blob: e1c724d63e5324a52f0e10d56f2ea0843380c56c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package testutil provides test utilities.
package testutil
import (
gcmpb ""
commonpb ""
ecdsapb ""
hmacpb ""
tinkpb ""
// DummyAeadKeyManager is a dummy implementation of the KeyManager interface.
// It returns DummyAead when GetPrimitive() functions are called.
type DummyAeadKeyManager struct{}
var _ tink.KeyManager = (*DummyAeadKeyManager)(nil)
// GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey constructs a primitive instance for the key given in
// serializedKey, which must be a serialized key protocol buffer handled by this manager.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) GetPrimitiveFromSerializedKey(serializedKey []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return new(DummyAead), nil
// GetPrimitiveFromKey constructs a primitive instance for the key given in {@code key}.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) GetPrimitiveFromKey(m proto.Message) (interface{}, error) {
return new(DummyAead), nil
// NewKeyFromSerializedKeyFormat Generates a new key according to specification in {@code serializedKeyFormat},
// which must be a serialized key format protocol buffer handled by this manager.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) NewKeyFromSerializedKeyFormat(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (proto.Message, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// NewKeyFromKeyFormat generates a new key according to specification in {@code keyFormat}.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) NewKeyFromKeyFormat(m proto.Message) (proto.Message, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// NewKeyData generates a new {@code KeyData} according to specification in {@code serializedkeyFormat}.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) NewKeyData(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// DoesSupport returns true iff this KeyManager supports key type identified by {@code typeURL}.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) DoesSupport(typeURL string) bool {
return typeURL == aead.AesGcmTypeURL
// GetKeyType returns the type URL.
func (km *DummyAeadKeyManager) GetKeyType() string {
return aead.AesGcmTypeURL
// DummyAead is a dummy implementation of Aead interface.
type DummyAead struct{}
// Encrypt encrypts the plaintext.
func (a *DummyAead) Encrypt(plaintext []byte, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead encrypt")
// Decrypt decrypts the ciphertext.
func (a *DummyAead) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead decrypt")
// DummyMac is a dummy implementation of Mac interface.
type DummyMac struct {
Name string
// ComputeMac Computes message authentication code (MAC) for {@code data}.
func (h *DummyMac) ComputeMac(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var m []byte
m = append(m, data...)
m = append(m, h.Name...)
return m, nil
// VerifyMac verifies whether {@code mac} is a correct authentication code (MAC) for {@code data}.
func (h *DummyMac) VerifyMac(mac []byte, data []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
// NewTestAesGcmKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AesGcmKey.
func NewTestAesGcmKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewAesGcmKeyData(16)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestHmacKeyset creates a new Keyset containing a HmacKey.
func NewTestHmacKeyset(tagSize uint32,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewHmacKeyData(commonpb.HashType_SHA256, tagSize)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestKeyset creates a new test Keyset.
func NewTestKeyset(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
primaryKey := tink.CreateKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 42, primaryOutputPrefixType)
rawKey := tink.CreateKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 43, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_RAW)
legacyKey := tink.CreateKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 44, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_LEGACY)
tinkKey := tink.CreateKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 45, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_TINK)
crunchyKey := tink.CreateKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 46, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_CRUNCHY)
keys := []*tinkpb.Keyset_Key{primaryKey, rawKey, legacyKey, tinkKey, crunchyKey}
return tink.CreateKeyset(primaryKey.KeyId, keys)
// NewDummyKey returns a dummy key that doesn't contain actual key material.
func NewDummyKey(keyID int, status tinkpb.KeyStatusType, outputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset_Key {
return &tinkpb.Keyset_Key{
KeyData: new(tinkpb.KeyData),
Status: status,
KeyId: uint32(keyID),
OutputPrefixType: outputPrefixType,
// NewEcdsaPrivateKey creates an EcdsaPrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewEcdsaPrivateKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey {
curveName := commonpb.EllipticCurveType_name[int32(curve)]
priv, _ := ecdsa.GenerateKey(subtle.GetCurve(curveName), rand.Reader)
params := signature.NewEcdsaParams(hashType,
publicKey := signature.NewEcdsaPublicKey(signature.EcdsaVerifyKeyVersion,
params, priv.X.Bytes(), priv.Y.Bytes())
return signature.NewEcdsaPrivateKey(signature.EcdsaSignKeyVersion,
publicKey, priv.D.Bytes())
// NewEcdsaPrivateKeyData creates a KeyData containing an EcdsaPrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewEcdsaPrivateKeyData(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewEcdsaPrivateKey(hashType, curve)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: signature.EcdsaSignTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE,
// NewEcdsaPublicKey creates an EcdsaPublicKey with the specified parameters.
func NewEcdsaPublicKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey {
return NewEcdsaPrivateKey(hashType, curve).PublicKey
// NewAesGcmKey creates a randomly generated AesGcmKey.
func NewAesGcmKey(keySize uint32) *gcmpb.AesGcmKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return aead.NewAesGcmKey(aead.AesGcmKeyVersion, keyValue)
// NewAesGcmKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AesGcmKey.
func NewAesGcmKeyData(keySize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
key := aead.NewAesGcmKey(aead.AesGcmKeyVersion, keyValue)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return tink.CreateKeyData(aead.AesGcmTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewSerializedAesGcmKey creates a AesGcmKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewSerializedAesGcmKey(keySize uint32) []byte {
key := NewAesGcmKey(keySize)
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot marshal AesGcmKey: %s", err))
return serializedKey
// NewHmacKey creates a new HmacKey with the specified parameters.
func NewHmacKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKey {
params := mac.NewHmacParams(hashType, tagSize)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(20)
return mac.NewHmacKey(params, mac.HmacKeyVersion, keyValue)
// NewHmacKeyFormat creates a new HmacKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewHmacKeyFormat(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKeyFormat {
params := mac.NewHmacParams(hashType, tagSize)
keySize := uint32(20)
return mac.NewHmacKeyFormat(params, keySize)
// NewHmacKeysetManager returns a new KeysetManager that contains a HmacKey.
func NewHmacKeysetManager() *tink.KeysetManager {
macTemplate := mac.HmacSha256Tag128KeyTemplate()
manager := tink.NewKeysetManager(macTemplate, nil, nil)
err := manager.Rotate()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot rotate keyset manager: %s", err))
return manager
// NewHmacKeyData returns a new KeyData that contains a HmacKey.
func NewHmacKeyData(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewHmacKey(hashType, tagSize)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: mac.HmacTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC,