blob: cbe481c594d24f4fa26838d38a2eeaabf59d27c5 [file] [log] [blame]
" Test for reading and writing .viminfo
function Test_read_and_write()
call histdel(':')
let lines = [
\ '# comment line',
\ '*encoding=utf-8',
\ '~MSle0~/asdf',
\ '|copied as-is',
\ '|and one more',
\ ]
call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal('asdf', @/)
wviminfo Xviminfo
let lines = readfile('Xviminfo')
let done = 0
for line in lines
if line[0] == '|' && line !~ '^|[234],'
if done == 0
call assert_equal('|1,4', line)
elseif done == 1
call assert_equal('|copied as-is', line)
elseif done == 2
call assert_equal('|and one more', line)
let done += 1
call assert_equal(3, done)
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_global_vars()
let test_dict = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 0, 'longvarible': 1000}
let g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT = test_dict
" store a really long list, so line wrapping will occur in viminfo file
let test_list = range(1,100)
let g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST = test_list
set viminfo='100,<50,s10,h,!,nviminfo
wv! Xviminfo
rv! Xviminfo
call assert_equal(test_dict, g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT)
call assert_equal(test_list, g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST)
call delete('Xviminfo')
set viminfo-=!
func Test_cmdline_history()
call histdel(':')
call test_settime(11)
call histadd(':', "echo 'one'")
call test_settime(12)
" split into two lines
let long800 = repeat(" 'eight'", 100)
call histadd(':', "echo " . long800)
call test_settime(13)
" split into three lines
let long1400 = repeat(" 'fourteeeeen'", 100)
call histadd(':', "echo " . long1400)
wviminfo Xviminfo
let lines = readfile('Xviminfo')
let done_colon = 0
let done_bar = 0
let lnum = 0
while lnum < len(lines)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
if line[0] == ':'
if done_colon == 0
call assert_equal(":\x161408", line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('<echo ' . long1400, line)
elseif done_colon == 1
call assert_equal(":\x16808", line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal("<echo " . long800, line)
elseif done_colon == 2
call assert_equal(":echo 'one'", line)
let done_colon += 1
elseif line[0:4] == '|2,0,'
if done_bar == 0
call assert_equal("|2,0,13,,>1407", line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('|<"echo ' . long1400[0:484], line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('|<' . long1400[485:974], line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('|<' . long1400[975:] . '"', line)
elseif done_bar == 1
call assert_equal('|2,0,12,,>807', line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('|<"echo ' . long800[0:484], line)
let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1
call assert_equal('|<' . long800[485:] . '"', line)
elseif done_bar == 2
call assert_equal("|2,0,11,,\"echo 'one'\"", line)
let done_bar += 1
call assert_equal(3, done_colon)
call assert_equal(3, done_bar)
call histdel(':')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("echo " . long1400, histget(':', -1))
call assert_equal("echo " . long800, histget(':', -2))
call assert_equal("echo 'one'", histget(':', -3))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_cmdline_history_order()
call histdel(':')
call test_settime(11)
call histadd(':', "echo '11'")
call test_settime(22)
call histadd(':', "echo '22'")
call test_settime(33)
call histadd(':', "echo '33'")
wviminfo Xviminfo
call histdel(':')
" items go in between
call test_settime(15)
call histadd(':', "echo '15'")
call test_settime(27)
call histadd(':', "echo '27'")
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -1))
call assert_equal("echo '27'", histget(':', -2))
call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -3))
call assert_equal("echo '15'", histget(':', -4))
call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -5))
call histdel(':')
" items go before and after
call test_settime(8)
call histadd(':', "echo '8'")
call test_settime(39)
call histadd(':', "echo '39'")
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("echo '39'", histget(':', -1))
call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -2))
call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -3))
call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -4))
call assert_equal("echo '8'", histget(':', -5))
" Check sorting works when writing with merge.
call histdel(':')
call test_settime(8)
call histadd(':', "echo '8'")
call test_settime(15)
call histadd(':', "echo '15'")
call test_settime(27)
call histadd(':', "echo '27'")
call test_settime(39)
call histadd(':', "echo '39'")
wviminfo Xviminfo
call histdel(':')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("echo '39'", histget(':', -1))
call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -2))
call assert_equal("echo '27'", histget(':', -3))
call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -4))
call assert_equal("echo '15'", histget(':', -5))
call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -6))
call assert_equal("echo '8'", histget(':', -7))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_registers()
call test_settime(8)
call setreg('a', "eight", 'c')
call test_settime(20)
call setreg('b', ["twenty", "again"], 'l')
call test_settime(40)
call setreg('c', ["four", "agai"], 'b4')
let l = []
set viminfo='100,<600,s10,h,!,nviminfo
for i in range(500)
call add(l, 'something')
call setreg('d', l, 'l')
wviminfo Xviminfo
call test_settime(10)
call setreg('a', '', 'b10')
call test_settime(15)
call setreg('b', 'drop')
call test_settime(50)
call setreg('c', 'keep', 'l')
call test_settime(30)
call setreg('d', 'drop', 'l')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("", getreg('a'))
call assert_equal("\<C-V>10", getregtype('a'))
call assert_equal("twenty\nagain\n", getreg('b'))
call assert_equal("V", getregtype('b'))
call assert_equal("keep\n", getreg('c'))
call assert_equal("V", getregtype('c'))
call assert_equal(l, getreg('d', 1, 1))
call assert_equal("V", getregtype('d'))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_marks()
sp bufa
let bufa = bufnr('%')
sp bufb
let bufb = bufnr('%')
call test_settime(8)
call setpos("'A", [bufa, 1, 1, 0])
call test_settime(20)
call setpos("'B", [bufb, 9, 1, 0])
call setpos("'C", [bufa, 7, 1, 0])
delmark 0-9
call test_settime(25)
call setpos("'1", [bufb, 12, 1, 0])
call test_settime(35)
call setpos("'0", [bufa, 11, 1, 0])
call test_settime(45)
wviminfo Xviminfo
" Writing viminfo inserts the '0 mark.
call assert_equal([bufb, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'0"))
call assert_equal([bufa, 11, 1, 0], getpos("'1"))
call assert_equal([bufb, 12, 1, 0], getpos("'2"))
call test_settime(4)
call setpos("'A", [bufa, 9, 1, 0])
call test_settime(30)
call setpos("'B", [bufb, 2, 3, 0])
delmark C
delmark 0-9
call test_settime(30)
call setpos("'1", [bufb, 22, 1, 0])
call test_settime(55)
call setpos("'0", [bufa, 21, 1, 0])
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal([bufa, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'A"))
call assert_equal([bufb, 2, 3, 0], getpos("'B"))
call assert_equal([bufa, 7, 1, 0], getpos("'C"))
" numbered marks are merged
call assert_equal([bufa, 21, 1, 0], getpos("'0")) " time 55
call assert_equal([bufb, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'1")) " time 45
call assert_equal([bufa, 11, 1, 0], getpos("'2")) " time 35
call assert_equal([bufb, 22, 1, 0], getpos("'3")) " time 30
call assert_equal([bufb, 12, 1, 0], getpos("'4")) " time 25
call delete('Xviminfo')
exe 'bwipe ' . bufa
exe 'bwipe ' . bufb
func Test_viminfo_jumplist()
split testbuf
call setline(1, ['time 05', 'time 10', 'time 15', 'time 20', 'time 30', 'last pos'])
call cursor(2, 1)
call test_settime(10)
exe "normal /20\r"
call test_settime(20)
exe "normal /30\r"
call test_settime(30)
exe "normal /last pos\r"
wviminfo Xviminfo
call cursor(1, 1)
call test_settime(5)
exe "normal /15\r"
call test_settime(15)
exe "normal /last pos\r"
call test_settime(40)
exe "normal ?30\r"
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal('time 30', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('last pos', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
" duplicate for 'time 30' was removed
call assert_equal('time 20', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 15', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 10', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 05', getline('.'))
call cursor(1, 1)
call test_settime(5)
exe "normal /15\r"
call test_settime(15)
exe "normal /last pos\r"
call test_settime(40)
exe "normal ?30\r"
" Test merge when writing
wviminfo Xviminfo
rviminfo Xviminfo
let last_line = line('.')
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 30', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('last pos', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
" duplicate for 'time 30' was removed
call assert_equal('time 20', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 15', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 10', getline('.'))
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal('time 05', getline('.'))
" Test with jumplist full.
call setline(1, repeat(['match here'], 101))
call cursor(1, 1)
call test_settime(10)
for i in range(100)
exe "normal /here\r"
rviminfo Xviminfo
" must be newest mark that comes from viminfo.
exe "normal \<C-O>"
call assert_equal(last_line, line('.'))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_encoding()
if !has('multi_byte')
set enc=latin1
call histdel(':')
call histadd(':', "echo '\xe9'")
wviminfo Xviminfo
set fencs=utf-8,latin1
set enc=utf-8
sp Xviminfo
call assert_equal('latin1', &fenc)
call histdel(':')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call assert_equal("echo 'é'", histget(':', -1))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_bad_syntax()
let lines = []
call add(lines, '|<') " empty continuation line
call add(lines, '|234234234234234324,nothing')
call add(lines, '|1+"no comma"')
call add(lines, '|1,2,3,4,5,6,7') " too many items
call add(lines, '|1,"string version"')
call add(lines, '|1,>x') " bad continuation line
call add(lines, '|1,"x') " missing quote
call add(lines, '|1,"x\') " trailing backslash
call add(lines, '|1,,,,') "trailing comma
call add(lines, '|1,>234') " trailing continuation line
call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo')
rviminfo Xviminfo
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_file_marks()
silent! bwipe test_viminfo.vim
silent! bwipe Xviminfo
call test_settime(10)
edit ten
call test_settime(25)
edit again
call test_settime(30)
edit thirty
wviminfo Xviminfo
call test_settime(20)
edit twenty
call test_settime(35)
edit again
call test_settime(40)
edit fourty
wviminfo Xviminfo
sp Xviminfo
for name in ['fourty', 'again', 'thirty', 'twenty', 'ten']
call assert_equal(name, substitute(getline('.'), '.*/', '', ''))
call delete('Xviminfo')
func Test_viminfo_file_mark_tabclose()
tabnew Xtestfileintab
call setline(1, ['a','b','c','d','e'])
wviminfo Xviminfo
sp Xviminfo
/^> .*Xtestfileintab
let lnum = line('.')
while 1
if lnum == line('$')
call assert_false(1, 'mark not found in Xtestfileintab')
let lnum += 1
let line = getline(lnum)
if line == ''
call assert_false(1, 'mark not found in Xtestfileintab')
if line =~ "^\t\""
call assert_equal('4', substitute(line, ".*\"\t\\(\\d\\).*", '\1', ''))
call delete('Xviminfo')
silent! bwipe Xtestfileintab