blob: 6a398591c6f48ea62fae6d4179f55a76a7e9ece6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package testutil provides common methods needed in test code.
package testutil
import (
subtlehybrid ""
subtedaead ""
gcmpb ""
gcmhkdfpb ""
aspb ""
commonpb ""
ecdsapb ""
eciespb ""
ed25519pb ""
hmacpb ""
tinkpb ""
// DummyAEADKeyManager is a dummy implementation of the KeyManager interface.
// It returns DummyAEAD when GetPrimitive() functions are called.
type DummyAEADKeyManager struct{}
var _ registry.KeyManager = (*DummyAEADKeyManager)(nil)
// Primitive constructs a primitive instance for the key given in
// serializedKey, which must be a serialized key protocol buffer handled by this manager.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) Primitive(serializedKey []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return new(DummyAEAD), nil
// NewKey generates a new key according to specification in serializedKeyFormat.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) NewKey(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (proto.Message, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// NewKeyData generates a new KeyData according to specification in serializedkeyFormat.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) NewKeyData(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// DoesSupport returns true iff this KeyManager supports key type identified by typeURL.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) DoesSupport(typeURL string) bool {
return typeURL == AESGCMTypeURL
// TypeURL returns the type URL.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) TypeURL() string {
return AESGCMTypeURL
// DummyAEAD is a dummy implementation of AEAD interface.
type DummyAEAD struct{}
// Encrypt encrypts the plaintext.
func (a *DummyAEAD) Encrypt(plaintext []byte, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead encrypt")
// Decrypt decrypts the ciphertext.
func (a *DummyAEAD) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead decrypt")
// DummyMAC is a dummy implementation of Mac interface.
type DummyMAC struct {
Name string
// ComputeMAC computes message authentication code (MAC) for {@code data}.
func (h *DummyMAC) ComputeMAC(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var m []byte
m = append(m, data...)
m = append(m, h.Name...)
return m, nil
// VerifyMAC verifies whether {@code mac} is a correct authentication code (MAC) for {@code data}.
func (h *DummyMAC) VerifyMAC(mac []byte, data []byte) error {
return nil
// DummyKMSClient is a dummy implementation of a KMS Client.
type DummyKMSClient struct{}
var _ registry.KMSClient = (*DummyKMSClient)(nil)
// Supported true if this client does support keyURI
func (d *DummyKMSClient) Supported(keyURI string) bool {
return keyURI == "dummy"
// LoadCredentials loads the credentials in credentialPath. If credentialPath is null, loads the
// default credentials.
func (d *DummyKMSClient) LoadCredentials(credentialPath string) (interface{}, error) {
return d, nil
// LoadDefaultCredentials loads with the default credentials.
func (d *DummyKMSClient) LoadDefaultCredentials() (interface{}, error) {
return d, nil
// GetAEAD gets an Aead backend by keyURI.
func (d *DummyKMSClient) GetAEAD(keyURI string) (tink.AEAD, error) {
return &DummyAEAD{}, nil
// NewTestAESGCMKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AESGCMKey.
func NewTestAESGCMKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewAESGCMKeyData(16)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestAESSIVKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AesSivKey.
func NewTestAESSIVKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(subtedaead.AESSIVKeySize)
key := &aspb.AesSivKey{
Version: AESSIVKeyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
keyData := NewKeyData(AESSIVTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestHMACKeyset creates a new Keyset containing a HMACKey.
func NewTestHMACKeyset(tagSize uint32,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewHMACKeyData(commonpb.HashType_SHA256, tagSize)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestAESGCMHKDFKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AESGCMHKDFKey.
func NewTestAESGCMHKDFKeyset() *tinkpb.Keyset {
const (
keySize = 16
derivedKeySize = 16
ciphertextSegmentSize = 4096
keyData := NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData(keySize, derivedKeySize, commonpb.HashType_SHA256, ciphertextSegmentSize)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_RAW)
// NewTestKeyset creates a new test Keyset.
func NewTestKeyset(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
primaryKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 42, primaryOutputPrefixType)
rawKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 43, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_RAW)
legacyKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 44, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_LEGACY)
tinkKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 45, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_TINK)
crunchyKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 46, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_CRUNCHY)
keys := []*tinkpb.Keyset_Key{primaryKey, rawKey, legacyKey, tinkKey, crunchyKey}
return NewKeyset(primaryKey.KeyId, keys)
// NewDummyKey returns a dummy key that doesn't contain actual key material.
func NewDummyKey(keyID int, status tinkpb.KeyStatusType, outputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset_Key {
return &tinkpb.Keyset_Key{
KeyData: new(tinkpb.KeyData),
Status: status,
KeyId: uint32(keyID),
OutputPrefixType: outputPrefixType,
// NewECDSAParams creates a ECDSAParams with the specified parameters.
func NewECDSAParams(hashType commonpb.HashType,
curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType,
encoding ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding) *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaParams{
HashType: hashType,
Curve: curve,
Encoding: encoding,
// NewECDSAKeyFormat creates a ECDSAKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewECDSAKeyFormat(params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams) *ecdsapb.EcdsaKeyFormat {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaKeyFormat{Params: params}
// NewECDSAPrivateKey creates a ECDSAPrivateKey with the specified paramaters.
func NewECDSAPrivateKey(version uint32,
publicKey *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey,
keyValue []byte) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey{
Version: version,
PublicKey: publicKey,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewECDSAPublicKey creates a ECDSAPublicKey with the specified paramaters.
func NewECDSAPublicKey(version uint32,
params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams,
x []byte, y []byte) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey{
Version: version,
Params: params,
X: x,
Y: y,
// NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey creates an ECDSAPrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey {
curveName := commonpb.EllipticCurveType_name[int32(curve)]
priv, _ := ecdsa.GenerateKey(subtle.GetCurve(curveName), rand.Reader)
params := NewECDSAParams(hashType, curve, ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding_DER)
publicKey := NewECDSAPublicKey(ECDSAVerifierKeyVersion, params, priv.X.Bytes(), priv.Y.Bytes())
return NewECDSAPrivateKey(ECDSASignerKeyVersion, publicKey, priv.D.Bytes())
// NewRandomECDSAPrivateKeyData creates a KeyData containing an ECDSAPrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewRandomECDSAPrivateKeyData(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey(hashType, curve)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: ECDSASignerTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE,
// NewRandomECDSAPublicKey creates an ECDSAPublicKe with a randomly generated key material.
func NewRandomECDSAPublicKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey {
return NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey(hashType, curve).PublicKey
// GetECDSAParamNames returns the string representations of each parameter in
// the given ECDSAParams.
func GetECDSAParamNames(params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams) (string, string, string) {
hashName := commonpb.HashType_name[int32(params.HashType)]
curveName := commonpb.EllipticCurveType_name[int32(params.Curve)]
encodingName := ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding_name[int32(params.Encoding)]
return hashName, curveName, encodingName
// NewED25519PrivateKey creates an ED25519PrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewED25519PrivateKey() *ed25519pb.Ed25519PrivateKey {
public, private, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
publicProto := &ed25519pb.Ed25519PublicKey{
Version: ED25519SignerKeyVersion,
KeyValue: public,
return &ed25519pb.Ed25519PrivateKey{
Version: ED25519SignerKeyVersion,
PublicKey: publicProto,
KeyValue: private.Seed(),
// NewED25519PrivateKeyData creates a KeyData containing an ED25519PrivateKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewED25519PrivateKeyData() *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewED25519PrivateKey()
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: ED25519SignerTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE,
// NewED25519PublicKey creates an ED25519PublicKey with a randomly generated key material.
func NewED25519PublicKey() *ed25519pb.Ed25519PublicKey {
return NewED25519PrivateKey().PublicKey
// NewAESGCMKey creates a randomly generated AESGCMKey.
func NewAESGCMKey(keyVersion uint32, keySize uint32) *gcmpb.AesGcmKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &gcmpb.AesGcmKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewAESGCMKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AESGCMKey.
func NewAESGCMKeyData(keySize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewAESGCMKey(AESGCMKeyVersion, keySize)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return NewKeyData(AESGCMTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewSerializedAESGCMKey creates a AESGCMKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewSerializedAESGCMKey(keySize uint32) []byte {
key := NewAESGCMKey(AESGCMKeyVersion, keySize)
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot marshal AESGCMKey: %s", err))
return serializedKey
// NewAESGCMKeyFormat returns a new AESGCMKeyFormat.
func NewAESGCMKeyFormat(keySize uint32) *gcmpb.AesGcmKeyFormat {
return &gcmpb.AesGcmKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
// NewAESGCMHKDFKey creates a randomly generated AESGCMHKDFKey.
keyVersion uint32,
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
Params: &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
// NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AESGCMHKDFKey.
func NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData(
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewAESGCMHKDFKey(AESGCMHKDFKeyVersion, keySize, derivedKeySize, hkdfHashType, ciphertextSegmentSize)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return NewKeyData(AESGCMHKDFTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewAESGCMHKDFKeyFormat returns a new AESGCMHKDFKeyFormat.
func NewAESGCMHKDFKeyFormat(
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKeyFormat {
return &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
Params: &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
// NewHMACParams returns a new HMACParams.
func NewHMACParams(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacParams {
return &hmacpb.HmacParams{
Hash: hashType,
TagSize: tagSize,
// NewHMACKey creates a new HMACKey with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKey {
params := NewHMACParams(hashType, tagSize)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(20)
return &hmacpb.HmacKey{
Version: HMACKeyVersion,
Params: params,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewHMACKeyFormat creates a new HMACKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACKeyFormat(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKeyFormat {
params := NewHMACParams(hashType, tagSize)
keySize := uint32(20)
return &hmacpb.HmacKeyFormat{
Params: params,
KeySize: keySize,
// NewHMACKeysetManager returns a new KeysetManager that contains a HMACKey.
func NewHMACKeysetManager() *keyset.Manager {
ksm := keyset.NewManager()
kt := mac.HMACSHA256Tag128KeyTemplate()
err := ksm.Rotate(kt)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot rotate keyset manager: %s", err))
return ksm
// NewHMACKeyData returns a new KeyData that contains a HMACKey.
func NewHMACKeyData(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewHMACKey(hashType, tagSize)
serializedKey, _ := proto.Marshal(key)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: HMACTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC,
// NewKeyData creates a new KeyData with the specified parameters.
func NewKeyData(typeURL string,
value []byte,
materialType tinkpb.KeyData_KeyMaterialType) *tinkpb.KeyData {
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: typeURL,
Value: value,
KeyMaterialType: materialType,
// NewKey creates a new Key with the specified parameters.
func NewKey(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData,
status tinkpb.KeyStatusType,
keyID uint32,
prefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset_Key {
return &tinkpb.Keyset_Key{
KeyData: keyData,
Status: status,
KeyId: keyID,
OutputPrefixType: prefixType,
// NewKeyset creates a new Keyset with the specified parameters.
func NewKeyset(primaryKeyID uint32,
keys []*tinkpb.Keyset_Key) *tinkpb.Keyset {
return &tinkpb.Keyset{
PrimaryKeyId: primaryKeyID,
Key: keys,
// NewEncryptedKeyset creates a new EncryptedKeyset with a specified parameters.
func NewEncryptedKeyset(encryptedKeySet []byte, info *tinkpb.KeysetInfo) *tinkpb.EncryptedKeyset {
return &tinkpb.EncryptedKeyset{
EncryptedKeyset: encryptedKeySet,
KeysetInfo: info,
// GenerateMutations generates different byte mutations for a given byte array.
func GenerateMutations(src []byte) (all [][]byte) {
n := make([]byte, len(src))
// Flip bits
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
copy(n, src)
n[i] = n[i] ^ (1 << uint8(j))
all = append(all, n)
//truncate bytes
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
copy(n, src[i:])
all = append(all, n)
//append extra byte
m := make([]byte, len(src)+1)
copy(m, src)
all = append(all, m)
// eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey returns a EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey with specified parameters.
func eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey(c commonpb.EllipticCurveType, ht commonpb.HashType, ptfmt commonpb.EcPointFormat, dekT *tinkpb.KeyTemplate, x, y, salt []byte) *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey {
return &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey{
Version: 0,
Params: &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfParams{
KemParams: &eciespb.EciesHkdfKemParams{
CurveType: c,
HkdfHashType: ht,
HkdfSalt: salt,
DemParams: &eciespb.EciesAeadDemParams{
AeadDem: dekT,
EcPointFormat: ptfmt,
X: x,
Y: y,
// eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey returns a EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey with specified parameters
func eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey(p *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey, d []byte) *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey {
return &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey{
Version: 0,
PublicKey: p,
KeyValue: d,
// GenerateECIESAEADHKDFPrivateKey generates a new EC key pair and returns the private key proto.
func GenerateECIESAEADHKDFPrivateKey(c commonpb.EllipticCurveType, ht commonpb.HashType, ptfmt commonpb.EcPointFormat, dekT *tinkpb.KeyTemplate, salt []byte) (*eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey, error) {
curve, err := subtlehybrid.GetCurve(c.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pvt, err := subtlehybrid.GenerateECDHKeyPair(curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pubKey := eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey(c, ht, ptfmt, dekT, pvt.PublicKey.Point.X.Bytes(), pvt.PublicKey.Point.Y.Bytes(), salt)
return eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey(pubKey, pvt.D.Bytes()), nil