blob: 063aeb2602ce4c3d66009d82b86cc5240b2b0e0f [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for autocommands:
- FileWritePre writing a compressed file
- FileReadPost reading a compressed file
- BufNewFile reading a file template
- BufReadPre decompressing the file to be read
- FilterReadPre substituting characters in the temp file
- FilterReadPost substituting characters after filtering
- FileReadPre set options for decompression
- FileReadPost decompress the file
Note: This test will fail if "gzip" is not available.
$GZIP is made empty, "-v" would cause trouble.
Use a FileChangedShell autocommand to avoid a prompt for "Xtestfile.gz" being
modified outside of Vim (noticed on Solaris).
:so small.vim
:let $GZIP = ""
:au FileChangedShell * echo "caught FileChangedShell"
:set bin
:au FileWritePre *.gz '[,']!gzip
:au FileWritePost *.gz undo
:/^start of testfile/,/^end of testfile/w! Xtestfile.gz
:au FileReadPost *.gz '[,']!gzip -d
:$r Xtestfile.gz " Read and decompress the testfile
:?startstart?,$w! test.out " Write contents of this file
:au BufNewFile *.c read Xtest.c
:/^start of test.c/+1,/^end of test.c/-1w! Xtest.c
:e! foo.c " Will load Xtest.c
:au FileAppendPre *.out '[,']s/new/NEW/
:au FileAppendPost *.out !cat Xtest.c >>test.out
:w>>test.out " Append it to the output file
:au! FileAppendPre
:" setup autocommands to decompress before reading and re-compress afterwards
:au BufReadPre *.gz !gzip -d <afile>
:au BufReadPre *.gz call rename(expand("<afile>:r"), expand("<afile>"))
:au BufReadPost *.gz call rename(expand("<afile>"), expand("<afile>:r"))
:au BufReadPost *.gz !gzip <afile>:r
:e! Xtestfile.gz " Edit compressed file
:w>>test.out " Append it to the output file
:set shelltemp " need temp files here
:au FilterReadPre *.out call rename(expand("<afile>"), expand("<afile>").".t")
:au FilterReadPre *.out !sed s/e/E/ <afile>.t ><afile>
:au FilterReadPre *.out !rm <afile>.t
:au FilterReadPost *.out '[,']s/x/X/g
:e! test.out " Edit the output file
:23,$s/\r$// " remove CR for when sed adds them
:au! FileReadPre *.gz !gzip -d <afile>
:au FileReadPre *.gz call rename(expand("<afile>:r"), expand("<afile>"))
:au! FileReadPost *.gz '[,']s/l/L/
:$r Xtestfile.gz " Read compressed file
:w " write it, after filtering
:au! " remove all autocommands
:e " Edit test.out again
:set nobin ff& " use the default fileformat for writing
start of testfile
line 2 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 4 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
line 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 6 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
line 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 8 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
line 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
end of testfile
start of test.c
* Here is a new .c file
end of test.c