blob: 8a98ce050dab85ece7ca8fd5d8abad360d3ef17a [file] [log] [blame]
# Aap recipe for Yiddish Vim spell files.
# Use a freshly compiled Vim if it exists.
@if os.path.exists('../../../src/vim'):
VIM = ../../../src/vim
:progsearch VIM vim
FILES = yi.dic yi.aff
WORDFILE = wordlist.utf8.txt
FILES_TR = yi_tr.dic yi_tr.aff
WORDFILE_TR = wordlist.txt
all: $SPELLDIR/yi.utf-8.spl $SPELLDIR/yi-tr.utf-8.spl \
$SPELLDIR/yi.latin1.spl ../README_yi.txt
$SPELLDIR/yi.utf-8.spl : $FILES
:sys $VIM -u NONE -e -c "set enc=utf-8"
-c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/yi yi" -c q
$SPELLDIR/yi-tr.utf-8.spl : $FILES_TR
:sys $VIM -u NONE -e -c "set enc=utf-8"
-c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/yi-tr yi_tr" -c q
$SPELLDIR/yi.latin1.spl : $FILES_TR
:sys $VIM -u NONE -e -c "set enc=latin1"
-c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/yi yi_tr" -c q
../README_yi.txt : README.txt
:copy $source $target
# Fetch the word list when needed.
:attr {fetch = $URLDIR/%file%} $WORDFILE $WORDFILE_TR
# We use the word list as a .dic file, so that we can use an affix file to
# define a few extra things.
$FILES: {buildcheck=}
:assertpkg patch
:fetch $WORDFILE
:copy $WORDFILE yi.dic
:touch {force} yi.aff
@if os.path.exists('yi.diff'):
:sys patch < yi.diff
$FILES_TR: {buildcheck=}
:assertpkg patch
:copy $WORDFILE_TR yi_tr.dic
:touch {force} yi_tr.aff
@if os.path.exists('yi_tr.diff'):
:sys patch < yi_tr.diff
diff {virtual}:
:assertpkg diff
# Using a context of two lines to work around a bug in FreeBSD patch.
:sys {force} diff -a -C 2 $WORDFILE yi.dic > yi.diff
:sys {force} diff -a -N -C 1 /dev/null yi.aff >> yi.diff
:sys {force} diff -a -C 2 $WORDFILE_TR yi_tr.dic > yi_tr.diff
:sys {force} diff -a -N -C 1 /dev/null yi_tr.aff >> yi_tr.diff
# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 :