n" \
"%c_u32_31_bits = OpConstant %u32 0x7FFFFFFF\n" \
"%c_v4f32_1_1_1_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n" \
"%c_v4f32_1_0_0_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_1\n" \
"%c_v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_0_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5\n" \
"%a1f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_1\n" \
"%a2f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_2\n" \
"%a3v4f32 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_3\n" \
"%a4f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_4\n" \
"%a32v4f32 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_32\n" \
"%ip_a3v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %a3v4f32\n" \
"%ip_a32v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %a32v4f32\n" \
"%op_a2f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a2f32\n" \
"%op_a3v4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a3v4f32\n" \
"%op_a4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a4f32\n" \
* \brief Abstract class for an input/output storage buffer object
class BufferInterface
virtual ~BufferInterface (void) {}
virtual void getBytes (std::vector<deUint8>& bytes) const = 0;
virtual void getPackedBytes (std::vector<deUint8>& bytes) const = 0;
virtual size_t getByteSize (void) const = 0;
typedef de::SharedPtr<BufferInterface> BufferSp;
typedef de::MovePtr<vk::Allocation> AllocationMp;
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> AllocationSp;
class Resource
Resource(const BufferSp& buffer_, vk::VkDescriptorType descriptorType_ = vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, void* userData_ = NULL)
: buffer(buffer_)
, descriptorType(descriptorType_)
, userData(userData_)
virtual const BufferSp& getBuffer () const { return buffer; }
virtual void getBytes (std::vector<deUint8>& bytes) const { buffer->getBytes(bytes); }
virtual size_t getByteSize (void) const { return buffer->getByteSize(); }
virtual void setDescriptorType (vk::VkDescriptorType type) { descriptorType = type; }
virtual vk::VkDescriptorType getDescriptorType () const { return descriptorType; }
virtual void setUserData (void* data) { userData = data; }
virtual void* getUserData () const { return userData; }
BufferSp buffer;
vk::VkDescriptorType descriptorType;
void* userData;
typedef bool (*VerifyIOFunc) (const std::vector<Resource>& inputs,
const std::vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocations,
const std::vector<Resource>& expectedOutputs,
tcu::TestLog& log);
struct SpecConstants
SpecConstants (void)
bool empty (void) const
return valuesBuffer.empty();
size_t getValuesCount (void) const
return sizesBuffer.size();
size_t getValueSize (const size_t valueIndex) const
return sizesBuffer[valueIndex];
const void* getValuesBuffer (void) const
if (valuesBuffer.size() == 0)
return DE_NULL;
return static_cast<const void*>(&valuesBuffer[0]);
template<typename T>
void append (const T value)
append(&value, sizeof(value));
void append (const void* buf, const size_t byteSize)
DE_ASSERT(byteSize > 0);
valuesBuffer.resize(valuesBuffer.size() + byteSize);
deMemcpy(&valuesBuffer[valuesBuffer.size() - byteSize], buf, byteSize);
std::vector<deUint8> valuesBuffer;
std::vector<size_t> sizesBuffer;
struct VulkanFeatures
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures coreFeatures;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features extFloat16Int8;
vk::VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures ext8BitStorage;
vk::VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures ext16BitStorage;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures extVariablePointers;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures extVulkanMemoryModel;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeaturesKHR extIntegerDotProduct;
vk::VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties floatControlsProperties;
VulkanFeatures (void)
deMemset(&coreFeatures, 0, sizeof(coreFeatures));
deMemset(&extFloat16Int8, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features));
deMemset(&ext8BitStorage, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures));
deMemset(&ext16BitStorage, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures));
deMemset(&extVariablePointers, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures));
deMemset(&extVulkanMemoryModel, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures));
deMemset(&extIntegerDotProduct, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeaturesKHR));
deMemset(&floatControlsProperties, 0, sizeof(vk::VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties));
floatControlsProperties.denormBehaviorIndependence = vk::VK_SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_NONE_KHR;
floatControlsProperties.roundingModeIndependence = vk::VK_SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_NONE_KHR;
// Returns true if the whole VulkanFeatures is supported. If not, missingFeature will contain one feature that was missing.
bool isVulkanFeaturesSupported(const Context& context, const VulkanFeatures& toCheck, const char** missingFeature);
struct VariableLocation
deUint32 set;
deUint32 binding;
// Returns a string representation of the structure suitable for test names.
std::string toString() const ;
// Returns a string representation of the structure suitable for test descriptions.
std::string toDescription() const;
// Returns true if the given float controls features in `toCheck` are all supported.
bool isFloatControlsFeaturesSupported( const Context& context,
const vk::VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties& toCheck,
const char** missingFeature);
deUint32 getMinRequiredVulkanVersion (const vk::SpirvVersion version);
std::string getVulkanName (const deUint32 version);
// Performs a bitwise copy of source to the destination type Dest.
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
Dest bitwiseCast (Src source)
Dest dest;
DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(source) == sizeof(dest));
deMemcpy(&dest, &source, sizeof(dest));
return dest;
// Generate and return 64-bit integers.
// Expected count to be at least 16.
std::vector<deInt64> getInt64s (de::Random& rnd, const deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 32-bit integers.
// Expected count to be at least 16.
std::vector<deInt32> getInt32s (de::Random& rnd, const deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 16-bit integers.
// Expected count to be at least 8.
std::vector<deInt16> getInt16s (de::Random& rnd, const deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 8-bit integers.
// Expected count to be at least 8.
std::vector<deInt8> getInt8s (de::Random& rnd, const deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 64-bit floats
// The first 24 number pairs are manually picked, while the rest are randomly generated.
// Expected count to be at least 24 (numPicks).
std::vector<double> getFloat64s (de::Random& rnd, deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 32-bit floats
// The first 24 number pairs are manually picked, while the rest are randomly generated.
// Expected count to be at least 24 (numPicks).
std::vector<float> getFloat32s (de::Random& rnd, deUint32 count);
// Generate and return 16-bit floats and their corresponding 32-bit values.
// The first 14 number pairs are manually picked, while the rest are randomly generated.
// Expected count to be at least 14 (numPicks).
std::vector<deFloat16> getFloat16s (de::Random& rnd, deUint32 count);
// Generate an OpCapability Shader line.
std::string getOpCapabilityShader();
// Generate an unused Vertex entry point.
std::string getUnusedEntryPoint();
// Generate unused decorations for an input/output buffer.
std::string getUnusedDecorations(const VariableLocation& location);
// Generate unused types and constants, including a buffer type.
std::string getUnusedTypesAndConstants();
// Generate the declaration of an unused buffer variable.
std::string getUnusedBuffer();
// Generate the body of an unused function that uses the previous buffer.
std::string getUnusedFunctionBody();
} // SpirVAssembly
} // vkt