blob: 134d02db6be9250181c3017aa5922aef06c3c0e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "tink/util/file_random_access_stream.h"
#include <thread> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "tink/util/buffer.h"
#include "tink/util/test_util.h"
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
namespace util {
namespace {
// Reads the entire 'ra_stream' in chunks of size 'chunk_size',
// until no more bytes can be read, and puts the read bytes into 'contents'.
// Returns the status of the last ra_stream->Next()-operation.
util::Status ReadAll(RandomAccessStream* ra_stream, int chunk_size,
std::string* contents) {
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(chunk_size).ValueOrDie());
int64_t position = 0;
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
while (status.ok()) {
contents->append(buffer->get_mem_block(), buffer->size());
position = contents->size();
status = ra_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
if (status.error_code() == util::error::OUT_OF_RANGE) { // EOF
EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer->size());
return status;
// Reads from 'ra_stream' a chunk of 'count' bytes starting offset 'position',
// and compares the read bytes to the corresponding bytes in 'file_contents'.
void ReadAndVerifyChunk(RandomAccessStream* ra_stream,
int64_t position,
int count,
absl::string_view file_contents) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", file_contents.size(),
", position = ", position,
", count = ", count));
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(count).ValueOrDie());
int stream_size = ra_stream->size().ValueOrDie();
EXPECT_EQ(file_contents.size(), stream_size);
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, count, buffer.get());
int read_count = buffer->size();
int expected_count = count;
if (position + count > stream_size) {
expected_count = stream_size - position;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_count, read_count);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&file_contents[position],
buffer->get_mem_block(), read_count));
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, ReadingStreams) {
for (auto stream_size : {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 1000000}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", stream_size));
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(stream_size, file_contents.size());
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
std::string stream_contents;
auto status = ReadAll(ra_stream.get(), 1 + (stream_size / 10),
EXPECT_EQ(util::error::OUT_OF_RANGE, status.error_code());
EXPECT_EQ("EOF", status.error_message());
EXPECT_EQ(file_contents, stream_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(stream_size, ra_stream->size().ValueOrDie());
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, ReadingStreamsTillLastByte) {
for (auto stream_size : {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", stream_size));
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(stream_size, file_contents.size());
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(stream_size).ValueOrDie());
// Read from the beginning till the last byte.
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(/* position = */ 0,
stream_size, buffer.get());
EXPECT_EQ(stream_size, ra_stream->size().ValueOrDie());
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&file_contents[0],
buffer->get_mem_block(), stream_size));
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, ConcurrentReads) {
for (auto stream_size : {100, 1000, 10000, 100000}) {
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(stream_size, file_contents.size());
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
std::thread read_0(ReadAndVerifyChunk,
ra_stream.get(), 0, stream_size / 2, file_contents);
std::thread read_1(ReadAndVerifyChunk,
ra_stream.get(), stream_size / 4, stream_size / 2, file_contents);
std::thread read_2(ReadAndVerifyChunk,
ra_stream.get(), stream_size / 2, stream_size / 2, file_contents);
std::thread read_3(ReadAndVerifyChunk,
ra_stream.get(), 3 * stream_size / 4, stream_size / 2, file_contents);
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, NegativeReadPosition) {
for (auto stream_size : {0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}) {
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
int count = 42;
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(count).ValueOrDie());
for (auto position : {-100, -10, -1}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", stream_size,
" position = ", position));
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, count, buffer.get());
EXPECT_EQ(util::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.error_code());
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, NotPositiveReadCount) {
for (auto stream_size : {0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}) {
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(42).ValueOrDie());
int64_t position = 0;
for (auto count : {-100, -10, -1, 0}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", stream_size,
" count = ", count));
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, count, buffer.get());
EXPECT_EQ(util::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.error_code());
TEST(FileRandomAccessStreamTest, ReadPositionAfterEof) {
for (auto stream_size : {0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}) {
std::string file_contents;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat(stream_size, "_reading_test.bin");
int input_fd =
test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, stream_size, &file_contents);
auto ra_stream = absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd);
int count = 42;
auto buffer = std::move(Buffer::New(count).ValueOrDie());
for (auto position : {stream_size + 1, stream_size + 10}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("stream_size = ", stream_size,
" position = ", position));
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, count, buffer.get());
EXPECT_EQ(util::error::OUT_OF_RANGE, status.error_code());
EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer->size());
} // namespace
} // namespace util
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto