blob: 4f27b38de3bbba23321858a9f77fbbeb5ec88856 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {PbKeyTemplate} from '../internal/proto';
import {AesCtrHmacAeadKeyTemplates} from './aes_ctr_hmac_aead_key_templates';
import {AesGcmKeyTemplates} from './aes_gcm_key_templates';
* Pre-generated KeyTemplates for Aead keys.
* One can use these templates to generate new Keyset with
* KeysetHandle.generateNew method. To generate a new keyset that contains a
* single AesCtrHmacAeadKey, one can do:
* AeadConfig.Register();
* KeysetHandle handle =
* KeysetHandle.generateNew(AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256());
* @final
export class AeadKeyTemplates {
* Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of AesCtrHmacAeadKey
* with the following parameters:
* AES key size: 16 bytes
* AES IV size: 16 bytes
* HMAC key size: 32 bytes
* HMAC tag size: 16 bytes
* HMAC hash function: SHA256
* OutputPrefixType: TINK
static aes128CtrHmacSha256(): PbKeyTemplate {
return AesCtrHmacAeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256();
* Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of AesCtrHmacAeadKey
* with the following parameters:
* AES key size: 32 bytes
* AES IV size: 16 bytes
* HMAC key size: 32 bytes
* HMAC tag size: 32 bytes
* HMAC hash function: SHA256
* OutputPrefixType: TINK
static aes256CtrHmacSha256(): PbKeyTemplate {
return AesCtrHmacAeadKeyTemplates.aes256CtrHmacSha256();
* Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of AesGcmKey
* with the following parameters:
* key size: 16 bytes
* OutputPrefixType: TINK
static aes128Gcm(): PbKeyTemplate {
return AesGcmKeyTemplates.aes128Gcm();
* Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of AesGcmKey
* with the following parameters:
* key size: 32 bytes
* OutputPrefixType: TINK
static aes256Gcm(): PbKeyTemplate {
return AesGcmKeyTemplates.aes256Gcm();
* Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of AesGcmKey
* with the following parameters:
* key size: 32 bytes
* OutputPrefixType: RAW
static aes256GcmNoPrefix(): PbKeyTemplate {
return AesGcmKeyTemplates.aes256GcmNoPrefix();