blob: 206b65a1f92a3df2e1572b5082aa14f0c0c14fe8 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for reading and writing files with conversion for Win32.
:so mbyte.vim
:" make this a dummy test for non-Win32 systems
:if !has("win32") | e! test.ok | wq! test.out | endif
:" write tests:
:" combine three values for 'encoding' with three values for 'fileencoding'
:" also write files for read tests
:set encoding=utf-8
:.w! ++enc=utf-8 test.out
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
:.w! ++enc=utf-8 Xutf8
:set encoding=cp1251
:.w ++enc=utf-8 >>test.out
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
:.w! ++enc=cp1251 Xcp1251
:set encoding=cp866
:.w ++enc=utf-8 >>test.out
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
:.w! ++enc=cp866 Xcp866
:" read three 'fileencoding's with utf-8 'encoding'
:set encoding=utf-8 fencs=utf-8,cp1251
:e Xutf8
:.w ++enc=utf-8 >>test.out
:e Xcp1251
:.w ++enc=utf-8 >>test.out
:set fencs=utf-8,cp866
:e Xcp866
:.w ++enc=utf-8 >>test.out
:" read three 'fileencoding's with cp1251 'encoding'
:set encoding=utf-8 fencs=utf-8,cp1251
:e Xutf8
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:e Xcp1251
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:set fencs=utf-8,cp866
:e Xcp866
:.w ++enc=cp1251 >>test.out
:" read three 'fileencoding's with cp866 'encoding'
:set encoding=cp866 fencs=utf-8,cp1251
:e Xutf8
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
:e Xcp1251
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
:set fencs=utf-8,cp866
:e Xcp866
:.w ++enc=cp866 >>test.out
1 utf-8 text: Для Vim version 6.2. Последнее изменение: 1970 Jan 01
2 cp1251 text: Äëÿ Vim version 6.2. Ïîñëåäíåå èçìåíåíèå: 1970 Jan 01
3 cp866 text: „«ï Vim version 6.2. ®á«¥¤­¥¥ ¨§¬¥­¥­¨¥: 1970 Jan 01