blob: 11ec144f63a9181f7f6ad4c7dfed94b358cbc49b [file] [log] [blame]
" Tests for tagjump (tags and special searches)
" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.1748 or older)
func Test_ptag_with_notagstack()
set notagstack
call assert_fails('ptag does_not_exist_tag_name', 'E426')
set tagstack&vim
func Test_cancel_ptjump()
set tags=Xtags
call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
\ "word\tfile1\tcmd1",
\ "word\tfile2\tcmd2"],
\ 'Xtags')
call feedkeys(":ptjump word\<CR>\<CR>", "xt")
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call delete('Xtags')
" Tests for [ CTRL-I and CTRL-W CTRL-I commands
function Test_keyword_jump()
call writefile(["#include Xinclude", "",
\ "",
\ "/* test text test tex start here",
\ " some text",
\ " test text",
\ " start OK if found this line",
\ " start found wrong line",
\ "test text"], 'Xtestfile')
call writefile(["/* test text test tex start here",
\ " some text",
\ " test text",
\ " start OK if found this line",
\ " start found wrong line",
\ "test text"], 'Xinclude')
new Xtestfile
call cursor(1,1)
call search("start")
exe "normal! 5[\<C-I>"
call assert_equal(" start OK if found this line", getline('.'))
call cursor(1,1)
call search("start")
exe "normal! 5\<C-W>\<C-I>"
call assert_equal(" start OK if found this line", getline('.'))
enew! | only
call delete('Xtestfile')
call delete('Xinclude')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab