| " Vim syntax file |
| " Language: lite |
| " Maintainer: Lutz Eymers <ixtab@polzin.com> |
| " URL: http://www.isp.de/data/lite.vim |
| " Email: Subject: send syntax_vim.tgz |
| " Last Change: 2001 Mai 01 |
| " |
| " Options lite_sql_query = 1 for SQL syntax highligthing inside strings |
| " lite_minlines = x to sync at least x lines backwards |
| |
| " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items |
| " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded |
| if version < 600 |
| syntax clear |
| elseif exists("b:current_syntax") |
| finish |
| endif |
| |
| if !exists("main_syntax") |
| let main_syntax = 'lite' |
| endif |
| |
| if main_syntax == 'lite' |
| if exists("lite_sql_query") |
| if lite_sql_query == 1 |
| syn include @liteSql <sfile>:p:h/sql.vim |
| unlet b:current_syntax |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| if main_syntax == 'msql' |
| if exists("msql_sql_query") |
| if msql_sql_query == 1 |
| syn include @liteSql <sfile>:p:h/sql.vim |
| unlet b:current_syntax |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| syn cluster liteSql remove=sqlString,sqlComment |
| |
| syn case match |
| |
| " Internal Variables |
| syn keyword liteIntVar ERRMSG contained |
| |
| " Comment |
| syn region liteComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=liteTodo |
| |
| " Function names |
| syn keyword liteFunctions echo printf fprintf open close read |
| syn keyword liteFunctions readln readtok |
| syn keyword liteFunctions split strseg chop tr sub substr |
| syn keyword liteFunctions test unlink umask chmod mkdir chdir rmdir |
| syn keyword liteFunctions rename truncate link symlink stat |
| syn keyword liteFunctions sleep system getpid getppid kill |
| syn keyword liteFunctions time ctime time2unixtime unixtime2year |
| syn keyword liteFunctions unixtime2year unixtime2month unixtime2day |
| syn keyword liteFunctions unixtime2hour unixtime2min unixtime2sec |
| syn keyword liteFunctions strftime |
| syn keyword liteFunctions getpwnam getpwuid |
| syn keyword liteFunctions gethostbyname gethostbyaddress |
| syn keyword liteFunctions urlEncode setContentType includeFile |
| syn keyword liteFunctions msqlConnect msqlClose msqlSelectDB |
| syn keyword liteFunctions msqlQuery msqlStoreResult msqlFreeResult |
| syn keyword liteFunctions msqlFetchRow msqlDataSeek msqlListDBs |
| syn keyword liteFunctions msqlListTables msqlInitFieldList msqlListField |
| syn keyword liteFunctions msqlFieldSeek msqlNumRows msqlEncode |
| syn keyword liteFunctions exit fatal typeof |
| syn keyword liteFunctions crypt addHttpHeader |
| |
| " Conditional |
| syn keyword liteConditional if else |
| |
| " Repeat |
| syn keyword liteRepeat while |
| |
| " Operator |
| syn keyword liteStatement break return continue |
| |
| " Operator |
| syn match liteOperator "[-+=#*]" |
| syn match liteOperator "/[^*]"me=e-1 |
| syn match liteOperator "\$" |
| syn match liteRelation "&&" |
| syn match liteRelation "||" |
| syn match liteRelation "[!=<>]=" |
| syn match liteRelation "[<>]" |
| |
| " Identifier |
| syn match liteIdentifier "$\h\w*" contains=liteIntVar,liteOperator |
| syn match liteGlobalIdentifier "@\h\w*" contains=liteIntVar |
| |
| " Include |
| syn keyword liteInclude load |
| |
| " Define |
| syn keyword liteDefine funct |
| |
| " Type |
| syn keyword liteType int uint char real |
| |
| " String |
| syn region liteString keepend matchgroup=None start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=liteIdentifier,liteSpecialChar,@liteSql |
| |
| " Number |
| syn match liteNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>" |
| |
| " Float |
| syn match liteFloat "\(-\=\<\d+\|-\=\)\.\d\+\>" |
| |
| " SpecialChar |
| syn match liteSpecialChar "\\[abcfnrtv\\]" contained |
| |
| syn match liteParentError "[)}\]]" |
| |
| " Todo |
| syn keyword liteTodo TODO Todo todo contained |
| |
| " dont syn #!... |
| syn match liteExec "^#!.*$" |
| |
| " Parents |
| syn cluster liteInside contains=liteComment,liteFunctions,liteIdentifier,liteGlobalIdentifier,liteConditional,liteRepeat,liteStatement,liteOperator,liteRelation,liteType,liteString,liteNumber,liteFloat,liteParent |
| |
| syn region liteParent matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" end=")" contains=@liteInside |
| syn region liteParent matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}" contains=@liteInside |
| syn region liteParent matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" end="\]" contains=@liteInside |
| |
| " sync |
| if main_syntax == 'lite' |
| if exists("lite_minlines") |
| exec "syn sync minlines=" . lite_minlines |
| else |
| syn sync minlines=100 |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| " Define the default highlighting. |
| " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already |
| " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet |
| if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lite_syn_inits") |
| if version < 508 |
| let did_lite_syn_inits = 1 |
| command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> |
| else |
| command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> |
| endif |
| |
| HiLink liteComment Comment |
| HiLink liteString String |
| HiLink liteNumber Number |
| HiLink liteFloat Float |
| HiLink liteIdentifier Identifier |
| HiLink liteGlobalIdentifier Identifier |
| HiLink liteIntVar Identifier |
| HiLink liteFunctions Function |
| HiLink liteRepeat Repeat |
| HiLink liteConditional Conditional |
| HiLink liteStatement Statement |
| HiLink liteType Type |
| HiLink liteInclude Include |
| HiLink liteDefine Define |
| HiLink liteSpecialChar SpecialChar |
| HiLink liteParentError liteError |
| HiLink liteError Error |
| HiLink liteTodo Todo |
| HiLink liteOperator Operator |
| HiLink liteRelation Operator |
| |
| delcommand HiLink |
| endif |
| |
| let b:current_syntax = "lite" |
| |
| if main_syntax == 'lite' |
| unlet main_syntax |
| endif |
| |
| " vim: ts=8 |