blob: 66b5dbc1b25a767113aa596f68828da3e5fac180 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tink
import (
tinkpb ""
var (
keyManagers = newKeyManagerMap()
// Mapping between typeURL and KeyManager.
// Using mutex for concurrency read and write
type keyManagerMap struct {
m map[string]KeyManager
// NewKeyManagerMap creates a new instance of keyManagerMap.
func newKeyManagerMap() *keyManagerMap {
kmMap := new(keyManagerMap)
kmMap.m = make(map[string]KeyManager)
return kmMap
// Get returns whether the specified typeURL exists in the map and
// the corresponding value if it exists.
func (kmMap *keyManagerMap) Get(typeURL string) (KeyManager, bool) {
defer kmMap.RUnlock()
km, existed := kmMap.m[typeURL]
return km, existed
// Put associates the given keyManager with the given typeURL in the map.
func (kmMap *keyManagerMap) Put(typeURL string, keyManager KeyManager) {
defer kmMap.Unlock()
kmMap.m[typeURL] = keyManager
// RegisterKeyManager registers the given key manager.
// It does nothing if there already exists a key manager with the same type url.
// It returns true if the key manager is registered; false otherwise.
func RegisterKeyManager(manager KeyManager) (bool, error) {
if manager == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid key manager")
typeURL := manager.GetKeyType()
// try to get the key manager with the given typeURL, return false if there is
_, existed := keyManagers.Get(typeURL)
if existed {
return false, nil
// add the manager
keyManagers.Put(typeURL, manager)
return true, nil
// GetKeyManager returns the key manager for the given type url if existed.
func GetKeyManager(typeURL string) (KeyManager, error) {
manager, existed := keyManagers.Get(typeURL)
if !existed {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: unsupported key type: %s", typeURL)
return manager, nil
// NewKeyData generates a new KeyData for the given KeyTemplate.
func NewKeyData(template *tinkpb.KeyTemplate) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
if template == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid key template")
manager, err := GetKeyManager(template.TypeUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return manager.NewKeyData(template.Value)
// NewKeyFromKeyTemplate generates a new key for the given KeyTemplate.
func NewKeyFromKeyTemplate(template *tinkpb.KeyTemplate) (proto.Message, error) {
if template == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid key template")
manager, err := GetKeyManager(template.TypeUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return manager.NewKeyFromSerializedKeyFormat(template.Value)
// NewKeyFromKeyFormat generates a new key for the given KeyFormat using the
// KeyManager identified by the given typeURL.
func NewKeyFromKeyFormat(typeURL string,
format proto.Message) (proto.Message, error) {
manager, err := GetKeyManager(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return manager.NewKeyFromKeyFormat(format)
// GetPrimitiveFromKey creates a new primitive for the given key using the KeyManager
// identified by the given typeURL.
func GetPrimitiveFromKey(typeURL string,
key proto.Message) (interface{}, error) {
manager, err := GetKeyManager(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return manager.GetPrimitiveFromKey(key)
// GetPrimitiveFromKeyData creates a new primitive for the key given in the given KeyData.
func GetPrimitiveFromKeyData(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData) (interface{}, error) {
if keyData == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid key data")
return GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey(keyData.TypeUrl, keyData.Value)
// GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey creates a new primitive for the given serialized key
// using the KeyManager identified by the given typeURL.
func GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey(typeURL string,
serializedKey []byte) (interface{}, error) {
if len(serializedKey) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid serialized key")
manager, err := GetKeyManager(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return manager.GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey(serializedKey)
// GetPrimitives creates a set of primitives corresponding to the keys with
// status=ENABLED in the keyset of the given keysetHandle, assuming all the
// corresponding key managers are present (keys with status!=ENABLED are skipped).
// The returned set is usually later "wrapped" into a class that implements
// the corresponding Primitive-interface.
func GetPrimitives(keysetHandle *KeysetHandle) (*PrimitiveSet, error) {
return GetPrimitivesWithCustomManager(keysetHandle, nil)
// GetPrimitivesWithCustomManager creates a set of primitives corresponding to
// the keys with status=ENABLED in the keyset of the given keysetHandle, using
// the given customManager (instead of registered key managers) for keys supported
// by it. Keys not supported by the customManager are handled by matching registered
// key managers (if present), and keys with status!=ENABLED are skipped. <p>
// This enables custom treatment of keys, for example providing extra context
// (e.g. credentials for accessing keys managed by a KMS), or gathering custom
// monitoring/profiling information.
// The returned set is usually later "wrapped" into a class that implements
// the corresponding Primitive-interface.
func GetPrimitivesWithCustomManager(
keysetHandle *KeysetHandle, customManager KeyManager) (*PrimitiveSet, error) {
// TODO(thaidn): check that all keys are of the same primitive
if keysetHandle == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid keyset handle")
keyset := keysetHandle.Keyset()
if err := ValidateKeyset(keyset); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: invalid keyset: %s", err)
primitiveSet := NewPrimitiveSet()
for _, key := range keyset.Key {
if key.Status != tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED {
var primitive interface{}
var err error
if customManager != nil && customManager.DoesSupport(key.KeyData.TypeUrl) {
primitive, err = customManager.GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey(key.KeyData.Value)
} else {
primitive, err = GetPrimitiveFromKeyData(key.KeyData)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: cannot get primitive from key: %s", err)
entry, err := primitiveSet.AddPrimitive(primitive, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: cannot add primitive: %s", err)
if key.KeyId == keyset.PrimaryKeyId {
return primitiveSet, nil
// getPublicKeyData is Convenience method for extracting the public key data
// from the given serialized private key. It looks up a PrivateKeyManager
// identified by the given typeURL, and calls the manager's GetPublicKeyData() method.
func getPublicKeyData(typeURL string,
serializedPrivKey []byte) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
keyManager, err := GetKeyManager(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privateKeyManager, ok := keyManager.(PrivateKeyManager)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("registry: %s is not belong to a PrivateKeyManager", typeURL)
return privateKeyManager.GetPublicKeyData(serializedPrivKey)