blob: 8e80de699bbdcbc521c1693d80e2b561a6ae20e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Imagination Technologies Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Utilities for images.
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
#include "vkPlatform.hpp"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkRef.hpp"
#include "tcuTexture.hpp"
#include "tcuCompressedTexture.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
namespace vkt
namespace pipeline
class TestTexture;
enum BorderColor
bool isSupportedSamplableFormat (const vk::InstanceInterface& instanceInterface,
vk::VkPhysicalDevice device,
vk::VkFormat format);
bool isLinearFilteringSupported (const vk::InstanceInterface& instanceInterface,
vk::VkPhysicalDevice device,
vk::VkFormat format,
vk::VkImageTiling tiling);
bool isMinMaxFilteringSupported (const vk::InstanceInterface& instanceInterface,
vk::VkPhysicalDevice device,
vk::VkFormat format,
vk::VkImageTiling tiling);
vk::VkBorderColor getFormatBorderColor (BorderColor color, vk::VkFormat format);
rr::GenericVec4 getFormatCustomBorderColor (tcu::Vec4 floatValue, tcu::IVec4 intValue, vk::VkFormat format);
void getLookupScaleBias (vk::VkFormat format,
tcu::Vec4& lookupScale,
tcu::Vec4& lookupBias);
* Gets a tcu::TextureLevel initialized with data from a VK color
* attachment.
* The VkImage must be non-multisampled and able to be used as a source
* operand for transfer operations.
de::MovePtr<tcu::TextureLevel> readColorAttachment (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
vk::VkDevice device,
vk::VkQueue queue,
deUint32 queueFamilyIndex,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
vk::VkFormat format,
const tcu::UVec2& renderSize);
* Gets a tcu::TextureLevel initialized with data from a VK depth
* attachment.
* The VkImage must be non-multisampled and able to be used as a source
* operand for transfer operations.
de::MovePtr<tcu::TextureLevel> readDepthAttachment (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
vk::VkDevice device,
vk::VkQueue queue,
deUint32 queueFamilyIndex,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
vk::VkFormat format,
const tcu::UVec2& renderSize,
* Gets a tcu::TextureLevel initialized with data from a VK stencil
* attachment.
* The VkImage must be non-multisampled and able to be used as a source
* operand for transfer operations.
de::MovePtr<tcu::TextureLevel> readStencilAttachment (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
vk::VkDevice device,
vk::VkQueue queue,
deUint32 queueFamilyIndex,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
vk::VkImage image,
vk::VkFormat format,
const tcu::UVec2& renderSize,
* Uploads data from a test texture to a destination VK image.
* The VkImage must be non-multisampled and able to be used as a
* destination operand for transfer operations.
void uploadTestTexture (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
vk::VkDevice device,
vk::VkQueue queue,
deUint32 queueFamilyIndex,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
const TestTexture& testTexture,
vk::VkImage destImage);
* Uploads data from a test texture to a destination VK image using sparse
* binding.
* The VkImage must be non-multisampled and able to be used as a
* destination operand for transfer operations.
void uploadTestTextureSparse (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkImageCreateInfo& imageCreateInfo,
vk::VkQueue universalQueue,
deUint32 universalQueueFamilyIndex,
vk::VkQueue sparseQueue,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
std::vector<de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> >& allocations,
const TestTexture& srcTexture,
vk::VkImage destImage);
class TestTexture
TestTexture (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int height, int depth);
TestTexture (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width, int height, int depth);
virtual ~TestTexture (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const = 0;
virtual deUint32 getSize (void) const;
virtual int getArraySize (void) const { return 1; }
virtual bool isCompressed (void) const { return !m_compressedLevels.empty(); }
virtual deUint32 getCompressedSize (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) = 0;
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const = 0;
virtual tcu::CompressedTexture& getCompressedLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::CompressedTexture& getCompressedLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual std::vector<vk::VkBufferImageCopy> getBufferCopyRegions (void) const;
virtual void write (deUint8* destPtr) const;
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const = 0;
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const = 0;
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const = 0;
void populateLevels (const std::vector<tcu::PixelBufferAccess>& levels);
void populateCompressedLevels (tcu::CompressedTexFormat format, const std::vector<tcu::PixelBufferAccess>& decompressedLevels);
static void fillWithGradient (const tcu::PixelBufferAccess& levelAccess);
void copyToTexture (TestTexture&) const;
std::vector<tcu::CompressedTexture*> m_compressedLevels;
class TestTexture1D : public TestTexture
tcu::Texture1D m_texture;
TestTexture1D (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width);
TestTexture1D (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width);
virtual ~TestTexture1D (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual const tcu::Texture1D& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::Texture1D& getTexture (void);
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getWidth(), 1, 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTexture1DArray : public TestTexture
tcu::Texture1DArray m_texture;
TestTexture1DArray (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int arraySize);
TestTexture1DArray (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width, int arraySize);
virtual ~TestTexture1DArray (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual const tcu::Texture1DArray& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::Texture1DArray& getTexture (void);
virtual int getArraySize (void) const;
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getWidth(), 1, 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTexture2D : public TestTexture
tcu::Texture2D m_texture;
TestTexture2D (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int height);
TestTexture2D (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int height, int miplevels);
TestTexture2D (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width, int height);
virtual ~TestTexture2D (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual const tcu::Texture2D& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::Texture2D& getTexture (void);
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getWidth(), m_texture.getHeight(), 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTexture2DArray : public TestTexture
tcu::Texture2DArray m_texture;
TestTexture2DArray (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int height, int arraySize);
TestTexture2DArray (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width, int height, int arraySize);
virtual ~TestTexture2DArray (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual const tcu::Texture2DArray& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::Texture2DArray& getTexture (void);
virtual int getArraySize (void) const;
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getWidth(), m_texture.getHeight(), 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTexture3D : public TestTexture
tcu::Texture3D m_texture;
TestTexture3D (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int width, int height, int depth);
TestTexture3D (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int width, int height, int depth);
virtual ~TestTexture3D (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual const tcu::Texture3D& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::Texture3D& getTexture (void);
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getWidth(), m_texture.getHeight(), m_texture.getDepth()); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTextureCube : public TestTexture
tcu::TextureCube m_texture;
TestTextureCube (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int size);
TestTextureCube (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int size);
virtual ~TestTextureCube (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual int getArraySize (void) const;
virtual const tcu::TextureCube& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::TextureCube& getTexture (void);
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getSize(), m_texture.getSize(), 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
class TestTextureCubeArray: public TestTexture
tcu::TextureCubeArray m_texture;
TestTextureCubeArray (const tcu::TextureFormat& format, int size, int arraySize);
TestTextureCubeArray (const tcu::CompressedTexFormat& format, int size, int arraySize);
virtual ~TestTextureCubeArray (void);
virtual int getNumLevels (void) const;
virtual tcu::PixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer);
virtual const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess getLevel (int level, int layer) const;
virtual int getArraySize (void) const;
virtual const tcu::TextureCubeArray& getTexture (void) const;
virtual tcu::TextureCubeArray& getTexture (void);
virtual const tcu::TextureFormat& getTextureFormat (void) const { return m_texture.getFormat(); }
virtual tcu::UVec3 getTextureDimension (void) const { return tcu::UVec3(m_texture.getSize(), m_texture.getSize(), 1); }
virtual de::MovePtr<TestTexture> copy (const tcu::TextureFormat) const;
} // pipeline
} // vkt