blob: 1ebbe2fa5122378ab2eeb7f5f41906da83c10f26 [file] [log] [blame]
Test for autocommand that redefines the argument list, when doing ":all".
:so small.vim
:au BufReadPost Xxx2 next Xxx2 Xxx1
/^start of
A1:.,/end of/w! Xxx1 " write test file Xxx1
$r2:.,/end of/w! Xxx2 " write test file Xxx2
$r3:.,/end of/w! Xxx3 " write test file Xxx3
:next! Xxx1 Xxx2 Xxx3 " redefine arglist; go to Xxx1
:all " open window for all args
:w! test.out " Write contents of Xxx1
:w >>test.out " Append contents of last window (Xxx1)
:rew " should now be in Xxx2
:w >>test.out " Append contents of Xxx2
start of test file Xxx
this is a test
this is a test
this is a test
this is a test
end of test file Xxx