blob: a0a270149b4f600afecbe46d721d3c285adb6d50 [file] [log] [blame]
" Tests for 'packpath' and :packadd
func SetUp()
let s:topdir = expand('%:h') . '/Xdir'
exe 'set packpath=' . s:topdir
let s:plugdir = s:topdir . '/pack/mine/opt/mytest'
func TearDown()
call delete(s:topdir, 'rf')
func Test_packadd()
call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')
call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/ftdetect', 'p')
set rtp&
let rtp = &rtp
filetype on
exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42')
exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/ftdetect/test.vim'
call setline(1, 'let g:ftdetect_works = 17')
packadd mytest
call assert_equal(42, g:plugin_works)
call assert_equal(17, g:ftdetect_works)
call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
call assert_true(&rtp =~ 'testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)')
" Check exception
call assert_fails("packadd directorynotfound", 'E919:')
call assert_fails("packadd", 'E471:')
func Test_packadd_noload()
call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p')
call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/syntax', 'p')
set rtp&
let rtp = &rtp
exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42')
let g:plugin_works = 0
packadd! mytest
call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
call assert_true(&rtp =~ 'testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)')
call assert_equal(0, g:plugin_works)
" check the path is not added twice
let new_rtp = &rtp
packadd! mytest
call assert_equal(new_rtp, &rtp)
" Check command-line completion for 'packadd'
func Test_packadd_completion()
let optdir1 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt'
let optdir2 = &packpath . '/pack/candidate/opt'
call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginA', 'p')
call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginC', 'p')
call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginB', 'p')
call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginC', 'p')
let li = []
call feedkeys(":packadd \<Tab>')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 2) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 3) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 't')
call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\<Tab>", 4) . "')\<C-B>call add(li, '\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal("packadd pluginA", li[0])
call assert_equal("packadd pluginB", li[1])
call assert_equal("packadd pluginC", li[2])
call assert_equal("packadd ", li[3])