blob: c1292851b66adeb7691f653e9c1a3819c2ad0614 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Only have a copy of the action in one toolchain to ensure we don't do build multiple times for no reason.
if (current_toolchain == target_toolchain) {
action("build") {
script = ""
args = [
# This action writes to many files in the build-vulkancts directory. In addition, CMake reads
# from a ton of files everywhere on the system.
# TODO( Fix.
hermetic_deps = false
deps = [
# Use absolute paths to avoid having to track relative paths through CMake.
no_output_dir_leaks = false
depfile = "$root_out_dir/build-vulkancts/vulkan-cts.d"
outputs = [
copy("copy") {
sources = [
outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/exe.unstripped/vulkan-cts" ]
deps = [ ":build" ]
action("strip") {
script = "//prebuilt/third_party/clang/${host_platform}/bin/llvm-objcopy"
args = [
outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/vulkan-cts" ]
sources = [
deps = [ ":build" ]
# output path is built into executable.
no_output_dir_leaks = false
build_id_entry("vulkan_cts_build_id") {
deps = [
debug = "$root_build_dir/exe.unstripped/vulkan-cts"
stripped = "$root_build_dir/vulkan-cts"
build_id_entry("executor_build_id") {
deps = [ ":build" ]
debug = "$root_out_dir/build-vulkancts/executor/executor"
build_id_entry("execserver_build_id") {
deps = [ ":build" ]
debug = "$root_out_dir/build-vulkancts/execserver/execserver"
# Add a label of "vulkan-cts" for each environment given in the list
# of general hardware environments for magma tests. The label ensures
# that the Vulkan CTS will not be run in the general test pipeline;
# the label will be keyed on so that the suite may be run in a special
# builder.
hardware_envs = magma_hardware_envs + [ aemu_env ]
labeled_hardware_envs = []
foreach(env, hardware_envs) {
labeled_env = {
} # Clear from previous iteration.
labeled_env = {
forward_variables_from(env, "*")
if (defined(tags)) {
tags += [ "vulkan-cts" ]
} else {
tags = [ "vulkan-cts" ]
labeled_hardware_envs += [ labeled_env ]
# C++ binaries implicitly use a set of shared libraries like Adding them as deps to the
# resource allows the fuchsia_package to discover and package them. This list is mainly assembled
# from the variant_target template in //build/config/
cpp_binary_deps = [
resource("vulkan-cts-executable") {
deps = [
data_deps = [ "//src/lib/vulkan" ] + cpp_binary_deps
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/vulkan-cts" ]
outputs = [ "test/vulkan-cts" ]
allow_binary_output_dir = true
resource_group("cts-resources") {
files = cts_resources
group("cts-deps") {
deps = [
group("vulkan-cts") {
testonly = true
if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
# This takes a while to build, so only try building it on ARM64, where it's necessary.
deps = [
} else {
deps = [
# To run on device:
# fx test -o
# Command line args are specified in the component manifest.
fuchsia_component("vulkan-cts-component") {
component_name = "vulkan-cts"
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/vulkan-cts.cml"
deps = [ ":cts-deps" ]
# To run on device:
# fx test -o vulkan-cts-zircon
fuchsia_component("vulkan-cts-zircon-component") {
testonly = true
component_name = "vulkan-cts-zircon"
manifest = "meta/vulkan-cts-zircon.cml"
deps = [ ":cts-deps" ]
# To run on device:
# fx test -o vulkan-cts-no-args -- --deqp-log-images=disable --deqp-log-shader-sources=disable --deqp-log-filename=/artifacts/TestResults.qpa --deqp-archive-dir=/pkg/data --deqp-case=dEQP-VK.*
fuchsia_component("vulkan-cts-no-args-component") {
testonly = true
component_name = "vulkan-cts-no-args"
manifest = "meta/vulkan-cts-no-args.cml"
deps = [ ":cts-deps" ]
fuchsia_test_package("vulkan-cts-unified") {
test_components = [ ":vulkan-cts-component" ]
deps = [ ":vulkan-cts-no-args" ]
test_specs = {
environments = labeled_hardware_envs
fuchsia_test_package("vulkan-cts-no-args") {
test_components = [ ":vulkan-cts-no-args-component" ]
test_specs = {
environments = [
forward_variables_from(aemu_env, "*")
# This test should only be run manually (it needs command-line arguments to work), so use a
# tag that's never enabled on infra.
tags = [ "disabled-vulkan-cts" ]
fuchsia_test_package("vulkan-cts-zircon") {
test_components = [ ":vulkan-cts-zircon-component" ]
test_specs = {
environments = labeled_hardware_envs
group("fuchsia") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [