blob: 235e1477a1ffd8a616de957177dd4387e9d45052 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile to run al tests for Vim, on OS/2
# Requires a set of Unix tools: echo, diff, etc.
VIMPROG = ../vim.exe
# Omitted:
# test2 "\\tmp" doesn't work.
# test10 'errorformat' is different
# test11 requires sed
# test12 can't unlink a swap file
# test25 uses symbolic link
# test27 can't edit file with "*" in file name
# test52 only for Win32
SCRIPTS = test1.out test3.out test4.out test5.out test6.out \
test7.out test8.out test9.out \
test13.out test14.out test15.out test17.out \
test18.out test19.out test20.out test21.out test22.out \
test23.out test24.out test26.out \
test28.out test29.out test30.out test31.out test32.out \
test33.out test34.out test35.out test36.out test37.out \
test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out test42.out \
test43.out test44.out test45.out test46.out test47.out \
test48.out test51.out test53.out test54.out test55.out
.SUFFIXES: .in .out
all: /tmp $(SCRIPTS)
@echo ALL DONE
-rm -rf *.out Xdotest test.ok tiny.vim small.vim mbyte.vim viminfo
# Make sure all .in and .out files are in DOS fileformat.
$(VIMPROG) -u NONE -s todos.vim $*.in
$(VIMPROG) -u NONE -s todos.vim $*.ok
copy $*.ok test.ok
$(VIMPROG) -u os2.vim --noplugin -s $*.in
$(VIMPROG) -u NONE -s todos.vim test.out
diff test.out $*.ok
rename test.out $*.out
-rm -rf X* viminfo
-del test.ok
# Create a directory for temp files
-mkdir /tmp