blob: 47348af8c7f8532993f8a1aa0c3e271e0fc313e0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "tink/core/registry_impl.h"
#include "tink/util/status.h"
#include "tink/util/statusor.h"
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
// Registry for KeyMangers and PrimitiveWrappers.
// It is essentially a big container (map) that for each supported key type
// holds a corresponding KeyManager object, which "understands" the key type
// (i.e. the KeyManager can instantiate the primitive corresponding to given
// key, or can generate new keys of the supported key type). It holds also
// a so-called PrimitiveWrapper for each supported primitive, so that it can
// wrap a set of primitives (corresponding to a keyset) into a single primitive.
// Registry is initialized at startup, and is later used to instantiate
// primitives for given keys or keysets. Keeping KeyManagers for all primitives
// in a single Registry (rather than having a separate KeyManager per primitive)
// enables modular construction of compound primitives from "simple" ones, e.g.,
// AES-CTR-HMAC AEAD encryption uses IND-CPA encryption and a MAC.
// Note that regular users will usually not work directly with Registry, but
// rather via KeysetHandle::GetPrimitive()-methods, which in the background
// query the Registry for specific KeyManagers and PrimitiveWrappers.
// Registry is public though, to enable configurations with custom primitives
// and KeyManagers.
class Registry {
// Returns a catalogue with the given name (if any found).
// Keeps the ownership of the catalogue.
// TODO(przydatek): consider changing return value to
// StatusOr<std::reference_wrapper<KeyManager<P>>>
// (cannot return reference directly, as StatusOr does not support it,
// see
template <class P>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Catalogues are not supported anymore.")
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<const Catalogue<P>*> get_catalogue(
const std::string& catalogue_name) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().get_catalogue<P>(catalogue_name);
// Adds the given 'catalogue' under the specified 'catalogue_name',
// to enable custom configuration of key types and key managers.
// Adding a custom catalogue should be a one-time operation,
// and fails if the given 'catalogue' tries to override
// an existing, different catalogue for the specified name.
template <class ConcreteCatalogue>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Catalogues are not supported anymore.")
static crypto::tink::util::Status
AddCatalogue(const std::string& catalogue_name,
std::unique_ptr<ConcreteCatalogue> catalogue) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().AddCatalogue(catalogue_name,
// AddCatalogue has the same functionality as the overload which uses a
// unique_ptr and which should be preferred.
// Takes ownership of 'catalogue', which must be non-nullptr (in case of
// failure, 'catalogue' is deleted).
template <class P>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use AddCatalogue with a unique_ptr input instead.")
static crypto::tink::util::Status
AddCatalogue(const std::string& catalogue_name, Catalogue<P>* catalogue) {
return AddCatalogue(catalogue_name, absl::WrapUnique(catalogue));
// Registers the given 'manager' for the key type 'manager->get_key_type()'.
template <class ConcreteKeyManager>
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterKeyManager(
std::unique_ptr<ConcreteKeyManager> manager, bool new_key_allowed) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().RegisterKeyManager(manager.release(),
// Same functionality as the overload which takes a unique pointer, for
// new_key_allowed = true.
template <class P>
"Use RegisterKeyManager with a unique_ptr manager and new_key_allowed = "
"true instead.")
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterKeyManager(KeyManager<P>* manager) {
return RegisterKeyManager(absl::WrapUnique(manager), true);
template <class P>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use RegisterKeyManager with a unique_ptr manager instead.")
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterKeyManager(KeyManager<P>* manager,
bool new_key_allowed) {
return RegisterKeyManager(absl::WrapUnique(manager), new_key_allowed);
template <class KTManager>
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterKeyTypeManager(
std::unique_ptr<KTManager> manager, bool new_key_allowed) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance()
.RegisterKeyTypeManager<typename KTManager::KeyProto,
typename KTManager::KeyFormatProto,
typename KTManager::PrimitiveList>(
std::move(manager), new_key_allowed);
template <class PrivateKeyTypeManager, class KeyTypeManager>
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterAsymmetricKeyManagers(
std::unique_ptr<PrivateKeyTypeManager> private_key_manager,
std::unique_ptr<KeyTypeManager> public_key_manager,
bool new_key_allowed) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().RegisterAsymmetricKeyManagers(
private_key_manager.release(), public_key_manager.release(),
template <class ConcretePrimitiveWrapper>
static crypto::tink::util::Status RegisterPrimitiveWrapper(
std::unique_ptr<ConcretePrimitiveWrapper> wrapper) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().RegisterPrimitiveWrapper(
// Returns a key manager for the given type_url (if any found).
// Keeps the ownership of the manager. Returned key_managers are guaranteed
// to stay valid for the lifetime of the binary (with the exception of a user
// calling Reset()).
// TODO(tholenst): Remove Reset() from the interface, as it could violate this
// but should be test only anyhow.
template <class P>
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<const KeyManager<P>*> get_key_manager(
const std::string& type_url) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().get_key_manager<P>(type_url);
// Convenience method for creating a new primitive for the key given
// in 'key_data'. It looks up a KeyManager identified by key_data.type_url,
// and calls manager's GetPrimitive(key_data)-method.
template <class P>
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<P>> GetPrimitive(
const google::crypto::tink::KeyData& key_data) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().GetPrimitive<P>(key_data);
// Convenience method for creating a new primitive for the key given
// in 'key'. It looks up a KeyManager identified by type_url,
// and calls manager's GetPrimitive(key)-method.
template <class P>
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<P>> GetPrimitive(
const std::string& type_url, const portable_proto::MessageLite& key) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().GetPrimitive<P>(type_url, key);
// Generates a new KeyData for the specified 'key_template'.
// It looks up a KeyManager identified by key_template.type_url,
// and calls KeyManager::NewKeyData.
// This method should be used solely for key management.
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<
NewKeyData(const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& key_template) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().NewKeyData(key_template);
// Convenience method for extracting the public key data from the
// private key given in serialized_private_key.
// It looks up a KeyManager identified by type_url, whose KeyFactory must be
// a PrivateKeyFactory, and calls PrivateKeyFactory::GetPublicKeyData.
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<
GetPublicKeyData(const std::string& type_url,
const std::string& serialized_private_key) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().GetPublicKeyData(
type_url, serialized_private_key);
// Looks up the globally registered PrimitiveWrapper for this primitive
// and wraps the given PrimitiveSet with it.
template <class P>
static crypto::tink::util::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<P>> Wrap(
std::unique_ptr<PrimitiveSet<P>> primitive_set) {
return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().Wrap<P>(std::move(primitive_set));
// Resets the registry.
// After reset the registry is empty, i.e. it contains neither catalogues
// nor key managers. This method is intended for testing only.
static void Reset() { return RegistryImpl::GlobalInstance().Reset(); }
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto
#endif // TINK_REGISTRY_H_