blob: 0bbd905c857c6b67337632d1f512ffe933cb5ceb [file] [log] [blame]
" Test the :filter command modifier
func Test_filter()
edit Xdoesnotmatch
edit Xwillmatch
call assert_equal('"Xwillmatch"', substitute(execute('filter willma ls'), '[^"]*\(".*"\)[^"]*', '\1', ''))
bwipe Xdoesnotmatch
bwipe Xwillmatch
call setline(1, ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'foo4', 'foo5'])
call assert_equal("\nfoo2\nfoo4", execute('filter /foo[24]/ 1,$print'))
call assert_equal("\n 2 foo2\n 4 foo4", execute('filter /foo[24]/ 1,$number'))
call assert_equal("\nfoo2$\nfoo4$", execute('filter /foo[24]/ 1,$list'))
call assert_equal("\nfoo1$\nfoo3$\nfoo5$", execute('filter! /foo[24]/ 1,$list'))
command XTryThis echo 'this'
command XTryThat echo 'that'
command XDoThat echo 'that'
let lines = split(execute('filter XTry command'), "\n")
call assert_equal(3, len(lines))
call assert_match("XTryThat", lines[1])
call assert_match("XTryThis", lines[2])
delcommand XTryThis
delcommand XTryThat
delcommand XDoThat
map f1 the first key
map f2 the second key
map f3 not a key
let lines = split(execute('filter the map f'), "\n")
call assert_equal(2, len(lines))
call assert_match("f2", lines[0])
call assert_match("f1", lines[1])
unmap f1
unmap f2
unmap f3
func Test_filter_fails()
call assert_fails('filter', 'E471:')
call assert_fails('filter pat', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter /pat', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter /pat/', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter /pat/ asdf', 'E492:')
call assert_fails('filter!', 'E471:')
call assert_fails('filter! pat', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter! /pat', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter! /pat/', 'E476:')
call assert_fails('filter! /pat/ asdf', 'E492:')