blob: 26e5f1d883f0676d6b10df4a9824d8497f841250 [file] [log] [blame]
/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
* VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
* Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
* Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
* See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
* Python extensions by Paul Moore.
* Changes for Unix by David Leonard.
* This consists of four parts:
* 1. Python interpreter main program
* 2. Python output stream: writes output via [e]msg().
* 3. Implementation of the Vim module for Python
* 4. Utility functions for handling the interface between Vim and Python.
#include "vim.h"
#include <limits.h>
/* Python.h defines _POSIX_THREADS itself (if needed) */
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H)
# undef HAVE_FCNTL_H
#ifdef _DEBUG
# undef _DEBUG
# undef HAVE_STDARG_H /* Python's config.h defines it as well. */
# undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE /* pyconfig.h defines it as well. */
# undef _XOPEN_SOURCE /* pyconfig.h defines it as well. */
#include <Python.h>
#if defined(MACOS) && !defined(MACOS_X_UNIX)
# include "macglue.h"
# include <CodeFragments.h>
#undef main /* Defined in python.h - aargh */
#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H /* Clash with os_win32.h */
static void init_structs(void);
#if !defined(FEAT_PYTHON) && defined(PROTO)
/* Use this to be able to generate prototypes without python being used. */
# define PyObject Py_ssize_t
# define PyThreadState Py_ssize_t
# define PyTypeObject Py_ssize_t
struct PyMethodDef { Py_ssize_t a; };
# define PySequenceMethods Py_ssize_t
#if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02050000
# define PyInt Py_ssize_t
# define PyInquiry lenfunc
# define PyIntArgFunc ssizeargfunc
# define PyIntIntArgFunc ssizessizeargfunc
# define PyIntObjArgProc ssizeobjargproc
# define PyIntIntObjArgProc ssizessizeobjargproc
# define Py_ssize_t_fmt "n"
# define PyInt int
# define PyInquiry inquiry
# define PyIntArgFunc intargfunc
# define PyIntIntArgFunc intintargfunc
# define PyIntObjArgProc intobjargproc
# define PyIntIntObjArgProc intintobjargproc
# define Py_ssize_t_fmt "i"
/* Parser flags */
#define single_input 256
#define file_input 257
#define eval_input 258
#if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x020300F0
/* Python 2.3: can invoke ":python" recursively. */
# if defined(DYNAMIC_PYTHON) || defined(PROTO)
# define HINSTANCE long_u /* for generating prototypes */
# endif
# ifndef WIN3264
# include <dlfcn.h>
# define FARPROC void*
# define HINSTANCE void*
# if defined(PY_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL) && defined(PY3_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL)
# define load_dll(n) dlopen((n), RTLD_LAZY)
# else
# define load_dll(n) dlopen((n), RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL)
# endif
# define close_dll dlclose
# define symbol_from_dll dlsym
# else
# define load_dll vimLoadLib
# define close_dll FreeLibrary
# define symbol_from_dll GetProcAddress
# endif
/* This makes if_python.c compile without warnings against Python 2.5
* on Win32 and Win64. */
# undef PyRun_SimpleString
# undef PyArg_Parse
# undef PyArg_ParseTuple
# undef Py_BuildValue
# undef Py_InitModule4
# undef Py_InitModule4_64
* Wrapper defines
# define PyArg_Parse dll_PyArg_Parse
# define PyArg_ParseTuple dll_PyArg_ParseTuple
# define PyDict_SetItemString dll_PyDict_SetItemString
# define PyErr_BadArgument dll_PyErr_BadArgument
# define PyErr_Clear dll_PyErr_Clear
# define PyErr_NoMemory dll_PyErr_NoMemory
# define PyErr_Occurred dll_PyErr_Occurred
# define PyErr_SetNone dll_PyErr_SetNone
# define PyErr_SetString dll_PyErr_SetString
# define PyEval_InitThreads dll_PyEval_InitThreads
# define PyEval_RestoreThread dll_PyEval_RestoreThread
# define PyEval_SaveThread dll_PyEval_SaveThread
# define PyGILState_Ensure dll_PyGILState_Ensure
# define PyGILState_Release dll_PyGILState_Release
# endif
# define PyInt_AsLong dll_PyInt_AsLong
# define PyInt_FromLong dll_PyInt_FromLong
# define PyInt_Type (*dll_PyInt_Type)
# define PyList_GetItem dll_PyList_GetItem
# define PyList_Append dll_PyList_Append
# define PyList_New dll_PyList_New
# define PyList_SetItem dll_PyList_SetItem
# define PyList_Size dll_PyList_Size
# define PyList_Type (*dll_PyList_Type)
# define PyImport_ImportModule dll_PyImport_ImportModule
# define PyDict_New dll_PyDict_New
# define PyDict_GetItemString dll_PyDict_GetItemString
# define PyModule_GetDict dll_PyModule_GetDict
# define PyRun_SimpleString dll_PyRun_SimpleString
# define PyString_AsString dll_PyString_AsString
# define PyString_FromString dll_PyString_FromString
# define PyString_FromStringAndSize dll_PyString_FromStringAndSize
# define PyString_Size dll_PyString_Size
# define PyString_Type (*dll_PyString_Type)
# define PySys_SetObject dll_PySys_SetObject
# define PySys_SetArgv dll_PySys_SetArgv
# define PyType_Type (*dll_PyType_Type)
# define Py_BuildValue dll_Py_BuildValue
# define Py_FindMethod dll_Py_FindMethod
# define Py_InitModule4 dll_Py_InitModule4
# define Py_SetPythonHome dll_Py_SetPythonHome
# define Py_Initialize dll_Py_Initialize
# define Py_Finalize dll_Py_Finalize
# define Py_IsInitialized dll_Py_IsInitialized
# define _PyObject_New dll__PyObject_New
# define _Py_NoneStruct (*dll__Py_NoneStruct)
# define PyObject_Init dll__PyObject_Init
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
# define PyType_IsSubtype dll_PyType_IsSubtype
# endif
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000
# define PyObject_Malloc dll_PyObject_Malloc
# define PyObject_Free dll_PyObject_Free
# endif
* Pointers for dynamic link
static int(*dll_PyArg_Parse)(PyObject *, char *, ...);
static int(*dll_PyArg_ParseTuple)(PyObject *, char *, ...);
static int(*dll_PyDict_SetItemString)(PyObject *dp, char *key, PyObject *item);
static int(*dll_PyErr_BadArgument)(void);
static void(*dll_PyErr_Clear)(void);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyErr_NoMemory)(void);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyErr_Occurred)(void);
static void(*dll_PyErr_SetNone)(PyObject *);
static void(*dll_PyErr_SetString)(PyObject *, const char *);
static void(*dll_PyEval_InitThreads)(void);
static void(*dll_PyEval_RestoreThread)(PyThreadState *);
static PyThreadState*(*dll_PyEval_SaveThread)(void);
static PyGILState_STATE (*dll_PyGILState_Ensure)(void);
static void (*dll_PyGILState_Release)(PyGILState_STATE);
static long(*dll_PyInt_AsLong)(PyObject *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyInt_FromLong)(long);
static PyTypeObject* dll_PyInt_Type;
static PyObject*(*dll_PyList_GetItem)(PyObject *, PyInt);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyList_Append)(PyObject *, PyObject *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyList_New)(PyInt size);
static int(*dll_PyList_SetItem)(PyObject *, PyInt, PyObject *);
static PyInt(*dll_PyList_Size)(PyObject *);
static PyTypeObject* dll_PyList_Type;
static PyObject*(*dll_PyImport_ImportModule)(const char *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyDict_New)(void);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyDict_GetItemString)(PyObject *, const char *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyModule_GetDict)(PyObject *);
static int(*dll_PyRun_SimpleString)(char *);
static char*(*dll_PyString_AsString)(PyObject *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyString_FromString)(const char *);
static PyObject*(*dll_PyString_FromStringAndSize)(const char *, PyInt);
static PyInt(*dll_PyString_Size)(PyObject *);
static PyTypeObject* dll_PyString_Type;
static int(*dll_PySys_SetObject)(char *, PyObject *);
static int(*dll_PySys_SetArgv)(int, char **);
static PyTypeObject* dll_PyType_Type;
static PyObject*(*dll_Py_BuildValue)(char *, ...);
static PyObject*(*dll_Py_FindMethod)(struct PyMethodDef[], PyObject *, char *);
static PyObject*(*dll_Py_InitModule4)(char *, struct PyMethodDef *, char *, PyObject *, int);
static void(*dll_Py_SetPythonHome)(char *home);
static void(*dll_Py_Initialize)(void);
static void(*dll_Py_Finalize)(void);
static int(*dll_Py_IsInitialized)(void);
static PyObject*(*dll__PyObject_New)(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *);
static PyObject*(*dll__PyObject_Init)(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *);
static PyObject* dll__Py_NoneStruct;
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
static int (*dll_PyType_IsSubtype)(PyTypeObject *, PyTypeObject *);
# endif
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000
static void* (*dll_PyObject_Malloc)(size_t);
static void (*dll_PyObject_Free)(void*);
# endif
static HINSTANCE hinstPython = 0; /* Instance of python.dll */
/* Imported exception objects */
static PyObject *imp_PyExc_AttributeError;
static PyObject *imp_PyExc_IndexError;
static PyObject *imp_PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt;
static PyObject *imp_PyExc_TypeError;
static PyObject *imp_PyExc_ValueError;
# define PyExc_AttributeError imp_PyExc_AttributeError
# define PyExc_IndexError imp_PyExc_IndexError
# define PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt imp_PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt
# define PyExc_TypeError imp_PyExc_TypeError
# define PyExc_ValueError imp_PyExc_ValueError
* Table of name to function pointer of python.
static struct
char *name;
} python_funcname_table[] =
{"PyArg_Parse", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyArg_Parse},
{"PyArg_ParseTuple", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyArg_ParseTuple},
{"PyDict_SetItemString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyDict_SetItemString},
{"PyErr_BadArgument", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_BadArgument},
{"PyErr_Clear", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_Clear},
{"PyErr_NoMemory", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_NoMemory},
{"PyErr_Occurred", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_Occurred},
{"PyErr_SetNone", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_SetNone},
{"PyErr_SetString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyErr_SetString},
{"PyEval_InitThreads", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyEval_InitThreads},
{"PyEval_RestoreThread", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyEval_RestoreThread},
{"PyEval_SaveThread", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyEval_SaveThread},
{"PyGILState_Ensure", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyGILState_Ensure},
{"PyGILState_Release", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyGILState_Release},
# endif
{"PyInt_AsLong", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyInt_AsLong},
{"PyInt_FromLong", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyInt_FromLong},
{"PyInt_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyInt_Type},
{"PyList_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_GetItem},
{"PyList_Append", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Append},
{"PyList_New", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_New},
{"PyList_SetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_SetItem},
{"PyList_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Size},
{"PyList_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Type},
{"PyImport_ImportModule", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyImport_ImportModule},
{"PyDict_GetItemString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyDict_GetItemString},
{"PyDict_New", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyDict_New},
{"PyModule_GetDict", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyModule_GetDict},
{"PyRun_SimpleString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyRun_SimpleString},
{"PyString_AsString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_AsString},
{"PyString_FromString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_FromString},
{"PyString_FromStringAndSize", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_FromStringAndSize},
{"PyString_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_Size},
{"PyString_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_Type},
{"PySys_SetObject", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySys_SetObject},
{"PySys_SetArgv", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySys_SetArgv},
{"PyType_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyType_Type},
{"Py_BuildValue", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_BuildValue},
{"Py_FindMethod", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_FindMethod},
# if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02050000) && SIZEOF_SIZE_T != SIZEOF_INT
{"Py_InitModule4_64", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_InitModule4},
# else
{"Py_InitModule4", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_InitModule4},
# endif
{"Py_SetPythonHome", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_SetPythonHome},
{"Py_Initialize", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_Initialize},
{"Py_Finalize", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_Finalize},
{"Py_IsInitialized", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_IsInitialized},
{"_PyObject_New", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll__PyObject_New},
{"PyObject_Init", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll__PyObject_Init},
{"_Py_NoneStruct", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll__Py_NoneStruct},
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
{"PyType_IsSubtype", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyType_IsSubtype},
# endif
# if defined(PY_VERSION_HEX) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000
{"PyObject_Malloc", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_Malloc},
{"PyObject_Free", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_Free},
# endif
{"", NULL},
* Free python.dll
static void
if (hinstPython)
hinstPython = 0;
* Load library and get all pointers.
* Parameter 'libname' provides name of DLL.
* Return OK or FAIL.
static int
python_runtime_link_init(char *libname, int verbose)
int i;
#if !(defined(PY_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL) && defined(PY3_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL)) && defined(UNIX) && defined(FEAT_PYTHON3)
/* Can't have Python and Python3 loaded at the same time.
* It cause a crash, because RTLD_GLOBAL is needed for
* standard C extension libraries of one or both python versions. */
if (python3_loaded())
EMSG(_("E836: This Vim cannot execute :python after using :py3"));
return FAIL;
if (hinstPython)
return OK;
hinstPython = load_dll(libname);
if (!hinstPython)
if (verbose)
EMSG2(_(e_loadlib), libname);
return FAIL;
for (i = 0; python_funcname_table[i].ptr; ++i)
if ((*python_funcname_table[i].ptr = symbol_from_dll(hinstPython,
python_funcname_table[i].name)) == NULL)
hinstPython = 0;
if (verbose)
EMSG2(_(e_loadfunc), python_funcname_table[i].name);
return FAIL;
return OK;
* If python is enabled (there is installed python on Windows system) return
* TRUE, else FALSE.
python_enabled(int verbose)
return python_runtime_link_init(DYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL, verbose) == OK;
* Load the standard Python exceptions - don't import the symbols from the
* DLL, as this can cause errors (importing data symbols is not reliable).
static void
PyObject *exmod = PyImport_ImportModule("exceptions");
PyObject *exdict = PyModule_GetDict(exmod);
imp_PyExc_AttributeError = PyDict_GetItemString(exdict, "AttributeError");
imp_PyExc_IndexError = PyDict_GetItemString(exdict, "IndexError");
imp_PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt = PyDict_GetItemString(exdict, "KeyboardInterrupt");
imp_PyExc_TypeError = PyDict_GetItemString(exdict, "TypeError");
imp_PyExc_ValueError = PyDict_GetItemString(exdict, "ValueError");
#endif /* DYNAMIC_PYTHON */
static PyObject *BufferNew (buf_T *);
static PyObject *WindowNew(win_T *);
static PyObject *LineToString(const char *);
static PyTypeObject RangeType;
* Include the code shared with if_python3.c
#include "if_py_both.h"
* Internal function prototypes.
static PyInt RangeStart;
static PyInt RangeEnd;
static void PythonIO_Flush(void);
static int PythonIO_Init(void);
static int PythonMod_Init(void);
/* Utility functions for the vim/python interface
* ----------------------------------------------
static int SetBufferLineList(buf_T *, PyInt, PyInt, PyObject *, PyInt *);
* 1. Python interpreter main program.
static int initialised = 0;
#if PYTHON_API_VERSION < 1007 /* Python 1.4 */
typedef PyObject PyThreadState;
static PyGILState_STATE pygilstate = PyGILState_UNLOCKED;
static PyThreadState *saved_python_thread = NULL;
* Suspend a thread of the Python interpreter, other threads are allowed to
* run.
static void
saved_python_thread = PyEval_SaveThread();
* Restore a thread of the Python interpreter, waits for other threads to
* block.
static void
pygilstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
saved_python_thread = NULL;
static int recurse = 0;
/* If a crash occurs while doing this, don't try again. */
if (recurse != 0)
if (hinstPython && Py_IsInitialized())
Python_RestoreThread(); /* enter python */
if (Py_IsInitialized())
Python_RestoreThread(); /* enter python */
#if (defined(DYNAMIC_PYTHON) && defined(FEAT_PYTHON3)) || defined(PROTO)
return (hinstPython != 0);
static int
if (!initialised)
if (!python_enabled(TRUE))
EMSG(_("E263: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Python library could not be loaded."));
goto fail;
#if !defined(MACOS) || defined(MACOS_X_UNIX)
/* initialise threads */
if (PythonIO_Init())
goto fail;
if (PythonMod_Init())
goto fail;
/* Remove the element from sys.path that was added because of our
* argv[0] value in PythonMod_Init(). Previously we used an empty
* string, but dependinding on the OS we then get an empty entry or
* the current directory in sys.path. */
PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path = filter(lambda x: x != '/must>not&exist', sys.path)");
/* the first python thread is vim's, release the lock */
initialised = 1;
return 0;
/* We call PythonIO_Flush() here to print any Python errors.
* This is OK, as it is possible to call this function even
* if PythonIO_Init() has not completed successfully (it will
* not do anything in this case).
return -1;
* External interface
static void
DoPythonCommand(exarg_T *eap, const char *cmd)
static int recursive = 0;
#if defined(MACOS) && !defined(MACOS_X_UNIX)
GrafPtr oldPort;
#if defined(HAVE_LOCALE_H) || defined(X_LOCALE)
char *saved_locale;
if (recursive)
EMSG(_("E659: Cannot invoke Python recursively"));
#if defined(MACOS) && !defined(MACOS_X_UNIX)
/* Check if the Python library is available */
if ((Ptr)PyMac_Initialize == (Ptr)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress)
goto theend;
if (Python_Init())
goto theend;
RangeStart = eap->line1;
RangeEnd = eap->line2;
Python_Release_Vim(); /* leave vim */
#if defined(HAVE_LOCALE_H) || defined(X_LOCALE)
/* Python only works properly when the LC_NUMERIC locale is "C". */
saved_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL);
if (saved_locale == NULL || STRCMP(saved_locale, "C") == 0)
saved_locale = NULL;
/* Need to make a copy, value may change when setting new locale. */
saved_locale = (char *)vim_strsave((char_u *)saved_locale);
(void)setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
Python_RestoreThread(); /* enter python */
PyRun_SimpleString((char *)(cmd));
Python_SaveThread(); /* leave python */
#if defined(HAVE_LOCALE_H) || defined(X_LOCALE)
if (saved_locale != NULL)
(void)setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, saved_locale);
Python_Lock_Vim(); /* enter vim */
#if defined(MACOS) && !defined(MACOS_X_UNIX)
return; /* keeps lint happy */
* ":python"
ex_python(exarg_T *eap)
char_u *script;
script = script_get(eap, eap->arg);
if (!eap->skip)
if (script == NULL)
DoPythonCommand(eap, (char *)eap->arg);
DoPythonCommand(eap, (char *)script);
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
* ":pyfile"
ex_pyfile(exarg_T *eap)
static char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
const char *file = (char *)eap->arg;
char *p;
/* Have to do it like this. PyRun_SimpleFile requires you to pass a
* stdio file pointer, but Vim and the Python DLL are compiled with
* different options under Windows, meaning that stdio pointers aren't
* compatible between the two. Yuk.
* Put the string "execfile('file')" into buffer. But, we need to
* escape any backslashes or single quotes in the file name, so that
* Python won't mangle the file name.
strcpy(buffer, "execfile('");
p = buffer + 10; /* size of "execfile('" */
while (*file && p < buffer + (BUFFER_SIZE - 3))
if (*file == '\\' || *file == '\'')
*p++ = '\\';
*p++ = *file++;
/* If we didn't finish the file name, we hit a buffer overflow */
if (*file != '\0')
/* Put in the terminating "')" and a null */
*p++ = '\'';
*p++ = ')';
*p++ = '\0';
/* Execute the file */
DoPythonCommand(eap, buffer);
* 2. Python output stream: writes output via [e]msg().
/* Implementation functions
static PyObject *
OutputGetattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
if (strcmp(name, "softspace") == 0)
return PyInt_FromLong(((OutputObject *)(self))->softspace);
return Py_FindMethod(OutputMethods, self, name);
static int
OutputSetattr(PyObject *self, char *name, PyObject *val)
if (val == NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, _("can't delete OutputObject attributes"));
return -1;
if (strcmp(name, "softspace") == 0)
if (!PyInt_Check(val)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("softspace must be an integer"));
return -1;
((OutputObject *)(self))->softspace = PyInt_AsLong(val);
return 0;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, _("invalid attribute"));
return -1;
static int
/* Fixups... */
OutputType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
return PythonIO_Init_io();
* 3. Implementation of the Vim module for Python
/* Window type - Implementation functions
* --------------------------------------
#define WindowType_Check(obj) ((obj)->ob_type == &WindowType)
static void WindowDestructor(PyObject *);
static PyObject *WindowGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
/* Buffer type - Implementation functions
* --------------------------------------
#define BufferType_Check(obj) ((obj)->ob_type == &BufferType)
static void BufferDestructor(PyObject *);
static PyObject *BufferGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
static PyObject *BufferRepr(PyObject *);
static PyInt BufferLength(PyObject *);
static PyObject *BufferItem(PyObject *, PyInt);
static PyObject *BufferSlice(PyObject *, PyInt, PyInt);
static PyInt BufferAssItem(PyObject *, PyInt, PyObject *);
static PyInt BufferAssSlice(PyObject *, PyInt, PyInt, PyObject *);
/* Line range type - Implementation functions
* --------------------------------------
#define RangeType_Check(obj) ((obj)->ob_type == &RangeType)
static PyInt RangeAssItem(PyObject *, PyInt, PyObject *);
static PyInt RangeAssSlice(PyObject *, PyInt, PyInt, PyObject *);
/* Current objects type - Implementation functions
* -----------------------------------------------
static PyObject *CurrentGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
static int CurrentSetattr(PyObject *, char *, PyObject *);
/* Common routines for buffers and line ranges
* -------------------------------------------
static PyInt
RBAssSlice(BufferObject *self, PyInt lo, PyInt hi, PyObject *val, PyInt start, PyInt end, PyInt *new_end)
PyInt size;
PyInt len_change;
/* Self must be a valid buffer */
if (CheckBuffer(self))
return -1;
/* Sort out the slice range */
size = end - start + 1;
if (lo < 0)
lo = 0;
else if (lo > size)
lo = size;
if (hi < 0)
hi = 0;
if (hi < lo)
hi = lo;
else if (hi > size)
hi = size;
if (SetBufferLineList(self->buf, lo + start, hi + start,
val, &len_change) == FAIL)
return -1;
if (new_end)
*new_end = end + len_change;
return 0;
static PySequenceMethods BufferAsSeq = {
(PyInquiry) BufferLength, /* sq_length, len(x) */
(binaryfunc) 0, /* BufferConcat, */ /* sq_concat, x+y */
(PyIntArgFunc) 0, /* BufferRepeat, */ /* sq_repeat, x*n */
(PyIntArgFunc) BufferItem, /* sq_item, x[i] */
(PyIntIntArgFunc) BufferSlice, /* sq_slice, x[i:j] */
(PyIntObjArgProc) BufferAssItem, /* sq_ass_item, x[i]=v */
(PyIntIntObjArgProc) BufferAssSlice, /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
static PyTypeObject BufferType = {
(destructor) BufferDestructor, /* tp_dealloc, refcount==0 */
(printfunc) 0, /* tp_print, print x */
(getattrfunc) BufferGetattr, /* tp_getattr, x.attr */
(setattrfunc) 0, /* tp_setattr, x.attr=v */
(cmpfunc) 0, /* tp_compare, x>y */
(reprfunc) BufferRepr, /* tp_repr, `x`, print x */
0, /* as number */
&BufferAsSeq, /* as sequence */
0, /* as mapping */
(hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash, dict(x) */
(ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call, x() */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str, str(x) */
/* Buffer object - Implementation
static PyObject *
BufferNew(buf_T *buf)
/* We need to handle deletion of buffers underneath us.
* If we add a "b_python_ref" field to the buf_T structure,
* then we can get at it in buf_freeall() in vim. We then
* need to create only ONE Python object per buffer - if
* we try to create a second, just INCREF the existing one
* and return it. The (single) Python object referring to
* the buffer is stored in "b_python_ref".
* Question: what to do on a buf_freeall(). We'll probably
* have to either delete the Python object (DECREF it to
* zero - a bad idea, as it leaves dangling refs!) or
* set the buf_T * value to an invalid value (-1?), which
* means we need checks in all access functions... Bah.
BufferObject *self;
if (buf->b_python_ref != NULL)
self = buf->b_python_ref;
self = PyObject_NEW(BufferObject, &BufferType);
if (self == NULL)
return NULL;
self->buf = buf;
buf->b_python_ref = self;
return (PyObject *)(self);
static void
BufferDestructor(PyObject *self)
BufferObject *this = (BufferObject *)(self);
if (this->buf && this->buf != INVALID_BUFFER_VALUE)
this->buf->b_python_ref = NULL;
static PyObject *
BufferGetattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
BufferObject *this = (BufferObject *)(self);
if (CheckBuffer(this))
return NULL;
if (strcmp(name, "name") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("s", this->buf->b_ffname);
else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue(Py_ssize_t_fmt, this->buf->b_fnum);
else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("[ss]", "name", "number");
return Py_FindMethod(BufferMethods, self, name);
static PyObject *
BufferRepr(PyObject *self)
static char repr[100];
BufferObject *this = (BufferObject *)(self);
if (this->buf == INVALID_BUFFER_VALUE)
vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<buffer object (deleted) at %p>"), (self));
return PyString_FromString(repr);
char *name = (char *)this->buf->b_fname;
PyInt len;
if (name == NULL)
name = "";
len = strlen(name);
if (len > 35)
name = name + (35 - len);
vim_snprintf(repr, 100, "<buffer %s%s>", len > 35 ? "..." : "", name);
return PyString_FromString(repr);
static PyInt
BufferLength(PyObject *self)
if (CheckBuffer((BufferObject *)(self)))
return -1; /* ??? */
return (((BufferObject *)(self))->buf->b_ml.ml_line_count);
static PyObject *
BufferItem(PyObject *self, PyInt n)
return RBItem((BufferObject *)(self), n, 1,
(int)((BufferObject *)(self))->buf->b_ml.ml_line_count);
static PyObject *
BufferSlice(PyObject *self, PyInt lo, PyInt hi)
return RBSlice((BufferObject *)(self), lo, hi, 1,
(int)((BufferObject *)(self))->buf->b_ml.ml_line_count);
static PyInt
BufferAssItem(PyObject *self, PyInt n, PyObject *val)
return RBAsItem((BufferObject *)(self), n, val, 1,
(PyInt)((BufferObject *)(self))->buf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
static PyInt
BufferAssSlice(PyObject *self, PyInt lo, PyInt hi, PyObject *val)
return RBAssSlice((BufferObject *)(self), lo, hi, val, 1,
(PyInt)((BufferObject *)(self))->buf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
static PySequenceMethods RangeAsSeq = {
(PyInquiry) RangeLength, /* sq_length, len(x) */
(binaryfunc) 0, /* RangeConcat, */ /* sq_concat, x+y */
(PyIntArgFunc) 0, /* RangeRepeat, */ /* sq_repeat, x*n */
(PyIntArgFunc) RangeItem, /* sq_item, x[i] */
(PyIntIntArgFunc) RangeSlice, /* sq_slice, x[i:j] */
(PyIntObjArgProc) RangeAssItem, /* sq_ass_item, x[i]=v */
(PyIntIntObjArgProc) RangeAssSlice, /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
/* Line range object - Implementation
static void
RangeDestructor(PyObject *self)
Py_DECREF(((RangeObject *)(self))->buf);
static PyObject *
RangeGetattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
if (strcmp(name, "start") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue(Py_ssize_t_fmt, ((RangeObject *)(self))->start - 1);
else if (strcmp(name, "end") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue(Py_ssize_t_fmt, ((RangeObject *)(self))->end - 1);
return Py_FindMethod(RangeMethods, self, name);
static PyInt
RangeAssItem(PyObject *self, PyInt n, PyObject *val)
return RBAsItem(((RangeObject *)(self))->buf, n, val,
((RangeObject *)(self))->start,
((RangeObject *)(self))->end,
&((RangeObject *)(self))->end);
static PyInt
RangeAssSlice(PyObject *self, PyInt lo, PyInt hi, PyObject *val)
return RBAssSlice(((RangeObject *)(self))->buf, lo, hi, val,
((RangeObject *)(self))->start,
((RangeObject *)(self))->end,
&((RangeObject *)(self))->end);
/* Buffer list object - Definitions
typedef struct
} BufListObject;
static PySequenceMethods BufListAsSeq = {
(PyInquiry) BufListLength, /* sq_length, len(x) */
(binaryfunc) 0, /* sq_concat, x+y */
(PyIntArgFunc) 0, /* sq_repeat, x*n */
(PyIntArgFunc) BufListItem, /* sq_item, x[i] */
(PyIntIntArgFunc) 0, /* sq_slice, x[i:j] */
(PyIntObjArgProc) 0, /* sq_ass_item, x[i]=v */
(PyIntIntObjArgProc) 0, /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
static PyTypeObject BufListType = {
"buffer list",
(destructor) 0, /* tp_dealloc, refcount==0 */
(printfunc) 0, /* tp_print, print x */
(getattrfunc) 0, /* tp_getattr, x.attr */
(setattrfunc) 0, /* tp_setattr, x.attr=v */
(cmpfunc) 0, /* tp_compare, x>y */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_repr, `x`, print x */
0, /* as number */
&BufListAsSeq, /* as sequence */
0, /* as mapping */
(hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash, dict(x) */
(ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call, x() */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str, str(x) */
/* Window object - Definitions
static struct PyMethodDef WindowMethods[] = {
/* name, function, calling, documentation */
static PyTypeObject WindowType = {
(destructor) WindowDestructor, /* tp_dealloc, refcount==0 */
(printfunc) 0, /* tp_print, print x */
(getattrfunc) WindowGetattr, /* tp_getattr, x.attr */
(setattrfunc) WindowSetattr, /* tp_setattr, x.attr=v */
(cmpfunc) 0, /* tp_compare, x>y */
(reprfunc) WindowRepr, /* tp_repr, `x`, print x */
0, /* as number */
0, /* as sequence */
0, /* as mapping */
(hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash, dict(x) */
(ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call, x() */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str, str(x) */
/* Window object - Implementation
static PyObject *
WindowNew(win_T *win)
/* We need to handle deletion of windows underneath us.
* If we add a "w_python_ref" field to the win_T structure,
* then we can get at it in win_free() in vim. We then
* need to create only ONE Python object per window - if
* we try to create a second, just INCREF the existing one
* and return it. The (single) Python object referring to
* the window is stored in "w_python_ref".
* On a win_free() we set the Python object's win_T* field
* to an invalid value. We trap all uses of a window
* object, and reject them if the win_T* field is invalid.
WindowObject *self;
if (win->w_python_ref)
self = win->w_python_ref;
self = PyObject_NEW(WindowObject, &WindowType);
if (self == NULL)
return NULL;
self->win = win;
win->w_python_ref = self;
return (PyObject *)(self);
static void
WindowDestructor(PyObject *self)
WindowObject *this = (WindowObject *)(self);
if (this->win && this->win != INVALID_WINDOW_VALUE)
this->win->w_python_ref = NULL;
static PyObject *
WindowGetattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
WindowObject *this = (WindowObject *)(self);
if (CheckWindow(this))
return NULL;
if (strcmp(name, "buffer") == 0)
return (PyObject *)BufferNew(this->win->w_buffer);
else if (strcmp(name, "cursor") == 0)
pos_T *pos = &this->win->w_cursor;
return Py_BuildValue("(ll)", (long)(pos->lnum), (long)(pos->col));
else if (strcmp(name, "height") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("l", (long)(this->win->w_height));
else if (strcmp(name, "width") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("l", (long)(W_WIDTH(this->win)));
else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("[sss]", "buffer", "cursor", "height");
return Py_FindMethod(WindowMethods, self, name);
/* Window list object - Definitions
typedef struct
static PySequenceMethods WinListAsSeq = {
(PyInquiry) WinListLength, /* sq_length, len(x) */
(binaryfunc) 0, /* sq_concat, x+y */
(PyIntArgFunc) 0, /* sq_repeat, x*n */
(PyIntArgFunc) WinListItem, /* sq_item, x[i] */
(PyIntIntArgFunc) 0, /* sq_slice, x[i:j] */
(PyIntObjArgProc) 0, /* sq_ass_item, x[i]=v */
(PyIntIntObjArgProc) 0, /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
static PyTypeObject WinListType = {
"window list",
(destructor) 0, /* tp_dealloc, refcount==0 */
(printfunc) 0, /* tp_print, print x */
(getattrfunc) 0, /* tp_getattr, x.attr */
(setattrfunc) 0, /* tp_setattr, x.attr=v */
(cmpfunc) 0, /* tp_compare, x>y */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_repr, `x`, print x */
0, /* as number */
&WinListAsSeq, /* as sequence */
0, /* as mapping */
(hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash, dict(x) */
(ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call, x() */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str, str(x) */
/* Current items object - Definitions
typedef struct
} CurrentObject;
static PyTypeObject CurrentType = {
"current data",
(destructor) 0, /* tp_dealloc, refcount==0 */
(printfunc) 0, /* tp_print, print x */
(getattrfunc) CurrentGetattr, /* tp_getattr, x.attr */
(setattrfunc) CurrentSetattr, /* tp_setattr, x.attr=v */
(cmpfunc) 0, /* tp_compare, x>y */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_repr, `x`, print x */
0, /* as number */
0, /* as sequence */
0, /* as mapping */
(hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash, dict(x) */
(ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call, x() */
(reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str, str(x) */
/* Current items object - Implementation
static PyObject *
CurrentGetattr(PyObject *self UNUSED, char *name)
if (strcmp(name, "buffer") == 0)
return (PyObject *)BufferNew(curbuf);
else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
return (PyObject *)WindowNew(curwin);
else if (strcmp(name, "line") == 0)
return GetBufferLine(curbuf, (PyInt)curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
else if (strcmp(name, "range") == 0)
return RangeNew(curbuf, RangeStart, RangeEnd);
else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
return Py_BuildValue("[ssss]", "buffer", "window", "line", "range");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name);
return NULL;
static int
CurrentSetattr(PyObject *self UNUSED, char *name, PyObject *value)
if (strcmp(name, "line") == 0)
if (SetBufferLine(curbuf, (PyInt)curwin->w_cursor.lnum, value, NULL) == FAIL)
return -1;
return 0;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name);
return -1;
/* External interface
python_buffer_free(buf_T *buf)
if (buf->b_python_ref != NULL)
BufferObject *bp = buf->b_python_ref;
buf->b_python_ref = NULL;
#if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
python_window_free(win_T *win)
if (win->w_python_ref != NULL)
WindowObject *wp = win->w_python_ref;
win->w_python_ref = NULL;
static BufListObject TheBufferList =
static WinListObject TheWindowList =
static CurrentObject TheCurrent =
static int
PyObject *mod;
PyObject *dict;
/* The special value is removed from sys.path in Python_Init(). */
static char *(argv[2]) = {"/must>not&exist/foo", NULL};
/* Fixups... */
BufferType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
RangeType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
WindowType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
BufListType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
WinListType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
CurrentType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
/* Set sys.argv[] to avoid a crash in warn(). */
PySys_SetArgv(1, argv);
mod = Py_InitModule4("vim", VimMethods, (char *)NULL, (PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
dict = PyModule_GetDict(mod);
VimError = Py_BuildValue("s", "vim.error");
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "error", VimError);
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "buffers", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheBufferList);
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "current", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheCurrent);
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "windows", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheWindowList);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return -1;
return 0;
* 4. Utility functions for handling the interface between Vim and Python.
/* Replace a range of lines in the specified buffer. The line numbers are in
* Vim format (1-based). The range is from lo up to, but not including, hi.
* The replacement lines are given as a Python list of string objects. The
* list is checked for validity and correct format. Errors are returned as a
* value of FAIL. The return value is OK on success.
* If OK is returned and len_change is not NULL, *len_change
* is set to the change in the buffer length.
static int
SetBufferLineList(buf_T *buf, PyInt lo, PyInt hi, PyObject *list, PyInt *len_change)
/* First of all, we check the thpe of the supplied Python object.
* There are three cases:
* 1. NULL, or None - this is a deletion.
* 2. A list - this is a replacement.
* 3. Anything else - this is an error.
if (list == Py_None || list == NULL)
PyInt i;
PyInt n = (int)(hi - lo);
buf_T *savebuf = curbuf;
curbuf = buf;
if (u_savedel((linenr_T)lo, (long)n) == FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot save undo information"));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (ml_delete((linenr_T)lo, FALSE) == FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot delete line"));
if (buf == curwin->w_buffer)
py_fix_cursor((linenr_T)lo, (linenr_T)hi, (linenr_T)-n);
deleted_lines_mark((linenr_T)lo, (long)i);
curbuf = savebuf;
if (PyErr_Occurred() || VimErrorCheck())
return FAIL;
if (len_change)
*len_change = -n;
return OK;
else if (PyList_Check(list))
PyInt i;
PyInt new_len = PyList_Size(list);
PyInt old_len = hi - lo;
PyInt extra = 0; /* lines added to text, can be negative */
char **array;
buf_T *savebuf;
if (new_len == 0) /* avoid allocating zero bytes */
array = NULL;
array = (char **)alloc((unsigned)(new_len * sizeof(char *)));
if (array == NULL)
return FAIL;
for (i = 0; i < new_len; ++i)
PyObject *line = PyList_GetItem(list, i);
array[i] = StringToLine(line);
if (array[i] == NULL)
while (i)
return FAIL;
savebuf = curbuf;
curbuf = buf;
if (u_save((linenr_T)(lo-1), (linenr_T)hi) == FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot save undo information"));
/* If the size of the range is reducing (ie, new_len < old_len) we
* need to delete some old_len. We do this at the start, by
* repeatedly deleting line "lo".
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
for (i = 0; i < old_len - new_len; ++i)
if (ml_delete((linenr_T)lo, FALSE) == FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot delete line"));
extra -= i;
/* For as long as possible, replace the existing old_len with the
* new old_len. This is a more efficient operation, as it requires
* less memory allocation and freeing.
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
for (i = 0; i < old_len && i < new_len; ++i)
if (ml_replace((linenr_T)(lo+i), (char_u *)array[i], FALSE)
== FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot replace line"));
i = 0;
/* Now we may need to insert the remaining new old_len. If we do, we
* must free the strings as we finish with them (we can't pass the
* responsibility to vim in this case).
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
while (i < new_len)
if (ml_append((linenr_T)(lo + i - 1),
(char_u *)array[i], 0, FALSE) == FAIL)
PyErr_SetVim(_("cannot insert line"));
/* Free any left-over old_len, as a result of an error */
while (i < new_len)
/* Free the array of old_len. All of its contents have now
* been dealt with (either freed, or the responsibility passed
* to vim.
/* Adjust marks. Invalidate any which lie in the
* changed range, and move any in the remainder of the buffer.
mark_adjust((linenr_T)lo, (linenr_T)(hi - 1),
(long)MAXLNUM, (long)extra);
changed_lines((linenr_T)lo, 0, (linenr_T)hi, (long)extra);
if (buf == curwin->w_buffer)
py_fix_cursor((linenr_T)lo, (linenr_T)hi, (linenr_T)extra);
curbuf = savebuf;
if (PyErr_Occurred() || VimErrorCheck())
return FAIL;
if (len_change)
*len_change = new_len - old_len;
return OK;
return FAIL;
/* Convert a Vim line into a Python string.
* All internal newlines are replaced by null characters.
* On errors, the Python exception data is set, and NULL is returned.
static PyObject *
LineToString(const char *str)
PyObject *result;
PyInt len = strlen(str);
char *p;
/* Allocate an Python string object, with uninitialised contents. We
* must do it this way, so that we can modify the string in place
* later. See the Python source, Objects/stringobject.c for details.
result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, len);
if (result == NULL)
return NULL;
p = PyString_AsString(result);
while (*str)
if (*str == '\n')
*p = '\0';
*p = *str;
return result;
/* Don't generate a prototype for the next function, it generates an error on
* newer Python versions. */
#if PYTHON_API_VERSION < 1007 /* Python 1.4 */ && !defined(PROTO)
char *
return "vim";
#endif /* Python 1.4 */
static void
vim_memset(&OutputType, 0, sizeof(OutputType));
OutputType.tp_name = "message";
OutputType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(OutputObject);
OutputType.tp_getattr = OutputGetattr;
OutputType.tp_setattr = OutputSetattr;
vim_memset(&RangeType, 0, sizeof(RangeType));
RangeType.tp_name = "range";
RangeType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(RangeObject);
RangeType.tp_dealloc = RangeDestructor;
RangeType.tp_getattr = RangeGetattr;
RangeType.tp_repr = RangeRepr;
RangeType.tp_as_sequence = &RangeAsSeq;