blob: 81a59d3d82b6b14e5ad031b5fafc033bc291808a [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Precision and range tests for builtins and types.
#include "vktShaderBuiltinPrecisionTests.hpp"
#include "vktShaderExecutor.hpp"
#include "deMath.h"
#include "deMemory.h"
#include "deFloat16.h"
#include "deDefs.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deSTLUtil.hpp"
#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deArrayUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuCommandLine.hpp"
#include "tcuFloatFormat.hpp"
#include "tcuInterval.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuVector.hpp"
#include "tcuMatrix.hpp"
#include "tcuResultCollector.hpp"
#include "tcuMaybe.hpp"
#include "gluContextInfo.hpp"
#include "gluVarType.hpp"
#include "gluRenderContext.hpp"
#include "glwDefs.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <limits>
// Uncomment this to get evaluation trace dumps to std::cerr
// set this to true to dump even passing results
#define GLS_LOG_ALL_RESULTS false
#define FLOAT16_1_0 0x3C00 //1.0 float16bit
#define FLOAT16_180_0 0x59A0 //180.0 float16bit
#define FLOAT16_2_0 0x4000 //2.0 float16bit
#define FLOAT16_3_0 0x4200 //3.0 float16bit
#define FLOAT16_0_5 0x3800 //0.5 float16bit
#define FLOAT16_0_0 0x0000 //0.0 float16bit
using tcu::Vector;
typedef Vector<deFloat16, 1> Vec1_16Bit;
typedef Vector<deFloat16, 2> Vec2_16Bit;
typedef Vector<deFloat16, 3> Vec3_16Bit;
typedef Vector<deFloat16, 4> Vec4_16Bit;
typedef Vector<double, 1> Vec1_64Bit;
typedef Vector<double, 2> Vec2_64Bit;
typedef Vector<double, 3> Vec3_64Bit;
typedef Vector<double, 4> Vec4_64Bit;
// Computing reference intervals can take a non-trivial amount of time, especially on
// platforms where toggling floating-point rounding mode is slow (emulated arm on x86).
// As a workaround watchdog is kept happy by touching it periodically during reference
// interval computation.
namespace vkt
namespace shaderexecutor
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
using std::set;
using de::MovePtr;
using de::Random;
using de::SharedPtr;
using de::UniquePtr;
using tcu::Interval;
using tcu::FloatFormat;
using tcu::MessageBuilder;
using tcu::TestLog;
using tcu::Vector;
using tcu::Matrix;
using glu::Precision;
using glu::VarType;
using glu::DataType;
using glu::ShaderType;
enum PrecisionTestFeatureBits
typedef deUint32 PrecisionTestFeatures;
void areFeaturesSupported (const Context& context, deUint32 toCheck)
if (toCheck == PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_NONE) return;
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures& extensionFeatures = context.get16BitStorageFeatures();
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_BUFFER_ACCESS) != 0 && extensionFeatures.storageBuffer16BitAccess == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 16bit storage features not supported");
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_UNIFORM_AND_STORAGE_BUFFER_ACCESS) != 0 && extensionFeatures.uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 16bit storage features not supported");
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_PUSH_CONSTANT) != 0 && extensionFeatures.storagePushConstant16 == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 16bit storage features not supported");
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_INPUT_OUTPUT) != 0 && extensionFeatures.storageInputOutput16 == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 16bit storage features not supported");
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_SHADER_FLOAT) != 0 && context.getShaderFloat16Int8Features().shaderFloat16 == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 16-bit floats (halfs) are not supported in shader code");
if ((toCheck & PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_64BIT_SHADER_FLOAT) != 0 && context.getDeviceFeatures().shaderFloat64 == VK_FALSE)
TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Requested 64-bit floats are not supported in shader code");
* \brief Generic singleton creator.
* instance<T>() returns a reference to a unique default-constructed instance
* of T. This is mainly used for our GLSL function implementations: each
* function is implemented by an object, and each of the objects has a
* distinct class. It would be extremely toilsome to maintain a separate
* context object that contained individual instances of the function classes,
* so we have to resort to global singleton instances.
template <typename T>
const T& instance (void)
static const T s_instance = T();
return s_instance;
* \brief Empty placeholder type for unused template parameters.
* In the precision tests we are dealing with functions of different arities.
* To minimize code duplication, we only define templates with the maximum
* number of arguments, currently four. If a function's arity is less than the
* maximum, Void us used as the type for unused arguments.
* Although Voids are not used at run-time, they still must be compilable, so
* they must support all operations that other types do.
struct Void
typedef Void Element;
SIZE = 0,
template <typename T>
explicit Void (const T&) {}
Void (void) {}
operator double (void) const { return TCU_NAN; }
// These are used to make Voids usable as containers in container-generic code.
Void& operator[] (int) { return *this; }
const Void& operator[] (int) const { return *this; }
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Void) { return os << "()"; }
//! Returns true for all other types except Void
template <typename T> bool isTypeValid (void) { return true; }
template <> bool isTypeValid<Void> (void) { return false; }
template <typename T> bool isInteger (void) { return false; }
template <> bool isInteger<int> (void) { return true; }
template <> bool isInteger<tcu::IVec2> (void) { return true; }
template <> bool isInteger<tcu::IVec3> (void) { return true; }
template <> bool isInteger<tcu::IVec4> (void) { return true; }
//! Utility function for getting the name of a data type.
//! This is used in vector and matrix constructors.
template <typename T>
const char* dataTypeNameOf (void)
return glu::getDataTypeName(glu::dataTypeOf<T>());
template <>
const char* dataTypeNameOf<Void> (void)
return DE_NULL;
template <typename T>
VarType getVarTypeOf (Precision prec = glu::PRECISION_LAST)
return glu::varTypeOf<T>(prec);
//! A hack to get Void support for VarType.
template <>
VarType getVarTypeOf<Void> (Precision)
return VarType();
* \brief Type traits for generalized interval types.
* We are trying to compute sets of acceptable values not only for
* float-valued expressions but also for compound values: vectors and
* matrices. We approximate a set of vectors as a vector of intervals and
* likewise for matrices.
* We now need generalized operations for each type and its interval
* approximation. These are given in the type Traits<T>.
* The type Traits<T>::IVal is the approximation of T: it is `Interval` for
* scalar types, and a vector or matrix of intervals for container types.
* To allow template inference to take place, there are function wrappers for
* the actual operations in Traits<T>. Hence we can just use:
* makeIVal(someFloat)
* instead of:
* Traits<float>::doMakeIVal(value)
template <typename T> struct Traits;
//! Create container from elementwise singleton values.
template <typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal makeIVal (const T& value)
return Traits<T>::doMakeIVal(value);
//! Elementwise union of intervals.
template <typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal unionIVal (const typename Traits<T>::IVal& a,
const typename Traits<T>::IVal& b)
return Traits<T>::doUnion(a, b);
//! Returns true iff every element of `ival` contains the corresponding element of `value`.
template <typename T, typename U = Void>
bool contains (const typename Traits<T>::IVal& ival, const T& value, bool is16Bit = false, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor = tcu::nothing<U>())
return Traits<T>::doContains(ival, value, is16Bit, modularDivisor);
//! Print out an interval with the precision of `fmt`.
template <typename T>
void printIVal (const FloatFormat& fmt, const typename Traits<T>::IVal& ival, ostream& os)
Traits<T>::doPrintIVal(fmt, ival, os);
template <typename T>
string intervalToString (const FloatFormat& fmt, const typename Traits<T>::IVal& ival)
ostringstream oss;
printIVal<T>(fmt, ival, oss);
return oss.str();
//! Print out a value with the precision of `fmt`.
template <typename T>
void printValue16 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
Traits<T>::doPrintValue16(fmt, value, os);
template <typename T>
string value16ToString(const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& val)
ostringstream oss;
printValue16(fmt, val, oss);
return oss.str();
const std::string getComparisonOperation(const int ndx)
const int operationCount = 10;
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, operationCount));
const std::string operations[operationCount] =
return operations[ndx];
template <typename T>
string comparisonMessage(const T& val)
return "";
template <>
string comparisonMessage(const int& val)
ostringstream oss;
int flags = val;
for(int ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ++ndx)
oss << getComparisonOperation(ndx) << "\t:\t" << ((flags & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
flags = flags >> 1;
return oss.str();
template <>
string comparisonMessage(const tcu::IVec2& val)
ostringstream oss;
tcu::IVec2 flags = val;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ++ndx)
oss << getComparisonOperation(ndx) << "\t:\t" << ((flags.x() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t" << ((flags.y() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
flags.x() = flags.x() >> 1;
flags.y() = flags.y() >> 1;
return oss.str();
template <>
string comparisonMessage(const tcu::IVec3& val)
ostringstream oss;
tcu::IVec3 flags = val;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ++ndx)
oss << getComparisonOperation(ndx) << "\t:\t" << ((flags.x() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t"
<< ((flags.y() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t"
<< ((flags.z() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
flags.x() = flags.x() >> 1;
flags.y() = flags.y() >> 1;
flags.z() = flags.z() >> 1;
return oss.str();
template <>
string comparisonMessage(const tcu::IVec4& val)
ostringstream oss;
tcu::IVec4 flags = val;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ++ndx)
oss << getComparisonOperation(ndx) << "\t:\t" << ((flags.x() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t"
<< ((flags.y() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t"
<< ((flags.z() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\t"
<< ((flags.w() & 1) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
flags.x() = flags.x() >> 1;
flags.y() = flags.y() >> 1;
flags.z() = flags.z() >> 1;
flags.w() = flags.z() >> 1;
return oss.str();
//! Print out a value with the precision of `fmt`.
template <typename T>
void printValue32 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
Traits<T>::doPrintValue32(fmt, value, os);
template <typename T>
string value32ToString (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& val)
ostringstream oss;
printValue32(fmt, val, oss);
return oss.str();
template <typename T>
void printValue64 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
Traits<T>::doPrintValue64(fmt, value, os);
template <typename T>
string value64ToString (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& val)
ostringstream oss;
printValue64(fmt, val, oss);
return oss.str();
//! Approximate `value` elementwise to the float precision defined in `fmt`.
//! The resulting interval might not be a singleton if rounding in both
//! directions is allowed.
template <typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal round (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value)
return Traits<T>::doRound(fmt, value);
template <typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal convert (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const typename Traits<T>::IVal& value)
return Traits<T>::doConvert(fmt, value);
// Matching input and output types. We may be in a modulo case and modularDivisor may have an actual value.
template <typename T>
bool intervalContains (const Interval& interval, T value, const tcu::Maybe<T>& modularDivisor)
bool contained = interval.contains(value);
if (!contained && modularDivisor)
const T divisor = modularDivisor.get();
// In a modulo operation, if the calculated answer contains the divisor, allow exactly 0.0 as a replacement. Alternatively,
// if the calculated answer contains 0.0, allow exactly the divisor as a replacement.
if (interval.contains(static_cast<double>(divisor)))
contained |= (value == 0.0);
if (interval.contains(0.0))
contained |= (value == divisor);
return contained;
// When the input and output types do not match, we are not in a real modulo operation. Do not take the divisor into account. This
// version is provided for syntactical compatibility only.
template <typename T, typename U>
bool intervalContains (const Interval& interval, T value, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
DE_UNREF(modularDivisor); // For release builds.
return interval.contains(value);
//! Common traits for scalar types.
template <typename T>
struct ScalarTraits
typedef Interval IVal;
static Interval doMakeIVal (const T& value)
// Thankfully all scalar types have a well-defined conversion to `double`,
// hence Interval can represent their ranges without problems.
return Interval(double(value));
static Interval doUnion (const Interval& a, const Interval& b)
return a | b;
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, T value)
return a.contains(double(value));
static Interval doConvert (const FloatFormat& fmt, const IVal& ival)
return fmt.convert(ival);
static Interval doConvert (const FloatFormat& fmt, const IVal& ival, bool is16Bit)
return fmt.convert(ival);
static Interval doRound (const FloatFormat& fmt, T value)
return fmt.roundOut(double(value), false);
template <>
struct ScalarTraits<deUint16>
typedef Interval IVal;
static Interval doMakeIVal (const deUint16& value)
// Thankfully all scalar types have a well-defined conversion to `double`,
// hence Interval can represent their ranges without problems.
return Interval(double(deFloat16To32(value)));
static Interval doUnion (const Interval& a, const Interval& b)
return a | b;
static Interval doConvert (const FloatFormat& fmt, const IVal& ival)
return fmt.convert(ival);
static Interval doRound (const FloatFormat& fmt, deUint16 value)
return fmt.roundOut(double(deFloat16To32(value)), false);
struct Traits<float> : ScalarTraits<float>
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const Interval& ival,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.intervalToHex(ival);
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
const deUint32 iRep = reinterpret_cast<const deUint32 & >(value);
float res0 = deFloat16To32((deFloat16)(iRep & 0xFFFF));
float res1 = deFloat16To32((deFloat16)(iRep >> 16));
os << fmt.floatToHex(res0) << " " << fmt.floatToHex(res1);
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.floatToHex(value);
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.floatToHex(value);
template <typename U>
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, const float& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
// Note: for deFloat16s packed in 32 bits, the original divisor is provided as a float to the shader in the input
// buffer, so U is also float here and we call the right interlvalContains() version.
const deUint32 iRep = reinterpret_cast<const deUint32&>(value);
float res0 = deFloat16To32((deFloat16)(iRep & 0xFFFF));
float res1 = deFloat16To32((deFloat16)(iRep >> 16));
return intervalContains(a, res0, modularDivisor) && (res1 == -1.0);
return intervalContains(a, value, modularDivisor);
struct Traits<double> : ScalarTraits<double>
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const Interval& ival,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.intervalToHex(ival);
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const double& value,
ostream& os)
const deUint64 iRep = reinterpret_cast<const deUint64&>(value);
double byte0 = deFloat16To64((deFloat16)((iRep ) & 0xffff));
double byte1 = deFloat16To64((deFloat16)((iRep >> 16) & 0xffff));
double byte2 = deFloat16To64((deFloat16)((iRep >> 32) & 0xffff));
double byte3 = deFloat16To64((deFloat16)((iRep >> 48) & 0xffff));
os << fmt.floatToHex(byte0) << " " << fmt.floatToHex(byte1) << " " << fmt.floatToHex(byte2) << " " << fmt.floatToHex(byte3);
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const double& value,
ostream& os)
const deUint64 iRep = reinterpret_cast<const deUint64&>(value);
double res0 = static_cast<double>((float)((iRep ) & 0xffffffff));
double res1 = static_cast<double>((float)((iRep >> 32) & 0xffffffff));
os << fmt.floatToHex(res0) << " " << fmt.floatToHex(res1);
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const double& value,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.floatToHex(value);
template <class U>
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, const double& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
return intervalContains(a, value, modularDivisor);
struct Traits<deFloat16> : ScalarTraits<deFloat16>
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const Interval& ival,
ostream& os)
os << fmt.intervalToHex(ival);
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const deFloat16& value,
ostream& os)
const float res0 = deFloat16To32(value);
os << fmt.floatToHex(static_cast<double>(res0));
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const deFloat16& value,
ostream& os)
const float res0 = deFloat16To32(value);
os << fmt.floatToHex(static_cast<double>(res0));
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat& fmt,
const deFloat16& value,
ostream& os)
const double res0 = deFloat16To64(value);
os << fmt.floatToHex(res0);
// When the value and divisor are both deFloat16, convert both to float to call the right intervalContains version.
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, const deFloat16& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<deFloat16>& modularDivisor)
float res0 = deFloat16To32(value);
const tcu::Maybe<float> convertedDivisor = (modularDivisor ? tcu::just(deFloat16To32(modularDivisor.get())) : tcu::nothing<float>());
return intervalContains(a, res0, convertedDivisor);
// If the types don't match we should not be in a modulo operation, so no conversion should take place.
template <class U>
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, const deFloat16& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
float res0 = deFloat16To32(value);
return intervalContains(a, res0, modularDivisor);
struct Traits<bool> : ScalarTraits<bool>
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat&,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
os << (value != 0.0f ? "true" : "false");
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat&,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
os << (value != 0.0f ? "true" : "false");
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat&,
const float& value,
ostream& os)
os << (value != 0.0f ? "true" : "false");
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat&,
const Interval& ival,
ostream& os)
os << "{";
if (ival.contains(false))
os << "false";
if (ival.contains(false) && ival.contains(true))
os << ", ";
if (ival.contains(true))
os << "true";
os << "}";
struct Traits<int> : ScalarTraits<int>
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat&,
const int& value,
ostream& os)
int res0 = value & 0xFFFF;
int res1 = value >> 16;
os << res0 << " " << res1;
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat&,
const int& value,
ostream& os)
os << value;
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat&,
const int& value,
ostream& os)
os << value;
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat&,
const Interval& ival,
ostream& os)
os << "[" << int(ival.lo()) << ", " << int(ival.hi()) << "]";
template <typename U>
static bool doContains (const Interval& a, const int& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
return intervalContains(a, value, modularDivisor);
//! Common traits for containers, i.e. vectors and matrices.
//! T is the container type itself, I is the same type with interval elements.
template <typename T, typename I>
struct ContainerTraits
typedef typename T::Element Element;
typedef I IVal;
static IVal doMakeIVal (const T& value)
IVal ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = makeIVal(value[ndx]);
return ret;
static IVal doUnion (const IVal& a, const IVal& b)
IVal ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = unionIVal<Element>(a[ndx], b[ndx]);
return ret;
// When the input and output types match, we may be in a modulo operation. If the divisor is provided, use each of its
// components to determine if the obtained result is fine.
static bool doContains (const IVal& ival, const T& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<T>& modularDivisor)
using DivisorElement = typename T::Element;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
const tcu::Maybe<DivisorElement> divisorElement = (modularDivisor ? tcu::just((*modularDivisor)[ndx]) : tcu::nothing<DivisorElement>());
if (!contains(ival[ndx], value[ndx], is16Bit, divisorElement))
return false;
return true;
// When the input and output types do not match we should not be in a modulo operation. This version is provided for syntactical
// compatibility.
template <typename U>
static bool doContains (const IVal& ival, const T& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor)
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
if (!contains(ival[ndx], value[ndx], is16Bit, modularDivisor))
return false;
return true;
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat& fmt, const IVal ival, ostream& os)
os << "(";
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
if (ndx > 0)
os << ", ";
printIVal<Element>(fmt, ival[ndx], os);
os << ")";
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
os << dataTypeNameOf<T>() << "(";
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
if (ndx > 0)
os << ", ";
printValue16<Element>(fmt, value[ndx], os);
os << ")";
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
os << dataTypeNameOf<T>() << "(";
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
if (ndx > 0)
os << ", ";
printValue32<Element>(fmt, value[ndx], os);
os << ")";
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat& fmt, const T& value, ostream& os)
os << dataTypeNameOf<T>() << "(";
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
if (ndx > 0)
os << ", ";
printValue64<Element>(fmt, value[ndx], os);
os << ")";
static IVal doConvert (const FloatFormat& fmt, const IVal& value)
IVal ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = convert<Element>(fmt, value[ndx]);
return ret;
static IVal doRound (const FloatFormat& fmt, T value)
IVal ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < T::SIZE; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = round(fmt, value[ndx]);
return ret;
template <typename T, int Size>
struct Traits<Vector<T, Size> > :
ContainerTraits<Vector<T, Size>, Vector<typename Traits<T>::IVal, Size> >
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
struct Traits<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > :
ContainerTraits<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>, Matrix<typename Traits<T>::IVal, Rows, Cols> >
//! Void traits. These are just dummies, but technically valid: a Void is a
//! unit type with a single possible value.
struct Traits<Void>
typedef Void IVal;
static Void doMakeIVal (const Void& value) { return value; }
static Void doUnion (const Void&, const Void&) { return Void(); }
static bool doContains (const Void&, Void) { return true; }
template <typename U>
static bool doContains (const Void&, const Void& value, bool is16Bit, const tcu::Maybe<U>& modularDivisor) { DE_UNREF(value); DE_UNREF(is16Bit); DE_UNREF(modularDivisor); return true; }
static Void doRound (const FloatFormat&, const Void& value) { return value; }
static Void doConvert (const FloatFormat&, const Void& value) { return value; }
static void doPrintValue16 (const FloatFormat&, const Void&, ostream& os)
os << "()";
static void doPrintValue32 (const FloatFormat&, const Void&, ostream& os)
os << "()";
static void doPrintValue64 (const FloatFormat&, const Void&, ostream& os)
os << "()";
static void doPrintIVal (const FloatFormat&, const Void&, ostream& os)
os << "()";
//! This is needed for container-generic operations.
//! We want a scalar type T to be its own "one-element vector".
template <typename T, int Size> struct ContainerOf { typedef Vector<T, Size> Container; };
template <typename T> struct ContainerOf<T, 1> { typedef T Container; };
template <int Size> struct ContainerOf<Void, Size> { typedef Void Container; };
// This is a kludge that is only needed to get the ExprP::operator[] syntactic sugar to work.
template <typename T> struct ElementOf { typedef typename T::Element Element; };
template <> struct ElementOf<float> { typedef void Element; };
template <> struct ElementOf<double>{ typedef void Element; };
template <> struct ElementOf<bool> { typedef void Element; };
template <> struct ElementOf<int> { typedef void Element; };
template <typename T>
string comparisonMessageInterval(const typename Traits<T>::IVal& val)
return "";
template <>
string comparisonMessageInterval<int>(const Traits<int>::IVal& val)
return comparisonMessage(static_cast<int>(val.lo()));
template <>
string comparisonMessageInterval<float>(const Traits<float>::IVal& val)
return comparisonMessage(static_cast<int>(val.lo()));
template <>
string comparisonMessageInterval<tcu::Vector<int, 2> >(const tcu::Vector<tcu::Interval, 2> & val)
tcu::IVec2 result(static_cast<int>(val[0].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[1].lo()));
return comparisonMessage(result);
template <>
string comparisonMessageInterval<tcu::Vector<int, 3> >(const tcu::Vector<tcu::Interval, 3> & val)
tcu::IVec3 result(static_cast<int>(val[0].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[1].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[2].lo()));
return comparisonMessage(result);
template <>
string comparisonMessageInterval<tcu::Vector<int, 4> >(const tcu::Vector<tcu::Interval, 4> & val)
tcu::IVec4 result(static_cast<int>(val[0].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[1].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[2].lo()), static_cast<int>(val[3].lo()));
return comparisonMessage(result);
* \name Abstract syntax for expressions and statements.
* We represent GLSL programs as syntax objects: an Expr<T> represents an
* expression whose GLSL type corresponds to the C++ type T, and a Statement
* represents a statement.
* To ease memory management, we use shared pointers to refer to expressions
* and statements. ExprP<T> is a shared pointer to an Expr<T>, and StatementP
* is a shared pointer to a Statement.
* \{
class ExprBase;
class ExpandContext;
class Statement;
class StatementP;
class FuncBase;
template <typename T> class ExprP;
template <typename T> class Variable;
template <typename T> class VariableP;
template <typename T> class DefaultSampling;
typedef set<const FuncBase*> FuncSet;
template <typename T>
VariableP<T> variable (const string& name);
StatementP compoundStatement (const vector<StatementP>& statements);
* \brief A variable environment.
* An Environment object maintains the mapping between variables of the
* abstract syntax tree and their values.
* \todo [2014-03-28 lauri] At least run-time type safety.
class Environment
template<typename T>
void bind (const Variable<T>& variable,
const typename Traits<T>::IVal& value)
deUint8* const data = new deUint8[sizeof(value)];
deMemcpy(data, &value, sizeof(value));
de::insert(m_map, variable.getName(), SharedPtr<deUint8>(data, de::ArrayDeleter<deUint8>()));
template<typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal& lookup (const Variable<T>& variable) const
deUint8* const data = de::lookup(m_map, variable.getName()).get();
return *reinterpret_cast<typename Traits<T>::IVal*>(data);
map<string, SharedPtr<deUint8> > m_map;
* \brief Evaluation context.
* The evaluation context contains everything that separates one execution of
* an expression from the next. Currently this means the desired floating
* point precision and the current variable environment.
struct EvalContext
EvalContext (const FloatFormat& format_,
Precision floatPrecision_,
Environment& env_,
int callDepth_)
: format (format_)
, floatPrecision (floatPrecision_)
, env (env_)
, callDepth (callDepth_) {}
FloatFormat format;
Precision floatPrecision;
Environment& env;
int callDepth;
* \brief Simple incremental counter.
* This is used to make sure that different ExpandContexts will not produce
* overlapping temporary names.
class Counter
Counter (int count = 0) : m_count(count) {}
int operator() (void) { return m_count++; }
int m_count;
class ExpandContext
ExpandContext (Counter& symCounter) : m_symCounter(symCounter) {}
ExpandContext (const ExpandContext& parent)
: m_symCounter(parent.m_symCounter) {}
template<typename T>
VariableP<T> genSym (const string& baseName)
return variable<T>(baseName + de::toString(m_symCounter()));
void addStatement (const StatementP& stmt)
vector<StatementP> getStatements (void) const
return m_statements;
Counter& m_symCounter;
vector<StatementP> m_statements;
* \brief A statement or declaration.
* Statements have no values. Instead, they are executed for their side
* effects only: the execute() method should modify at least one variable in
* the environment.
* As a bit of a kludge, a Statement object can also represent a declaration:
* when it is evaluated, it can add a variable binding to the environment
* instead of modifying a current one.
class Statement
virtual ~Statement (void) { }
//! Execute the statement, modifying the environment of `ctx`
void execute (EvalContext& ctx) const { this->doExecute(ctx); }
void print (ostream& os) const { this->doPrint(os); }
//! Add the functions used in this statement to `dst`.
void getUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const { this->doGetUsedFuncs(dst); }
void failed (EvalContext& ctx) const { this->doFail(ctx); }
virtual void doPrint (ostream& os) const = 0;
virtual void doExecute (EvalContext& ctx) const = 0;
virtual void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const = 0;
virtual void doFail (EvalContext& ctx) const { DE_UNREF(ctx); }
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Statement& stmt)
return os;
* \brief Smart pointer for statements (and declarations)
class StatementP : public SharedPtr<const Statement>
typedef SharedPtr<const Statement> Super;
StatementP (void) {}
explicit StatementP (const Statement* ptr) : Super(ptr) {}
StatementP (const Super& ptr) : Super(ptr) {}
* \brief
* A statement that modifies a variable or a declaration that binds a variable.
template <typename T>
class VariableStatement : public Statement
VariableStatement (const VariableP<T>& variable, const ExprP<T>& value,
bool isDeclaration)
: m_variable (variable)
, m_value (value)
, m_isDeclaration (isDeclaration) {}
void doPrint (ostream& os) const
if (m_isDeclaration)
os << glu::declare(getVarTypeOf<T>(), m_variable->getName());
os << m_variable->getName();
os << " = ";
os<< *m_value << ";\n";
void doExecute (EvalContext& ctx) const
if (m_isDeclaration)
ctx.env.bind(*m_variable, m_value->evaluate(ctx));
ctx.env.lookup(*m_variable) = m_value->evaluate(ctx);
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
virtual void doFail (EvalContext& ctx) const
if (m_isDeclaration)
ctx.env.bind(*m_variable, m_value->fails(ctx));
ctx.env.lookup(*m_variable) = m_value->fails(ctx);
VariableP<T> m_variable;
ExprP<T> m_value;
bool m_isDeclaration;
template <typename T>
StatementP variableStatement (const VariableP<T>& variable,
const ExprP<T>& value,
bool isDeclaration)
return StatementP(new VariableStatement<T>(variable, value, isDeclaration));
template <typename T>
StatementP variableDeclaration (const VariableP<T>& variable, const ExprP<T>& definiens)
return variableStatement(variable, definiens, true);
template <typename T>
StatementP variableAssignment (const VariableP<T>& variable, const ExprP<T>& value)
return variableStatement(variable, value, false);
* \brief A compound statement, i.e. a block.
* A compound statement is executed by executing its constituent statements in
* sequence.
class CompoundStatement : public Statement
CompoundStatement (const vector<StatementP>& statements)
: m_statements (statements) {}
void doPrint (ostream& os) const
os << "{\n";
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_statements.size(); ++ndx)
os << *m_statements[ndx];
os << "}\n";
void doExecute (EvalContext& ctx) const
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_statements.size(); ++ndx)
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_statements.size(); ++ndx)
vector<StatementP> m_statements;
StatementP compoundStatement(const vector<StatementP>& statements)
return StatementP(new CompoundStatement(statements));
//! Common base class for all expressions regardless of their type.
class ExprBase
virtual ~ExprBase (void) {}
void printExpr (ostream& os) const { this->doPrintExpr(os); }
//! Output the functions that this expression refers to
void getUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
virtual void doPrintExpr (ostream&) const {}
virtual void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet&) const {}
//! Type-specific operations for an expression representing type T.
template <typename T>
class Expr : public ExprBase
typedef T Val;
typedef typename Traits<T>::IVal IVal;
IVal evaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const;
IVal fails (const EvalContext& ctx) const { return this->doFails(ctx); }
virtual IVal doEvaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const = 0;
virtual IVal doFails (const EvalContext& ctx) const {return doEvaluate(ctx);}
//! Evaluate an expression with the given context, optionally tracing the calls to stderr.
template <typename T>
typename Traits<T>::IVal Expr<T>::evaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const
static const FloatFormat highpFmt (-126, 127, 23, true,
EvalContext newCtx (ctx.format, ctx.floatPrecision,
ctx.env, ctx.callDepth + 1);
const IVal ret = this->doEvaluate(newCtx);
if (isTypeValid<T>())
std::cerr << string(ctx.callDepth, ' ');
std::cerr << " -> " << intervalToString<T>(highpFmt, ret) << std::endl;
return ret;
return this->doEvaluate(ctx);
template <typename T>
class ExprPBase : public SharedPtr<const Expr<T> >
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const ExprBase& expr)
return os;
* \brief Shared pointer to an expression of a container type.
* Container types (i.e. vectors and matrices) support the subscription
* operator. This class provides a bit of syntactic sugar to allow us to use
* the C++ subscription operator to create a subscription expression.
template <typename T>
class ContainerExprPBase : public ExprPBase<T>
ExprP<typename T::Element> operator[] (int i) const;
template <typename T>
class ExprP : public ExprPBase<T> {};
// We treat Voids as containers since the unused parameters in generalized
// vector functions are represented as Voids.
template <>
class ExprP<Void> : public ContainerExprPBase<Void> {};
template <typename T, int Size>
class ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > : public ContainerExprPBase<Vector<T, Size> > {};
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
class ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > : public ContainerExprPBase<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > {};
template <typename T> ExprP<T> exprP (void)
return ExprP<T>();
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> exprP (const SharedPtr<const Expr<T> >& ptr)
ExprP<T> ret;
static_cast<SharedPtr<const Expr<T> >&>(ret) = ptr;
return ret;
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> exprP (const Expr<T>* ptr)
return exprP(SharedPtr<const Expr<T> >(ptr));
* \brief A shared pointer to a variable expression.
* This is just a narrowing of ExprP for the operations that require a variable
* instead of an arbitrary expression.
template <typename T>
class VariableP : public SharedPtr<const Variable<T> >
typedef SharedPtr<const Variable<T> > Super;
explicit VariableP (const Variable<T>* ptr) : Super(ptr) {}
VariableP (void) {}
VariableP (const Super& ptr) : Super(ptr) {}
operator ExprP<T> (void) const { return exprP(SharedPtr<const Expr<T> >(*this)); }
* \name Syntactic sugar operators for expressions.
* @{
* These operators allow the use of C++ syntax to construct GLSL expressions
* containing operators: e.g. "a+b" creates an addition expression with
* operands a and b, and so on.
ExprP<float> operator+ (const ExprP<float>& arg0,
const ExprP<float>& arg1);
ExprP<deFloat16> operator+ (const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg0,
const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg1);
ExprP<double> operator+ (const ExprP<double>& arg0,
const ExprP<double>& arg1);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator- (const ExprP<T>& arg0);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator- (const ExprP<T>& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1);
template<int Left, int Mid, int Right, typename T>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Left, Right> > operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Left, Mid> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<T, Mid, Right> >& right);
ExprP<float> operator* (const ExprP<float>& arg0,
const ExprP<float>& arg1);
ExprP<deFloat16> operator* (const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg0,
const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg1);
ExprP<double> operator* (const ExprP<double>& arg0,
const ExprP<double>& arg1);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator/ (const ExprP<T>& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator- (const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator- (const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg1);
template<int Size, typename T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator* (const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator* (const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg1);
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> > operator* (const ExprP<Vector<T, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& right);
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Cols> > operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& right);
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename T>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<T>& right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> >& right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> >& right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> >& right);
template<typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > operator- (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& mat);
//! @}
* \brief Variable expression.
* A variable is evaluated by looking up its range of possible values from an
* environment.
template <typename T>
class Variable : public Expr<T>
typedef typename Expr<T>::IVal IVal;
Variable (const string& name) : m_name (name) {}
string getName (void) const { return m_name; }
void doPrintExpr (ostream& os) const { os << m_name; }
IVal doEvaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const
return ctx.env.lookup<T>(*this);
string m_name;
template <typename T>
VariableP<T> variable (const string& name)
return VariableP<T>(new Variable<T>(name));
template <typename T>
VariableP<T> bindExpression (const string& name, ExpandContext& ctx, const ExprP<T>& expr)
VariableP<T> var = ctx.genSym<T>(name);
ctx.addStatement(variableDeclaration(var, expr));
return var;
* \brief Constant expression.
* A constant is evaluated by rounding it to a set of possible values allowed
* by the current floating point precision.
template <typename T>
class Constant : public Expr<T>
typedef typename Expr<T>::IVal IVal;
Constant (const T& value) : m_value(value) {}
void doPrintExpr (ostream& os) const { os << m_value; }
IVal doEvaluate (const EvalContext&) const { return makeIVal(m_value); }
T m_value;
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> constant (const T& value)
return exprP(new Constant<T>(value));
//! Return a reference to a singleton void constant.
const ExprP<Void>& voidP (void)
static const ExprP<Void> singleton = constant(Void());
return singleton;
* \brief Four-element tuple.
* This is used for various things where we need one thing for each possible
* function parameter. Currently the maximum supported number of parameters is
* four.
template <typename T0 = Void, typename T1 = Void, typename T2 = Void, typename T3 = Void>
struct Tuple4
explicit Tuple4 (const T0 e0 = T0(),
const T1 e1 = T1(),
const T2 e2 = T2(),
const T3 e3 = T3())
: a (e0)
, b (e1)
, c (e2)
, d (e3)
T0 a;
T1 b;
T2 c;
T3 d;
* \brief Function signature.
* This is a purely compile-time structure used to bundle all types in a
* function signature together. This makes passing the signature around in
* templates easier, since we only need to take and pass a single Sig instead
* of a bunch of parameter types and a return type.
template <typename R,
typename P0 = Void, typename P1 = Void,
typename P2 = Void, typename P3 = Void>
struct Signature
typedef R Ret;
typedef P0 Arg0;
typedef P1 Arg1;
typedef P2 Arg2;
typedef P3 Arg3;
typedef typename Traits<Ret>::IVal IRet;
typedef typename Traits<Arg0>::IVal IArg0;
typedef typename Traits<Arg1>::IVal IArg1;
typedef typename Traits<Arg2>::IVal IArg2;
typedef typename Traits<Arg3>::IVal IArg3;
typedef Tuple4< const Arg0&, const Arg1&, const Arg2&, const Arg3&> Args;
typedef Tuple4< const IArg0&, const IArg1&, const IArg2&, const IArg3&> IArgs;
typedef Tuple4< ExprP<Arg0>, ExprP<Arg1>, ExprP<Arg2>, ExprP<Arg3> > ArgExprs;
typedef vector<const ExprBase*> BaseArgExprs;
* \brief Type-independent operations for function objects.
class FuncBase
virtual ~FuncBase (void) {}
virtual string getName (void) const = 0;
//! Name of extension that this function requires, or empty.
virtual string getRequiredExtension (void) const { return ""; }
virtual Interval getInputRange (const bool is16bit) const {DE_UNREF(is16bit); return Interval(true, -TCU_INFINITY, TCU_INFINITY); }
virtual void print (ostream&,
const BaseArgExprs&) const = 0;
//! Index of output parameter, or -1 if none of the parameters is output.
virtual int getOutParamIndex (void) const { return -1; }
virtual SpirVCaseT getSpirvCase (void) const { return SPIRV_CASETYPE_NONE; }
void printDefinition (ostream& os) const
void getUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
virtual void doPrintDefinition (ostream& os) const = 0;
virtual void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const = 0;
typedef Tuple4<string, string, string, string> ParamNames;
* \brief Function objects.
* Each Func object represents a GLSL function. It can be applied to interval
* arguments, and it returns the an interval that is a conservative
* approximation of the image of the GLSL function over the argument
* intervals. That is, it is given a set of possible arguments and it returns
* the set of possible values.
template <typename Sig_>
class Func : public FuncBase
typedef Sig_ Sig;
typedef typename Sig::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Sig::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Sig::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Sig::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Sig::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef typename Sig::IRet IRet;
typedef typename Sig::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename Sig::IArg1 IArg1;
typedef typename Sig::IArg2 IArg2;
typedef typename Sig::IArg3 IArg3;
typedef typename Sig::Args Args;
typedef typename Sig::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename Sig::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
void print (ostream& os,
const BaseArgExprs& args) const
this->doPrint(os, args);
IRet apply (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArg0& arg0 = IArg0(),
const IArg1& arg1 = IArg1(),
const IArg2& arg2 = IArg2(),
const IArg3& arg3 = IArg3()) const
return this->applyArgs(ctx, IArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3));
IRet fail (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArg0& arg0 = IArg0(),
const IArg1& arg1 = IArg1(),
const IArg2& arg2 = IArg2(),
const IArg3& arg3 = IArg3()) const
return this->doFail(ctx, IArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3));
IRet applyArgs (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArgs& args) const
return this->doApply(ctx, args);
ExprP<Ret> operator() (const ExprP<Arg0>& arg0 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg1>& arg1 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg2>& arg2 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg3>& arg3 = voidP()) const;
const ParamNames& getParamNames (void) const
return this->doGetParamNames();
virtual IRet doApply (const EvalContext&,
const IArgs&) const = 0;
virtual IRet doFail (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArgs& args) const
return this->doApply(ctx, args);
virtual void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << getName() << "(";
if (isTypeValid<Arg0>())
os << *args[0];
if (isTypeValid<Arg1>())
os << ", " << *args[1];
if (isTypeValid<Arg2>())
os << ", " << *args[2];
if (isTypeValid<Arg3>())
os << ", " << *args[3];
os << ")";
virtual const ParamNames& doGetParamNames (void) const
static ParamNames names ("a", "b", "c", "d");
return names;
template <typename Sig>
class Apply : public Expr<typename Sig::Ret>
typedef typename Sig::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Sig::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Sig::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Sig::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Sig::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef typename Expr<Ret>::Val Val;
typedef typename Expr<Ret>::IVal IVal;
typedef Func<Sig> ApplyFunc;
typedef typename ApplyFunc::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
Apply (const ApplyFunc& func,
const ExprP<Arg0>& arg0 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg1>& arg1 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg2>& arg2 = voidP(),
const ExprP<Arg3>& arg3 = voidP())
: m_func (func),
m_args (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {}
Apply (const ApplyFunc& func,
const ArgExprs& args)
: m_func (func),
m_args (args) {}
void doPrintExpr (ostream& os) const
BaseArgExprs args;
m_func.print(os, args);
IVal doEvaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const
return m_func.apply(ctx,
m_args.a->evaluate(ctx), m_args.b->evaluate(ctx),
m_args.c->evaluate(ctx), m_args.d->evaluate(ctx));
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
const ApplyFunc& m_func;
ArgExprs m_args;
template<typename T>
class Alternatives : public Func<Signature<T, T, T> >
typedef typename Alternatives::Sig Sig;
typedef typename Alternatives::IRet IRet;
typedef typename Alternatives::IArgs IArgs;
virtual string getName (void) const { return "alternatives"; }
virtual void doPrintDefinition (std::ostream&) const {}
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet&) const {}
virtual IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& args) const
return unionIVal<T>(args.a, args.b);
virtual void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "{" << *args[0] << " | " << *args[1] << "}";
template <typename Sig>
ExprP<typename Sig::Ret> createApply (const Func<Sig>& func,
const typename Func<Sig>::ArgExprs& args)
return exprP(new Apply<Sig>(func, args));
template <typename Sig>
ExprP<typename Sig::Ret> createApply (
const Func<Sig>& func,
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg0>& arg0 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg1>& arg1 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg2>& arg2 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg3>& arg3 = voidP())
return exprP(new Apply<Sig>(func, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3));
template <typename Sig>
ExprP<typename Sig::Ret> Func<Sig>::operator() (const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg0>& arg0,
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg1>& arg1,
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg2>& arg2,
const ExprP<typename Sig::Arg3>& arg3) const
return createApply(*this, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
template <typename F>
ExprP<typename F::Ret> app (const ExprP<typename F::Arg0>& arg0 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename F::Arg1>& arg1 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename F::Arg2>& arg2 = voidP(),
const ExprP<typename F::Arg3>& arg3 = voidP())
return createApply(instance<F>(), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
template <typename F>
typename F::IRet call (const EvalContext& ctx,
const typename F::IArg0& arg0 = Void(),
const typename F::IArg1& arg1 = Void(),
const typename F::IArg2& arg2 = Void(),
const typename F::IArg3& arg3 = Void())
return instance<F>().apply(ctx, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> alternatives (const ExprP<T>& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1)
return createApply<typename Alternatives<T>::Sig>(instance<Alternatives<T> >(), arg0, arg1);
template <typename Sig>
class ApplyVar : public Apply<Sig>
typedef typename Sig::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Sig::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Sig::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Sig::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Sig::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef typename Expr<Ret>::Val Val;
typedef typename Expr<Ret>::IVal IVal;
typedef Func<Sig> ApplyFunc;
typedef typename ApplyFunc::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
ApplyVar (const ApplyFunc& func,
const VariableP<Arg0>& arg0,
const VariableP<Arg1>& arg1,
const VariableP<Arg2>& arg2,
const VariableP<Arg3>& arg3)
: Apply<Sig> (func, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {}
IVal doEvaluate (const EvalContext& ctx) const
const Variable<Arg0>& var0 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg0>&>(*this->m_args.a);
const Variable<Arg1>& var1 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg1>&>(*this->m_args.b);
const Variable<Arg2>& var2 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg2>&>(*this->m_args.c);
const Variable<Arg3>& var3 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg3>&>(*this->m_args.d);
return this->m_func.apply(ctx,
ctx.env.lookup(var0), ctx.env.lookup(var1),
ctx.env.lookup(var2), ctx.env.lookup(var3));
IVal doFails (const EvalContext& ctx) const
const Variable<Arg0>& var0 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg0>&>(*this->m_args.a);
const Variable<Arg1>& var1 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg1>&>(*this->m_args.b);
const Variable<Arg2>& var2 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg2>&>(*this->m_args.c);
const Variable<Arg3>& var3 = static_cast<const Variable<Arg3>&>(*this->m_args.d);
return this->,
ctx.env.lookup(var0), ctx.env.lookup(var1),
ctx.env.lookup(var2), ctx.env.lookup(var3));
template <typename Sig>
ExprP<typename Sig::Ret> applyVar (const Func<Sig>& func,
const VariableP<typename Sig::Arg0>& arg0,
const VariableP<typename Sig::Arg1>& arg1,
const VariableP<typename Sig::Arg2>& arg2,
const VariableP<typename Sig::Arg3>& arg3)
return exprP(new ApplyVar<Sig>(func, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3));
template <typename Sig_>
class DerivedFunc : public Func<Sig_>
typedef typename DerivedFunc::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IRet IRet;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::Ret Ret;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IArg1 IArg1;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IArg2 IArg2;
typedef typename DerivedFunc::IArg3 IArg3;
void doPrintDefinition (ostream& os) const
const ParamNames& paramNames = this->getParamNames();
os << dataTypeNameOf<Ret>() << " " << this->getName()
<< "(";
if (isTypeValid<Arg0>())
os << dataTypeNameOf<Arg0>() << " " << paramNames.a;
if (isTypeValid<Arg1>())
os << ", " << dataTypeNameOf<Arg1>() << " " << paramNames.b;
if (isTypeValid<Arg2>())
os << ", " << dataTypeNameOf<Arg2>() << " " << paramNames.c;
if (isTypeValid<Arg3>())
os << ", " << dataTypeNameOf<Arg3>() << " " << paramNames.d;
os << ")\n{\n";
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_body.size(); ++ndx)
os << *m_body[ndx];
os << "return " << *m_ret << ";\n";
os << "}\n";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArgs& args) const
Environment funEnv;
IArgs& mutArgs = const_cast<IArgs&>(args);
IRet ret;
funEnv.bind(*m_var0, args.a);
funEnv.bind(*m_var1, args.b);
funEnv.bind(*m_var2, args.c);
funEnv.bind(*m_var3, args.d);
EvalContext funCtx(ctx.format, ctx.floatPrecision, funEnv, ctx.callDepth);
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_body.size(); ++ndx)
ret = m_ret->evaluate(funCtx);
// \todo [lauri] Store references instead of values in environment
const_cast<IArg0&>(mutArgs.a) = funEnv.lookup(*m_var0);
const_cast<IArg1&>(mutArgs.b) = funEnv.lookup(*m_var1);
const_cast<IArg2&>(mutArgs.c) = funEnv.lookup(*m_var2);
const_cast<IArg3&>(mutArgs.d) = funEnv.lookup(*m_var3);
return ret;
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
if (dst.insert(this).second)
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_body.size(); ++ndx)
virtual ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args_) const = 0;
// These are transparently initialized when first needed. They cannot be
// initialized in the constructor because they depend on the doExpand
// method of the subclass.
mutable VariableP<Arg0> m_var0;
mutable VariableP<Arg1> m_var1;
mutable VariableP<Arg2> m_var2;
mutable VariableP<Arg3> m_var3;
mutable vector<StatementP> m_body;
mutable ExprP<Ret> m_ret;
void initialize (void) const
if (!m_ret)
const ParamNames& paramNames = this->getParamNames();
Counter symCounter;
ExpandContext ctx (symCounter);
ArgExprs args;
args.a = m_var0 = variable<Arg0>(paramNames.a);
args.b = m_var1 = variable<Arg1>(paramNames.b);
args.c = m_var2 = variable<Arg2>(paramNames.c);
args.d = m_var3 = variable<Arg3>(paramNames.d);
m_ret = this->doExpand(ctx, args);
m_body = ctx.getStatements();
template <typename Sig>
class PrimitiveFunc : public Func<Sig>
typedef typename PrimitiveFunc::Ret Ret;
typedef typename PrimitiveFunc::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
void doPrintDefinition (ostream&) const {}
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet&) const {}
template <typename T>
class Cond : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<T, bool, T, T> >
typedef typename Cond::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename Cond::IRet IRet;
string getName (void) const
return "_cond";
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "(" << *args[0] << " ? " << *args[1] << " : " << *args[2] << ")";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs)const
IRet ret;
if (iargs.a.contains(true))
ret = unionIVal<T>(ret, iargs.b);
if (iargs.a.contains(false))
ret = unionIVal<T>(ret, iargs.c);
return ret;
template <typename T>
class CompareOperator : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<bool, T, T> >
typedef typename CompareOperator::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename CompareOperator::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename CompareOperator::IArg1 IArg1;
typedef typename CompareOperator::IRet IRet;
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "(" << *args[0] << getSymbol() << *args[1] << ")";
Interval doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
const IArg0& arg0 = iargs.a;
const IArg1& arg1 = iargs.b;
IRet ret;
if (canSucceed(arg0, arg1))
ret |= true;
if (canFail(arg0, arg1))
ret |= false;
return ret;
virtual string getSymbol (void) const = 0;
virtual bool canSucceed (const IArg0&, const IArg1&) const = 0;
virtual bool canFail (const IArg0&, const IArg1&) const = 0;
template <typename T>
class LessThan : public CompareOperator<T>
string getName (void) const { return "lessThan"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return "<"; }
bool canSucceed (const Interval& a, const Interval& b) const
return (a.lo() < b.hi());
bool canFail (const Interval& a, const Interval& b) const
return !(a.hi() < b.lo());
template <typename T>
ExprP<bool> operator< (const ExprP<T>& a, const ExprP<T>& b)
return app<LessThan<T> >(a, b);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> cond (const ExprP<bool>& test,
const ExprP<T>& consequent,
const ExprP<T>& alternative)
return app<Cond<T> >(test, consequent, alternative);
* @}
//Proper parameters for template T
// Signature<float, float> 32bit tests
// Signature<float, deFloat16> 16bit tests
// Signature<double, double> 64bit tests
template< class T>
class FloatFunc1 : public PrimitiveFunc<T>
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0>::IArgs& iargs) const
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a);
Interval applyMonotone (const EvalContext& ctx, const Interval& iarg0) const
Interval ret;
TCU_INTERVAL_APPLY_MONOTONE1(ret, arg0, iarg0, val,
TCU_SET_INTERVAL(val, point,
point = this->applyPoint(ctx, arg0)));
ret |= innerExtrema(ctx, iarg0);
ret &= (this->getCodomain(ctx) | TCU_NAN);
return ctx.format.convert(ret);
virtual Interval innerExtrema (const EvalContext&, const Interval&) const
return Interval(); // empty interval, i.e. no extrema
virtual Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx, double arg0) const
const double exact = this->applyExact(arg0);
const double prec = this->precision(ctx, exact, arg0);
return exact + Interval(-prec, prec);
virtual double applyExact (double) const
TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Cannot apply");
virtual Interval getCodomain (const EvalContext&) const
return Interval::unbounded(true);
virtual double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double, double) const = 0;
/*Proper parameters for template T
Signature<double, double> 64bit tests
Signature<float, float> 32bit tests
Signature<float, deFloat16> 16bit tests*/
template <class T>
class CFloatFunc1 : public FloatFunc1<T>
CFloatFunc1 (const string& name, tcu::DoubleFunc1& func)
: m_name(name), m_func(func) {}
string getName (void) const { return m_name; }
double applyExact (double x) const { return m_func(x); }
const string m_name;
tcu::DoubleFunc1& m_func;
//<Signature<float, deFloat16, deFloat16> >
//<Signature<float, float, float> >
//<Signature<double, double, double> >
template <class T>
class FloatFunc2 : public PrimitiveFunc<T>
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0, typename T::Arg1>::IArgs& iargs) const
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a, iargs.b);
Interval applyMonotone (const EvalContext& ctx,
const Interval& xi,
const Interval& yi) const
Interval reti;
TCU_INTERVAL_APPLY_MONOTONE2(reti, x, xi, y, yi, ret,
TCU_SET_INTERVAL(ret, point,
point = this->applyPoint(ctx, x, y)));
reti |= innerExtrema(ctx, xi, yi);
reti &= (this->getCodomain(ctx) | TCU_NAN);
return ctx.format.convert(reti);
virtual Interval innerExtrema (const EvalContext&,
const Interval&,
const Interval&) const
return Interval(); // empty interval, i.e. no extrema
virtual Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx,
double x,
double y) const
const double exact = this->applyExact(x, y);
const double prec = this->precision(ctx, exact, x, y);
return exact + Interval(-prec, prec);
virtual double applyExact (double, double) const
TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Cannot apply");
virtual Interval getCodomain (const EvalContext&) const
return Interval::unbounded(true);
virtual double precision (const EvalContext& ctx,
double ret,
double x,
double y) const = 0;
template <class T>
class CFloatFunc2 : public FloatFunc2<T>
CFloatFunc2 (const string& name,
tcu::DoubleFunc2& func)
: m_name(name)
, m_func(func)
string getName (void) const { return m_name; }
double applyExact (double x, double y) const { return m_func(x, y); }
const string m_name;
tcu::DoubleFunc2& m_func;
template <class T>
class InfixOperator : public FloatFunc2<T>
virtual string getSymbol (void) const = 0;
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "(" << *args[0] << " " << getSymbol() << " " << *args[1] << ")";
Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx,
double x,
double y) const
const double exact = this->applyExact(x, y);
// Allow either representable number on both sides of the exact value,
// but require exactly representable values to be preserved.
return ctx.format.roundOut(exact, !deIsInf(x) && !deIsInf(y));
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double, double) const
return 0.0;
class InfixOperator16Bit : public FloatFunc2 <Signature<float, deFloat16, deFloat16> >
virtual string getSymbol (void) const = 0;
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "(" << *args[0] << " " << getSymbol() << " " << *args[1] << ")";
Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx,
double x,
double y) const
const double exact = this->applyExact(x, y);
// Allow either representable number on both sides of the exact value,
// but require exactly representable values to be preserved.
return ctx.format.roundOut(exact, !deIsInf(x) && !deIsInf(y));
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double, double) const
return 0.0;
template <class T>
class FloatFunc3 : public PrimitiveFunc<T>
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0, typename T::Arg1, typename T::Arg2>::IArgs& iargs) const
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a, iargs.b, iargs.c);
Interval applyMonotone (const EvalContext& ctx,
const Interval& xi,
const Interval& yi,
const Interval& zi) const
Interval reti;
TCU_INTERVAL_APPLY_MONOTONE3(reti, x, xi, y, yi, z, zi, ret,
TCU_SET_INTERVAL(ret, point,
point = this->applyPoint(ctx, x, y, z)));
return ctx.format.convert(reti);
virtual Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx,
double x,
double y,
double z) const
const double exact = this->applyExact(x, y, z);
const double prec = this->precision(ctx, exact, x, y, z);
return exact + Interval(-prec, prec);
virtual double applyExact (double, double, double) const
TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Cannot apply");
virtual double precision (const EvalContext& ctx,
double result,
double x,
double y,
double z) const = 0;
// We define syntactic sugar functions for expression constructors. Since
// these have the same names as ordinary mathematical operations (sin, log
// etc.), it's better to give them a dedicated namespace.
namespace Functions
using namespace tcu;
template <class T>
class Comparison : public InfixOperator < T >
string getName (void) const { return "comparison"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return ""; }
SpirVCaseT getSpirvCase () const { return SPIRV_CASETYPE_COMPARE; }
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx,
const typename Comparison<T>::IArgs& iargs) const
if (iargs.a.hasNaN() || iargs.b.hasNaN())
return TCU_NAN; // one of the floats is NaN: block analysis
int operationFlag = 1;
int result = 0;
const double a = iargs.a.midpoint();
const double b = iargs.b.midpoint();
for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i)
if (a == b)
result += operationFlag;
operationFlag = operationFlag << 1;
if (a > b)
result += operationFlag;
operationFlag = operationFlag << 1;
if (a < b)
result += operationFlag;
operationFlag = operationFlag << 1;
if (a >= b)
result += operationFlag;
operationFlag = operationFlag << 1;
if (a <= b)
result += operationFlag;
operationFlag = operationFlag << 1;
return result;
template <class T>
class Add : public InfixOperator < T >
string getName (void) const { return "add"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return "+"; }
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx,
const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0, typename T::Arg1>::IArgs& iargs) const
// Fast-path for common case
if (iargs.a.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()) && iargs.b.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()))
Interval ret;
sum = iargs.a.lo() + iargs.b.lo(),
sum = iargs.a.hi() + iargs.b.hi());
return ctx.format.convert(ctx.format.roundOut(ret, true));
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a, iargs.b);
double applyExact (double x, double y) const { return x + y; }
template<class T>
class Mul : public InfixOperator<T>
string getName (void) const { return "mul"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return "*"; }
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0, typename T::Arg1>::IArgs& iargs) const
Interval a = iargs.a;
Interval b = iargs.b;
// Fast-path for common case
if (a.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()) && b.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()))
Interval ret;
if (a.hi() < 0)
a = -a;
b = -b;
if (a.lo() >= 0 && b.lo() >= 0)
prod = a.lo() * b.lo(),
prod = a.hi() * b.hi());
return ctx.format.convert(ctx.format.roundOut(ret, true));
if (a.lo() >= 0 && b.hi() <= 0)
prod = a.hi() * b.lo(),
prod = a.lo() * b.hi());
return ctx.format.convert(ctx.format.roundOut(ret, true));
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a, iargs.b);
double applyExact (double x, double y) const { return x * y; }
Interval innerExtrema(const EvalContext&, const Interval& xi, const Interval& yi) const
if (((xi.contains(-TCU_INFINITY) || xi.contains(TCU_INFINITY)) && yi.contains(0.0)) ||
((yi.contains(-TCU_INFINITY) || yi.contains(TCU_INFINITY)) && xi.contains(0.0)))
return Interval(TCU_NAN);
return Interval();
template<class T>
class Sub : public InfixOperator <T>
string getName (void) const { return "sub"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return "-"; }
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const typename Signature<typename T::Ret, typename T::Arg0, typename T::Arg1>::IArgs& iargs) const
// Fast-path for common case
if (iargs.a.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()) && iargs.b.isOrdinary(ctx.format.getMaxValue()))
Interval ret;
diff = iargs.a.lo() - iargs.b.hi(),
diff = iargs.a.hi() - iargs.b.lo());
return ctx.format.convert(ctx.format.roundOut(ret, true));
return this->applyMonotone(ctx, iargs.a, iargs.b);
double applyExact (double x, double y) const { return x - y; }
template <class T>
class Negate : public FloatFunc1<T>
string getName (void) const { return "_negate"; }
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const { os << "-" << *args[0]; }
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double) const { return 0.0; }
double applyExact (double x) const { return -x; }
template <class T>
class Div : public InfixOperator<T>
string getName (void) const { return "div"; }
string getSymbol (void) const { return "/"; }
Interval innerExtrema (const EvalContext&,
const Interval& nom,
const Interval& den) const
Interval ret;
if (den.contains(0.0))
if (nom.contains(0.0))
ret |= TCU_NAN;
if (nom.lo() < 0.0 || nom.hi() > 0.0)
ret |= Interval::unbounded();
return ret;
double applyExact (double x, double y) const { return x / y; }
Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext& ctx, double x, double y) const
Interval ret = FloatFunc2<T>::applyPoint(ctx, x, y);
if (!deIsInf(x) && !deIsInf(y) && y != 0.0)
const Interval dst = ctx.format.convert(ret);
if (dst.contains(-TCU_INFINITY)) ret |= -ctx.format.getMaxValue();
if (dst.contains(+TCU_INFINITY)) ret |= +ctx.format.getMaxValue();
return ret;
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double, double den) const
const FloatFormat& fmt = ctx.format;
// \todo [2014-03-05 lauri] Check that the limits in GLSL 3.10 are actually correct.
// For now, we assume that division's precision is 2.5 ULP when the value is within
// [2^MINEXP, 2^MAXEXP-1]
if (den == 0.0)
return 0.0; // Result must be exactly inf
else if (de::inBounds(deAbs(den),
deLdExp(1.0, fmt.getMinExp()),
deLdExp(1.0, fmt.getMaxExp() - 1)))
return fmt.ulp(ret, 2.5);
return TCU_INFINITY; // Can be any number, but must be a number.
template <class T>
class InverseSqrt : public FloatFunc1 <T>
string getName (void) const { return "inversesqrt"; }
double applyExact (double x) const { return 1.0 / deSqrt(x); }
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
return x <= 0 ? TCU_NAN : ctx.format.ulp(ret, 2.0);
Interval getCodomain (const EvalContext&) const
return Interval(0.0, TCU_INFINITY);
template <class T>
class ExpFunc : public CFloatFunc1<T>
ExpFunc (const string& name, DoubleFunc1& func)
: CFloatFunc1<T> (name, func)
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const;
Interval getCodomain (const EvalContext&) const
return Interval(0.0, TCU_INFINITY);
template <>
double ExpFunc <Signature<float, float> >::precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
switch (ctx.floatPrecision)
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 3.0 + 2.0 * deAbs(x));
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 1.0 + 2.0 * deAbs(x));
return 0.0;
template <>
double ExpFunc <Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 1.0 + 2.0 * deAbs(x));
template <>
double ExpFunc <Signature<double, double> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 1.0 + 2.0 * deAbs(x));
template <class T>
class Exp2 : public ExpFunc<T> { public: Exp2 (void) : ExpFunc<T>("exp2", deExp2) {} };
template <class T>
class Exp : public ExpFunc<T> { public: Exp (void) : ExpFunc<T>("exp", deExp) {} };
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> exp2 (const ExprP<T>& x) { return app<Exp2< Signature<T, T> > >(x); }
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> exp (const ExprP<T>& x) { return app<Exp< Signature<T, T> > >(x); }
template <class T>
class LogFunc : public CFloatFunc1<T>
LogFunc (const string& name, DoubleFunc1& func)
: CFloatFunc1<T>(name, func) {}
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const;
template <>
double LogFunc<Signature<float, float> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
if (x <= 0)
return TCU_NAN;
switch (ctx.floatPrecision)
return (0.5 <= x && x <= 2.0) ? deLdExp(1.0, -21) : ctx.format.ulp(ret, 3.0);
return (0.5 <= x && x <= 2.0) ? deLdExp(1.0, -7) : ctx.format.ulp(ret, 3.0);
return 0;
template <>
double LogFunc<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
if (x <= 0)
return TCU_NAN;
return (0.5 <= x && x <= 2.0) ? deLdExp(1.0, -7) : ctx.format.ulp(ret, 3.0);
// Spec: "The precision of double-precision instructions is at least that of single precision."
// Lets pick float high precision as a reference.
template <>
double LogFunc<Signature<double, double> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double x) const
if (x <= 0)
return TCU_NAN;
return (0.5 <= x && x <= 2.0) ? deLdExp(1.0, -21) : ctx.format.ulp(ret, 3.0);
template <class T>
class Log2 : public LogFunc<T> { public: Log2 (void) : LogFunc<T>("log2", deLog2) {} };
template <class T>
class Log : public LogFunc<T> { public: Log (void) : LogFunc<T>("log", deLog) {} };
ExprP<float> log2 (const ExprP<float>& x) { return app<Log2< Signature<float, float> > >(x); }
ExprP<float> log (const ExprP<float>& x) { return app<Log< Signature<float, float> > >(x); }
ExprP<deFloat16> log2 (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x) { return app<Log2< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x); }
ExprP<deFloat16> log (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x) { return app<Log< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x); }
ExprP<double> log2 (const ExprP<double>& x) { return app<Log2< Signature<double, double> > >(x); }
ExprP<double> log (const ExprP<double>& x) { return app<Log< Signature<double, double> > >(x); }
ExprP<TRET> NAME (const ExprP<T0>& arg0) { return app<CLASS>(arg0); }
class CLASS : public DerivedFunc<Signature<TRET, T0> > /* NOLINT(CLASS) */ \
{ \
public: \
string getName (void) const { return #NAME; } \
protected: \
ExprP<TRET> doExpand (ExpandContext&, \
const CLASS::ArgExprs& args_) const \
{ \
const ExprP<T0>& ARG0 = args_.a; \
return EXPANSION; \
} \
}; \
class CLASS : public DerivedFunc<Signature<TRET, T0> > /* NOLINT(CLASS) */ \
{ \
public: \
string getName (void) const { return #NAME; } \
protected: \
ExprP<TRET> doExpand (ExpandContext&, \
const CLASS::ArgExprs& args_) const \
{ \
const ExprP<T0>& ARG0 = args_.a; \
return EXPANSION; \
} \
Interval getInputRange (const bool /*is16bit*/) const \
{ \
return INTERVAL; \
} \
}; \
ExprP<TRET> NAME (const ExprP<T0>& arg0, const ExprP<T1>& arg1) \
{ \
return app<CLASS>(arg0, arg1); \
class CLASS : public DerivedFunc<Signature<TRET, T0, T1> > /* NOLINT(CLASS) */ \
{ \
public: \
string getName (void) const { return #NAME; } \
SpirVCaseT getSpirvCase(void) const { return SPIRVCASE; } \
protected: \
ExprP<TRET> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args_) const \
{ \
const ExprP<T0>& Arg0 = args_.a; \
const ExprP<T1>& Arg1 = args_.b; \
return EXPANSION; \
} \
}; \
DEFINE_DERIVED2(CLASS, double, NAME, double, Arg0, double, Arg1, EXPANSION)
DEFINE_DERIVED2(CLASS, float, NAME, float, Arg0, float, Arg1, EXPANSION)
DEFINE_DERIVED2(CLASS, deFloat16, NAME, deFloat16, Arg0, deFloat16, Arg1, EXPANSION)
DEFINE_CASED_DERIVED2(CLASS, deFloat16, NAME, deFloat16, Arg0, deFloat16, Arg1, EXPANSION, SPIRVCASE)
ExprP<TRET> NAME (const ExprP<T0>& arg0, const ExprP<T1>& arg1, const ExprP<T2>& arg2) \
{ \
return app<CLASS>(arg0, arg1, arg2); \
class CLASS : public DerivedFunc<Signature<TRET, T0, T1, T2> > /* NOLINT(CLASS) */ \
{ \
public: \
string getName (void) const { return #NAME; } \
protected: \
ExprP<TRET> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args_) const \
{ \
const ExprP<T0>& ARG0 = args_.a; \
const ExprP<T1>& ARG1 = args_.b; \
const ExprP<T2>& ARG2 = args_.c; \
return EXPANSION; \
} \
}; \
DEFINE_DERIVED3(CLASS, double, NAME, double, ARG0, double, ARG1, double, ARG2, EXPANSION)
DEFINE_DERIVED3(CLASS, float, NAME, float, ARG0, float, ARG1, float, ARG2, EXPANSION)
DEFINE_DERIVED3(CLASS, deFloat16, NAME, deFloat16, ARG0, deFloat16, ARG1, deFloat16, ARG2, EXPANSION)
ExprP<TRET> NAME (const ExprP<T0>& arg0, const ExprP<T1>& arg1, \
const ExprP<T2>& arg2, const ExprP<T3>& arg3) \
{ \
return app<CLASS>(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); \
typedef InverseSqrt< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > InverseSqrt16Bit;
typedef InverseSqrt< Signature<float, float> > InverseSqrt32Bit;
typedef InverseSqrt< Signature<double, double> > InverseSqrt64Bit;
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Sqrt32Bit, sqrt, x, constant(1.0f) / app<InverseSqrt32Bit>(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Sqrt16Bit, sqrt, x, constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) / app<InverseSqrt16Bit>(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Sqrt64Bit, sqrt, x, constant(1.0) / app<InverseSqrt64Bit>(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT2(Pow, pow, x, y, exp2<float>(y * log2(x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT2_16BIT(Pow16, pow, x, y, exp2<deFloat16>(y * log2(x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE2(Pow64, pow, x, y, exp2<double>(y * log2(x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Radians, radians, d, (constant(DE_PI) / constant(180.0f)) * d);
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Radians16, radians, d, (constant((deFloat16)DE_PI_16BIT) / constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_180_0)) * d);
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Radians64, radians, d, (constant((double)(DE_PI)) / constant(180.0)) * d);
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Degrees, degrees, r, (constant(180.0f) / constant(DE_PI)) * r);
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Degrees16, degrees, r, (constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_180_0) / constant((deFloat16)DE_PI_16BIT)) * r);
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Degrees64, degrees, r, (constant(180.0) / constant((double)(DE_PI))) * r);
/*Proper parameters for template T
Signature<float, float> 32bit tests
Signature<float, deFloat16> 16bit tests*/
template<class T>
class TrigFunc : public CFloatFunc1<T>
TrigFunc (const string& name,
DoubleFunc1& func,
const Interval& loEx,
const Interval& hiEx)
: CFloatFunc1<T> (name, func)
, m_loExtremum (loEx)
, m_hiExtremum (hiEx) {}
Interval innerExtrema (const EvalContext&, const Interval& angle) const
const double lo = angle.lo();
const double hi = angle.hi();
const int loSlope = doGetSlope(lo);
const int hiSlope = doGetSlope(hi);
// Detect the high and low values the function can take between the
// interval endpoints.
if (angle.length() >= 2.0 * DE_PI_DOUBLE)
// The interval is longer than a full cycle, so it must get all possible values.
return m_hiExtremum | m_loExtremum;
else if (loSlope == 1 && hiSlope == -1)
// The slope can change from positive to negative only at the maximum value.
return m_hiExtremum;
else if (loSlope == -1 && hiSlope == 1)
// The slope can change from negative to positive only at the maximum value.
return m_loExtremum;
else if (loSlope == hiSlope &&
deIntSign(CFloatFunc1<T>::applyExact(hi) - CFloatFunc1<T>::applyExact(lo)) * loSlope == -1)
// The slope has changed twice between the endpoints, so both extrema are included.
return m_hiExtremum | m_loExtremum;
return Interval();
Interval getCodomain (const EvalContext&) const
// Ensure that result is always within [-1, 1], or NaN (for +-inf)
return Interval(-1.0, 1.0) | TCU_NAN;
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double arg) const;
Interval getInputRange (const bool is16bit) const;
virtual int doGetSlope (double angle) const = 0;
Interval m_loExtremum;
Interval m_hiExtremum;
//Only -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE input range
Interval TrigFunc<Signature<float, float> >::getInputRange(const bool is16bit) const
return Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE);
//Only -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE input range
Interval TrigFunc<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> >::getInputRange(const bool is16bit) const
return Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE);
//Only -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE input range
Interval TrigFunc<Signature<double, double> >::getInputRange(const bool is16bit) const
return Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE);
double TrigFunc<Signature<float, float> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double arg) const
if (ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
if (-DE_PI_DOUBLE <= arg && arg <= DE_PI_DOUBLE)
return deLdExp(1.0, -11);
// "larger otherwise", let's pick |x| * 2^-12 , which is slightly over
// 2^-11 at x == pi.
return deLdExp(deAbs(arg), -12);
DE_ASSERT(ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP || ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_LAST);
if (-DE_PI_DOUBLE <= arg && arg <= DE_PI_DOUBLE)
return deLdExp(1.0, -7);
// |x| * 2^-8, slightly larger than 2^-7 at x == pi
return deLdExp(deAbs(arg), -8);
* Half tests
* From Spec:
* Absolute error 2^{-7} inside the range [-pi, pi].
double TrigFunc<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double arg) const
DE_ASSERT(-DE_PI_DOUBLE <= arg && arg <= DE_PI_DOUBLE && ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_LAST);
return deLdExp(1.0, -7);
// Spec: "The precision of double-precision instructions is at least that of single precision."
// Lets pick float high precision as a reference.
double TrigFunc<Signature<double, double> >::precision(const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double arg) const
if (-DE_PI_DOUBLE <= arg && arg <= DE_PI_DOUBLE)
return deLdExp(1.0, -11);
// "larger otherwise", let's pick |x| * 2^-12 , which is slightly over
// 2^-11 at x == pi.
return deLdExp(deAbs(arg), -12);
/*Proper parameters for template T
Signature<float, float> 32bit tests
Signature<float, deFloat16> 16bit tests*/
template <class T>
class Sin : public TrigFunc<T>
Sin (void) : TrigFunc<T>("sin", deSin, -1.0, 1.0) {}
int doGetSlope (double angle) const { return deIntSign(deCos(angle)); }
ExprP<float> sin (const ExprP<float>& x) { return app<Sin<Signature<float, float> > >(x); }
ExprP<deFloat16> sin (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x) { return app<Sin<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x); }
ExprP<double> sin (const ExprP<double>& x) { return app<Sin<Signature<double, double> > >(x); }
template <class T>
class Cos : public TrigFunc<T>
Cos (void) : TrigFunc<T> ("cos", deCos, -1.0, 1.0) {}
int doGetSlope (double angle) const { return -deIntSign(deSin(angle)); }
ExprP<float> cos (const ExprP<float>& x) { return app<Cos<Signature<float, float> > >(x); }
ExprP<deFloat16> cos (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x) { return app<Cos<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x); }
ExprP<double> cos (const ExprP<double>& x) { return app<Cos<Signature<double, double> > >(x); }
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_INPUTRANGE(Tan, tan, x, sin(x) * (constant(1.0f) / cos(x)), Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_INPUTRANGE_16BIT(Tan16Bit, tan, x, sin(x) * (constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) / cos(x)), Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1_INPUTRANGE(Tan64Bit, tan, x, sin(x) * (constant(1.0) / cos(x)), Interval(false, -DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE));
template <class T>
class ATan : public CFloatFunc1<T>
ATan (void) : CFloatFunc1<T> ("atan", deAtanOver) {}
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double) const
if (ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 4096.0);
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 5.0);
Interval getCodomain(const EvalContext& ctx) const
return ctx.format.roundOut(Interval(-0.5 * DE_PI_DOUBLE, 0.5 * DE_PI_DOUBLE), true);
template <class T>
class ATan2 : public CFloatFunc2<T>
ATan2 (void) : CFloatFunc2<T> ("atan", deAtan2) {}
Interval innerExtrema (const EvalContext& ctx,
const Interval& yi,
const Interval& xi) const
Interval ret;
if (yi.contains(0.0))
if (xi.contains(0.0))
ret |= TCU_NAN;
if (xi.intersects(Interval(-TCU_INFINITY, 0.0)))
ret |= ctx.format.roundOut(Interval(-DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE), true);
if (!yi.isFinite(ctx.format.getMaxValue()) || !xi.isFinite(ctx.format.getMaxValue()))
// Infinities may not be supported, allow anything, including NaN
ret |= TCU_NAN;
return ret;
double precision (const EvalContext& ctx, double ret, double, double) const
if (ctx.floatPrecision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 4096.0);
return ctx.format.ulp(ret, 5.0);
Interval getCodomain(const EvalContext& ctx) const
return ctx.format.roundOut(Interval(-DE_PI_DOUBLE, DE_PI_DOUBLE), true);
ExprP<float> atan2 (const ExprP<float>& x, const ExprP<float>& y) { return app<ATan2<Signature<float, float, float> > >(x, y); }
ExprP<deFloat16> atan2 (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x, const ExprP<deFloat16>& y) { return app<ATan2<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x, y); }
ExprP<double> atan2 (const ExprP<double>& x, const ExprP<double>& y) { return app<ATan2<Signature<double, double, double> > >(x, y); }
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Sinh, sinh, x, (exp<float>(x) - exp<float>(-x)) / constant(2.0f));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Cosh, cosh, x, (exp<float>(x) + exp<float>(-x)) / constant(2.0f));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Tanh, tanh, x, sinh(x) / cosh(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Sinh16Bit, sinh, x, (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_2_0));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Cosh16Bit, cosh, x, (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_2_0));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Tanh16Bit, tanh, x, sinh(x) / cosh(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Sinh64Bit, sinh, x, (exp<double>(x) - exp<double>(-x)) / constant(2.0));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Cosh64Bit, cosh, x, (exp<double>(x) + exp<double>(-x)) / constant(2.0));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Tanh64Bit, tanh, x, sinh(x) / cosh(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(ASin, asin, x, atan2(x, sqrt(constant(1.0f) - x * x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(ACos, acos, x, atan2(sqrt(constant(1.0f) - x * x), x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(ASinh, asinh, x, log(x + sqrt(x * x + constant(1.0f))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(ACosh, acosh, x, log(x + sqrt(alternatives((x + constant(1.0f)) * (x - constant(1.0f)),
(x * x - constant(1.0f))))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(ATanh, atanh, x, constant(0.5f) * log((constant(1.0f) + x) /
(constant(1.0f) - x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(ASin16Bit, asin, x, atan2(x, sqrt(constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) - x * x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(ACos16Bit, acos, x, atan2(sqrt(constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) - x * x), x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(ASinh16Bit, asinh, x, log(x + sqrt(x * x + constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(ACosh16Bit, acosh, x, log(x + sqrt(alternatives((x + constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0)) * (x - constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0)),
(x * x - constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0))))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(ATanh16Bit, atanh, x, constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_0_5) * log((constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) + x) /
(constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) - x)));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(ASin64Bit, asin, x, atan2(x, sqrt(constant(1.0) - pow(x, constant(2.0)))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(ACos64Bit, acos, x, atan2(sqrt(constant(1.0) - pow(x, constant(2.0))), x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(ASinh64Bit, asinh, x, log(x + sqrt(x * x + constant(1.0))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(ACosh64Bit, acosh, x, log(x + sqrt(alternatives((x + constant(1.0)) * (x - constant(1.0)),
(x * x - constant(1.0))))));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(ATanh64Bit, atanh, x, constant(0.5) * log((constant(1.0) + x) /
(constant(1.0) - x)));
template <typename T>
class GetComponent : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<typename T::Element, T, int> >
typedef typename GetComponent::IRet IRet;
string getName (void) const { return "_getComponent"; }
void print (ostream& os,
const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << *args[0] << "[" << *args[1] << "]";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&,
const typename GetComponent::IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int compNdx = 0; compNdx < T::SIZE; ++compNdx)
if (iargs.b.contains(compNdx))
ret = unionIVal<typename T::Element>(ret, iargs.a[compNdx]);
return ret;
template <typename T>
ExprP<typename T::Element> getComponent (const ExprP<T>& container, int ndx)
DE_ASSERT(0 <= ndx && ndx < T::SIZE);
return app<GetComponent<T> >(container, constant(ndx));
template <typename T> string vecNamePrefix (void);
template <> string vecNamePrefix<float> (void) { return ""; }
template <> string vecNamePrefix<deFloat16>(void) { return ""; }
template <> string vecNamePrefix<double> (void) { return "d"; }
template <> string vecNamePrefix<int> (void) { return "i"; }
template <> string vecNamePrefix<bool> (void) { return "b"; }
template <typename T, int Size>
string vecName (void) { return vecNamePrefix<T>() + "vec" + de::toString(Size); }
template <typename T, int Size> class GenVec;
template <typename T>
class GenVec<T, 1> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<T, T> >
typedef typename GenVec<T, 1>::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "_" + vecName<T, 1>();
ExprP<T> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const { return args.a; }
template <typename T>
class GenVec<T, 2> : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Vector<T, 2>, T, T> >
typedef typename GenVec::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenVec::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return vecName<T, 2>();
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
return IRet(iargs.a, iargs.b);
template <typename T>
class GenVec<T, 3> : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Vector<T, 3>, T, T, T> >
typedef typename GenVec::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenVec::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return vecName<T, 3>();
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
return IRet(iargs.a, iargs.b, iargs.c);
template <typename T>
class GenVec<T, 4> : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Vector<T, 4>, T, T, T, T> >
typedef typename GenVec::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenVec::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const { return vecName<T, 4>(); }
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
return IRet(iargs.a, iargs.b, iargs.c, iargs.d);
template <typename T, int Rows, int Columns>
class GenMat;
template <typename T, int Rows>
class GenMat<T, Rows, 2> : public PrimitiveFunc<
Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, 2>, Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows> > >
typedef typename GenMat::Ret Ret;
typedef typename GenMat::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenMat::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return dataTypeNameOf<Ret>();
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
ret[0] = iargs.a;
ret[1] = iargs.b;
return ret;
template <typename T, int Rows>
class GenMat<T, Rows, 3> : public PrimitiveFunc<
Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, 3>, Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows> > >
typedef typename GenMat::Ret Ret;
typedef typename GenMat::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenMat::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return dataTypeNameOf<Ret>();
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
ret[0] = iargs.a;
ret[1] = iargs.b;
ret[2] = iargs.c;
return ret;
template <typename T, int Rows>
class GenMat<T, Rows, 4> : public PrimitiveFunc<
Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, 4>,
Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows>, Vector<T, Rows> > >
typedef typename GenMat::Ret Ret;
typedef typename GenMat::IRet IRet;
typedef typename GenMat::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return dataTypeNameOf<Ret>();
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
ret[0] = iargs.a;
ret[1] = iargs.b;
ret[2] = iargs.c;
ret[3] = iargs.d;
return ret;
template <typename T, int Rows>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, 2> > mat2 (const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg1)
return app<GenMat<T, Rows, 2> >(arg0, arg1);
template <typename T, int Rows>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, 3> > mat3 (const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg1,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg2)
return app<GenMat<T, Rows, 3> >(arg0, arg1, arg2);
template <typename T, int Rows>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, 4> > mat4 (const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg1,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg2,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& arg3)
return app<GenMat<T, Rows, 4> >(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
class MatNeg : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>,
Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > >
typedef typename MatNeg::IRet IRet;
typedef typename MatNeg::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return "_matNeg";
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "-(" << *args[0] << ")";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; ++row)
ret[col][row] = -iargs.a[col][row];
return ret;
template <typename T, typename Sig>
class CompWiseFunc : public PrimitiveFunc<Sig>
typedef Func<Signature<T, T, T> > ScalarFunc;
string getName (void) const
return doGetScalarFunc().getName();
void doPrint (ostream& os,
const BaseArgExprs& args) const
doGetScalarFunc().print(os, args);
const ScalarFunc& doGetScalarFunc (void) const = 0;
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
class CompMatFuncBase : public CompWiseFunc<T, Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>,
Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>,
Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > >
typedef typename CompMatFuncBase::IRet IRet;
typedef typename CompMatFuncBase::IArgs IArgs;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; ++row)
ret[col][row] = this->doGetScalarFunc().apply(ctx,
return ret;
template <typename F, typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
class CompMatFunc : public CompMatFuncBase<T, Rows, Cols>
const typename CompMatFunc::ScalarFunc& doGetScalarFunc (void) const
return instance<F>();
template <class T>
class ScalarMatrixCompMult : public Mul< Signature<T, T, T> >
string getName (void) const
return "matrixCompMult";
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
Func<Signature<T, T, T> >::doPrint(os, args);
template <int Rows, int Cols, class T>
class MatrixCompMult : public CompMatFunc<ScalarMatrixCompMult<T>, T, Rows, Cols>
template <int Rows, int Cols>
class ScalarMatFuncBase : public CompWiseFunc<float, Signature<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols>,
Matrix<float, Rows, Cols>,
float> >
typedef typename ScalarMatFuncBase::IRet IRet;
typedef typename ScalarMatFuncBase::IArgs IArgs;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; ++row)
ret[col][row] = this->doGetScalarFunc().apply(ctx, iargs.a[col][row], iargs.b);
return ret;
template <typename F, int Rows, int Cols>
class ScalarMatFunc : public ScalarMatFuncBase<Rows, Cols>
const typename ScalarMatFunc::ScalarFunc& doGetScalarFunc (void) const
return instance<F>();
template<typename T, int Size> struct GenXType;
template<typename T>
struct GenXType<T, 1>
static ExprP<T> genXType (const ExprP<T>& x) { return x; }
template<typename T>
struct GenXType<T, 2>
static ExprP<Vector<T, 2> > genXType (const ExprP<T>& x)
return app<GenVec<T, 2> >(x, x);
template<typename T>
struct GenXType<T, 3>
static ExprP<Vector<T, 3> > genXType (const ExprP<T>& x)
return app<GenVec<T, 3> >(x, x, x);
template<typename T>
struct GenXType<T, 4>
static ExprP<Vector<T, 4> > genXType (const ExprP<T>& x)
return app<GenVec<T, 4> >(x, x, x, x);
//! Returns an expression of vector of size `Size` (or scalar if Size == 1),
//! with each element initialized with the expression `x`.
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> genXType (const ExprP<T>& x)
return GenXType<T, Size>::genXType(x);
typedef GenVec<float, 2> FloatVec2;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(FloatVec2, Vec2, vec2, float, float)
typedef GenVec<deFloat16, 2> FloatVec2_16bit;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(FloatVec2_16bit, Vec2_16Bit, vec2, deFloat16, deFloat16)
typedef GenVec<double, 2> DoubleVec2;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(DoubleVec2, Vec2_64Bit, vec2, double, double)
typedef GenVec<float, 3> FloatVec3;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR3(FloatVec3, Vec3, vec3, float, float, float)
typedef GenVec<deFloat16, 3> FloatVec3_16bit;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR3(FloatVec3_16bit, Vec3_16Bit, vec3, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16)
typedef GenVec<double, 3> DoubleVec3;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR3(DoubleVec3, Vec3_64Bit, vec3, double, double, double)
typedef GenVec<float, 4> FloatVec4;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR4(FloatVec4, Vec4, vec4, float, float, float, float)
typedef GenVec<deFloat16, 4> FloatVec4_16bit;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR4(FloatVec4_16bit, Vec4_16Bit, vec4, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16)
typedef GenVec<double, 4> DoubleVec4;
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR4(DoubleVec4, Vec4_64Bit, vec4, double, double, double, double)
template <class T>
const ExprP<T> getConstZero(void);
template <class T>
const ExprP<T> getConstOne(void);
template <class T>
const ExprP<T> getConstTwo(void);
template <>
const ExprP<float> getConstZero<float>(void)
return constant(0.0f);
template <>
const ExprP<deFloat16> getConstZero<deFloat16>(void)
return constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_0_0);
template <>
const ExprP<double> getConstZero<double>(void)
return constant(0.0);
template <>
const ExprP<float> getConstOne<float>(void)
return constant(1.0f);
template <>
const ExprP<deFloat16> getConstOne<deFloat16>(void)
return constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0);
template <>
const ExprP<double> getConstOne<double>(void)
return constant(1.0);
template <>
const ExprP<float> getConstTwo<float>(void)
return constant(2.0f);
template <>
const ExprP<deFloat16> getConstTwo<deFloat16>(void)
return constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_2_0);
template <>
const ExprP<double> getConstTwo<double>(void)
return constant(2.0);
template <int Size, class T>
class Dot : public DerivedFunc<Signature<T, Vector<T, Size>, Vector<T, Size> > >
typedef typename Dot::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "dot";
ExprP<T> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<T> op[Size];
// Precompute all products.
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
op[ndx] = args.a[ndx] * args.b[ndx];
int idx[Size];
//Prepare an array of indices.
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
idx[ndx] = ndx;
ExprP<T> res = op[0];
// Compute the first dot alternative: SUM(a[i]*b[i]), i = 0 .. Size-1
for (int ndx = 1; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
res = res + op[ndx];
// Generate all permutations of indices and
// using a permutation compute a dot alternative.
// Generates all possible variants fo summation of products in the dot product expansion expression.
do {
ExprP<T> alt = getConstZero<T>();
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
alt = alt + op[idx[ndx]];
res = alternatives(res, alt);
} while (std::next_permutation(idx, idx + Size));
return res;
template <class T>
class Dot<1, T> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<T, T, T> >
typedef typename DerivedFunc<Signature<T, T, T> >::ArgExprs TArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "dot";
ExprP<T> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const TArgExprs& args) const
return args.a * args.b;
template <int Size>
ExprP<deFloat16> dot (const ExprP<Vector<deFloat16, Size> >& x, const ExprP<Vector<deFloat16, Size> >& y)
return app<Dot<Size, deFloat16> >(x, y);
ExprP<deFloat16> dot (const ExprP<deFloat16>& x, const ExprP<deFloat16>& y)
return app<Dot<1, deFloat16> >(x, y);
template <int Size>
ExprP<float> dot (const ExprP<Vector<float, Size> >& x, const ExprP<Vector<float, Size> >& y)
return app<Dot<Size, float> >(x, y);
ExprP<float> dot (const ExprP<float>& x, const ExprP<float>& y)
return app<Dot<1, float> >(x, y);
template <int Size>
ExprP<double> dot (const ExprP<Vector<double, Size> >& x, const ExprP<Vector<double, Size> >& y)
return app<Dot<Size, double> >(x, y);
ExprP<double> dot (const ExprP<double>& x, const ExprP<double>& y)
return app<Dot<1, double> >(x, y);
template <int Size, class T>
class Length : public DerivedFunc<
Signature<T, typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename Length::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "length";
ExprP<T> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
return sqrt(dot(args.a, args.a));
template <class T, class TRet>
ExprP<TRet> length (const ExprP<T>& x)
return app<Length<1, T> >(x);
template <int Size, class T, class TRet>
ExprP<TRet> length (const ExprP<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container>& x)
return app<Length<Size, T> >(x);
template <int Size, class T>
class Distance : public DerivedFunc<
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename Distance::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Distance::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "distance";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
return length<Size, T, Ret>(args.a - args.b);
// cross
class Cross : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Vec3, Vec3, Vec3> >
string getName (void) const
return "cross";
ExprP<Vec3> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& x) const
return vec3(x.a[1] * x.b[2] - x.b[1] * x.a[2],
x.a[2] * x.b[0] - x.b[2] * x.a[0],
x.a[0] * x.b[1] - x.b[0] * x.a[1]);
class Cross16Bit : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Vec3_16Bit, Vec3_16Bit, Vec3_16Bit> >
string getName (void) const
return "cross";
ExprP<Vec3_16Bit> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& x) const
return vec3(x.a[1] * x.b[2] - x.b[1] * x.a[2],
x.a[2] * x.b[0] - x.b[2] * x.a[0],
x.a[0] * x.b[1] - x.b[0] * x.a[1]);
class Cross64Bit : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Vec3_64Bit, Vec3_64Bit, Vec3_64Bit> >
string getName (void) const
return "cross";
ExprP<Vec3_64Bit> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& x) const
return vec3(x.a[1] * x.b[2] - x.b[1] * x.a[2],
x.a[2] * x.b[0] - x.b[2] * x.a[0],
x.a[0] * x.b[1] - x.b[0] * x.a[1]);
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(Cross, Vec3, cross, Vec3, Vec3)
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(Cross16Bit, Vec3_16Bit, cross, Vec3_16Bit, Vec3_16Bit)
DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR2(Cross64Bit, Vec3_64Bit, cross, Vec3_64Bit, Vec3_64Bit)
template<int Size, class T>
class Normalize : public DerivedFunc<
Signature<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename Normalize::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Normalize::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "normalize";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
return args.a / length<Size, T, T>(args.a);
template <int Size, class T>
class FaceForward : public DerivedFunc<
Signature<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename FaceForward::Ret Ret;
typedef typename FaceForward::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "faceforward";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
return cond(dot(args.c, args.b) < getConstZero<T>(), args.a, -args.a);
template <int Size, class T>
class Reflect : public DerivedFunc<
Signature<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename Reflect::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Reflect::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Reflect::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Reflect::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "reflect";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
const ExprP<Arg0>& i = args.a;
const ExprP<Arg1>& n = args.b;
const ExprP<T> dotNI = bindExpression("dotNI", ctx, dot(n, i));
return i - alternatives((n * dotNI) * getConstTwo<T>(),
alternatives( n * (dotNI * getConstTwo<T>()),
alternatives(n * dot(i * getConstTwo<T>(), n),
n * dot(i, n * getConstTwo<T>())
template <int Size, class T>
class Refract : public DerivedFunc<
Signature<typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<T, Size>::Container,
T> >
typedef typename Refract::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Refract::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Refract::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Refract::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Refract::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
string getName (void) const
return "refract";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
const ExprP<Arg0>& i = args.a;
const ExprP<Arg1>& n = args.b;
const ExprP<Arg2>& eta = args.c;
const ExprP<T> dotNI = bindExpression("dotNI", ctx, dot(n, i));
const ExprP<T> k = bindExpression("k", ctx, getConstOne<T>() - eta * eta *
(getConstOne<T>() - dotNI * dotNI));
return cond(k < getConstZero<T>(),
genXType<T, Size>(getConstZero<T>()),
i * eta - n * (eta * dotNI + sqrt(k)));
template <class T>
class PreciseFunc1 : public CFloatFunc1<T>
PreciseFunc1 (const string& name, DoubleFunc1& func) : CFloatFunc1<T> (name, func) {}
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double) const { return 0.0; }
template <class T>
class Abs : public PreciseFunc1<T>
Abs (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("abs", deAbs) {}
template <class T>
class Sign : public PreciseFunc1<T>
Sign (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("sign", deSign) {}
template <class T>
class Floor : public PreciseFunc1<T>
Floor (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("floor", deFloor) {}
template <class T>
class Trunc : public PreciseFunc1<T>
Trunc (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("trunc", deTrunc) {}
template <class T>
class Round : public FloatFunc1<T>
string getName (void) const { return "round"; }
Interval applyPoint (const EvalContext&, double x) const
double truncated = 0.0;
const double fract = deModf(x, &truncated);
Interval ret;
if (fabs(fract) <= 0.5)
ret |= truncated;
if (fabs(fract) >= 0.5)
ret |= truncated + deSign(fract);
return ret;
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double) const { return 0.0; }
template <class T>
class RoundEven : public PreciseFunc1<T>
RoundEven (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("roundEven", deRoundEven) {}
template <class T>
class Ceil : public PreciseFunc1<T>
Ceil (void) : PreciseFunc1<T> ("ceil", deCeil) {}
typedef Floor< Signature<float, float> > Floor32Bit;
typedef Floor< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > Floor16Bit;
typedef Floor< Signature<double, double> > Floor64Bit;
typedef Trunc< Signature<float, float> > Trunc32Bit;
typedef Trunc< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > Trunc16Bit;
typedef Trunc< Signature<double, double> > Trunc64Bit;
typedef Trunc< Signature<float, float> > Trunc32Bit;
typedef Trunc< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > Trunc16Bit;
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1(Fract, fract, x, x - app<Floor32Bit>(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT1_16BIT(Fract16Bit, fract, x, x - app<Floor16Bit>(x));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE1(Fract64Bit, fract, x, x - app<Floor64Bit>(x));
template <class T>
class PreciseFunc2 : public CFloatFunc2<T>
PreciseFunc2 (const string& name, DoubleFunc2& func) : CFloatFunc2<T> (name, func) {}
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double, double) const { return 0.0; }
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT2(Mod32Bit, mod, x, y, x - y * app<Floor32Bit>(x / y));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT2_16BIT(Mod16Bit, mod, x, y, x - y * app<Floor16Bit>(x / y));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE2(Mod64Bit, mod, x, y, x - y * app<Floor64Bit>(x / y));
DEFINE_CASED_DERIVED_FLOAT2(FRem32Bit, frem, x, y, x - y * app<Trunc32Bit>(x / y), SPIRV_CASETYPE_FREM);
DEFINE_CASED_DERIVED_FLOAT2_16BIT(FRem16Bit, frem, x, y, x - y * app<Trunc16Bit>(x / y), SPIRV_CASETYPE_FREM);
DEFINE_CASED_DERIVED_DOUBLE2(FRem64Bit, frem, x, y, x - y * app<Trunc64Bit>(x / y), SPIRV_CASETYPE_FREM);
template <class T>
class Modf : public PrimitiveFunc<T>
typedef typename Modf<T>::IArgs TIArgs;
typedef typename Modf<T>::IRet TIRet;
string getName (void) const
return "modf";
TIRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const TIArgs& iargs) const
Interval fracIV;
Interval& wholeIV = const_cast<Interval&>(iargs.b);
double intPart = 0;
TCU_INTERVAL_APPLY_MONOTONE1(fracIV, x, iargs.a, frac, frac = deModf(x, &intPart));
TCU_INTERVAL_APPLY_MONOTONE1(wholeIV, x, iargs.a, whole,
deModf(x, &intPart); whole = intPart);
if (!iargs.a.isFinite(ctx.format.getMaxValue()))
// Behavior on modf(Inf) not well-defined, allow anything as a fractional part
// See Khronos bug 13907
fracIV |= TCU_NAN;
return fracIV;
int getOutParamIndex (void) const
return 1;
typedef Modf< Signature<float, float, float> > Modf32Bit;
typedef Modf< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > Modf16Bit;
typedef Modf< Signature<double, double, double> > Modf64Bit;
template <class T>
class Min : public PreciseFunc2<T> { public: Min (void) : PreciseFunc2<T> ("min", deMin) {} };
template <class T>
class Max : public PreciseFunc2<T> { public: Max (void) : PreciseFunc2<T> ("max", deMax) {} };
template <class T>
class Clamp : public FloatFunc3<T>
string getName (void) const { return "clamp"; }
double applyExact (double x, double minVal, double maxVal) const
return de::min(de::max(x, minVal), maxVal);
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double, double minVal, double maxVal) const
return minVal > maxVal ? TCU_NAN : 0.0;
ExprP<deFloat16> clamp(const ExprP<deFloat16>& x, const ExprP<deFloat16>& minVal, const ExprP<deFloat16>& maxVal)
return app<Clamp< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(x, minVal, maxVal);
ExprP<float> clamp(const ExprP<float>& x, const ExprP<float>& minVal, const ExprP<float>& maxVal)
return app<Clamp< Signature<float, float, float, float> > >(x, minVal, maxVal);
ExprP<double> clamp(const ExprP<double>& x, const ExprP<double>& minVal, const ExprP<double>& maxVal)
return app<Clamp< Signature<double, double, double, double> > >(x, minVal, maxVal);
template <class T>
class NanIfGreaterOrEqual : public FloatFunc2<T>
string getName (void) const { return "nanIfGreaterOrEqual"; }
double applyExact (double edge0, double edge1) const
return (edge0 >= edge1) ? TCU_NAN : 0.0;
double precision (const EvalContext&, double, double edge0, double edge1) const
return (edge0 >= edge1) ? TCU_NAN : 0.0;
ExprP<deFloat16> nanIfGreaterOrEqual(const ExprP<deFloat16>& edge0, const ExprP<deFloat16>& edge1)
return app<NanIfGreaterOrEqual< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(edge0, edge1);
ExprP<float> nanIfGreaterOrEqual(const ExprP<float>& edge0, const ExprP<float>& edge1)
return app<NanIfGreaterOrEqual< Signature<float, float, float> > >(edge0, edge1);
ExprP<double> nanIfGreaterOrEqual(const ExprP<double>& edge0, const ExprP<double>& edge1)
return app<NanIfGreaterOrEqual< Signature<double, double, double> > >(edge0, edge1);
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT3(Mix, mix, x, y, a, alternatives((x * (constant(1.0f) - a)) + y * a,
x + (y - x) * a));
DEFINE_DERIVED_FLOAT3_16BIT(Mix16Bit, mix, x, y, a, alternatives((x * (constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) - a)) + y * a,
x + (y - x) * a));
DEFINE_DERIVED_DOUBLE3(Mix64Bit, mix, x, y, a, alternatives((x * (constant(1.0) - a)) + y * a,
x + (y - x) * a));
static double step (double edge, double x)
return x < edge ? 0.0 : 1.0;
template <class T>
class Step : public PreciseFunc2<T> { public: Step (void) : PreciseFunc2<T> ("step", step) {} };
template <class T>
class SmoothStep : public DerivedFunc<T>
typedef typename SmoothStep<T>::ArgExprs TArgExprs;
typedef typename SmoothStep<T>::Ret TRet;
string getName (void) const
return "smoothstep";
ExprP<TRet> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const TArgExprs& args) const;
ExprP<SmoothStep< Signature<float, float, float, float> >::Ret> SmoothStep< Signature<float, float, float, float> >::doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const SmoothStep< Signature<float, float, float, float> >::ArgExprs& args) const
const ExprP<float>& edge0 = args.a;
const ExprP<float>& edge1 = args.b;
const ExprP<float>& x = args.c;
const ExprP<float> tExpr = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), constant(0.0f), constant(1.0f))
+ nanIfGreaterOrEqual(edge0, edge1); // force NaN (and non-analyzable result) for cases edge0 >= edge1
const ExprP<float> t = bindExpression("t", ctx, tExpr);
return (t * t * (constant(3.0f) - constant(2.0f) * t));
ExprP<SmoothStep< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> >::TRet> SmoothStep< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> >::doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const TArgExprs& args) const
const ExprP<deFloat16>& edge0 = args.a;
const ExprP<deFloat16>& edge1 = args.b;
const ExprP<deFloat16>& x = args.c;
const ExprP<deFloat16> tExpr = clamp(( x - edge0 ) / ( edge1 - edge0 ),
constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_0_0), constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0))
+ nanIfGreaterOrEqual(edge0, edge1); // force NaN (and non-analyzable result) for cases edge0 >= edge1
const ExprP<deFloat16> t = bindExpression("t", ctx, tExpr);
return (t * t * (constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_3_0) - constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_2_0) * t));
ExprP<SmoothStep< Signature<double, double, double, double> >::Ret> SmoothStep< Signature<double, double, double, double> >::doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const SmoothStep< Signature<double, double, double, double> >::ArgExprs& args) const
const ExprP<double>& edge0 = args.a;
const ExprP<double>& edge1 = args.b;
const ExprP<double>& x = args.c;
const ExprP<double> tExpr = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), constant(0.0), constant(1.0))
+ nanIfGreaterOrEqual(edge0, edge1); // force NaN (and non-analyzable result) for cases edge0 >= edge1
const ExprP<double> t = bindExpression("t", ctx, tExpr);
return (t * t * (constant(3.0) - constant(2.0) * t));
//Signature<float, float, int>
//Signature<float, deFloat16, int>
//Signature<double, double, int>
template <class T>
class FrExp : public PrimitiveFunc<T>
string getName (void) const
return "frexp";
typedef typename FrExp::IRet IRet;
typedef typename FrExp::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename FrExp::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename FrExp::IArg1 IArg1;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
const IArg0& x = iargs.a;
IArg1& exponent = const_cast<IArg1&>(iargs.b);
if (x.hasNaN() || x.contains(TCU_INFINITY) || x.contains(-TCU_INFINITY))
// GLSL (in contrast to IEEE) says that result of applying frexp
// to infinity is undefined
ret = Interval::unbounded() | TCU_NAN;
exponent = Interval(-deLdExp(1.0, 31), deLdExp(1.0, 31)-1);
else if (!x.empty())
int loExp = 0;
const double loFrac = deFrExp(x.lo(), &loExp);
int hiExp = 0;
const double hiFrac = deFrExp(x.hi(), &hiExp);
if (deSign(loFrac) != deSign(hiFrac))
exponent = Interval(-TCU_INFINITY, de::max(loExp, hiExp));
ret = Interval();
if (deSign(loFrac) < 0)
ret |= Interval(-1.0 + DBL_EPSILON*0.5, 0.0);
if (deSign(hiFrac) > 0)
ret |= Interval(0.0, 1.0 - DBL_EPSILON*0.5);
exponent = Interval(loExp, hiExp);
if (loExp == hiExp)
ret = Interval(loFrac, hiFrac);
ret = deSign(loFrac) * Interval(0.5, 1.0 - DBL_EPSILON*0.5);
return ret;
int getOutParamIndex (void) const
return 1;
//Signature<float, float, int>
//Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, int>
//Signature<double, double, int>
template <class T>
class LdExp : public PrimitiveFunc<T >
typedef typename LdExp::IRet IRet;
typedef typename LdExp::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return "ldexp";
Interval doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
const int minExp = ctx.format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = ctx.format.getMaxExp();
// Restrictions from the GLSL.std.450 instruction set.
// See Khronos bugzilla 11180 for rationale.
bool any = iargs.a.hasNaN() || iargs.b.hi() > (maxExp + 1);
Interval ret(any, ldexp(iargs.a.lo(), (int)iargs.b.lo()), ldexp(iargs.a.hi(), (int)iargs.b.hi()));
if (iargs.b.lo() < minExp) ret |= 0.0;
if (!ret.isFinite(ctx.format.getMaxValue())) ret |= TCU_NAN;
return ctx.format.convert(ret);
template <>
Interval LdExp <Signature<double, double, int>>::doApply(const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
const int minExp = ctx.format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = ctx.format.getMaxExp();
// Restrictions from the GLSL.std.450 instruction set.
// See Khronos bugzilla 11180 for rationale.
bool any = iargs.a.hasNaN() || iargs.b.hi() > (maxExp + 1);
Interval ret(any, ldexp(iargs.a.lo(), (int)iargs.b.lo()), ldexp(iargs.a.hi(), (int)iargs.b.hi()));
// Add 1ULP precision tolerance to account for differing rounding modes between the GPU and deLdExp.
ret += Interval(-ctx.format.ulp(ret.lo()), ctx.format.ulp(ret.hi()));
if (iargs.b.lo() < minExp) ret |= 0.0;
if (!ret.isFinite(ctx.format.getMaxValue())) ret |= TCU_NAN;
return ctx.format.convert(ret);
template<int Rows, int Columns, class T>
class Transpose : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, Columns>,
Matrix<T, Columns, Rows> > >
typedef typename Transpose::IRet IRet;
typedef typename Transpose::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return "transpose";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext&, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int rowNdx = 0; rowNdx < Rows; ++rowNdx)
for (int colNdx = 0; colNdx < Columns; ++colNdx)
ret(rowNdx, colNdx) = iargs.a(colNdx, rowNdx);
return ret;
template<typename Ret, typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
class MulFunc : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Ret, Arg0, Arg1> >
string getName (void) const { return "mul"; }
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
os << "(" << *args[0] << " * " << *args[1] << ")";
template<typename T, int LeftRows, int Middle, int RightCols>
class MatMul : public MulFunc<Matrix<T, LeftRows, RightCols>,
Matrix<T, LeftRows, Middle>,
Matrix<T, Middle, RightCols> >
typedef typename MatMul::IRet IRet;
typedef typename MatMul::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename MatMul::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename MatMul::IArg1 IArg1;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
const IArg0& left = iargs.a;
const IArg1& right = iargs.b;
IRet ret;
for (int row = 0; row < LeftRows; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < RightCols; ++col)
Interval element (0.0);
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Middle; ++ndx)
element = call<Add< Signature<T, T, T> > >(ctx, element,
call<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> > >(ctx, left[ndx][row], right[col][ndx]));
ret[col][row] = element;
return ret;
template<typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
class VecMatMul : public MulFunc<Vector<T, Cols>,
Vector<T, Rows>,
Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >
typedef typename VecMatMul::IRet IRet;
typedef typename VecMatMul::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename VecMatMul::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename VecMatMul::IArg1 IArg1;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
const IArg0& left = iargs.a;
const IArg1& right = iargs.b;
IRet ret;
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
Interval element (0.0);
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; ++row)
element = call<Add< Signature<T, T, T> > >(ctx, element, call<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> > >(ctx, left[row], right[col][row]));
ret[col] = element;
return ret;
template<int Rows, int Cols, class T>
class MatVecMul : public MulFunc<Vector<T, Rows>,
Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>,
Vector<T, Cols> >
typedef typename MatVecMul::IRet IRet;
typedef typename MatVecMul::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename MatVecMul::IArg0 IArg0;
typedef typename MatVecMul::IArg1 IArg1;
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
const IArg0& left = iargs.a;
const IArg1& right = iargs.b;
return call<VecMatMul<T, Cols, Rows> >(ctx, right,
call<Transpose<Rows, Cols, T> >(ctx, left));
template<int Rows, int Cols, class T>
class OuterProduct : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>,
Vector<T, Rows>,
Vector<T, Cols> > >
typedef typename OuterProduct::IRet IRet;
typedef typename OuterProduct::IArgs IArgs;
string getName (void) const
return "outerProduct";
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
ret[col][row] = call<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> > >(ctx, iargs.a[row], iargs.b[col]);
return ret;
template<int Rows, int Cols, class T>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > outerProduct (const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& left,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Cols> >& right)
return app<OuterProduct<Rows, Cols, T> >(left, right);
template<class T>
class DeterminantBase : public DerivedFunc<T>
string getName (void) const { return "determinant"; }
template<int Size> class Determinant;
template<int Size> class Determinant16bit;
template<int Size> class Determinant64bit;
template<int Size>
ExprP<float> determinant (ExprP<Matrix<float, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Determinant<Size> >(mat);
template<int Size>
ExprP<deFloat16> determinant (ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Determinant16bit<Size> >(mat);
template<int Size>
ExprP<double> determinant (ExprP<Matrix<double, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Determinant64bit<Size> >(mat);
class Determinant<2> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<float, Matrix<float, 2, 2> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat2> mat = args.a;
return mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
class Determinant<3> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<float, Matrix<float, 3, 3> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat3> mat = args.a;
return (mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]) +
mat[0][1] * (mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2]) +
mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]));
class Determinant<4> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<float, Matrix<float, 4, 4> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat4> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat3> minors[4];
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 4; ++ndx)
ExprP<Vec4> minorColumns[3];
ExprP<Vec3> columns[3];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
minorColumns[col] = mat[col < ndx ? col : col + 1];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
columns[col] = vec3(minorColumns[0][col+1],
minors[ndx] = bindExpression("minor", ctx,
mat3(columns[0], columns[1], columns[2]));
return (mat[0][0] * determinant(minors[0]) -
mat[1][0] * determinant(minors[1]) +
mat[2][0] * determinant(minors[2]) -
mat[3][0] * determinant(minors[3]));
class Determinant16bit<2> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<deFloat16, Matrix<deFloat16, 2, 2> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat2_16b> mat = args.a;
return mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
class Determinant16bit<3> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<deFloat16, Matrix<deFloat16, 3, 3> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat3_16b> mat = args.a;
return (mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]) +
mat[0][1] * (mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2]) +
mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]));
class Determinant16bit<4> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<deFloat16, Matrix<deFloat16, 4, 4> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat4_16b> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat3_16b> minors[4];
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 4; ++ndx)
ExprP<Vec4_16Bit> minorColumns[3];
ExprP<Vec3_16Bit> columns[3];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
minorColumns[col] = mat[col < ndx ? col : col + 1];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
columns[col] = vec3(minorColumns[0][col + 1],
minorColumns[1][col + 1],
minorColumns[2][col + 1]);
minors[ndx] = bindExpression("minor", ctx,
mat3(columns[0], columns[1], columns[2]));
return (mat[0][0] * determinant(minors[0]) -
mat[1][0] * determinant(minors[1]) +
mat[2][0] * determinant(minors[2]) -
mat[3][0] * determinant(minors[3]));
class Determinant64bit<2> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<double, Matrix<double, 2, 2> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix2d> mat = args.a;
return mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
class Determinant64bit<3> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<double, Matrix<double, 3, 3> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix3d> mat = args.a;
return (mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]) +
mat[0][1] * (mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2]) +
mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]));
class Determinant64bit<4> : public DeterminantBase<Signature<double, Matrix<double, 4, 4> > >
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix4d> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Matrix3d> minors[4];
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 4; ++ndx)
ExprP<Vec4_64Bit> minorColumns[3];
ExprP<Vec3_64Bit> columns[3];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
minorColumns[col] = mat[col < ndx ? col : col + 1];
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
columns[col] = vec3(minorColumns[0][col + 1],
minorColumns[1][col + 1],
minorColumns[2][col + 1]);
minors[ndx] = bindExpression("minor", ctx,
mat3(columns[0], columns[1], columns[2]));
return (mat[0][0] * determinant(minors[0]) -
mat[1][0] * determinant(minors[1]) +
mat[2][0] * determinant(minors[2]) -
mat[3][0] * determinant(minors[3]));
template<int Size> class Inverse;
template <int Size>
ExprP<Matrix<float, Size, Size> > inverse (ExprP<Matrix<float, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Inverse<Size> >(mat);
template<int Size> class Inverse16bit;
template <int Size>
ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Size, Size> > inverse (ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Inverse16bit<Size> >(mat);
template<int Size> class Inverse64bit;
template <int Size>
ExprP<Matrix<double, Size, Size> > inverse (ExprP<Matrix<double, Size, Size> > mat)
return app<Inverse64bit<Size> >(mat);
class Inverse<2> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat2, Mat2> >
string getName (void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat2> mat = args.a;
ExprP<float> det = bindExpression("det", ctx, determinant(mat));
return mat2(vec2(mat[1][1] / det, -mat[0][1] / det),
vec2(-mat[1][0] / det, mat[0][0] / det));
class Inverse<3> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat3, Mat3> >
string getName (void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat3> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat2> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Vec2> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx, vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]));
ExprP<Vec2> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx, vec2(mat[0][2], mat[1][2]));
ExprP<float> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx, mat[2][2]);
ExprP<float> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
constant(1.0f) /
(matD - dot(matC * invA, matB)));
ExprP<Vec2> t1 = invA * matB;
ExprP<Vec2> t2 = t1 * schur;
ExprP<Mat2> t3 = outerProduct(t2, matC);
ExprP<Mat2> t4 = t3 * invA;
ExprP<Mat2> t5 = invA + t4;
ExprP<Mat2> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx, t5);
ExprP<Vec2> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(invA * matB) * -schur);
ExprP<Vec2> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(matC * invA) * -schur);
return mat3(vec3(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0]),
vec3(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1]),
vec3(blockB[0], blockB[1], schur));
class Inverse<4> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat4, Mat4> >
string getName (void) const { return "inverse"; }
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx,
const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat4> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat2> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Mat2> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]),
vec2(mat[3][0], mat[3][1])));
ExprP<Mat2> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[0][2], mat[0][3]),
vec2(mat[1][2], mat[1][3])));
ExprP<Mat2> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][2], mat[2][3]),
vec2(mat[3][2], mat[3][3])));
ExprP<Mat2> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
inverse(matD + -(matC * invA * matB)));
ExprP<Mat2> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx,
invA + (invA * matB * schur * matC * invA));
ExprP<Mat2> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(-invA) * matB * schur);
ExprP<Mat2> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(-schur) * matC * invA);
return mat4(vec4(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0][0], blockC[0][1]),
vec4(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1][0], blockC[1][1]),
vec4(blockB[0][0], blockB[0][1], schur[0][0], schur[0][1]),
vec4(blockB[1][0], blockB[1][1], schur[1][0], schur[1][1]));
class Inverse16bit<2> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat2_16b, Mat2_16b> >
string getName (void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat2_16b> mat = args.a;
ExprP<deFloat16> det = bindExpression("det", ctx, determinant(mat));
return mat2(vec2((mat[1][1] / det), (-mat[0][1] / det)),
vec2((-mat[1][0] / det), (mat[0][0] / det)));
class Inverse16bit<3> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat3_16b, Mat3_16b> >
string getName(void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat3_16b> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat2_16b> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx, vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]));
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx, vec2(mat[0][2], mat[1][2]));
ExprP<Mat3_16b::Scalar> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx, mat[2][2]);
ExprP<Mat3_16b::Scalar> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
constant((deFloat16)FLOAT16_1_0) /
(matD - dot(matC * invA, matB)));
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> t1 = invA * matB;
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> t2 = t1 * schur;
ExprP<Mat2_16b> t3 = outerProduct(t2, matC);
ExprP<Mat2_16b> t4 = t3 * invA;
ExprP<Mat2_16b> t5 = invA + t4;
ExprP<Mat2_16b> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx, t5);
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(invA * matB) * -schur);
ExprP<Vec2_16Bit> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(matC * invA) * -schur);
return mat3(vec3(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0]),
vec3(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1]),
vec3(blockB[0], blockB[1], schur));
class Inverse16bit<4> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Mat4_16b, Mat4_16b> >
string getName(void) const { return "inverse"; }
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx,
const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Mat4_16b> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Mat2_16b> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]),
vec2(mat[3][0], mat[3][1])));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[0][2], mat[0][3]),
vec2(mat[1][2], mat[1][3])));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][2], mat[2][3]),
vec2(mat[3][2], mat[3][3])));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
inverse(matD + -(matC * invA * matB)));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx,
invA + (invA * matB * schur * matC * invA));
ExprP<Mat2_16b> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(-invA) * matB * schur);
ExprP<Mat2_16b> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(-schur) * matC * invA);
return mat4(vec4(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0][0], blockC[0][1]),
vec4(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1][0], blockC[1][1]),
vec4(blockB[0][0], blockB[0][1], schur[0][0], schur[0][1]),
vec4(blockB[1][0], blockB[1][1], schur[1][0], schur[1][1]));
class Inverse64bit<2> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Matrix2d, Matrix2d> >
string getName (void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix2d> mat = args.a;
ExprP<double> det = bindExpression("det", ctx, determinant(mat));
return mat2(vec2((mat[1][1] / det), (-mat[0][1] / det)),
vec2((-mat[1][0] / det), (mat[0][0] / det)));
class Inverse64bit<3> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Matrix3d, Matrix3d> >
string getName(void) const
return "inverse";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx, const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix3d> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Matrix2d> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx, vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]));
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx, vec2(mat[0][2], mat[1][2]));
ExprP<Matrix3d::Scalar> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx, mat[2][2]);
ExprP<Matrix3d::Scalar> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
constant(1.0) /
(matD - dot(matC * invA, matB)));
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> t1 = invA * matB;
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> t2 = t1 * schur;
ExprP<Matrix2d> t3 = outerProduct(t2, matC);
ExprP<Matrix2d> t4 = t3 * invA;
ExprP<Matrix2d> t5 = invA + t4;
ExprP<Matrix2d> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx, t5);
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(invA * matB) * -schur);
ExprP<Vec2_64Bit> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(matC * invA) * -schur);
return mat3(vec3(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0]),
vec3(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1]),
vec3(blockB[0], blockB[1], schur));
class Inverse64bit<4> : public DerivedFunc<Signature<Matrix4d, Matrix4d> >
string getName(void) const { return "inverse"; }
ExprP<Ret> doExpand(ExpandContext& ctx,
const ArgExprs& args) const
ExprP<Matrix4d> mat = args.a;
ExprP<Matrix2d> invA = bindExpression("invA", ctx,
inverse(mat2(vec2(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]),
vec2(mat[1][0], mat[1][1]))));
ExprP<Matrix2d> matB = bindExpression("matB", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][0], mat[2][1]),
vec2(mat[3][0], mat[3][1])));
ExprP<Matrix2d> matC = bindExpression("matC", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[0][2], mat[0][3]),
vec2(mat[1][2], mat[1][3])));
ExprP<Matrix2d> matD = bindExpression("matD", ctx,
mat2(vec2(mat[2][2], mat[2][3]),
vec2(mat[3][2], mat[3][3])));
ExprP<Matrix2d> schur = bindExpression("schur", ctx,
inverse(matD + -(matC * invA * matB)));
ExprP<Matrix2d> blockA = bindExpression("blockA", ctx,
invA + (invA * matB * schur * matC * invA));
ExprP<Matrix2d> blockB = bindExpression("blockB", ctx,
(-invA) * matB * schur);
ExprP<Matrix2d> blockC = bindExpression("blockC", ctx,
(-schur) * matC * invA);
return mat4(vec4(blockA[0][0], blockA[0][1], blockC[0][0], blockC[0][1]),
vec4(blockA[1][0], blockA[1][1], blockC[1][0], blockC[1][1]),
vec4(blockB[0][0], blockB[0][1], schur[0][0], schur[0][1]),
vec4(blockB[1][0], blockB[1][1], schur[1][0], schur[1][1]));
//Signature<float, float, float, float>
//Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16>
//Signature<double, double, double, double>
template <class T>
class Fma : public DerivedFunc<T>
typedef typename Fma::ArgExprs ArgExprs;
typedef typename Fma::Ret Ret;
string getName (void) const
return "fma";
ExprP<Ret> doExpand (ExpandContext&, const ArgExprs& x) const
return x.a * x.b + x.c;
} // Functions
using namespace Functions;
template <typename T>
ExprP<typename T::Element> ContainerExprPBase<T>::operator[] (int i) const
return Functions::getComponent(exprP<T>(*this), i);
ExprP<float> operator+ (const ExprP<float>& arg0, const ExprP<float>& arg1)
return app<Add< Signature<float, float, float> > >(arg0, arg1);
ExprP<deFloat16> operator+ (const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg0, const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg1)
return app<Add< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(arg0, arg1);
ExprP<double> operator+ (const ExprP<double>& arg0, const ExprP<double>& arg1)
return app<Add< Signature<double, double, double> > >(arg0, arg1);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator- (const ExprP<T>& arg0, const ExprP<T>& arg1)
return app<Sub <Signature <T,T,T> > >(arg0, arg1);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator- (const ExprP<T>& arg0)
return app<Negate< Signature<T, T> > >(arg0);
ExprP<float> operator* (const ExprP<float>& arg0, const ExprP<float>& arg1)
return app<Mul< Signature<float, float, float> > >(arg0, arg1);
ExprP<deFloat16> operator* (const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg0, const ExprP<deFloat16>& arg1)
return app<Mul< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(arg0, arg1);
ExprP<double> operator* (const ExprP<double>& arg0, const ExprP<double>& arg1)
return app<Mul< Signature<double, double, double> > >(arg0, arg1);
template <typename T>
ExprP<T> operator/ (const ExprP<T>& arg0, const ExprP<T>& arg1)
return app<Div< Signature<T, T, T> > >(arg0, arg1);
template <typename Sig_, int Size>
class GenFunc : public PrimitiveFunc<Signature<
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Ret, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg0, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg1, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg2, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg3, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename GenFunc::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename GenFunc::IRet IRet;
GenFunc (const Func<Sig_>& scalarFunc) : m_func (scalarFunc) {}
SpirVCaseT getSpirvCase (void) const
return m_func.getSpirvCase();
string getName (void) const
return m_func.getName();
int getOutParamIndex (void) const
return m_func.getOutParamIndex();
string getRequiredExtension (void) const
return m_func.getRequiredExtension();
Interval getInputRange (const bool is16bit) const
return m_func.getInputRange(is16bit);
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
m_func.print(os, args);
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] =
m_func.apply(ctx, iargs.a[ndx], iargs.b[ndx], iargs.c[ndx], iargs.d[ndx]);
return ret;
IRet doFail (const EvalContext& ctx, const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] =, iargs.a[ndx], iargs.b[ndx], iargs.c[ndx], iargs.d[ndx]);
return ret;
void doGetUsedFuncs (FuncSet& dst) const
const Func<Sig_>& m_func;
template <typename F, int Size>
class VectorizedFunc : public GenFunc<typename F::Sig, Size>
VectorizedFunc (void) : GenFunc<typename F::Sig, Size>(instance<F>()) {}
template <typename Sig_, int Size>
class FixedGenFunc : public PrimitiveFunc <Signature<
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Ret, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg0, Size>::Container,
typename Sig_::Arg1,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg2, Size>::Container,
typename ContainerOf<typename Sig_::Arg3, Size>::Container> >
typedef typename FixedGenFunc::IArgs IArgs;
typedef typename FixedGenFunc::IRet IRet;
string getName (void) const
return this->doGetScalarFunc().getName();
SpirVCaseT getSpirvCase (void) const
return this->doGetScalarFunc().getSpirvCase();
void doPrint (ostream& os, const BaseArgExprs& args) const
this->doGetScalarFunc().print(os, args);
IRet doApply (const EvalContext& ctx,
const IArgs& iargs) const
IRet ret;
const Func<Sig_>& func = this->doGetScalarFunc();
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = func.apply(ctx, iargs.a[ndx], iargs.b, iargs.c[ndx], iargs.d[ndx]);
return ret;
virtual const Func<Sig_>& doGetScalarFunc (void) const = 0;
template <typename F, int Size>
class FixedVecFunc : public FixedGenFunc<typename F::Sig, Size>
const Func<typename F::Sig>& doGetScalarFunc (void) const { return instance<F>(); }
template<typename Sig>
struct GenFuncs
GenFuncs (const Func<Sig>& func_,
const GenFunc<Sig, 2>& func2_,
const GenFunc<Sig, 3>& func3_,
const GenFunc<Sig, 4>& func4_)
: func (func_)
, func2 (func2_)
, func3 (func3_)
, func4 (func4_)
const Func<Sig>& func;
const GenFunc<Sig, 2>& func2;
const GenFunc<Sig, 3>& func3;
const GenFunc<Sig, 4>& func4;
template<typename F>
GenFuncs<typename F::Sig> makeVectorizedFuncs (void)
return GenFuncs<typename F::Sig>(instance<F>(),
instance<VectorizedFunc<F, 2> >(),
instance<VectorizedFunc<F, 3> >(),
instance<VectorizedFunc<F, 4> >());
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator/(const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1)
return app<FixedVecFunc<Div< Signature<T, T, T> >, Size> >(arg0, arg1);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator-(const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0)
return app<VectorizedFunc<Negate< Signature<T, T> >, Size> >(arg0);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator-(const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg1)
return app<VectorizedFunc<Sub<Signature<T, T, T> >, Size> >(arg0, arg1);
template<int Size, typename T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator*(const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<T>& arg1)
return app<FixedVecFunc<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> >, Size> >(arg0, arg1);
template<typename T, int Size>
ExprP<Vector<T, Size> > operator*(const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg0,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Size> >& arg1)
return app<VectorizedFunc<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> >, Size> >(arg0, arg1);
template<int LeftRows, int Middle, int RightCols, typename T>
ExprP<Matrix<T, LeftRows, RightCols> >
operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, LeftRows, Middle> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<T, Middle, RightCols> >& right)
return app<MatMul<T, LeftRows, Middle, RightCols> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> > operator* (const ExprP<Vector<T, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& right)
return app<VecMatMul<T, Rows, Cols> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols, class T>
ExprP<Vector<T, Cols> > operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Vector<T, Rows> >& right)
return app<MatVecMul<Rows, Cols, T> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols, typename T>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > operator* (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<T>& right)
return app<ScalarMatFunc<Mul< Signature<T, T, T> >, Rows, Cols> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> >& right)
return app<CompMatFunc<Add< Signature<float, float, float> >,float, Rows, Cols> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<deFloat16, Rows, Cols> >& right)
return app<CompMatFunc<Add< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> >, deFloat16, Rows, Cols> >(left, right);
template<int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> > operator+ (const ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> >& left,
const ExprP<Matrix<double, Rows, Cols> >& right)
return app<CompMatFunc<Add< Signature<double, double, double> >, double, Rows, Cols> >(left, right);
template<typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> > operator- (const ExprP<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >& mat)
return app<MatNeg<T, Rows, Cols> >(mat);
template <typename T>
class Sampling
virtual void genFixeds (const FloatFormat&, const Precision, vector<T>&, const Interval&) const {}
virtual T genRandom (const FloatFormat&,const Precision, Random&, const Interval&) const { return T(); }
virtual void removeNotInRange (vector<T>&, const Interval&, const Precision) const {};
template <>
class DefaultSampling<Void> : public Sampling<Void>
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat&, const Precision, vector<Void>& dst, const Interval&) const { dst.push_back(Void()); }
template <>
class DefaultSampling<bool> : public Sampling<bool>
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat&, const Precision, vector<bool>& dst, const Interval&) const
template <>
class DefaultSampling<int> : public Sampling<int>
int genRandom (const FloatFormat&, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval&) const
const int exp = rnd.getInt(0, getNumBits(prec)-2);
const int sign = rnd.getBool() ? -1 : 1;
return sign * rnd.getInt(0, (deInt32)1 << exp);
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat&, const Precision, vector<int>& dst, const Interval&) const
static inline int getNumBits (Precision prec)
switch (prec)
case glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP: return 16;
case glu::PRECISION_HIGHP: return 32;
return 0;
template <>
class DefaultSampling<float> : public Sampling<float>
float genRandom (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<float>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void removeNotInRange (vector<float>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision prec) const;
template <>
class DefaultSampling<double> : public Sampling<double>
double genRandom (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<double>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void removeNotInRange (vector<double>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision prec) const;
static bool isDenorm16(deFloat16 v)
const deUint16 mantissa = 0x03FF;
const deUint16 exponent = 0x7C00;
return ((exponent & v) == 0 && (mantissa & v) != 0);
//! Generate a random double from a reasonable general-purpose distribution.
double randomDouble(const FloatFormat& format, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange)
// No testing of subnormals. TODO: Could integrate float controls for some operations.
const int minExp = format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = format.getMaxExp();
const bool haveSubnormal = false;
const double midpoint = inputRange.midpoint();
// Choose exponent so that the cumulative distribution is cubic.
// This makes the probability distribution quadratic, with the peak centered on zero.
const double minRoot = deCbrt(minExp - 0.5 - (haveSubnormal ? 1.0 : 0.0));
const double maxRoot = deCbrt(maxExp + 0.5);
const int fractionBits = format.getFractionBits();
const int exp = int(deRoundEven(dePow(rnd.getDouble(minRoot, maxRoot), 3.0)));
// Generate some occasional special numbers
switch (rnd.getInt(0, 64))
case 0: return inputRange.contains(0) ? 0 : midpoint;
case 1: return inputRange.contains(TCU_INFINITY) ? TCU_INFINITY : midpoint;
case 2: return inputRange.contains(-TCU_INFINITY) ? -TCU_INFINITY : midpoint;
case 3: return inputRange.contains(TCU_NAN) ? TCU_NAN : midpoint;
default: break;
DE_ASSERT(fractionBits < std::numeric_limits<double>::digits);
// Normal number
double base = deLdExp(1.0, exp);
double quantum = deLdExp(1.0, exp - fractionBits); // smallest representable difference in the binade
double significand = 0.0;
switch (rnd.getInt(0, 16))
case 0: // The highest number in this binade, significand is all bits one.
significand = base - quantum;
case 1: // Significand is one.
significand = quantum;
case 2: // Significand is zero.
significand = 0.0;
default: // Random (evenly distributed) significand.
deUint64 intFraction = rnd.getUint64() & ((1 << fractionBits) - 1);
significand = double(intFraction) * quantum;
// Produce positive numbers more often than negative.
double value = (rnd.getInt(0, 3) == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * (base + significand);
return inputRange.contains(value) ? value : midpoint;
//! Generate a random float from a reasonable general-purpose distribution.
float DefaultSampling<float>::genRandom (const FloatFormat& format,
Precision prec,
Random& rnd,
const Interval& inputRange) const
return (float)randomDouble(format, rnd, inputRange);
//! Generate a standard set of floats that should always be tested.
void DefaultSampling<float>::genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<float>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const
const int minExp = format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = format.getMaxExp();
const int fractionBits = format.getFractionBits();
const float minQuantum = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, minExp - fractionBits);
const float minNormalized = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, minExp);
const float maxQuantum = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp - fractionBits);
// NaN
// Zero
for (int sign = -1; sign <= 1; sign += 2)
// Smallest normalized
dst.push_back((float)sign * minNormalized);
// Next smallest normalized
dst.push_back((float)sign * (minNormalized + minQuantum));
dst.push_back((float)sign * 0.5f);
dst.push_back((float)sign * 1.0f);
dst.push_back((float)sign * 2.0f);
// Largest number
dst.push_back((float)sign * (deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp) +
(deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp) - maxQuantum)));
dst.push_back((float)sign * TCU_INFINITY);
removeNotInRange(dst, inputRange, prec);
void DefaultSampling<float>::removeNotInRange (vector<float>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision prec) const
for (vector<float>::iterator it = dst.begin(); it < dst.end();)
// Remove out of range values. PRECISION_LAST means this is an FP16 test so remove any values that
// will be denorms when converted to FP16. (This is used in the precision_fp16_storage32b test group).
if ( !inputRange.contains(static_cast<double>(*it)) || (prec == glu::PRECISION_LAST && isDenorm16(deFloat32To16Round(*it, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_ZERO))))
it = dst.erase(it);
//! Generate a random double from a reasonable general-purpose distribution.
double DefaultSampling<double>::genRandom (const FloatFormat& format,
Precision prec,
Random& rnd,
const Interval& inputRange) const
return randomDouble(format, rnd, inputRange);
//! Generate a standard set of floats that should always be tested.
void DefaultSampling<double>::genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<double>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const
const int minExp = format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = format.getMaxExp();
const int fractionBits = format.getFractionBits();
const double minQuantum = deLdExp(1.0, minExp - fractionBits);
const double minNormalized = deLdExp(1.0, minExp);
const double maxQuantum = deLdExp(1.0, maxExp - fractionBits);
// NaN
// Zero
for (int sign = -1; sign <= 1; sign += 2)
// Smallest normalized
dst.push_back((double)sign * minNormalized);
// Next smallest normalized
dst.push_back((double)sign * (minNormalized + minQuantum));
dst.push_back((double)sign * 0.5);
dst.push_back((double)sign * 1.0);
dst.push_back((double)sign * 2.0);
// Largest number
dst.push_back((double)sign * (deLdExp(1.0, maxExp) + (deLdExp(1.0, maxExp) - maxQuantum)));
dst.push_back((double)sign * TCU_INFINITY);
removeNotInRange(dst, inputRange, prec);
void DefaultSampling<double>::removeNotInRange (vector<double>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision) const
for (vector<double>::iterator it = dst.begin(); it < dst.end();)
if ( !inputRange.contains(*it) )
it = dst.erase(it);
template <>
class DefaultSampling<deFloat16> : public Sampling<deFloat16>
deFloat16 genRandom (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<deFloat16>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const;
void removeNotInRange(vector<deFloat16>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision prec) const;
//! Generate a random float from a reasonable general-purpose distribution.
deFloat16 DefaultSampling<deFloat16>::genRandom (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec,
Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const
return deFloat64To16Round(randomDouble(format, rnd, inputRange), DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN);
//! Generate a standard set of floats that should always be tested.
void DefaultSampling<deFloat16>::genFixeds (const FloatFormat& format, const Precision prec, vector<deFloat16>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const
dst.push_back(deUint16(0x3E00)); //1.5
dst.push_back(deUint16(0x3D00)); //1.25
dst.push_back(deUint16(0x3F00)); //1.75
// Zero
// Infinity
// SNaN
// QNaN
// Normalized
// Some normal number
const int minExp = format.getMinExp();
const int maxExp = format.getMaxExp();
const int fractionBits = format.getFractionBits();
const float minQuantum = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, minExp - fractionBits);
const float minNormalized = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, minExp);
const float maxQuantum = deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp - fractionBits);
for (float sign = -1.0; sign <= 1.0f; sign += 2.0f)
// Smallest normalized
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * minNormalized, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
// Next smallest normalized
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * (minNormalized + minQuantum), DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * 0.5f, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * 1.0f, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * 2.0f, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
// Largest number
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * (deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp) +
(deFloatLdExp(1.0f, maxExp) - maxQuantum)), DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
dst.push_back(deFloat32To16Round(sign * TCU_INFINITY, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_NEAREST_EVEN));
removeNotInRange(dst, inputRange, prec);
void DefaultSampling<deFloat16>::removeNotInRange(vector<deFloat16>& dst, const Interval& inputRange, const Precision) const
for (vector<deFloat16>::iterator it = dst.begin(); it < dst.end();)
if (inputRange.contains(static_cast<double>(*it)))
it = dst.erase(it);
template <typename T, int Size>
class DefaultSampling<Vector<T, Size> > : public Sampling<Vector<T, Size> >
typedef Vector<T, Size> Value;
Value genRandom (const FloatFormat& fmt, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const
Value ret;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
ret[ndx] = instance<DefaultSampling<T> >().genRandom(fmt, prec, rnd, inputRange);
return ret;
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat& fmt, const Precision prec, vector<Value>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const
vector<T> scalars;
instance<DefaultSampling<T> >().genFixeds(fmt, prec, scalars, inputRange);
for (size_t scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalars.size(); ++scalarNdx)
template <typename T, int Rows, int Columns>
class DefaultSampling<Matrix<T, Rows, Columns> > : public Sampling<Matrix<T, Rows, Columns> >
typedef Matrix<T, Rows, Columns> Value;
Value genRandom (const FloatFormat& fmt, const Precision prec, Random& rnd, const Interval& inputRange) const
Value ret;
for (int rowNdx = 0; rowNdx < Rows; ++rowNdx)
for (int colNdx = 0; colNdx < Columns; ++colNdx)
ret(rowNdx, colNdx) = instance<DefaultSampling<T> >().genRandom(fmt, prec, rnd, inputRange);
return ret;
void genFixeds (const FloatFormat& fmt, const Precision prec, vector<Value>& dst, const Interval& inputRange) const
vector<T> scalars;
instance<DefaultSampling<T> >().genFixeds(fmt, prec, scalars, inputRange);
for (size_t scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalars.size(); ++scalarNdx)
if (Columns == Rows)
Value mat (T(0.0));
T x = T(1.0f);
mat[0][0] = x;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Columns; ++ndx)
mat[Columns-1-ndx][ndx] = x;
x = static_cast<T>(x * static_cast<T>(2.0f));
struct CaseContext
CaseContext (const string& name_,
TestContext& testContext_,
const FloatFormat& floatFormat_,
const FloatFormat& highpFormat_,
const Precision precision_,
const ShaderType shaderType_,
const size_t numRandoms_,
const PrecisionTestFeatures precisionTestFeatures_ = PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_NONE,
const bool isPackFloat16b_ = false,
const bool isFloat64b_ = false)
: name (name_)
, testContext (testContext_)
, floatFormat (floatFormat_)
, highpFormat (highpFormat_)
, precision (precision_)
, shaderType (shaderType_)
, numRandoms (numRandoms_)
, precisionTestFeatures (precisionTestFeatures_)
, isPackFloat16b (isPackFloat16b_)
, isFloat64b (isFloat64b_)
string name;
TestContext& testContext;
FloatFormat floatFormat;
FloatFormat highpFormat;
Precision precision;
ShaderType shaderType;
size_t numRandoms;
Interval inputRange;
PrecisionTestFeatures precisionTestFeatures;
bool isPackFloat16b;
bool isFloat64b;
template<typename In0_ = Void, typename In1_ = Void, typename In2_ = Void, typename In3_ = Void>
struct InTypes
typedef In0_ In0;
typedef In1_ In1;
typedef In2_ In2;
typedef In3_ In3;
template <typename In>
int numInputs (void)
return (!isTypeValid<typename In::In0>() ? 0 :
!isTypeValid<typename In::In1>() ? 1 :
!isTypeValid<typename In::In2>() ? 2 :
!isTypeValid<typename In::In3>() ? 3 :
template<typename Out0_, typename Out1_ = Void>
struct OutTypes
typedef Out0_ Out0;
typedef Out1_ Out1;
template <typename Out>
int numOutputs (void)
return (!isTypeValid<typename Out::Out0>() ? 0 :
!isTypeValid<typename Out::Out1>() ? 1 :
template<typename In>
struct Inputs
vector<typename In::In0> in0;
vector<typename In::In1> in1;
vector<typename In::In2> in2;
vector<typename In::In3> in3;
template<typename Out>
struct Outputs
Outputs (size_t size) : out0(size), out1(size) {}
vector<typename Out::Out0> out0;
vector<typename Out::Out1> out1;
template<typename In, typename Out>
struct Variables
VariableP<typename In::In0> in0;
VariableP<typename In::In1> in1;
VariableP<typename In::In2> in2;
VariableP<typename In::In3> in3;
VariableP<typename Out::Out0> out0;
VariableP<typename Out::Out1> out1;
template<typename In>
struct Samplings
Samplings (const Sampling<typename In::In0>& in0_,
const Sampling<typename In::In1>& in1_,
const Sampling<typename In::In2>& in2_,
const Sampling<typename In::In3>& in3_)
: in0 (in0_), in1 (in1_), in2 (in2_), in3 (in3_) {}
const Sampling<typename In::In0>& in0;
const Sampling<typename In::In1>& in1;
const Sampling<typename In::In2>& in2;
const Sampling<typename In::In3>& in3;
template<typename In>
struct DefaultSamplings : Samplings<In>
DefaultSamplings (void)
: Samplings<In>(instance<DefaultSampling<typename In::In0> >(),
instance<DefaultSampling<typename In::In1> >(),
instance<DefaultSampling<typename In::In2> >(),
instance<DefaultSampling<typename In::In3> >()) {}
template <typename In, typename Out>
class BuiltinPrecisionCaseTestInstance : public TestInstance
BuiltinPrecisionCaseTestInstance (Context& context,
const CaseContext caseCtx,
const ShaderSpec& shaderSpec,
const Variables<In, Out> variables,
const Samplings<In>& samplings,
const StatementP stmt,
bool modularOp = false)
: TestInstance (context)
, m_caseCtx (caseCtx)
, m_variables (variables)
, m_samplings (samplings)
, m_stmt (stmt)
, m_executor (createExecutor(context, caseCtx.shaderType, shaderSpec))
, m_modularOp (modularOp)
virtual tcu::TestStatus iterate (void);
CaseContext m_caseCtx;
Variables<In, Out> m_variables;
const Samplings<In>& m_samplings;
StatementP m_stmt;
de::UniquePtr<ShaderExecutor> m_executor;
bool m_modularOp;
template<class In, class Out>
tcu::TestStatus BuiltinPrecisionCaseTestInstance<In, Out>::iterate (void)
typedef typename In::In0 In0;
typedef typename In::In1 In1;
typedef typename In::In2 In2;
typedef typename In::In3 In3;
typedef typename Out::Out0 Out0;
typedef typename Out::Out1 Out1;
areFeaturesSupported(m_context, m_caseCtx.precisionTestFeatures);
Inputs<In> inputs = generateInputs(m_samplings, m_caseCtx.floatFormat, m_caseCtx.precision, m_caseCtx.numRandoms, 0xdeadbeefu + m_caseCtx.testContext.getCommandLine().getBaseSeed(), m_caseCtx.inputRange);
const FloatFormat& fmt = m_caseCtx.floatFormat;
const int inCount = numInputs<In>();
const int outCount = numOutputs<Out>();
const size_t numValues = (inCount > 0) ? inputs.in0.size() : 1;
Outputs<Out> outputs (numValues);
const FloatFormat highpFmt = m_caseCtx.highpFormat;
const int maxMsgs = 100;
int numErrors = 0;
Environment env; // Hoisted out of the inner loop for optimization.
ResultCollector status;
TestLog& testLog = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
// Module operations need exactly two inputs and have exactly one output.
if (m_modularOp)
DE_ASSERT(inCount == 2);
DE_ASSERT(outCount == 1);
const void* inputArr[] =
void* outputArr[] =
// Print out the statement and its definitions
testLog << TestLog::Message << "Statement: " << m_stmt << TestLog::EndMessage;
ostringstream oss;
FuncSet funcs;
for (FuncSet::const_iterator it = funcs.begin(); it != funcs.end(); ++it)
if (!funcs.empty())
testLog << TestLog::Message << "Reference definitions:\n" << oss.str()
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
switch (inCount)
case 4:
DE_ASSERT(inputs.in3.size() == numValues);
// Fallthrough
case 3:
DE_ASSERT(inputs.in2.size() == numValues);
// Fallthrough
case 2:
DE_ASSERT(inputs.in1.size() == numValues);
// Fallthrough
case 1:
DE_ASSERT(inputs.in0.size() == numValues);
// Fallthrough
m_executor->execute(int(numValues), inputArr, outputArr);
// Initialize environment with unused values so we don't need to bind in inner loop.
const typename Traits<In0>::IVal in0;
const typename Traits<In1>::IVal in1;
const typename Traits<In2>::IVal in2;
const typename Traits<In3>::IVal in3;
const typename Traits<Out0>::IVal reference0;
const typename Traits<Out1>::IVal reference1;
env.bind(*m_variables.in0, in0);
env.bind(*m_variables.in1, in1);
env.bind(*m_variables.in2, in2);
env.bind(*m_variables.in3, in3);
env.bind(*m_variables.out0, reference0);
env.bind(*m_variables.out1, reference1);
// For each input tuple, compute output reference interval and compare
// shader output to the reference.
for (size_t valueNdx = 0; valueNdx < numValues; valueNdx++)
bool result = true;
const bool isInput16Bit = m_executor->areInputs16Bit();
const bool isInput64Bit = m_executor->areInputs64Bit();
DE_ASSERT(!(isInput16Bit && isInput64Bit));
typename Traits<Out0>::IVal reference0;
typename Traits<Out1>::IVal reference1;
if (valueNdx % (size_t)TOUCH_WATCHDOG_VALUE_FREQUENCY == 0)
env.lookup(*m_variables.in0) = convert<In0>(fmt, round(fmt, inputs.in0[valueNdx]));
env.lookup(*m_variables.in1) = convert<In1>(fmt, round(fmt, inputs.in1[valueNdx]));
env.lookup(*m_variables.in2) = convert<In2>(fmt, round(fmt, inputs.in2[valueNdx]));
env.lookup(*m_variables.in3) = convert<In3>(fmt, round(fmt, inputs.in3[valueNdx]));
EvalContext ctx (fmt, m_caseCtx.precision, env, 0);
switch (outCount)
case 2:
reference1 = convert<Out1>(highpFmt, env.lookup(*m_variables.out1));
if (!status.check(contains(reference1, outputs.out1[valueNdx], m_caseCtx.isPackFloat16b), "Shader output 1 is outside acceptable range"))
result = false;
// Fallthrough
case 1:
// Pass b from mod(a, b) if we are in the modulo operation.
const tcu::Maybe<In1> modularDivisor = (m_modularOp ? tcu::just(inputs.in1[valueNdx]) : tcu::nothing<In1>());
reference0 = convert<Out0>(highpFmt, env.lookup(*m_variables.out0));
if (!status.check(contains(reference0, outputs.out0[valueNdx], m_caseCtx.isPackFloat16b, modularDivisor), "Shader output 0 is outside acceptable range"))
reference0 = convert<Out0>(highpFmt, env.lookup(*m_variables.out0));
if (!status.check(contains(reference0, outputs.out0[valueNdx], m_caseCtx.isPackFloat16b, modularDivisor), "Shader output 0 is outside acceptable range"))
result = false;
// Fallthrough
default: break;
if (!result)
if ((!result && numErrors <= maxMsgs) || GLS_LOG_ALL_RESULTS)
MessageBuilder builder = testLog.message();
builder << (result ? "Passed" : "Failed") << " sample:\n";
if (inCount > 0)
builder << "\t" << m_variables.in0->getName() << " = "
<< (isInput64Bit ? value64ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in0[valueNdx]) : (isInput16Bit ? value16ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in0[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in0[valueNdx]))) << "\n";
if (inCount > 1)
builder << "\t" << m_variables.in1->getName() << " = "
<< (isInput64Bit ? value64ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in1[valueNdx]) : (isInput16Bit ? value16ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in1[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in1[valueNdx]))) << "\n";
if (inCount > 2)
builder << "\t" << m_variables.in2->getName() << " = "
<< (isInput64Bit ? value64ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in2[valueNdx]) : (isInput16Bit ? value16ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in2[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in2[valueNdx]))) << "\n";
if (inCount > 3)
builder << "\t" << m_variables.in3->getName() << " = "
<< (isInput64Bit ? value64ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in3[valueNdx]) : (isInput16Bit ? value16ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in3[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, inputs.in3[valueNdx]))) << "\n";
if (outCount > 0)
if (m_executor->spirvCase() == SPIRV_CASETYPE_COMPARE)
builder << "Output:\n"
<< comparisonMessage(outputs.out0[valueNdx])
<< "Expected result:\n"
<< comparisonMessageInterval<typename Out::Out0>(reference0) << "\n";
builder << "\t" << m_variables.out0->getName() << " = "
<< (m_executor->isOutput64Bit(0u) ? value64ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out0[valueNdx]) : (m_executor->isOutput16Bit(0u) || m_caseCtx.isPackFloat16b ? value16ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out0[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out0[valueNdx]))) << "\n"
<< "\tExpected range: "
<< intervalToString<typename Out::Out0>(highpFmt, reference0) << "\n";
if (outCount > 1)
builder << "\t" << m_variables.out1->getName() << " = "
<< (m_executor->isOutput64Bit(1u) ? value64ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out1[valueNdx]) : (m_executor->isOutput16Bit(1u) || m_caseCtx.isPackFloat16b ? value16ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out1[valueNdx]) : value32ToString(highpFmt, outputs.out1[valueNdx]))) << "\n"
<< "\tExpected range: "
<< intervalToString<typename Out::Out1>(highpFmt, reference1) << "\n";
builder << TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numErrors > maxMsgs)
testLog << TestLog::Message << "(Skipped " << (numErrors - maxMsgs) << " messages.)"
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numErrors == 0)
testLog << TestLog::Message << "All " << numValues << " inputs passed."
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
testLog << TestLog::Message << numErrors << "/" << numValues << " inputs failed."
<< TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numErrors)
return tcu::TestStatus::fail(de::toString(numErrors) + string(" test failed. Check log for the details"));
return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Pass");
class PrecisionCase : public TestCase
PrecisionCase (const CaseContext& context, const string& name, const Interval& inputRange, const string& extension = "")
: TestCase (context.testContext, name.c_str(), name.c_str())
, m_ctx (context)
, m_extension (extension)
m_ctx.inputRange = inputRange;
m_spec.packFloat16Bit = context.isPackFloat16b;
virtual void initPrograms (vk::SourceCollections& programCollection) const
generateSources(m_ctx.shaderType, m_spec, programCollection);
const FloatFormat& getFormat (void) const { return m_ctx.floatFormat; }
template <typename In, typename Out>
void testStatement (const Variables<In, Out>& variables, const Statement& stmt, SpirVCaseT spirvCase);
template<typename T>
Symbol makeSymbol (const Variable<T>& variable)
return Symbol(variable.getName(), getVarTypeOf<T>(m_ctx.precision));
CaseContext m_ctx;
const string m_extension;
ShaderSpec m_spec;
template <typename In, typename Out>
void PrecisionCase::testStatement (const Variables<In, Out>& variables, const Statement& stmt, SpirVCaseT spirvCase)
const int inCount = numInputs<In>();
const int outCount = numOutputs<Out>();
Environment env; // Hoisted out of the inner loop for optimization.
// Initialize ShaderSpec from precision, variables and statement.
if (m_ctx.precision != glu::PRECISION_LAST)
ostringstream os;
os << "precision " << glu::getPrecisionName(m_ctx.precision) << " float;\n";
m_spec.globalDeclarations = os.str();
if (!m_extension.empty())
m_spec.globalDeclarations = "#extension " + m_extension + " : require\n";
switch (inCount)
case 4:
m_spec.inputs[3] = makeSymbol(*variables.in3);
// Fallthrough
case 3:
m_spec.inputs[2] = makeSymbol(*variables.in2);
// Fallthrough
case 2:
m_spec.inputs[1] = makeSymbol(*variables.in1);
// Fallthrough
case 1:
m_spec.inputs[0] = makeSymbol(*variables.in0);
// Fallthrough
bool inputs16Bit = false;
for (vector<Symbol>::const_iterator symIter = m_spec.inputs.begin(); symIter != m_spec.inputs.end(); ++symIter)
inputs16Bit = inputs16Bit || glu::isDataTypeFloat16OrVec(symIter->varType.getBasicType());
if (inputs16Bit || m_spec.packFloat16Bit)
m_spec.globalDeclarations += "#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types: require\n";
switch (outCount)
case 2:
m_spec.outputs[1] = makeSymbol(*variables.out1);
// Fallthrough
case 1:
m_spec.outputs[0] = makeSymbol(*variables.out0);
// Fallthrough
m_spec.source = de::toString(stmt);
m_spec.spirvCase = spirvCase;
template <typename T>
struct InputLess
bool operator() (const T& val1, const T& val2) const
return val1 < val2;
template <typename T>
bool inputLess (const T& val1, const T& val2)
return InputLess<T>()(val1, val2);
template <>
struct InputLess<float>
bool operator() (const float& val1, const float& val2) const
if (deIsNaN(val1))
return false;
if (deIsNaN(val2))
return true;
return val1 < val2;
template <typename T, int Size>
struct InputLess<Vector<T, Size> >
bool operator() (const Vector<T, Size>& vec1, const Vector<T, Size>& vec2) const
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < Size; ++ndx)
if (inputLess(vec1[ndx], vec2[ndx]))
return true;
if (inputLess(vec2[ndx], vec1[ndx]))
return false;
return false;
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
struct InputLess<Matrix<T, Rows, Cols> >
bool operator() (const Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>& mat1,
const Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>& mat2) const
for (int col = 0; col < Cols; ++col)
if (inputLess(mat1[col], mat2[col]))
return true;
if (inputLess(mat2[col], mat1[col]))
return false;
return false;
template <typename In>
struct InTuple :
public Tuple4<typename In::In0, typename In::In1, typename In::In2, typename In::In3>
InTuple (const typename In::In0& in0,
const typename In::In1& in1,
const typename In::In2& in2,
const typename In::In3& in3)
: Tuple4<typename In::In0, typename In::In1, typename In::In2, typename In::In3>
(in0, in1, in2, in3) {}
template <typename In>
struct InputLess<InTuple<In> >
bool operator() (const InTuple<In>& in1, const InTuple<In>& in2) const
if (inputLess(in1.a, in2.a))
return true;
if (inputLess(in2.a, in1.a))
return false;
if (inputLess(in1.b, in2.b))
return true;
if (inputLess(in2.b, in1.b))
return false;
if (inputLess(in1.c, in2.c))
return true;
if (inputLess(in2.c, in1.c))
return false;
if (inputLess(in1.d, in2.d))
return true;
return false;
template<typename In>
Inputs<In> generateInputs (const Samplings<In>& samplings,
const FloatFormat& floatFormat,
Precision intPrecision,
size_t numSamples,
deUint32 seed,
const Interval& inputRange)
Random rnd(seed);
Inputs<In> ret;
Inputs<In> fixedInputs;
set<InTuple<In>, InputLess<InTuple<In> > > seenInputs;
samplings.in0.genFixeds(floatFormat, intPrecision, fixedInputs.in0, inputRange);
samplings.in1.genFixeds(floatFormat, intPrecision, fixedInputs.in1, inputRange);
samplings.in2.genFixeds(floatFormat, intPrecision, fixedInputs.in2, inputRange);
samplings.in3.genFixeds(floatFormat, intPrecision, fixedInputs.in3, inputRange);
for (size_t ndx0 = 0; ndx0 < fixedInputs.in0.size(); ++ndx0)
for (size_t ndx1 = 0; ndx1 < fixedInputs.in1.size(); ++ndx1)
for (size_t ndx2 = 0; ndx2 < fixedInputs.in2.size(); ++ndx2)
for (size_t ndx3 = 0; ndx3 < fixedInputs.in3.size(); ++ndx3)
const InTuple<In> tuple (fixedInputs.in0[ndx0],
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numSamples; ++ndx)
const typename In::In0 in0 = samplings.in0.genRandom(floatFormat, intPrecision, rnd, inputRange);
const typename In::In1 in1 = samplings.in1.genRandom(floatFormat, intPrecision, rnd, inputRange);
const typename In::In2 in2 = samplings.in2.genRandom(floatFormat, intPrecision, rnd, inputRange);
const typename In::In3 in3 = samplings.in3.genRandom(floatFormat, intPrecision, rnd, inputRange);
const InTuple<In> tuple (in0, in1, in2, in3);
if (de::contains(seenInputs, tuple))
return ret;
class FuncCaseBase : public PrecisionCase
FuncCaseBase (const CaseContext& context, const string& name, const FuncBase& func)
: PrecisionCase (context, name, func.getInputRange(!context.isFloat64b && (context.precision == glu::PRECISION_LAST || context.isPackFloat16b)), func.getRequiredExtension())
StatementP m_stmt;
template <typename Sig>
class FuncCase : public FuncCaseBase
typedef Func<Sig> CaseFunc;
typedef typename Sig::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Sig::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Sig::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Sig::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Sig::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef InTypes<Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> In;
typedef OutTypes<Ret> Out;
FuncCase (const CaseContext& context, const string& name, const CaseFunc& func, bool modularOp = false)
: FuncCaseBase (context, name, func)
, m_func (func)
, m_modularOp (modularOp)
virtual TestInstance* createInstance (Context& context) const
return new BuiltinPrecisionCaseTestInstance<In, Out>(context, m_ctx, m_spec, m_variables, getSamplings(), m_stmt, m_modularOp);
void buildTest (void);
virtual const Samplings<In>& getSamplings (void) const
return instance<DefaultSamplings<In> >();
const CaseFunc& m_func;
Variables<In, Out> m_variables;
bool m_modularOp;
template <typename Sig>
void FuncCase<Sig>::buildTest (void)
m_variables.out0 = variable<Ret>("out0");
m_variables.out1 = variable<Void>("out1");
m_variables.in0 = variable<Arg0>("in0");
m_variables.in1 = variable<Arg1>("in1");
m_variables.in2 = variable<Arg2>("in2");
m_variables.in3 = variable<Arg3>("in3");
ExprP<Ret> expr = applyVar(m_func, m_variables.in0, m_variables.in1, m_variables.in2, m_variables.in3);
m_stmt = variableAssignment(m_variables.out0, expr);
this->testStatement(m_variables, *m_stmt, m_func.getSpirvCase());
template <typename Sig>
class InOutFuncCase : public FuncCaseBase
typedef Func<Sig> CaseFunc;
typedef typename Sig::Ret Ret;
typedef typename Sig::Arg0 Arg0;
typedef typename Sig::Arg1 Arg1;
typedef typename Sig::Arg2 Arg2;
typedef typename Sig::Arg3 Arg3;
typedef InTypes<Arg0, Arg2, Arg3> In;
typedef OutTypes<Ret, Arg1> Out;
InOutFuncCase (const CaseContext& context, const string& name, const CaseFunc& func, bool modularOp = false)
: FuncCaseBase (context, name, func)
, m_func (func)
, m_modularOp (modularOp)
virtual TestInstance* createInstance (Context& context) const
return new BuiltinPrecisionCaseTestInstance<In, Out>(context, m_ctx, m_spec, m_variables, getSamplings(), m_stmt, m_modularOp);
void buildTest (void);
virtual const Samplings<In>& getSamplings (void) const
return instance<DefaultSamplings<In> >();
const CaseFunc& m_func;
Variables<In, Out> m_variables;
bool m_modularOp;
template <typename Sig>
void InOutFuncCase<Sig>::buildTest (void)
m_variables.out0 = variable<Ret>("out0");
m_variables.out1 = variable<Arg1>("out1");
m_variables.in0 = variable<Arg0>("in0");
m_variables.in1 = variable<Arg2>("in1");
m_variables.in2 = variable<Arg3>("in2");
m_variables.in3 = variable<Void>("in3");
ExprP<Ret> expr = applyVar(m_func, m_variables.in0, m_variables.out1, m_variables.in1, m_variables.in2);
m_stmt = variableAssignment(m_variables.out0, expr);
this->testStatement(m_variables, *m_stmt, m_func.getSpirvCase());
template <typename Sig>
PrecisionCase* createFuncCase (const CaseContext& context, const string& name, const Func<Sig>& func, bool modularOp = false)
switch (func.getOutParamIndex())
case -1:
return new FuncCase<Sig>(context, name, func, modularOp);
case 1:
return new InOutFuncCase<Sig>(context, name, func, modularOp);
return DE_NULL;
class CaseFactory
virtual ~CaseFactory (void) {}
virtual MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const = 0;
virtual string getName (void) const = 0;
virtual string getDesc (void) const = 0;
class FuncCaseFactory : public CaseFactory
virtual const FuncBase& getFunc (void) const = 0;
string getName (void) const { return de::toLower(getFunc().getName()); }
string getDesc (void) const { return "Function '" + getFunc().getName() + "'"; }
template <typename Sig>
class GenFuncCaseFactory : public CaseFactory
GenFuncCaseFactory (const GenFuncs<Sig>& funcs, const string& name, bool modularOp = false)
: m_funcs (funcs)
, m_name (de::toLower(name))
, m_modularOp (modularOp)
MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const
TestCaseGroup* group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx.testContext,,;
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "scalar", m_funcs.func, m_modularOp));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec2", m_funcs.func2, m_modularOp));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec3", m_funcs.func3, m_modularOp));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec4", m_funcs.func4, m_modularOp));
return MovePtr<TestNode>(group);
string getName (void) const { return m_name; }
string getDesc (void) const { return "Function '" + m_funcs.func.getName() + "'"; }
const GenFuncs<Sig> m_funcs;
string m_name;
bool m_modularOp;
template <template <int, class> class GenF, typename T>
class TemplateFuncCaseFactory : public FuncCaseFactory
MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const
TestCaseGroup* group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx.testContext,,;
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "scalar", instance<GenF<1, T> >()));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec2", instance<GenF<2, T> >()));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec3", instance<GenF<3, T> >()));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "vec4", instance<GenF<4, T> >()));
return MovePtr<TestNode>(group);
const FuncBase& getFunc (void) const { return instance<GenF<1, T> >(); }
template <template <int> class GenF>
class SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory : public FuncCaseFactory
MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const
TestCaseGroup* group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx.testContext,,;
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "mat2", instance<GenF<2> >()));
#if 0
// disabled until we get reasonable results
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "mat3", instance<GenF<3> >()));
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, "mat4", instance<GenF<4> >()));
return MovePtr<TestNode>(group);
const FuncBase& getFunc (void) const { return instance<GenF<2> >(); }
template <template <int, int, class> class GenF, typename T>
class MatrixFuncCaseFactory : public FuncCaseFactory
MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const
TestCaseGroup* const group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx.testContext,,;
this->addCase<2, 2>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<3, 2>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<4, 2>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<2, 3>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<3, 3>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<4, 3>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<2, 4>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<3, 4>(ctx, group);
this->addCase<4, 4>(ctx, group);
return MovePtr<TestNode>(group);
const FuncBase& getFunc (void) const { return instance<GenF<2,2, T> >(); }
template <int Rows, int Cols>
void addCase (const CaseContext& ctx, TestCaseGroup* group) const
const char* const name = dataTypeNameOf<Matrix<float, Rows, Cols> >();
group->addChild(createFuncCase(ctx, name, instance<GenF<Rows, Cols, T> >()));
template <typename Sig>
class SimpleFuncCaseFactory : public CaseFactory
SimpleFuncCaseFactory (const Func<Sig>& func) : m_func(func) {}
MovePtr<TestNode> createCase (const CaseContext& ctx) const { return MovePtr<TestNode>(createFuncCase(ctx,, m_func)); }
string getName (void) const { return de::toLower(m_func.getName()); }
string getDesc (void) const { return "Function '" + getName() + "'"; }
const Func<Sig>& m_func;
template <typename F>
SharedPtr<SimpleFuncCaseFactory<typename F::Sig> > createSimpleFuncCaseFactory (void)
return SharedPtr<SimpleFuncCaseFactory<typename F::Sig> >(new SimpleFuncCaseFactory<typename F::Sig>(instance<F>()));
class CaseFactories
virtual ~CaseFactories (void) {}
virtual const std::vector<const CaseFactory*> getFactories (void) const = 0;
class BuiltinFuncs : public CaseFactories
const vector<const CaseFactory*> getFactories (void) const
vector<const CaseFactory*> ret;
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < m_factories.size(); ++ndx)
return ret;
void addFactory (SharedPtr<const CaseFactory> fact) { m_factories.push_back(fact); }
vector<SharedPtr<const CaseFactory> > m_factories;
template <typename F>
void addScalarFactory (BuiltinFuncs& funcs, string name = "", bool modularOp = false)
if (name.empty())
name = instance<F>().getName();
funcs.addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new GenFuncCaseFactory<typename F::Sig>(makeVectorizedFuncs<F>(), name, modularOp)));
MovePtr<const CaseFactories> createBuiltinCases ()
MovePtr<BuiltinFuncs> funcs (new BuiltinFuncs());
// Tests for ES3 builtins
addScalarFactory<Comparison< Signature<int, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Add< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sub< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mul< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Div< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sin<Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Cos<Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<ATan2< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs, "atan2");
addScalarFactory<ATan<Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp<Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp2<Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log2< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<InverseSqrt< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Abs< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sign< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Round< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<RoundEven< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Ceil< Signature<float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mod32Bit>(*funcs, "mod", true);
addScalarFactory<Min< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Max< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Clamp< Signature<float, float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Step< Signature<float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<SmoothStep< Signature<float, float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Length, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Distance, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Dot, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Normalize, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<FaceForward, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Reflect, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Refract, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<MatrixCompMult, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<OuterProduct, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<Transpose, float>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Determinant>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Inverse>()));
addScalarFactory<FrExp <Signature<float, float, int> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<LdExp <Signature<float, float, int> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Fma <Signature<float, float, float, float> > >(*funcs);
return MovePtr<const CaseFactories>(funcs.release());
MovePtr<const CaseFactories> createBuiltinDoubleCases ()
MovePtr<BuiltinFuncs> funcs (new BuiltinFuncs());
// Tests for ES3 builtins
addScalarFactory<Comparison<Signature<int, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Add<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sub<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mul<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Div<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
// Radians, degrees, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, atan2, pow, exp, log, exp2 and log2
// only work with 16-bit and 32-bit floating point types according to the spec.
#if 0
addScalarFactory<Sin<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Cos<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<ATan2<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs, "atan2");
addScalarFactory<ATan<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp2<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log2<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<InverseSqrt<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Abs<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sign<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Round<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<RoundEven<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Ceil<Signature<double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mod64Bit>(*funcs, "mod", true);
addScalarFactory<Min<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Max<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Clamp<Signature<double, double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Step<Signature<double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<SmoothStep<Signature<double, double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Length, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Distance, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Dot, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Normalize, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<FaceForward, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Reflect, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Refract, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<MatrixCompMult, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<OuterProduct, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<Transpose, double>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Determinant64bit>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Inverse64bit>()));
addScalarFactory<FrExp<Signature<double, double, int>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<LdExp<Signature<double, double, int>>>(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Fma<Signature<double, double, double, double>>>(*funcs);
return MovePtr<const CaseFactories>(funcs.release());
MovePtr<const CaseFactories> createBuiltinCases16Bit(void)
MovePtr<BuiltinFuncs> funcs(new BuiltinFuncs());
addScalarFactory<Comparison< Signature<int, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Add< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sub< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mul< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Div< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sin<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Cos<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<ATan2< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs, "atan2");
addScalarFactory<ATan<Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Exp2< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Log2< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Abs< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Sign< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Round< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<RoundEven< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Ceil< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Mod16Bit>(*funcs, "mod", true);
addScalarFactory<Min< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Max< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Clamp< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Step< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<SmoothStep< Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Length, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Distance, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Dot, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Normalize, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<FaceForward, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Reflect, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new TemplateFuncCaseFactory<Refract, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<OuterProduct, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new MatrixFuncCaseFactory<Transpose, deFloat16>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Determinant16bit>()));
funcs->addFactory(SharedPtr<const CaseFactory>(new SquareMatrixFuncCaseFactory<Inverse16bit>()));
addScalarFactory<FrExp <Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, int> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<LdExp <Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, int> > >(*funcs);
addScalarFactory<Fma <Signature<deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16, deFloat16> > >(*funcs);
return MovePtr<const CaseFactories>(funcs.release());
TestCaseGroup* createFuncGroup (TestContext& ctx, const CaseFactory& factory, int numRandoms)
TestCaseGroup* const group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, factory.getName().c_str(), factory.getDesc().c_str());
const FloatFormat highp (-126, 127, 23, true,
tcu::MAYBE, // subnormals
tcu::YES, // infinities
tcu::MAYBE); // NaN
const FloatFormat mediump (-14, 13, 10, false, tcu::MAYBE);
for (int precNdx = glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP; precNdx < glu::PRECISION_LAST; ++precNdx)
const Precision precision = Precision(precNdx);
const string precName (glu::getPrecisionName(precision));
const FloatFormat& fmt = precNdx == glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP ? mediump : highp;
const CaseContext caseCtx (precName, ctx, fmt, highp, precision, glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, numRandoms);
return group;
TestCaseGroup* createFuncGroupDouble (TestContext& ctx, const CaseFactory& factory, int numRandoms)
TestCaseGroup* const group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, factory.getName().c_str(), factory.getDesc().c_str());
const Precision precision = Precision(glu::PRECISION_LAST);
const FloatFormat highp (-1022, 1023, 52, true,
tcu::MAYBE, // subnormals
tcu::YES, // infinities
tcu::MAYBE); // NaN
PrecisionTestFeatures precisionTestFeatures = PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_64BIT_SHADER_FLOAT;
const CaseContext caseCtx("compute", ctx, highp, highp, precision, glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, numRandoms, precisionTestFeatures, false, true);
return group;
TestCaseGroup* createFuncGroup16Bit(TestContext& ctx, const CaseFactory& factory, int numRandoms, bool storage32)
TestCaseGroup* const group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, factory.getName().c_str(), factory.getDesc().c_str());
const Precision precision = Precision(glu::PRECISION_LAST);
const FloatFormat float16 (-14, 15, 10, true, tcu::MAYBE);
PrecisionTestFeatures precisionTestFeatures = PRECISION_TEST_FEATURES_16BIT_SHADER_FLOAT;
if (!storage32)
const CaseContext caseCtx("compute", ctx, float16, float16, precision, glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, numRandoms, precisionTestFeatures, storage32);
return group;
const int defRandoms = 16384;
void addBuiltinPrecisionTests (TestContext& ctx,
TestCaseGroup& dstGroup,
const bool test16Bit = false,
const bool storage32Bit = false)
const int userRandoms = ctx.getCommandLine().getTestIterationCount();
const int numRandoms = userRandoms > 0 ? userRandoms : defRandoms;
MovePtr<const CaseFactories> cases = (test16Bit && !storage32Bit) ? createBuiltinCases16Bit()
: createBuiltinCases();
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < cases->getFactories().size(); ++ndx)
if (!test16Bit)
dstGroup.addChild(createFuncGroup(ctx, *cases->getFactories()[ndx], numRandoms));
dstGroup.addChild(createFuncGroup16Bit(ctx, *cases->getFactories()[ndx], numRandoms, storage32Bit));
void addBuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests (TestContext& ctx,
TestCaseGroup& dstGroup)
const int userRandoms = ctx.getCommandLine().getTestIterationCount();
const int numRandoms = userRandoms > 0 ? userRandoms : defRandoms;
MovePtr<const CaseFactories> cases = createBuiltinDoubleCases();
for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < cases->getFactories().size(); ++ndx)
dstGroup.addChild(createFuncGroupDouble(ctx, *cases->getFactories()[ndx], numRandoms));
BuiltinPrecisionTests::BuiltinPrecisionTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "precision", "Builtin precision tests")
BuiltinPrecisionTests::~BuiltinPrecisionTests (void)
void BuiltinPrecisionTests::init (void)
addBuiltinPrecisionTests(m_testCtx, *this);
BuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests::BuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "precision_double", "Builtin precision tests")
BuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests::~BuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests (void)
void BuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests::init (void)
addBuiltinPrecisionDoubleTests(m_testCtx, *this);
BuiltinPrecision16BitTests::BuiltinPrecision16BitTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "precision_fp16_storage16b", "Builtin precision tests")
BuiltinPrecision16BitTests::~BuiltinPrecision16BitTests (void)
void BuiltinPrecision16BitTests::init (void)
addBuiltinPrecisionTests(m_testCtx, *this, true);
BuiltinPrecision16Storage32BitTests::BuiltinPrecision16Storage32BitTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
: tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "precision_fp16_storage32b", "Builtin precision tests")
void BuiltinPrecision16Storage32BitTests::init(void)
addBuiltinPrecisionTests(m_testCtx, *this, true, true);
} // shaderexecutor
} // vkt