blob: 9a1fb1d9fd45c7c531fe590eae4fae25c61cda0c [file] [log] [blame]
[compute shader]
#version 450
layout(std140, push_constant) uniform push_constants {
float in_value;
layout(std140, binding = 0) buffer ssbo {
float out_value;
out_value = sqrt(in_value);
# Allocate an ssbo big enough for a float at binding 0
ssbo 0 4
# Set the push constant as an input value
uniform float 0 <INPUT>
compute 1 1 1
# Probe that we got the expected value
tolerance 0.00006% 0.00006% 0.00006% 0.00006%
probe ssbo float 0 0 ~= <OUTPUT>