blob: d72b8c29aedf76c5725386f5361e33526bb0d2b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Vulkan Conformance Tests
* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file vktSparseResourcesTestsUtil.hpp
* \brief Sparse Resources Tests Utility Classes
#include "vkDefs.hpp"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkRef.hpp"
#include "vkRefUtil.hpp"
#include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
#include "vkImageUtil.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
namespace vkt
namespace sparse
typedef de::SharedPtr<vk::Unique<vk::VkDeviceMemory> > DeviceMemorySp;
enum ImageType
enum FeatureFlagBits
typedef deUint32 FeatureFlags;
NO_MATCH_FOUND = ~((deUint32)0), //!< no matching index
vk::VkImageType mapImageType (const ImageType imageType);
vk::VkImageViewType mapImageViewType (const ImageType imageType);
std::string getImageTypeName (const ImageType imageType);
std::string getShaderImageType (const tcu::TextureFormat& format,
const ImageType imageType);
std::string getShaderImageDataType (const tcu::TextureFormat& format);
std::string getShaderImageFormatQualifier (const tcu::TextureFormat& format);
std::string getShaderImageCoordinates (const ImageType imageType,
const std::string& x,
const std::string& xy,
const std::string& xyz);
//!< Create instance with specific extensions
vk::Move<vk::VkInstance> createInstanceWithExtensions (const vk::PlatformInterface& vkp,
const deUint32 version,
const std::vector<std::string> enableExtensions);
//!< Size used for addresing image in a compute shader
tcu::UVec3 getShaderGridSize (const ImageType imageType,
const tcu::UVec3& imageSize,
const deUint32 mipLevel = 0);
//!< Size of a single image layer
tcu::UVec3 getLayerSize (const ImageType imageType,
const tcu::UVec3& imageSize);
//!< Number of array layers (for array and cube types)
deUint32 getNumLayers (const ImageType imageType,
const tcu::UVec3& imageSize);
//!< Number of texels in an image
deUint32 getNumPixels (const ImageType imageType,
const tcu::UVec3& imageSize);
//!< Coordinate dimension used for addressing (e.g. 3 (x,y,z) for 2d array)
deUint32 getDimensions (const ImageType imageType);
//!< Coordinate dimension used for addressing a single layer (e.g. 2 (x,y) for 2d array)
deUint32 getLayerDimensions (const ImageType imageType);
//!< Helper function for checking if requested image size does not exceed device limits
bool isImageSizeSupported (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const ImageType imageType,
const tcu::UVec3& imageSize);
vk::VkExtent3D mipLevelExtents (const vk::VkExtent3D& baseExtents,
const deUint32 mipLevel);
tcu::UVec3 mipLevelExtents (const tcu::UVec3& baseExtents,
const deUint32 mipLevel);
deUint32 getImageMaxMipLevels (const vk::VkImageFormatProperties& imageFormatProperties,
const vk::VkExtent3D& extent);
deUint32 getImageMipLevelSizeInBytes (const vk::VkExtent3D& baseExtents,
const deUint32 layersCount,
const tcu::TextureFormat& format,
const deUint32 mipmapLevel,
const deUint32 mipmapMemoryAlignment = 1u);
deUint32 getImageSizeInBytes (const vk::VkExtent3D& baseExtents,
const deUint32 layersCount,
const tcu::TextureFormat& format,
const deUint32 mipmapLevelsCount = 1u,
const deUint32 mipmapMemoryAlignment = 1u);
vk::Move<vk::VkCommandPool> makeCommandPool (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex);
vk::Move<vk::VkPipelineLayout> makePipelineLayout (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout = DE_NULL);
vk::Move<vk::VkPipeline> makeComputePipeline (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout,
const vk::VkShaderModule shaderModule,
const vk::VkSpecializationInfo* specializationInfo = 0);
vk::Move<vk::VkBufferView> makeBufferView (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkBuffer buffer,
const vk::VkFormat format,
const vk::VkDeviceSize offset,
const vk::VkDeviceSize size);
vk::Move<vk::VkImageView> makeImageView (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkImage image,
const vk::VkImageViewType imageViewType,
const vk::VkFormat format,
const vk::VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange);
vk::Move<vk::VkDescriptorSet> makeDescriptorSet (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool,
const vk::VkDescriptorSetLayout setLayout);
vk::Move<vk::VkFramebuffer> makeFramebuffer (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkRenderPass renderPass,
const deUint32 attachmentCount,
const vk::VkImageView* pAttachments,
const deUint32 width,
const deUint32 height,
const deUint32 layers = 1u);
de::MovePtr<vk::Allocation> bindImage (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
const vk::VkImage image,
const vk::MemoryRequirement requirement);
de::MovePtr<vk::Allocation> bindBuffer (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
vk::Allocator& allocator,
const vk::VkBuffer buffer,
const vk::MemoryRequirement requirement);
vk::VkBufferCreateInfo makeBufferCreateInfo (const vk::VkDeviceSize bufferSize,
const vk::VkBufferUsageFlags usage);
vk::VkBufferImageCopy makeBufferImageCopy (const vk::VkExtent3D extent,
const deUint32 layersCount,
const deUint32 mipmapLevel = 0u,
const vk::VkDeviceSize bufferOffset = 0ull);
vk::VkBufferMemoryBarrier makeBufferMemoryBarrier (const vk::VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask,
const vk::VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask,
const vk::VkBuffer buffer,
const vk::VkDeviceSize offset,
const vk::VkDeviceSize bufferSizeBytes);
vk::VkImageMemoryBarrier makeImageMemoryBarrier (const vk::VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask,
const vk::VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask,
const vk::VkImageLayout oldLayout,
const vk::VkImageLayout newLayout,
const vk::VkImage image,
const vk::VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange);
vk::VkImageMemoryBarrier makeImageMemoryBarrier (const vk::VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask,
const vk::VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask,
const vk::VkImageLayout oldLayout,
const vk::VkImageLayout newLayout,
const deUint32 srcQueueFamilyIndex,
const deUint32 destQueueFamilyIndex,
const vk::VkImage image,
const vk::VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange);
vk::VkMemoryBarrier makeMemoryBarrier (const vk::VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask,
const vk::VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask);
vk::VkSparseImageMemoryBind makeSparseImageMemoryBind (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkDeviceSize allocationSize,
const deUint32 memoryType,
const vk::VkImageSubresource& subresource,
const vk::VkOffset3D& offset,
const vk::VkExtent3D& extent);
vk::VkSparseMemoryBind makeSparseMemoryBind (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkDeviceSize allocationSize,
const deUint32 memoryType,
const vk::VkDeviceSize resourceOffset,
const vk::VkSparseMemoryBindFlags flags = 0u);
void beginCommandBuffer (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer);
void endCommandBuffer (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer);
void submitCommands (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkQueue queue,
const vk::VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer,
const deUint32 waitSemaphoreCount = 0,
const vk::VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores = DE_NULL,
const vk::VkPipelineStageFlags* pWaitDstStageMask = DE_NULL,
const deUint32 signalSemaphoreCount = 0,
const vk::VkSemaphore* pSignalSemaphores = DE_NULL);
void submitCommandsAndWait (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk,
const vk::VkDevice device,
const vk::VkQueue queue,
const vk::VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer,
const deUint32 waitSemaphoreCount = 0,
const vk::VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores = DE_NULL,
const vk::VkPipelineStageFlags* pWaitDstStageMask = DE_NULL,
const deUint32 signalSemaphoreCount = 0,
const vk::VkSemaphore* pSignalSemaphores = DE_NULL,
const bool useDeviceGroups = false,
const deUint32 physicalDeviceID = 0);
void requireFeatures (const vk::InstanceInterface& vki,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const FeatureFlags flags);
deUint32 findMatchingMemoryType (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const vk::VkMemoryRequirements& objectMemoryRequirements,
const vk::MemoryRequirement& memoryRequirement);
deUint32 getHeapIndexForMemoryType (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const deUint32 memoryType);
bool checkSparseSupportForImageType (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const ImageType imageType);
bool checkSparseSupportForImageFormat (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const vk::VkImageCreateInfo& imageInfo);
bool checkImageFormatFeatureSupport (const vk::InstanceInterface& instance,
const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const vk::VkFormat format,
const vk::VkFormatFeatureFlags featureFlags);
deUint32 getSparseAspectRequirementsIndex (const std::vector<vk::VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements>& requirements,
const vk::VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags);
inline vk::Move<vk::VkBuffer> makeBuffer (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk, const vk::VkDevice device, const vk::VkBufferCreateInfo& createInfo)
return createBuffer(vk, device, &createInfo);
inline vk::Move<vk::VkImage> makeImage (const vk::DeviceInterface& vk, const vk::VkDevice device, const vk::VkImageCreateInfo& createInfo)
return createImage(vk, device, &createInfo);
template<typename T>
inline de::SharedPtr<vk::Unique<T> > makeVkSharedPtr (vk::Move<T> vkMove)
return de::SharedPtr<vk::Unique<T> >(new vk::Unique<T>(vkMove));
template<typename T>
inline de::SharedPtr<de::UniquePtr<T> > makeDeSharedPtr (de::MovePtr<T> deMove)
return de::SharedPtr<de::UniquePtr<T> >(new de::UniquePtr<T>(deMove));
template<typename T>
inline std::size_t sizeInBytes (const std::vector<T>& vec)
return vec.size() * sizeof(vec[0]);
template<typename T>
inline const T* getDataOrNullptr (const std::vector<T>& vec, const std::size_t index = 0u)
return (index < vec.size() ? &vec[index] : DE_NULL);
} // sparse
} // vkt