blob: 8dffddc094f258319417652f4a62036765987dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
" Tests for searchpos()
func Test_searchpos()
new one
0put ='1a3'
1put ='123xyz'
call cursor(1, 1)
call assert_equal([1, 1, 2], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}xyz', 'pcW'))
call cursor(1, 2)
call assert_equal([2, 1, 1], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}xyz', 'pcW'))
set cpo-=c
call cursor(1, 2)
call assert_equal([1, 2, 2], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}xyz', 'pcW'))
call cursor(1, 3)
call assert_equal([1, 3, 1], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}xyz', 'pcW'))
" Now with \zs, first match is in column 0, "a" is matched.
call cursor(1, 3)
call assert_equal([2, 4, 2], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}\zsxyz', 'pcW'))
" With z flag start at cursor column, don't see the "a".
call cursor(1, 3)
call assert_equal([2, 4, 1], searchpos('\%(\([a-z]\)\|\_.\)\{-}\zsxyz', 'pcWz'))
set cpo+=c
" close the window