blob: a0cf374495040172c42051724fd7805e9415f047 [file] [log] [blame]
# Aap recipe for French Vim spell files.
# Use a freshly compiled Vim if it exists.
@if os.path.exists('../../../src/vim'):
VIM = ../../../src/vim
:progsearch VIM vim
FILES = fr_FR.aff fr_FR.dic
all: $SPELLDIR/fr.latin1.spl $SPELLDIR/fr.utf-8.spl ../README_fr.txt
# The spell file is iso-8859-15, but Vim normally uses "latin1" for this.
# This is OK for the utf-8 files, but for latin1 we need to avoid the "oe"
# character. When unpacking we create four files:
# fr_FR_latin1.aff modified file
# fr_FR_latin1.dic modified file
# fr_FR_iso15.aff original file (after applying diff)
# fr_FR_iso15.dic original file (after applying diff)
# Just before using the dictionary files, the right ones are copied to
# fr_FR.aff
# fr_FR.dic
$SPELLDIR/fr.latin1.spl : $FILES
:copy {force} fr_FR_latin1.aff fr_FR.aff
:copy {force} fr_FR_latin1.dic fr_FR.dic
:sys env LANG=fr_FR.ISO-8859-15@euro
$VIM -u NONE -e -c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/fr fr_FR" -c q
$SPELLDIR/fr.utf-8.spl : $FILES
:copy {force} fr_FR_iso15.aff fr_FR.aff
:copy {force} fr_FR_iso15.dic fr_FR.dic
:sys env LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8
$VIM -u NONE -e -c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/fr fr_FR" -c q
../README_fr.txt : README_fr_FR.txt
:cat $source >!$target
# Used to fetch the files from Those are old.
# Later versions are elsewhere.
:attr {fetch = $ZIPFILE}
# The files don't depend on the .zip file so that we can delete it.
# Only download the zip file if the targets don't exist.
fr_FR.aff fr_FR.dic: {buildcheck=}
:assertpkg unzip patch
:sys $UNZIP
@if not os.path.exists('fr_FR.orig.aff'):
:copy fr_FR.aff fr_FR.orig.aff
@if not os.path.exists('fr_FR.orig.dic'):
:copy fr_FR.dic fr_FR.orig.dic
@if os.path.exists('fr_FR.diff'):
:sys patch <fr_FR.diff
# Keep the unmodified files (after diff) for ISO-8859-15.
:copy fr_FR.aff fr_FR_iso15.aff
:copy fr_FR.dic fr_FR_iso15.dic
# For the latin1 .dic file change all the "oe" characters to the two
# characters "oe".
:sys $VIM -u NONE -e -c "set enc=latin1"
-c "e fr_FR.dic"
-c "%s/½/oe/g"
-c "w! fr_FR_latin1.dic"
-c q
# For the latin1 .aff file delete all the "oe" and "OE" characters and
# delete the REP lines with those characters.
:sys $VIM -u NONE -e -c "set enc=latin1"
-c "e fr_FR.aff"
-c "%s/½//g"
-c "%s/¼//g"
-c "%g/REP.*oe/d"
-c "w! fr_FR_latin1.aff"
-c q
# Generate diff files, so that others can get the OpenOffice files and apply
# the diffs to get the Vim versions.
# This uses the iso-8859-15 files.
:assertpkg diff
:copy {force} fr_FR_iso15.aff fr_FR.aff
:copy {force} fr_FR_iso15.dic fr_FR.dic
:sys {force} diff -a -C 1 fr_FR.orig.aff fr_FR.aff >fr_FR.diff
:sys {force} diff -a -C 1 fr_FR.orig.dic fr_FR.dic >>fr_FR.diff
# Delete all the unpacked and generated files, including the "orig" files.
:delete {force} fr_FR.aff fr_FR.dic
fr_FR.aff.orig fr_FR.dic.orig
fr_FR.orig.aff fr_FR.orig.dic
fr_FR_latin1.aff fr_FR_latin1.dic
fr_FR_iso15.aff fr_FR_iso15.dic
# Check for updated OpenOffice spell files. When there are changes the
# ".new.aff" and ".new.dic" files are left behind for manual inspection.
:assertpkg unzip diff
:mkdir tmp
:cd tmp
@import stat
:sys $UNZIP ../
:sys {force} diff ../fr_FR.orig.aff fr_FR.aff >d
@if os.stat('d')[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
:copy fr_FR.aff ../
:sys {force} diff ../fr_FR.orig.dic fr_FR.dic >d
@if os.stat('d')[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
:copy fr_FR.dic ../
:cd ..
:delete {r}{f}{q} tmp
# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 :