blob: a9791451f0d29adc5b10192d727e7f4753a5a7c8 [file] [log] [blame]
" Vim completion script
" Language: XHTML 1.0 Strict
" Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl )
" Last Change: 2005 Sep 15
function! htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
" locate the start of the word
let line = getline('.')
let start = col('.') - 1
while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] !~ '<'
let start -= 1
return start
" Set attribute groups
let g:coreattrs = ["id", "class", "style", "title"]
let g:i18n = ["lang", "xml:lang", "dir"]
let g:events = ["onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmousemove",
\ "onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup"]
let g:focus = ["accesskey", "tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur"]
let g:coregroup = g:coreattrs
let g:coregroup = extend(g:coregroup, g:i18n)
let g:coregroup = extend(g:coregroup, g:events)
" find tags matching with "a:base"
let res = []
" If a:base contains > it means we are already outside of tag and we
" should abandon action
if a:base =~ '>'
return []
" If a:base contains white space it is attribute.
" It could be also value of attribute...
" Possible situations where any prediction would be difficult:
" 1. Events attributes
if a:base =~ '\s'
" Sort out style, class, and on* cases
" Perfect solution for style would be switching for CSS completion. Is
" it possible?
" Also retrieving class names from current file and linked
" stylesheets.
if a:base =~ "\\(on[a-z]*\\|style\\|class\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']"
let stripbase = matchstr(a:base, ".*\\(on[a-z]*\\|style\\|class\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']\\zs.*")
" Now we have a:base stripped from all chars up to style/class.
" It may fail with some strange style value combinations.
if stripbase !~ "[\"']"
return []
" We have to get first word to offer
" proper attributes.
let tag = split(a:base)[0]
" Get last word, it should be attr name
let attr = matchstr(a:base, '.*\s\zs.*')
" If attr contains =\s*[\"'] we catched value of attribute
if attr =~ "=\s*[\"']"
" Let do attribute specific completion
let attrname = matchstr(attr, '.*\ze\s*=')
let entered_value = matchstr(attr, ".*=\\s*[\"']\\zs.*")
let values = []
if attrname == 'media'
let values = ["screen", "tty", "tv", "projection", "handheld", "print", "braille", "aural", "all"]
elseif attrname == 'xml:space'
let values = ["preserve"]
elseif attrname == 'shape'
if a:base =~ '^a\>'
let values = ["rect"]
let values = ["rect", "circle", "poly", "default"]
elseif attrname == 'valuetype'
let values = ["data", "ref", "object"]
elseif attrname == 'method'
let values = ["get", "post"]
elseif attrname == 'dir'
let values = ["ltr", "rtl"]
elseif attrname == 'frame'
let values = ["void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box", "border"]
elseif attrname == 'rules'
let values = ["none", "groups", "rows", "all"]
elseif attrname == 'align'
let values = ["left", "center", "right", "justify", "char"]
elseif attrname == 'valign'
let values = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline"]
elseif attrname == 'scope'
let values = ["row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup"]
elseif attrname == 'href'
" Now we are looking for local anchors defined by name or id
if entered_value =~ '^#'
let file = join(getline(1, line('$')), ' ')
" Split it be sure there will be one id/name element in
" item, it will be also first word [a-zA-Z0-9_-] in element
let oneelement = split(file, "\\(meta \\)\\@<!\\(name\\|id\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']")
for i in oneelement
let values += ['#'.matchstr(i, "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%_-]*")]
elseif attrname == 'type'
if a:base =~ '^input'
let values = ["input-text", "password", "checkbox", "radio", "submit", "reset", "input-file", "hidden", "input-image", "input-button"]
elseif a:base =~ '^button'
let values = ["button", "submit", "reset"]
return []
if len(values) == 0
return []
" We need special version of sbase
let attrbase = matchstr(a:base, ".*[\"']")
for m in values
if m =~ entered_value
call add(res, attrbase . m . '" ')
" Shorten a:base to not include last word
let sbase = matchstr(a:base, '.*\ze\s.*')
if tag =~ '^\(abbr\|acronym\|b\|bdo\|big\|caption\|cite\|code\|dd\|dfn\|div\|dl\|dt\|em\|fieldset\|h\d\|kbd\|li\|noscript\|ol\|p\|samp\|small\|span\|strong\|sub\|sup\|tt\|ul\|var\)$'
let attrs = g:coregroup
elseif tag == 'a'
let tagspec = ["charset", "type", "name", "href", "hreflang", "rel", "rev", "shape", "coords"]
let attrs = extend(tagspec, g:coregroup)
let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus)
elseif tag == 'area'
let attrs = g:coregroup
elseif tag == 'base'
let attrs = ["href", "id"]
elseif tag == 'blockquote'
let attrs = g:coregroup
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite"])
elseif tag == 'body'
let attrs = g:coregroup
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["onload", "onunload"])
elseif tag == 'br'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
elseif tag == 'button'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus)
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "value", "type"])
elseif tag == '^\(col\|colgroup\)$'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["span", "width", "align", "char", "charoff", "valign"])
elseif tag =~ '^\(del\|ins\)$'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite", "datetime"])
elseif tag == 'form'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["action", "method", "enctype", "onsubmit", "onreset", "accept", "accept-charset"])
elseif tag == 'head'
let attrs = g:i18n
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "profile"])
elseif tag == 'html'
let attrs = g:i18n
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "xmlns"])
elseif tag == 'img'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["src", "alt", "longdesc", "height", "width", "usemap", "ismap"])
elseif tag == 'input'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus)
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["type", "name", "value", "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "size", "maxlength", "src", "alt", "usemap", "onselect", "onchange", "accept"])
elseif tag == 'label'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["for", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur"])
elseif tag == 'legend'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["accesskey"])
elseif tag == 'link'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["charset", "href", "hreflang", "type", "rel", "rev", "media"])
elseif tag == 'map'
let attrs = g:i18n
let attrs = extend(attrs, g:events)
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "class", "style", "title", "name"])
elseif tag == 'meta'
let attrs = g:i18n
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "http-equiv", "content", "scheme", "name"])
elseif tag == 'title'
let attrs = g:i18n
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id"])
elseif tag == 'object'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["declare", "classid", "codebase", "data", "type", "codetype", "archive", "standby", "height", "width", "usemap", "name", "tabindex"])
elseif tag == 'optgroup'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["disbled", "label"])
elseif tag == 'option'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["disbled", "selected", "value", "label"])
elseif tag == 'param'
let attrs = ["id", "name", "value", "valuetype", "type"]
elseif tag == 'pre'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["xml:space"])
elseif tag == 'q'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite"])
elseif tag == 'script'
let attrs = ["id", "charset", "type", "src", "defer", "xml:space"]
elseif tag == 'select'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "size", "multiple", "disabled", "tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange"])
elseif tag == 'style'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "type", "media", "title", "xml:space"])
elseif tag == 'table'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["summary", "width", "border", "frame", "rules" "cellspacing", "cellpadding"])
elseif tag =~ '^\(thead\|tfoot\|tbody\|tr\)$'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["align", "char", "charoff", "valign"])
elseif tag == 'textarea'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus)
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "rows", "cols", "disabled", "readonly", "onselect", "onchange"])
elseif tag =~ '^\(th\|td\)$'
let attrs = g:coreattrs
let attrs = extend(attrs, ["abbr", "headers", "scope", "rowspan", "colspan", "align", "char", "charoff", "valign"])
for m in sort(attrs)
if m =~ attr
if m =~ '^\(ismap\|defer\|declare\|nohref\|checked\|disabled\|selected\|readonly\)$'
call add(res, sbase.' '.m)
call add(res, sbase.' '.m.'="')
return res
" Close tag
let b:unaryTagsStack = "base meta link hr br param img area input col"
if a:base =~ '^\/'
let opentag = htmlcomplete#GetLastOpenTag("b:unaryTagsStack")
return ["/".opentag.">"]
" Deal with tag completion.
let opentag = htmlcomplete#GetLastOpenTag("b:unaryTagsStack")
" Clusters
let special = "br span bdo map object img"
let phrase = "em strong dfn code q samp kbd var cite abbr acronym sub sup"
let inlineforms = "input select textarea label button"
let miscinline = "ins del script"
let inline = "a ".special." ".phrase." ".inlineforms." tt i b big small"
let misc = "noscript ".miscinline
let block = "p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div ul ol dl pre hr blockquote address fieldset table"
if opentag == 'a'
let tags = split("tt i b big small ".special." ".phrase." ".inlineforms." ".miscinline)
elseif opentag =~ '^\(abbr\|acronym\|address\|b\|p\|h\d\|dt\|span\|bdo\|em\|strong\|dfn\|code\|samp\|kbd\|var\|cite\|q\|sub\|sup\|tt\|i\|big\|small\|label\|caption\)$'
let tags = split(inline." ".miscinline)
elseif opentag == 'pre'
let tags = split("a tt i b big small br span bdo map ".phrase." ".miscinline." ".inlineforms)
elseif opentag == 'html'
let tags = split("head body")
elseif opentag == 'legend'
let tags = split(inline." ".miscinline)
elseif opentag == 'head'
let tags = split("title base scipt style meta link object")
elseif opentag =~ '^\(noscript\|body\|blockquote\)$'
let tags = split("form ".block." ".misc)
elseif opentag =~ '^\(ul\|ol\)$'
let tags = ["li"]
elseif opentag == 'dl'
let tags = split("dt dd")
elseif opentag =~ '^\(ins\|del\|th\|td\|dd\|div\|li\)$'
let tags = split("form ".block." ".inline." ".misc)
elseif opentag == 'object'
let tags = split("param form ".block." ".inline." ".misc)
elseif opentag == 'fieldset'
let tags = split("legend form ".block." ".inline." ".misc)
elseif opentag == 'map'
let tags = split("area form ".block." ".misc)
elseif opentag == 'form'
let tags = split(block." ".misc)
elseif opentag == 'select'
let tags = split("optgroup option")
elseif opentag == 'optgroup'
let tags = ["option"]
elseif opentag == 'colgroup'
let tags = ["col"]
elseif opentag == '^\(textarea\|option\|script\|style\|title\)$'
let tags = []
elseif opentag == 'button'
let tags = split("p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div ul ol dl table")
elseif opentag =~ '^\(thead\|tfoot\|tbody)$'
let tags = ["tr"]
elseif opentag == 'tr'
let tags = split("th td")
elseif opentag == 'table'
let tags = split("caption col colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr")
for m in tags
if m =~ a:base
call add(res, m)
return res
" MM: This is greatly reduced closetag.vim used with kind permission of Steven
" Mueller
" Changes: strip all comments; delete error messages
" Author: Steven Mueller <>
" Last Modified: Tue May 24 13:29:48 PDT 2005
" Version: 0.9.1
function! htmlcomplete#GetLastOpenTag(unaryTagsStack)
let linenum=line(".")
let lineend=col(".") - 1 " start: cursor position
let first=1 " flag for first line searched
let b:TagStack="" " main stack of tags
let startInComment=s:InComment()
let tagpat='</\=\(\k\|[-:]\)\+\|/>'
while (linenum>0)
let line=getline(linenum)
if first
let line=strpart(line,0,lineend)
let lineend=strlen(line)
let b:lineTagStack=""
let mpos=0
let b:TagCol=0
while (mpos > -1)
let mpos=matchend(line,tagpat)
if mpos > -1
let b:TagCol=b:TagCol+mpos
let tag=matchstr(line,tagpat)
if exists("b:closetag_disable_synID") || startInComment==s:InCommentAt(linenum, b:TagCol)
let b:TagLine=linenum
call s:Push(matchstr(tag,'[^<>]\+'),"b:lineTagStack")
let lineend=lineend-mpos
let line=strpart(line,mpos,lineend)
while (!s:EmptystackP("b:lineTagStack"))
let tag=s:Pop("b:lineTagStack")
if match(tag, "^/") == 0 "found end tag
call s:Push(tag,"b:TagStack")
elseif s:EmptystackP("b:TagStack") && !s:Instack(tag, a:unaryTagsStack) "found unclosed tag
return tag
let endtag=s:Peekstack("b:TagStack")
if endtag == "/".tag || endtag == "/"
call s:Pop("b:TagStack") "found a open/close tag pair
elseif !s:Instack(tag, a:unaryTagsStack) "we have a mismatch error
return ""
let linenum=linenum-1 | let first=0
return ""
function! s:InComment()
return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ 'Comment'
function! s:InCommentAt(line, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 0), "name") =~ 'Comment'
function! s:SetKeywords()
let g:IsKeywordBak=&iskeyword
let &iskeyword="33-255"
function! s:RestoreKeywords()
let &iskeyword=g:IsKeywordBak
function! s:Push(el, sname)
if !s:EmptystackP(a:sname)
exe "let ".a:sname."=a:el.' '.".a:sname
exe "let ".a:sname."=a:el"
function! s:EmptystackP(sname)
exe "let stack=".a:sname
if match(stack,"^ *$") == 0
return 1
return 0
function! s:Instack(el, sname)
exe "let stack=".a:sname
call s:SetKeywords()
let m=match(stack, "\\<".a:el."\\>")
call s:RestoreKeywords()
if m < 0
return 0
return 1
function! s:Peekstack(sname)
call s:SetKeywords()
exe "let stack=".a:sname
let top=matchstr(stack, "\\<.\\{-1,}\\>")
call s:RestoreKeywords()
return top
function! s:Pop(sname)
if s:EmptystackP(a:sname)
return ""
exe "let stack=".a:sname
call s:SetKeywords()
let loc=matchend(stack,"\\<.\\{-1,}\\>")
exe "let ".a:sname."=strpart(stack, loc+1, strlen(stack))"
let top=strpart(stack, match(stack, "\\<"), loc)
call s:RestoreKeywords()
return top
function! s:Clearstack(sname)
exe "let ".a:sname."=''"