blob: e13691db56c0427ad607c38671fc2894281ecdcf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This class implements helper functions for testing."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
# Placeholder for import for type annotations
from __future__ import print_function
from typing import Text
from tink.proto import tink_pb2
from tink import aead
from tink import core
from tink import daead
from tink import hybrid
from tink import mac
from tink import signature as pk_signature
def fake_key(value: bytes = b'fakevalue',
type_url: Text = 'fakeurl',
key_material_type: tink_pb2.KeyData.KeyMaterialType = tink_pb2
key_id: int = 1234,
status: tink_pb2.KeyStatusType = tink_pb2.ENABLED,
output_prefix_type: tink_pb2.OutputPrefixType = tink_pb2.TINK
) -> tink_pb2.Keyset.Key:
"""Returns a fake but valid key."""
key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key(
key.key_data.type_url = type_url
key.key_data.value = value
key.key_data.key_material_type = key_material_type
return key
class FakeMac(mac.Mac):
"""A fake MAC implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'FakeMac'):
self._name = name
def compute_mac(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
return data + b'|' + self._name.encode()
def verify_mac(self, mac_value: bytes, data: bytes) -> None:
if mac_value != data + b'|' + self._name.encode():
raise core.TinkError('invalid mac ' + mac_value.decode())
class FakeAead(aead.Aead):
"""A fake AEAD implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'FakeAead'):
self._name = name
def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
return plaintext + b'|' + associated_data + b'|' + self._name.encode()
def decrypt(self, ciphertext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
data = ciphertext.split(b'|')
if (len(data) < 3 or data[1] != associated_data or
data[2] != self._name.encode()):
raise core.TinkError('failed to decrypt ciphertext ' +
return data[0]
class FakeDeterministicAead(daead.DeterministicAead):
"""A fake Deterministic AEAD implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'FakeDeterministicAead'):
self._name = name
def encrypt_deterministically(self, plaintext: bytes,
associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
return plaintext + b'|' + associated_data + b'|' + self._name.encode()
def decrypt_deterministically(self, ciphertext: bytes,
associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
data = ciphertext.split(b'|')
if (len(data) < 3 or
data[1] != associated_data or
data[2] != self._name.encode()):
raise core.TinkError('failed to decrypt ciphertext ' +
return data[0]
class FakeHybridDecrypt(hybrid.HybridDecrypt):
"""A fake HybridEncrypt implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'Hybrid'):
self._name = name
def decrypt(self, ciphertext: bytes, context_info: bytes) -> bytes:
data = ciphertext.split(b'|')
if (len(data) < 3 or
data[1] != context_info or
data[2] != self._name.encode()):
raise core.TinkError('failed to decrypt ciphertext ' +
return data[0]
class FakeHybridEncrypt(hybrid.HybridEncrypt):
"""A fake HybridEncrypt implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'Hybrid'):
self._name = name
def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, context_info: bytes) -> bytes:
return plaintext + b'|' + context_info + b'|' + self._name.encode()
class FakePublicKeySign(pk_signature.PublicKeySign):
"""A fake PublicKeySign implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'FakePublicKeySign'):
self._name = name
def sign(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
return data + b'|' + self._name.encode()
class FakePublicKeyVerify(pk_signature.PublicKeyVerify):
"""A fake PublicKeyVerify implementation."""
def __init__(self, name: Text = 'FakePublicKeyVerify'):
self._name = name
def verify(self, signature: bytes, data: bytes):
if signature != data + b'|' + self._name.encode():
raise core.TinkError('invalid signature ' + signature.decode())