blob: d2498adc23d05d55a00c3ca88bf1ba68d49aa338 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# End-to-end test for vboot2 firmware verification
# Load common constants and variables.
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
set -e
echo 'Creating test firmware'
# Run tests in a dedicated directory for easy cleanup or debugging.
[ -d "$DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$DIR"
echo "Testing vb2_verify_fw in $DIR"
cd "$DIR"
# Dummy firmware body
echo 'This is a test firmware body. This is only a test. Lalalalala' \
> body.test
case $1 in
0|1|2) printf "rsa1024";;
3|4|5) printf "rsa2048";;
6|7|8) printf "rsa4096";;
9|10|11) printf "rsa8192";;
*) exit 1;;
case $1 in
0|3|6|9) printf "sha1";;
1|4|7|10) printf "sha256";;
2|5|8|11) printf "sha512";;
*) exit 1;;
local root_algo=$1
local fw_algo=$2
local kern_algo=$3
local root_rsa
local fw_rsa
local kern_rsa
root_rsa="$(algo_to_rsa "${root_algo}")"
fw_rsa="$(algo_to_rsa "${fw_algo}")"
kern_rsa="$(algo_to_rsa "${kern_algo}")"
local root_sha
local fw_sha
root_sha="$(algo_to_sha "${root_algo}")"
fw_sha="$(algo_to_sha "${fw_algo}")"
# Pack keys using original vboot utilities
"${FUTILITY}" vbutil_key --pack rootkey.test \
--key "${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_${root_rsa}.keyb" \
--algorithm "${root_algo}"
"${FUTILITY}" vbutil_key --pack fwsubkey.test \
--key "${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_${fw_rsa}.keyb" \
--algorithm "${fw_algo}"
"${FUTILITY}" vbutil_key --pack kernkey.test \
--key "${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_${kern_rsa}.keyb" \
--algorithm "${kern_algo}"
# Create a GBB with the root key
"${FUTILITY}" gbb -c 128,2400,0,0 gbb.test
"${FUTILITY}" gbb gbb.test -s --hwid='Test GBB' \
# Keyblock with firmware subkey is signed by root key
"${FUTILITY}" vbutil_keyblock --pack keyblock.test \
--datapubkey fwsubkey.test \
--signprivate "${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_${root_rsa}.${root_sha}.vbprivk"
# Firmware preamble is signed with the firmware subkey
"${FUTILITY}" vbutil_firmware \
--vblock vblock.test \
--keyblock keyblock.test \
--signprivate "${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_${fw_rsa}.${fw_sha}.vbprivk" \
--fv body.test \
--version 1 \
--kernelkey kernkey.test
echo "Verifying test firmware using vb2_verify_fw" \
"(root=${root_algo}, fw=${fw_algo}, kernel=${kern_algo})"
# Verify the firmware using vboot2 checks
"${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vb20_verify_fw" gbb.test vblock.test body.test
happy 'vb2_verify_fw succeeded'
run_test 11 7 4
run_test 11 11 11
run_test 1 1 1