blob: 4999c28c7c1578148cff7096568ba1c2918ecb67 [file] [log] [blame]
" We don't want the status line to cause problems:
set laststatus=0
let g:totalLines = &lines * 20
let middle = g:totalLines / 2
wincmd n
wincmd o
for i in range(1, g:totalLines)
call setline(i, 'LINE ' . i)
exe string(middle)
normal zt
normal M
aboveleft vert new
for i in range(1, g:totalLines)
call setline(i, 'line ' . i)
exe string(middle)
normal zt
normal M
setl scb
wincmd p
call feedkeys(":setl scb\n\<C-w>\<C-w>", 't')