blob: 9fc6537e085b4fd7e7ba1e7cc0717b5e24991ada [file] [log] [blame]
Some tests for buffer-local autocommands
:so small.vim
:e xx
:if has("vms")
: !del test.out.*
: au BufLeave <buffer> :!write sys$output "buffer-local autommand in %" > test.out
: !rm -f test.out
: au BufLeave <buffer> :!echo buffer-local autommand in %>> test.out
:e somefile " here, autocommand for xx shall write test.out
: " but autocommand shall not apply to buffer named <buffer>
:bwipe xx " here, autocommand shall be auto-deleted
:e xx " nothing shall be written
:e somefile " nothing shall be written
start of test file xx
end of test file xx